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oh my gosh hun so glad you got clued up before you went hun. I cant believe how rude they were to you! Were they all like that or just a certain person?

Glad you put the doctor in their place hun! looks like you might have to do that at every visit. how often do you have to test your blood? and have they gave you a machine etc for doing it??

Fingers crossed antibiotics will sort it out. got a banging head ache now too and also now having some fun with the bank because paypal are trying to take money that they should have gotten 2 weeks ago! omg i swear there always has to be something going wrong. At least thankfully its not a bank account any money goes into but it will still incur charges and fk us up royally!
Oh seths tell e about it there's always something isn't there! Stand your ground with that one - PayPal can be rubbish like that and I'm sure the banks know that too well!

Erm, the first dr I saw was nice enough, the diabetic nurse was lovely but the diabetic dr was the one that is clealy all too ready to put me on medication. She's even prescribed me a sharps bin - erm, im not on insulin (yet?!)! And the dietician just couldn't be bothered and seemed a bit dim lol. For example 'oh you may not get away with 4 crackers, you could try 2 slices of bread instead' What?! Lol. Hopefully I can control it easily enough on my own common sense, and if not its only another 12 weeks to suffer medication!

Ah sorry for the blab!! I'm just so annoyed lol. Oh and if my OH tells me it's not that bad one more time im going to punch him haha xx

Ps - yea I have a machine to test my blood, I have to do it first thing, befte and after meals and then last thing at night! Eeek. Which reminds me, I better go check it. Pray it's under 8!!
im praying!

its mad just what sends your sugars up hun shes not joking about the crackers! Even things like Musli which my sister thought would be safe.. sent her sugars wayyy up! brown bread is best i think.. but to be honest my sister didnt look after her sugars and couldnt have cared less what she ate.. she didnt even take her insulin properly.

dont worry about blabb haha im worse than you :p

Im glad at least a couple of them were nice! xxxx
hi ladies! haven't posted on here much but have a few questons and am looking for opinions! I had a 14 week appointment this morning and the doctor wants me to get a 1 hour glucose tolerance test done asap. She says it's because I had PCOSprior to pegnancy but I'm thinking it's more because of my weight! I haven't gained any weight at all and am down an additional pounds since pre pregnancy! Not sure what t think of all this, I'm so worried over possible results. Also want to add that prior to pregnancy I had blood work done whiich told them I was NOT pre diabetic... made me feel terrible this am to think about possible having gd!:cry:

Hey Hun! Don't worry, if you fail the one hour test you will have to do the longer 3 hr test and from what I have read it's very possible to fail the 1 hour and pass the 3 hr. I failed my 3 hour GTT by less than one point lol, and I was not pre diabetic prior to pregnancy either. Try not to worry too much, I have just had my first appointment at the diabetic clinic, and despite all my moaning it's really not that bad - the way I look at it it's all for bub and if this is what it takes then I guess I just have to suck it up. Although its been a big shock and is taking a lot of getting used to. Give me a shout if you've any questions, but honestly don't worry, either way things will be just fine :thumbup: xx
hi ladies! haven't posted on here much but have a few questons and am looking for opinions! I had a 14 week appointment this morning and the doctor wants me to get a 1 hour glucose tolerance test done asap. She says it's because I had PCOSprior to pegnancy but I'm thinking it's more because of my weight! I haven't gained any weight at all and am down an additional pounds since pre pregnancy! Not sure what t think of all this, I'm so worried over possible results. Also want to add that prior to pregnancy I had blood work done whiich told them I was NOT pre diabetic... made me feel terrible this am to think about possible having gd!:cry:

oopsy sorry huni i missed your post completely. I think you should go for it hun.. you have every chance of passing especially if you were shown to be non pre-diabetic. Its just something they have to request us bigger ladies do to cover their own back. Its honestly not too bad and if you fail the 1 hour then you could still pass the 3 hour one xxxxx :hugs::hugs:
im praying!

its mad just what sends your sugars up hun shes not joking about the crackers! Even things like Musli which my sister thought would be safe.. sent her sugars wayyy up! brown bread is best i think.. but to be honest my sister didnt look after her sugars and couldnt have cared less what she ate.. she didnt even take her insulin properly.

dont worry about blabb haha im worse than you :p

Im glad at least a couple of them were nice! xxxx

7.2!! I rock lol. Though to be fair all I had was mince and veg with green beans! Oh and one square of 85% dark choc. Eh, like I say I'll just play it by ear meal by meal. I have a week to figure this out lol.

