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Hey ladies!

Cottleston - awww, sorry about the lack of sleep. Boys... they just don't understand... when momma ain't happy, ain't nobody gonna be happy! :haha: Ugh on the not pooing. I hated that part of early pregnancy!

Seth - can't you go to some kind of walk in care place? I'm not sure what you have over there versus here... You'd think with you being pregnant, and now having an infection, they'd try to make you a priority!

Miwi - glad your appointment went well! And yay for the 2 pieces of toast! :happydance:

I have an appointment in less than 2 hrs to meet with my company's health services department. I have to take my doctor's note about not working to them, and they have to do all their checks and blah blah blah over it. Hopefully I'll find out that I can stop working! I'm not supposed to go back to work until Tuesday morning as it is, but I'm hoping I don't have to go back at all. :blush:

I'm whipped today, although I can't sleep. Go figure, eh? DH and I did the majority of our Christmas shopping yesterday, and bought some baby stuff. I finally got a mattress for the crib and put it all together, and we set up the playard/bassinet for our bedroom. I bought some bottles, although I'm sure I'll end up having to shop around for different ones. I got the Playtex Ventaire kind, because the newborn kit was the cheapest at the store. If LO doesn't like those, then maybe I'll try the Tommy Tippee bottles.

I'll update later when I find out about my work situation! Have a lovely day, ladies!! :flower:
Oh no! Im sorry your DH is being poo. Maybe you'll get a early night and thatll help! :hugs:

I think it's lunch time soon, I'm starving! Still nervous to eat, though think that's just my stubbornness coming out - I want to prove that medication happy dr wrong!! Lol
Kalyrra - Good luck! I really hope you don't have to go back to work! I was signed off by my doctor 2 weeks ago and it was the best thing that could have happened :) Let us know how it goes, fingers crossed for you!! X
It was an emergency appointment i was calling for but because i didnt call till 9am (i forgot!) they had no appointments left.. :( To go to out of hours tomorrow will cost me a fortune as its at the hospital.. so expensive bus ride to get there and back.

So sorry your not getting any sleep Cottleston! That really sucks and its not surprising that you are grumpy hun. Id be pretty pissed at dh too if he did the same to me... he should have kept Toby downstairs so you could get a half decent sleep! Your body is trying to grow babies in there. :hugs:

Miwi - glad your appointment went well hun :D seems we both got lucky with our anesthetists... and woop woop on the blood sugars :D you show them idiots you dont need any meds and you can manage just fine for now.

kalyrra - can i have some of your energy lol im always shattered at the moment.. seth slept for a solid 12 and a half hours last night.. and im still shattered :S Sounds like everything is coming together huni :D and i hope baby likes the bottles you have picked... we have gone with Momma by tomy this time round. did closer to nature last time :) Good luck with your work appointment ... FX you dont have to go back! :dance:

Just got a parcel through from the inlaws with christmas presents in for us.. poor seth thought he was getting them and even went to try open a present from under the tree.. lol only 11 days to go! Which also means only 6 days till my scan! woooohhhoooo I cant wait I cant wait lol

Just about to head out and get absolutely drenched.. ordered my dads christmas present online this morning (mrs browns boys series 2) and now need to go get my mums (slippers) and something for my neices and nephews along with something for johns parents.. oh the joys and the food shopping and christmas dinner ... all for £140... this should be fun lol. I really must start christmas shopping in April next year as soon as ethan has come along and we are sorted.

Ladies I'm sorry but I need to get something off my chest. I'm so annoyed at my OH, he still smokes (I gave up the second I got my BFP it was an unplanned preg ish lol), he still drinks, eats crap foods like chocolate and fast food in front of me and then has the cheak to tell me that 'it's not that bad' being pregnant and having GD. I'm going to scream at him I swear. I'm so terrified to eat anything and he's just plodding along doing whatever the hell he likes while I make all the sacrifices! Ugh!
Don't get me wrong I know it's not his fault and he does work hard and help me around the house but FFS it's the little things that are making me want to punch him lol. Tell me if I'm being unreasonable! Hormonal perhaps?
nope your not being unreasonable huni.. my sister almost did punch her husband lol. He should be being a little more supportive.. giving up all your favourite foods is a lot harder than some people think and having things you cant eat shoved in your face all the time makes it even worse. :hugs::hugs::hugs: You should make him stick to the same diet as you huni and then repeat the "its not that hard" sentence

Cottleston how did you appointment go hun??

