Sethsmummy - I'm not sure if I could get out earlier. I never thought to ask, but they can't keep me prisoner, can they?

I broke down when OH left the 3rd evening, even though I knew I was coming home the next day!
I was up the first night. I handled the pain really well, I thought. I took the painkillers when they were offered just incase really. The morphine with the anti-sickness in stings btw! But the most painful part for me was backache, which I had before having her anyway and being stuck in bed a lot more than if you'd have had a "natural" birth, I assume. The incision area was not painful as such, just a tight feeling that makes you weary of moving too much one way or another. That first getting up is a bit tricky if you're not used to using your arms to pull yourself. My arms are totally weak...

You get this rope ladder type thing to pull yourself into sitting position slowly. I was really weary, trying to do it so slowly because of the fear of splitting my stitch, which I needn't have been btw - it was perfectly healthy, no infection or anything and came out a week later. It truely amazes me how it manages to hold everything together, the MW who took it out thought I was funny because I was so baffled by it!!

Seriously though, I was fine and I got up twice in the first night. They like you to get up as soon as possible. I felt a bit silly walking about with the cathater still in but it's best for you to get up and about asap. The cathater was out the next day.
I've not been told I get any growth scans. I did with DD but she was breech and was measuring small because of her position. My MW asked if the consultant wanted me to have growth scans but I told her she didn't mention it and that was that. So we'll see after my GTT about that, I guess.
8lbs is brilliant for 26w, I gained 3 stone with DD because I wasn't afriad to go abit nuts with portions I suppose

because I lost a lot of weight before getting pregnant! I told myself I was happy with anything 4 stone and under because that's what most of the people I know (personally) gained... so my 3 stone was fine by me!

Not so much now because I didn't loose that before getting pregnant again, I even gained an extra stone on top of baby weight!

will loose it again though.
It's good knowing when baby will be here. The day is so surreal! It didn't feel real for me at all, not until we were up on the ward with her in our arms, just the 3 of us.

I was so happy I got to have her next to me right after she was wiped down, weighed and what-not. OH and I were in the middle of a conversation (none of us remember what about) and heard her crying, they showed her to us and we were just in shock because she was out in 5-10mins of them starting! When people say it feels like someone doing the washing up in your tummy, it really does feel like that. It's such an odd feeling, no pain though. None at all, and believe me - they make sure of that!
All-in-all I had a brilliant experience and would deffinitely let anyone know who is due to have one that if it's the safest way for them to have their baby/babies, then go for it because I can't fault them one bit for my experience. I find that people who have emergency ones have a tougher time, but I guess that's because of what they go through before and if they're under for it, I suppose they may be a little less gentle with you.
I hope you get what you want, and I am so sorry for banging on!