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:d hey Miwi :D ooo mat leave :D hehe im glad you are getting some more R&R hun :)

ooo i'v started that too... iv got 12 lb i can still put on but id rather not lol.

oooo can we see pics once you have it finished? xxx

I'm doing good so far today :D but then again its not even 10am yet so theres a whole day ahead of me x

Thanks :) I'm so glad I'm at home! Yes of course I'll post pics :thumbup: I'm so excited to get her room done! It's our box room so we'll not have too much stuff to show but i think it'll still look lovely.

Need to persuade OH to take a trip to ikea for storage baskets and two shelves, might need another picture for a spare wall, but other than that we're pretty much good to go :) Am I the only one who has just bought a sleep bag instead of bedding? It's all just so expensive!!

Glad you're doing good so far ;) Sundays are lovely! Xx
Ooh miwi... Maternity leave already, lucky you! Glad you're feeling a bit more relaxed.

Yea, I couldn't cope with work anymore. Lol. Bes decision I could have mad for my health was going off. Am technically on the sick till Jan 10th and then I'm on my maternity. But it doesn't really matter as I'm not going back ;)
Yeah... Um. It was poo pains :blush: :haha:
:haha::haha: oh man that made me giggle. i get that all the time too lol

MiWi il be getting bedding, blankets. if i have another small baby then it wont fit in a sleeping bag. Cant wait to see a picture :D

:S I'v just gave myself an electric shock! from a bloody cheese toastie machine :S Waiting to see if bubs is going to move and let me know he is ok. Was only a small shock but hoping (there we go as i speak lol) he is ok x
Had some cramping and tightening last night freaked me out really bad but my peanut is chugggin away like a train so I suppose it was a fluke thing.
Had some cramping and tightening last night freaked me out really bad but my peanut is chugggin away like a train so I suppose it was a fluke thing.

oh no im glad you are ok this morning hun. if you were a little further along i would have said braxton hicks but i think they are normally from 17 week onwards xx
I had a gender scan this morning which confirmed baby is a girl :D

It also looks like the placenta is well out of the way this time which is good, don't want a repeat of my last elective section where they hadn't noticed Leo's placenta had fused to the scar from my emergency section and they cut right into it.

Im hoping to try for a natural delivery this time fingers crossed.
:happydance: congrats hun! and good news about the placenta too!

I cant believe they didnt check where placenta was before the section :S

looks like we are going for opposites lol you want natural and i want section :haha:
Sethsmummy- Ah I never even thought about the weight factor with sleeping bags . . . I'll have to check the weight on mine! I do have some blankets though so I might be ok. I'm glad your LO was ok after your shock, that's scary. Stupid machine ;)

Krafty- That sounds awful! I hope you can have a natural birth this time :)
yeah i think the smallest sleep bag i have seen is from 8lb up. if there is any way they can slip down into them then its quite dangerous. so i will be swaddling Ethan for the first week or 2 then just lay blankets over him depending on how cold it is. Plus i will get a few thick sleepsuits for bed time so if its real cold he can have one of those on and a blanket. You have to watch what Tog sleepbag you buy too x

ty hun hes wriggled about a few times so think he is ok in there :) xx
yeah i think the smallest sleep bag i have seen is from 8lb up. if there is any way they can slip down into them then its quite dangerous. so i will be swaddling Ethan for the first week or 2 then just lay blankets over him depending on how cold it is. Plus i will get a few thick sleepsuits for bed time so if its real cold he can have one of those on and a blanket. You have to watch what Tog sleepbag you buy too x

ty hun hes wriggled about a few times so think he is ok in there :) xx

Thanks for the info Hun, seems there's so much to learn! :wacko: I had looked up temperature charts to see what LO should wear under the bag depending on the temp etc, but never looked at weight! I do have some thick sleep suits too, so Im pretty sure I could do the same - though I've never swaddled anything in my life :haha:

Oh I'm sure he's just fine. He was probably just like, what was THAT?! Lol. I think I startle my LO sometimes, but I have a feeling she's going to be grumpy / high maintence (just like her preggo mum lol).

