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I had skin-to-skin with DD pretty much straight away. If I remember correctly, they just dabbed her down and because I was shaking from the anesthesia they placed her cheek-to-cheek with me while they finished the surgery. OH had hold of her to make sure she was safe. They took her to be checked, then she was placed back with us. While I was in a small recovery room having my BP checked, there we had proper skin-to-skin where she was layed by my side (in my arms but I was shaking so I wasn't quite cuddling her) and she was trying to suckle right away. I was still shaking but I fed her fine when we got back to the ward where we'd spend our hospital stay. :flower:
i cried on my second night with seth and discharged us lol.

It sounds so nice! and a lot more calmer than i thought it would sound. I'm torn now... i know a section will eliminate the possibility of any problems with the birth... but then now im thinking well do i really want it... urgh i just dont know what to do! I was so set on a section last week but my mind just wont decide what the hell i want. there are so many plus sides to a section like knowing when i will go in... but then theres also so many advantages to if a normal birth goes well too

hehe i put on around 2+ stone with seth.. and then another extra 2 stone afterwards so i have a heck of a lot to loose.
seth-hey how ru doing today?!?! my computer has been acting up as everytime i try to write back it freezes up or the charger pops out "ugh" i swear this thing is a piece of BLAH! DH wants to just take it down to the computer place for them to FIX IT AGAIN but im tired of sending it off for like a week then a month later something else goes wrong with it! i really think its time to get a new ONE.
Anywho i was looking at when everyone was due and ur due 3days before my 25th birthday hehe i was born on march 16th<3 maybe u can hold him in there for just 3days and we can share the same birthday lol:-)sound good?!?! haha jk i know your probably ready to get him out of there NOW!.
Im so thankful ive made it to 9weeks and i go in about a hour to meet one of the new doctors but like i said i probably wont even use him due to the fact that he is the farest,ive never heard of him idk which hospital he works out of or nothing i was just trying to wiggle my way in to see a doctor to try to get another scan because i just wanna be able to see my baby again im just scared idk why i guess with some of the other ladies freaking out in the thread i was apart of,they all kinda freak me out too and not only that but it just took us so long to get pregnant im always worried something going wrong:-S
I think in the end im gonna go with the doctor that took care of me with my first pregnancy because she did a wonderful job!!!:-) and the only thing she ever said anything to me about was my weight but oh well.
As far as me waiting till 12weeks to tell everyone im pregnant No im not! ive told mostly everyone but i think im gonna wait until i find out what im having to tell my mom and dad:-/ you know i just dont think now is the right time to tell her, she went to the doctors with my sister yesterday and told me my sister is 21weeks but isnt finding out what she having until jan which is crazy because she got the paper to go threw the u/s now! idk what thats all about tho??????? i wonder when i tell my mom if she'll want to come with me to the doctors too?! she'll probably be like holy cow ive got two grandkids coming?!?!? idk i just hope my sister is having another boy and im having a little GIRL!.
You know i really wish we would get along it be so great to have her to go threw this pregnancy with u know but hey what can i do?! right?!

kaly-so glad to hear that you are getting everything together because ur due date is just around the corner:-) isnt it crazy how much stuff you need?!?!?! i really wish i knew what i was having because im seeing so much summer stuff so0oooo CHEAP right now yesterday i seen the cutest little summer dress for alittle girl for $3 i was about to pick it up and now im really asking myself WHY DIDNT I i mean if im not having a girl i coulda used it as a gift or something:-/
then this weekend that just passed i seen this nice jumparoo at a yard sale for like $20bucks i mean its just crazyyyyy but i dont wanna jinx myself by buying nething to early,i know i will find alot more good deals because there are lots of consignment shops around here and GOOD ONES too i wish u the best of luck sweetie<3
hehe i am afraid i will be holding him in on that date hun. My MIL's birthday is either the 16th or the 17th and there is no way in hell he is sharing a birthday with that spiteful cow.
Sounds good with going with your ob from first time hun :) if she took good care of you then, then she will likely do so again this time round.
It's only natural to be scared of something going wrong.. im like that all the time lol if he doesnt move enough i worry, if i get a pain i worry. lol

ahhh hehe i thought maybe you were waiting lol. its nice that you can tell them once you know but do they not see you often? Since you might just have a bump by then. Your sisters maybe just decided she wants to find out in January :) I wouldnt want my mum coming with me to any of my appointments lol although i have said maybe she can come to one of my later growth scans... although i cant honestly see that happening.