I'm sure your sister isn't the only one Hun, a woman at the clinic was eating a bag of maltesers lol. I nearly mugged her! But yea I'm thinking it probably is crazy what effects your sugars. I'm going to try the crackers before bed tonight I think (they're whole grain so fingers crossed) cuz I really fancy some cheese!

Any joy with the bank? It's awful when you budget and then something comes along like that and messes everything up!! Xox
hi ladies! haven't posted on here much but have a few questons and am looking for opinions! I had a 14 week appointment this morning and the doctor wants me to get a 1 hour glucose tolerance test done asap. She says it's because I had PCOSprior to pegnancy but I'm thinking it's more because of my weight! I haven't gained any weight at all and am down an additional pounds since pre pregnancy! Not sure what t think of all this, I'm so worried over possible results. Also want to add that prior to pregnancy I had blood work done whiich told them I was NOT pre diabetic... made me feel terrible this am to think about possible having gd!:cry:

oopsy sorry huni i missed your post completely. I think you should go for it hun.. you have every chance of passing especially if you were shown to be non pre-diabetic. Its just something they have to request us bigger ladies do to cover their own back. Its honestly not too bad and if you fail the 1 hour then you could still pass the 3 hour one xxxxx :hugs::hugs:

Thank you! Very releaving to hear that from someone else! It's so easy to worry over every little thing all of the time.
i wont know about the bank till tomorrow at the earliest as it can take upto 24 hours to update the balance after you cancel a DD.

WOOT go you 7.9 is good :) Oh hun my sister was rediculous.. take aways all time time, loads of chocolate (and not dark chocolate either) she knew what sent her sugars rocketing and it didnt bother her one bit... lol then she moans about having big babies.

Mince with veg and green beans sounds so nice. Right now i want mashed carrot and swede! ooo man and crackers and cheese sounds good too... or Ryvita with grated cheese on... num num num :xmas8::xmas6: <-- sorry had to add them just found them lol x
hi ladies! haven't posted on here much but have a few questons and am looking for opinions! I had a 14 week appointment this morning and the doctor wants me to get a 1 hour glucose tolerance test done asap. She says it's because I had PCOSprior to pegnancy but I'm thinking it's more because of my weight! I haven't gained any weight at all and am down an additional pounds since pre pregnancy! Not sure what t think of all this, I'm so worried over possible results. Also want to add that prior to pregnancy I had blood work done whiich told them I was NOT pre diabetic... made me feel terrible this am to think about possible having gd!:cry:

oopsy sorry huni i missed your post completely. I think you should go for it hun.. you have every chance of passing especially if you were shown to be non pre-diabetic. Its just something they have to request us bigger ladies do to cover their own back. Its honestly not too bad and if you fail the 1 hour then you could still pass the 3 hour one xxxxx :hugs::hugs:

Thank you! Very releaving to hear that from someone else! It's so easy to worry over every little thing all of the time.

your welcome huni, we all worry over the little things.. thats why im glad i have you girls to come to otherwise i think id go bananas lol x
7.2 thanks very much ;) haha. Only joking, as long as it under 8 I don't care! Lol.

Oh dear, see I couldn't do that as ive had the crap scared out of me. Then again ask me in 2 weeks or over Xmas and it may be a different story! Lol. Xmas is going to be interesting!

Carrot and swede mash is so nice! Yum yum. I've also got a thing for sweet potatoes at the min too, luckily better than spuds for me at the min so just as well really! My dinner was lovely but honestly not very filling. I'll try again tomorrow night and see how I do! I may get quite a kick out of this if I can do it lol, if not I'll probably get disheartened quickly! I'm quite an all or nothing person.