Going to get her cot matress and hopefully the mattress for her cradle today! Then OH is putting up her cot and changing table, I'm so excited!! Then no more buying her things till the new year :cry: Hehe.
Hmmmm realbeauty86, cottleston, ChezTunes, destynibaby, Sparklegirl, Cherrybump, .... you ladies all ok? not seen much from you girls lately. Hope you are all doing ok!!

Sorry, I've been MIA lately... I've been flicking through this thread but I just can't keep up. :dohh: I'm doing ok, thanks! :flower:

I think I might go for the elective Csection I've been offered too. It just makes more sense to me. I'm still scared though... :shrug: Even though my first went perfectly! Because I'm bigger this time, I'm scared of my stitch rupturing or getting infected. I'm not looking forward to spending 3 nights away from OH and DD... :cry: Other than that, I'm ok about the whole thing. My last one couldn't have gone any better, imo.

The reason I think I'll go for it is because my consultant said I won't be induced (too risky for me to labour long, which is usually the case with being induced) which worries me how much overdue I could go :wacko: Then I don't want to go through labour with the risk of rupture and end up having an emergency Csec instead! :nope: So I think this is the safer, calmer route to take. If I do take it, it will only be 4 days before my due date (7th March, due 11th) and DD was exactly a week before hers and weighed a healthy 7lbs 12oz.

One thing my consulatant made me promise (which bothered me at the time) is to not put on ANY weight! :wacko: I was baffled. I am 26w today and haven't gained any according to my home scales!! :happydance: I do expect to put some on, especially in 3rd Tri but I don't plan on gaining anymore than a stone (I'll be happy with anything under) and I figured she'd just have to deal with it if I do. :thumbup:
MIWI: your welcome hun, there are so many choices on how to wrap them up its unbelievable. swaddling is really really easy but not everybody likes doing it as it means baby cant move.. but for the first week or so its ideal as they feel safe that way. you basically just lie then on a blanket/shawl so that it lies on their neck line, then tuck on arm down and wrap that side of the blanket over nice and snug, then the other arm goes on top of that.. then wrap the other side :) my little guy loved it with being so small. I'll stick some pics on the bottom of this post for you to see hun :)

well he has been kicking away like a trooper so ill probably get a few good kicks in the foof as revenge lol. Awww im sure she wont be grumpy, not at least till teething kicks in lol.

awww its brilliant when everything starts coming together. My crib is all sorted mattress and all its even got bedding on it... but the cot needs a mattress but tbh im not too worried about that at the moment as he will be in the crib for a while. Its a lot bigger than i expected a swinging crib to be! I think its actually bigger than a moses basket.

Chez: hehe yeah we have a lot of new ladies :) I am glad you are doing good :D and also glad you have decided on your elective :) It's nice to know in advance what is going to be happening. Could you not get out earlier than the 3 nights? i have been reading that you can discharge at 24 hours as long as your up and about and feeling ok.
how bad is the pain afterwards? I am hoping to get an elective have to speak to anesthetist on the 11th and my consultant on the 20th but i dont know if they will let me or not.
thats a really good weight for being a little bit early :D do you get growth scans this time round hun to see what weight baby is?
I cant believe they made you promise to not put any weight on thats absolutely ridiculous! my weight has never been mentioned at all yet. I had to ask the midwife to weigh myself the other day lol as my home scales are way out! I have put on a total of 8lb out of the recommended 1 stone 1lb. so I think at almost 26 weeks im doing ok :) this point last time id gained a good stone and a half. They cant expect a pregnant woman to not gain any weight at all! unless you starve yourself which is not good for the baby.

