Well, another girl I work with is also pregnant, she is about 4 weeks ahead of me... today was her last day, and she's off for maternity leave! I am so jealous! lol We both work the same sort of job. We sit at a large desk in an office chair for 12 hrs of shift, and can only leave the desk for bathroom breaks and to grab our lunches from the fridge and/or heat it up. We eat at our desks.
So... 12 hrs of sitting in a chair is NOT good for the swelling of your hands and feet! She managed to get her OB to sign her off work early, and it gets put under short term disability leave so as not to waste the 6 weeks of maternity leave we're limited to. Since I share the same OB as her, I think I'm going to see if she'll do the same thing for me!! I'll try to hold off until after the Christmas holidays are over, and try to reach about 36 weeks along, but then I'm gunning for it!

By the time I went to bed yesterday, my feet and ankles were so swollen that I couldn't really feel them anymore, and none of my shoes or slippers fit! I'm wearing my husband's!
sethsmummy - an OB is an obstetrician... a doctor who specializes in pregnancy/childbirth... prenatal and postnatal care.
cottlestonpie - twins, how exciting! Don't worry about how much weight you should or shouldn't gain.... if you eat healthy, your body will do what it needs to.
I'd have to read up on them, but I was under the impression that delivery for twins averages around 36-37 weeks instead of the usual 40 for a singleton, and usually closer to 5.5 lbs each instead of a singleton 7 lbs. Still, I can't imagine how crowded it is! Kudos to you, I'm having a hard time handling one!
Miwi - hoping your Dr signs you off work!! Fingers crossed!