Oooh I like the Xmas smilies! Good find ;) xx
oopsy hehe 7.2 is even better :happydance:

its very dangerous to not watch your sugars as you could go into a hypo or the other way which i cant remember what thats called. You will probably loose weight doing all this too :haha: its like having to watch your calories lol... think so start with my sister lost a stone! but that was at the start of her pregnancy (she was diagnosed from 10 weeks).

oh no now i want mashed sweet potato with mashed carrot and swede! and a big of white sauce (omg i almost wrote shite sauce then :dohh:) xx
thank you ladies:cry: it's the most painful thing ive ever had to face, its just not fair it took two years to get pregnant and only 10weeks 2days for it all to be over with:cry:
i havent even been able to face my dh, i just came home pack me and my son things up and went straight to my mothers house:cry: i just feel so ashamed that i cant do the one thing a woman suposed to do:cry: and whats really screwed up is we both wanted this baby more then anything:cry: dont get me wrong i love my ds to death im so glad that i have him atleast because i dont think i could handle this like i am but when i had him i got pregnant at 18 and had him at 19 and his father excuse me i mean sperm donor because he should never ever be called a dad or father cause thats how much of a piece of SH*T he is!!!!!:cry: you all get what im saying thou right?! it just would have been great to have a baby that was plan by the man that im married too:cry: i just wish this didnt happen i cant stop crying at all
aww hun stay strong. i know its easy for me to say, stay at your mums as long as you need hun until you are ready to deal with everything. In time when you are ready you can try again, and hopefully you wont have to try for as long as you did this time huni :hugs::hugs:

Loosing baby this early was probably a sign that they would not have been viable outside of the womb, and hopefully when you try again you get a lovely Sticky Bean :cloud9: I am wishing you all the best of luck hun and I hope you have lots of support around you to help you through such a hard time :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
Hiya! I am ok thanks, well been suffering with severe morning sickness for around 12 weeks and its still ongoing. I am 18+2 today. I have a little boy who is 4 in may, baby is also due may.

Currently testing my blood to monitor sugar as had GD with my son.

I know I have lost weight since I got pregnant but not sure how much xx
i lost a couple pound to start with but am finally putting it on.. although not quite sure just how much.. fingers crossed not too much at this point.

I hope your morning sickness fades out soon hun it must be awfull. I never actually threw up with mine it was just constant nausea and that was bad enough never mind actually being sick all the time :hugs:

Fingers crossed you dont have gd this time hun :)

aww is your due date close to your sons birthday? xxx
also night night ladies, I am off to bed. need to be up early to try get the emergency appointment at my gp otherwise its going to be next week before i get seen, and if that happens it will probably be pointless trying to get in since i see consultant on thursday anyway. Infections suck :( just hope this one gets no worse .. i dont want a hospital stay! :hugs::hugs::kiss:

how are we all this morning?

I'm still in pain but couldn't get into the GP :( so have to hope it gets no worse and call again monday morning x
Aw hun can't you ask for an emergency appointment?

Im ok thanks. Tired. I was up with Toby a lot last night and my back kept seizing up do I did t sleep well... Then Toby was up at 6 so I took him downstairs to let DH lie in. He finally came down at 9am so we tagged and I went back to bed. Half an hour later, Toby's running up and down the stairs waking me up. Sooo I'm grumpy at DH for not keeping Toby downstairs when I did it for him this morning. Then just as I got myself settled down again, DH brings Toby up. "he needs a nap"...,, well that's nice dear did you have to disturb me to tell me that? Turns out nap time is my job. Sigh. So it's 11am now and I've still had no sleep.. Hufff.

Sorry for the grump lol... Tired and hungry and I've hardly pooped all week. :haha:
Hi ladies! Ah Seths thats crap, I'd go to the out of hours over the weekend if I were you, they would sort you out. Keep drinking!!

Cottles don't worry about the grump, I'd be grumpy too if I'd been up since stupid o'clock! Can you grab a nap later? Oh, and I totally understand about the poop hahaha.

I've been busy busy this morning, kept my sugars at 7.5 this morning - it appears I can get away with two slices of wholemeal toast at the min! Yey!! I've been to Tesco for a top up shop and had my anaesthetist appointment. Don't know what I was worried about to be honest she was so lovely :)

Happy Friday ladies!
Well. I've had half an hour nap. Toby woke up and started fidgeting so I got DH to come get him thinking I'll get more rest but he's now expecting me to get up. I just want to sleeeeep.

Glad you're having a good morning miwi... Good to hear your appointment went well x

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