Plus in some places they do c-sections on all ladies over a certain weight so i am sure she will "cope" just fine

The thing im looking forward to the most with a section (if i get it) is a) knowing when im going in.. and b) knowing that someone is in control and im not going to loose my bonding time with baby. I will get to see him once he is born and i will be able to have a cuddle :) I dont want the same issues i had last time with bonding with seth... i dont think i could cope with that againxx
hey ladies,

so yesterday im happy to say that i made it to 9weeks!! i really cant believe im almost out of the 1st tri:YAY:!!!
i go see this new doctor tomorrow because im not to happy with the doctor im seeing now.
so that means of course im looking for a new one! so far ive actually have changed her because their are a few other doctors that work in the same office as her!! so im checking them out too but really hoping that the one i see on the 14th will be the winner because the office is nice & close,plus the work out of the hospital that i want to deliver at.
Then i see the doctor that was my first ever OBGYN that took care of my 1st pregnancy,had also took care of my sister with her 1st pregnancy and is now actually taken care of my sister with her 2nd pregnancy lol as she is due in April i believe?!
I really wish me and my sister talk it would be so great to be able to have a double baby shower & be close.
However her or my mother don't even know im pregnant yet and I really can't wait until i can say something! I just don't think now is the time,I really don't?!?!
But back to the doctors...I actually made the appointment with the doctor tomorrow because im hoping to try and get a scan out of him you know to just make sure that everything is going good with my baby because the last scan i had the teach with a B**** and even know my doctor office told me all was well with the u/s it's just isnt the same as me myself seeing the baby on the screen,not only that but baby was measuring behind so I just want to be sure my little bean is catching up ya know?!
but more then likey i'll go with one of the doctors at the office that is close or i will just go back to seeing the doctor that took care of my first pregnancy and i know some of you are probably asking well WHY not just see her from the jump,well as far as that goes her office has moved and right now me & DH only have one vechicle and plus you know with my mom and dad not knowing it's not like i can ask them for rides.
I'd really like to see her thou but there is only one bad thing about her and i just know the first thing she is going to say to me is about my WEIGHT! which i really don't feel like hearing at ALLLLLLL and im hoping that this new obgyn won't be saying nothing to be as the midwife i didnt care for to much the only good thing about her was she didnt,she never said nething to me about how fat i was lol i swear thats what i know they feel like saying to us but what's crazy is half the midwifes arent skinny them darns selfs you know tell us are weights not healthy,i feel like telling them well your not pregnant and your about as fat or fatter then i am??!?!?!? you know,you need to lose weight first! well im sorry ladies I HEAR MY DS just woke up so got to go tend to him i'll read up some more later hope everyone has a great day!
Hey ladies, just checking in! :flower: Wow, so many posts to catch up on! Glad everyone is doing pretty well!

I have so much to get ready for my little guy! Going by my due date, I only have around 7 weeks to go! :dohh: However.. the girl at work who just got off on short term disability early (she was due around Christmas) had her baby yesterday!! Yikes! They always say to expect your first one to be late, so I never really thought that I could possibly end up being that early. In that case, I could be holding my boy in 4 weeks! Surreal...

I'm definitely starting to feel the pressure to be ready! But I'm really looking forward to it as well... I LOVE being pregnant, but I am so ready for this part to be over. The swelling, carpal tunnel, and other fun stuff... I'm over it. But I'm going to miss having him inside me, miss feeling him move and knowing that he's safe inside me.

So far, my weight is holding steady. I'm trying to eat healthy, so hard with all the holiday food. I spent Saturday at my mom's with the other ladies in my family making Christmas cookies. I've already eaten about 6 of them. :blush:

A lot of people experience a little weight loss in the last few weeks of pregnancy, I hope I do too! :haha:
ilovehim congratulations on week 9 hun :) only 5 weeks left in first tri :thumbup:

dont worry about baby measuring behind hun... most babies do measure behind in early scans.. your little bean will have caught up by the 12 week scan or they may put your dates bk. The 12 week scan is the most accurate for dating :)

I wish you all the luck in getting the doctor you want. So far i am quite lucky and I love my midwife.. she is brilliant. I meet my anesthetist on the 11th and am hoping that he is nice.. the midwife says that he is but we shall see :)

are you waiting till 12 weeks to announce your pregnancy? I was going to but told a few people at around 8 weeks and then others ended up finding out so announced to all at 11 weeks.