oh and if you see a bargain hun go for it :) Its not going to jinx anything. I had my pram by the time i was 10 weeks lol x
kaly-so glad to hear that you are getting everything together because ur due date is just around the corner:-) isnt it crazy how much stuff you need?!?!?! i really wish i knew what i was having because im seeing so much summer stuff so0oooo CHEAP right now yesterday i seen the cutest little summer dress for alittle girl for $3 i was about to pick it up and now im really asking myself WHY DIDNT I i mean if im not having a girl i coulda used it as a gift or something:-/
then this weekend that just passed i seen this nice jumparoo at a yard sale for like $20bucks i mean its just crazyyyyy but i dont wanna jinx myself by buying nething to early,i know i will find alot more good deals because there are lots of consignment shops around here and GOOD ONES too i wish u the best of luck sweetie<3

If you see a good bargain on something like a jumparoo... don't be afraid to snatch it up! I held off on stuff while I was early in my pregnancy, and now I kind of wish I hadn't! You never know what you might find! You're not going to jinx yourself. :hugs:
Well I don't have much to say except I finally felt my Little Mister move for the first time today! I am so excited. I was getting worried since it was taking so long to feel him. But I finally do and now I have this ridiculous smile on my face when he moves. :)
Well I don't have much to say except I finally felt my Little Mister move for the first time today! I am so excited. I was getting worried since it was taking so long to feel him. But I finally do and now I have this ridiculous smile on my face when he moves. :)

:happydance::happydance: congratulations hun :happydance::happydance:

now you can slowly start to get beaten up every day lol xxx
Lol... that's funny. Start getting beat up lol... I felt well I guess the sac or something. Sorry dunno what to call it but when I laid down yesterday I was rubbing my stomach and felt something hard above my belly button. My momma told me it's the bump and it'll move up shortly. I got happy lol then when my sweetie got home I had to let him feel it... only when I lay down tho... womp lol
its your uterus hun :)

so glad your starting to feel bubbs move though its amazing :)

How are you all doing today?

I now have to spend forever at the gp tomorrow waiting for the midwife to try fit me in to get me tested for Cholestasis as iv had real bad itching the last few days x
Oh no Sethsmummy, that doesn't sound fun! I'll be thinking of you! :hugs: what does the test involve?

I'm actually really distressed. I am constantly thirsty, nothing I drink quenches my thirst. It's like torture. I know that sounds dramatic but I'm nearly I'm tears. I've my GTT on Friday, so not too long to go, but god know how I'm going to fast from water for 10 hours. I tried to talk to my OH about it, he's usually so supportive but he just doesn't understand how awful this is, he says I'm thinking about it too much and it's in my head. Sigh. One more day to go . . .
I've no idea yet hun i thought it was just a simple blood test, but midwive at antenatal said i need more than just a blood test.

oh no hun.. if i were you i would still drink water through your fast. like a lot of us said in your thread.. we've all been told we can drink water. Theres no way in hell they can expect you not to drink for that amount of time. I mean if i wasnt allowed to drink that would be around 13 hours from going to bed at night till the test is finished with. And there is no way in hell i would allow myself to go that long.. its just absurd. We can survive fine without food but water..we need especially when pregnant. xxxx
I've no idea yet hun i thought it was just a simple blood test, but midwive at antenatal said i need more than just a blood test.

oh no hun.. if i were you i would still drink water through your fast. like a lot of us said in your thread.. we've all been told we can drink water. Theres no way in hell they can expect you not to drink for that amount of time. I mean if i wasnt allowed to drink that would be around 13 hours from going to bed at night till the test is finished with. And there is no way in hell i would allow myself to go that long.. its just absurd. We can survive fine without food but water..we need especially when pregnant. xxxx

Ah good luck Hun! Nothing's ever easy is it ;) I hope it's an easy enough test. So any tests so little time!

Thanks, yea I'm going to sip water I think, though I'm in too minds about it as I really don't want to scew my results. I'm convinced I have GD. Or if not then something else as this is very wrong. Yea god 13 hours is ridiculous, I'm actually angry that they told me no water lol, I want to phone them and go mad - but I think it's just because I'm so frustrated, and if extreme thirst is a symptom of what they're testing for its not very realistic is it!! Lol. Arghhh! Stupid people!

