seth-hey how ru doing today?!?! my computer has been acting up as everytime i try to write back it freezes up or the charger pops out "ugh" i swear this thing is a piece of BLAH! DH wants to just take it down to the computer place for them to FIX IT AGAIN but im tired of sending it off for like a week then a month later something else goes wrong with it! i really think its time to get a new ONE.
Anywho i was looking at when everyone was due and ur due 3days before my 25th birthday hehe i was born on march 16th

maybe u can hold him in there for just 3days and we can share the same birthday lol

sound good?!?! haha jk i know your probably ready to get him out of there NOW!.
Im so thankful ive made it to 9weeks and i go in about a hour to meet one of the new doctors but like i said i probably wont even use him due to the fact that he is the farest,ive never heard of him idk which hospital he works out of or nothing i was just trying to wiggle my way in to see a doctor to try to get another scan because i just wanna be able to see my baby again im just scared idk why i guess with some of the other ladies freaking out in the thread i was apart of,they all kinda freak me out too and not only that but it just took us so long to get pregnant im always worried something going wrong:-S
I think in the end im gonna go with the doctor that took care of me with my first pregnancy because she did a wonderful job!!!

and the only thing she ever said anything to me about was my weight but oh well.
As far as me waiting till 12weeks to tell everyone im pregnant No im not! ive told mostly everyone but i think im gonna wait until i find out what im having to tell my mom and dad:-/ you know i just dont think now is the right time to tell her, she went to the doctors with my sister yesterday and told me my sister is 21weeks but isnt finding out what she having until jan which is crazy because she got the paper to go threw the u/s now! idk what thats all about tho??????? i wonder when i tell my mom if she'll want to come with me to the doctors too?! she'll probably be like holy cow ive got two grandkids coming?!?!? idk i just hope my sister is having another boy and im having a little GIRL!.
You know i really wish we would get along it be so great to have her to go threw this pregnancy with u know but hey what can i do?! right?!
kaly-so glad to hear that you are getting everything together because ur due date is just around the corner

isnt it crazy how much stuff you need?!?!?! i really wish i knew what i was having because im seeing so much summer stuff so0oooo CHEAP right now yesterday i seen the cutest little summer dress for alittle girl for $3 i was about to pick it up and now im really asking myself WHY DIDNT I i mean if im not having a girl i coulda used it as a gift or something:-/
then this weekend that just passed i seen this nice jumparoo at a yard sale for like $20bucks i mean its just crazyyyyy but i dont wanna jinx myself by buying nething to early,i know i will find alot more good deals because there are lots of consignment shops around here and GOOD ONES too i wish u the best of luck sweetie