KALYRRA: oh my gosh you are nearly at the end! I cant wait to be at that point. What do you have left to get ready? Most babies come within 14 days either side of the due date... its just unfortunate that its mostly after the due date lol. Im hoping if i dont get my section that this one will decide to come before his due date :)

ooo go you on keeping your weight steady! I'm sure a few cookies wont do any harm :D hehe im not looking forward to all the food over christmas.. im trying to be real careful how much junk i eat lol (she says whilst having a sticky toffee pudding in the fridge for pudding tonight).

oooo i didnt know some lost weight at the end.. i know your bump drops.. or it did with my first.. but i certainly never lost any weight lol. xx
KALYRRA: oh my gosh you are nearly at the end! I cant wait to be at that point. What do you have left to get ready? Most babies come within 14 days either side of the due date... its just unfortunate that its mostly after the due date lol. Im hoping if i dont get my section that this one will decide to come before his due date :)

ooo go you on keeping your weight steady! I'm sure a few cookies wont do any harm :D hehe im not looking forward to all the food over christmas.. im trying to be real careful how much junk i eat lol (she says whilst having a sticky toffee pudding in the fridge for pudding tonight).

oooo i didnt know some lost weight at the end.. i know your bump drops.. or it did with my first.. but i certainly never lost any weight lol. xx

I know! Sometimes it feels like it went so fast, and other times I feel like I've been pregnant for 3 years. :rofl:

Well, I have the nursery painted, and carpet is getting installed on Monday. Then I can put the crib together and put the dresser in there and hopefully put clothes away. I bought several totes of used baby clothing from a guy for about $200... everything from 0-3 months up to 3T! I washed them all, still need to sort through them and organize by size... huge job!

Car seat arrived the other day, need to practice installing that! :haha: I still have a list of things to buy. I'm not having my baby shower until after he's born, due to family availability, etc... so most of the necessities, I need to get before then!

I have a diaper bag, and a bedding set for the crib. Still have to get a mattress & pad, sheets, diapers, wipes, lotions, a monitor, receiving blankets, a breast pump, bottles, and all that jazz! I need to pack a hospital bag as well, while I can still think clearly enough to bring what I need. :dohh: I'm such a procrastinator!

Well, keeping my weight steady is good... but the fact that I've already gained 40-45 lbs since getting pregnant? :blush: I swore I wouldn't gain a ton of weight, but it just seemed to keep creeping on no matter how I ate! *sigh* Oh well. I'll just have to work extra hard to lose it afterwards! I hope breastfeeding helps!
Hello ladies,
I am plus size and pregnant roughly 14 weeks this is my second pregnancy but will be my first born. Last week I had my cerlage and I am all ready to go. I would love to join your group if that is ok.
I know! Sometimes it feels like it went so fast, and other times I feel like I've been pregnant for 3 years. :rofl:

Well, I have the nursery painted, and carpet is getting installed on Monday. Then I can put the crib together and put the dresser in there and hopefully put clothes away. I bought several totes of used baby clothing from a guy for about $200... everything from 0-3 months up to 3T! I washed them all, still need to sort through them and organize by size... huge job!

Car seat arrived the other day, need to practice installing that! :haha: I still have a list of things to buy. I'm not having my baby shower until after he's born, due to family availability, etc... so most of the necessities, I need to get before then!

I have a diaper bag, and a bedding set for the crib. Still have to get a mattress & pad, sheets, diapers, wipes, lotions, a monitor, receiving blankets, a breast pump, bottles, and all that jazz! I need to pack a hospital bag as well, while I can still think clearly enough to bring what I need. :dohh: I'm such a procrastinator!

Well, keeping my weight steady is good... but the fact that I've already gained 40-45 lbs since getting pregnant? :blush: I swore I wouldn't gain a ton of weight, but it just seemed to keep creeping on no matter how I ate! *sigh* Oh well. I'll just have to work extra hard to lose it afterwards! I hope breastfeeding helps!

oh wow sounds like its going to look amazing hun :) It's good he sold you so many clothes :D its always good to get a bargain.