I would do anything to make this thirst stop. :dohh:
try ringing them hun just to make sure or your midwife. :)

i know so many darn tests and needles. just hope she can do it at my local srgery and i dont have to fork out £15 to goto the hospital :s

seth - oh no, I hope everything turns out okay! Will be thinking of you, and hoping for good results!

Miwi - you were told no water?! That's very odd. I was told I could drink some water. I would definitely call and ask them about it. They even let me drink water during my test.

Firefly - congrats! Isn't it soooo exciting when you're feeling them move the first times? It's such a precious thing! Makes it all the more real, doesn't it? :flower:

It seems like forever ago I was standing in my bathroom staring at my pregnancy test, and trying not to jump up and down and shriek... lol I can't believe I only have around 7 weeks left! It's going to be both the fastest, and the longest weeks of my life! :haha:
MIWI: this has just been posted on another thread

I do glucose tolerance tests a lot on my patients - it generally involves

- early morning appt - fasting glucose blood test taken
- patient drinks either lucozade, powdered sugar or orange syrup - all of which have to be specific measurements of liquid.
- patient sits for 2hrs doing next to nothing. Can drink water but nothing else.
- glucose blood test taken after 2hrs.

Hope that helps! Xx

kalyrra: Thanks hun i am itching like nothing on earth right now and it is driving me insane!

i feel the same, apart from is took 10 tests for me to decide i actually believed i was pregnant :haha: And now im over half way there.. its insane! And you only have around 7 weeks left! man i cant wait to be counting that low numbers :D xxx
Im pretty sure I drank water during the GTT fasting. Miwi, I hope you get some answers either way. Being that thirsty sounds horrid.

Sethsmummy, I hope everything goes well at your appointment and the itching isn't anything serious. Just noticed you've hit double figures too, yay!!

I got my next appointments through. Consultant on Christmas eve (what should I expect from that appointment?) and 16 week scan on 29th December. I'll actually be 16+6 and I got a bit upset about it not being before Christmas but never mind!

Has anyone had their flu jab? I had one when I was preg with Toby and was booked in to have one today but there was something telling me not to. So weird. I'm not scared of needles, injections or the flu jab but something didn't feel quite right do I cancelled. :shrug:
thanks huni im hoping to lord its not cholestasis.. my sister had it so theres a high chance thats what it is. I swear its going to drive me mad.. my head, face, neck and feet are really itchy right now, legs and arms seem to be ok at the moment but i know fine well it will start again soon. Think i might go crackers... at this present moment i am so glad i bite my nails lol otherwise my poor body would be a right mess with all this itching.

I know i got so excited when i seen it hit 99 the lol. makes it sound so close!

It should basically just be a meet and greet, he will ask how things are going etc, maybe discuss your birth options with it being twins. Mine discussed all my fears for birth due to seths birth, put me on aspirin due to previous pre eclampsia and decided on my growth scans and extra appointments.

Aww i was the same with my 12 week one.. i so wanted it before my wedding but it was the week after. Think of it as a new year present :D Never know you might even spot gender during that scan!

I had my flu jab weeks ago hun, was left with a sore arm but it was ok and went away after a day or two. I think its just a general thing.. i dont like having injections whilst pregnant. I have my whooping cough vaccine booked for the 20th at 28 weeks. You will also be advised to have this too hun once you hit 28 weeks.

I didn't get a flu jab. I never have before, and I decided not to get one now either. I can't even remember the last time I had the flu! I know being pregnant makes you more susceptible, etc... but they can't vaccinate you against every version of flu, and the flu virus mutates into different stuff every year. So I just didn't see the point in getting one.
Thanks so much ladies, I'm going to do my best to go without, but I'm going to sip some if I get desperate! I notice the thirst is a lot worse after dinner, so I'm actually going to eat earlier as I'm not fussed about being hungry - see if that helps! Gives me more time to quench it before bed lol. Dear me, whod have thought I'd spend so much time thinking / talking about water! I'm going loopy lol.

Seth- good luck today! I hope you don't get kept waiting too long and the test is quick and easy :hugs:

Cottle- I had my flu jab last week, never had one before but so far so good, I was a bit reluctant to have it too to be honest. I say if you're not comfortable having it then don't - plenty of women decide not to. I wonder what suddenly made you change your mind, sounds like something I would do! Hehe.
thanks Miwi, not looking forward to it, i itched all night and woke up again itchy! Its driving me mad.

only one more day till your GTT hun, i so hope they can figure out why you are so thirsty xxx

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