Oh yes practice installing it, ours seemed so hard when we first got it but after some practice we had little one in and out in no time at all. Will be the same with this one lol.

hehe lots and lots still do to... i still have loads to buy too! I'v made myself some spreadsheets so i know what i need for baby and what i need in my hospital bag!

Well at least you have kept is steady since though hun and thats a good thing :) No matter how careful we are we will still put on what our body thinks we need. I also have a A LOT of work to do once im healing after little one to get all this extra weight off. I am determined to be a normal sized mummy at some point :haha: xx

Hello ladies,
I am plus size and pregnant roughly 14 weeks this is my second pregnancy but will be my first born. Last week I had my cerlage and I am all ready to go. I would love to join your group if that is ok.

:hi: Shyiah and congratulations on your pregnancy. I'm so sorry that you lost your first hun :hugs: And of course you can join :D

how are you feeling so far? xxx
Sethsmummy - I'm not sure if I could get out earlier. I never thought to ask, but they can't keep me prisoner, can they? :haha: I broke down when OH left the 3rd evening, even though I knew I was coming home the next day!

I was up the first night. I handled the pain really well, I thought. I took the painkillers when they were offered just incase really. The morphine with the anti-sickness in stings btw! But the most painful part for me was backache, which I had before having her anyway and being stuck in bed a lot more than if you'd have had a "natural" birth, I assume. The incision area was not painful as such, just a tight feeling that makes you weary of moving too much one way or another. That first getting up is a bit tricky if you're not used to using your arms to pull yourself. My arms are totally weak... :dohh: You get this rope ladder type thing to pull yourself into sitting position slowly. I was really weary, trying to do it so slowly because of the fear of splitting my stitch, which I needn't have been btw - it was perfectly healthy, no infection or anything and came out a week later. It truely amazes me how it manages to hold everything together, the MW who took it out thought I was funny because I was so baffled by it!! :rofl: Seriously though, I was fine and I got up twice in the first night. They like you to get up as soon as possible. I felt a bit silly walking about with the cathater still in but it's best for you to get up and about asap. The cathater was out the next day.

I've not been told I get any growth scans. I did with DD but she was breech and was measuring small because of her position. My MW asked if the consultant wanted me to have growth scans but I told her she didn't mention it and that was that. So we'll see after my GTT about that, I guess.

8lbs is brilliant for 26w, I gained 3 stone with DD because I wasn't afriad to go abit nuts with portions I suppose :blush: because I lost a lot of weight before getting pregnant! I told myself I was happy with anything 4 stone and under because that's what most of the people I know (personally) gained... so my 3 stone was fine by me! :thumbup: Not so much now because I didn't loose that before getting pregnant again, I even gained an extra stone on top of baby weight! :cry: I will loose it again though.

It's good knowing when baby will be here. The day is so surreal! It didn't feel real for me at all, not until we were up on the ward with her in our arms, just the 3 of us. :cloud9: I was so happy I got to have her next to me right after she was wiped down, weighed and what-not. OH and I were in the middle of a conversation (none of us remember what about) and heard her crying, they showed her to us and we were just in shock because she was out in 5-10mins of them starting! When people say it feels like someone doing the washing up in your tummy, it really does feel like that. It's such an odd feeling, no pain though. None at all, and believe me - they make sure of that!

All-in-all I had a brilliant experience and would deffinitely let anyone know who is due to have one that if it's the safest way for them to have their baby/babies, then go for it because I can't fault them one bit for my experience. I find that people who have emergency ones have a tougher time, but I guess that's because of what they go through before and if they're under for it, I suppose they may be a little less gentle with you. :shrug:

I hope you get what you want, and I am so sorry for banging on! :coffee:
Morning ladies! Hope everyones ok.
I'm still worrying about the fact that I'm high risk on top of high risk! I'm starting to research c sections just in case. I was wondering, with elective cs, if everything goes ok, can you still get skin to skin and hold your bubba straight away? When I picture c sections, i think of emergency ones where baby is rushed off and mum doesnt see it for ages.

I'm still hoping for a natural birth (well, i say natural... i'll still take the gas and air lol) but with there being two and DS being breech last time, i have to prepare for anything.

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