Hey Sparkle.. how are you doing hun? xxxxxxx
Morning ladies! How's everyone this morning?

How are you feeling Seths? Better I hope! Yea I think I will get him on my diet. Show him a thing or two haha. On the plus side I'm pretty sure I will loose weight doing this which is always a bonus!

Hope you all have a good day!! Xox
Hey ladies, how are we all doing???
im doing ok, just amazed @ the rate my bump is growing, its like i woke up one morning & there was a basketball attached to me :haha:, & im only 22 weeks, still habe 18 to go :dohh: so im freaking out a little :blush:
sounds like a good idea Miwi hun lol then maybe afterwards he will be a little more supportive of it all. I feel like utter crap this morning. Cleaned up after my sister left last night at half 7 then finally got seth into bed at about half 9 and wrapped the presents i needed to wrap. got into bed maybe 11ish watched a little telly and fell asleep just for dh to come in and try to get sex which ofc woke me up.. i had a go at him about it so he got in a huff. Crap night sleep and then supposed to be my lie in and dh goes round all morning humming.. now for most this wouldnt be a problem but my dhs humming is so damn loud you can hear it from outside our home! so that woke me up countless times :S just going to be one of those URGH days i think and seths in a mood too :dohh:

oooo Sparkle hun :D hehe its amazing when you pop! Dont worry too much though, my bump hasnt grown a heck of a lot since i popped at 20 weeks. Still looks exactly the same now as it did then lol.

how is your sugars this morning Miwi xxx
Urghhh sounds like you're having one of those days hun :hugs: hope it improves this arvo!
Miwi, I definitely agree that you should get him to do your diet too! I would, just to shut him up :haha:

Hubby is making up for yesterday's lack of sleep issue by going to the shop to get me Yorkshire puds and sausages. I neeeeed sausage and mash with a side helping of a yorkie pud full of gravy and loooads of sweet corn. Dunno why I just can't stop thinking about it haha
omg that sounds sooooooo good!! I want mashed sweet potatoe, sausage, yorkies and mashed carrot and swede.. num num. Glad your dh is making up for yesterday though cottleston :D

I apologize to everyone in advance.. i think im going to have one of those really really moaney days today, just feel so :coffee:

dh is still being a pain in the ass so dont think it will get much better today. got to go shopping today as i felt too ill to do it yesteray :S Going to have around £48 to do 2 weeks worth of shopping! not good thankfully i have healthy start vouchers which will pay for my veg and milk *phew* so i should be ok. I am hoping if i leave xmas dinner till xmas eve there will still be food left in the shop :haha: dont want to buy it now for it to go off.. although if theres decent frozen veg then i will prob grab that today.

Ah seths I think I'll join you on the moaning front lol. OH has just left to go to a concert with his best mate (was my ticket but gave it up as obviously too loud for LO) so I'm just staying in feeling sorry for myself haha, while he goes to subway fr dinner and gets drunk after the concert with his mates. I've been having a really hormonal day. Booo!

Sparkle- Aw it's so great when you pop :) I love watching my bump grow! It's amazing.

Cottles- That sounds so lovely!! Room for one more? Lol. I think I'm going to make mince and veg for my dinner and just sit with a huge bowl stuffing my face :P

Oh btw ladies I got my OH to go on my diet . . . He spend the morning eating cream crackers with butter and then ate rolos after lunch lol. I'm not sure he fully understands ;)

Seths how are you feeling? Your OH needs to spend a day in your shoes! He wouldn't be pestering you then I'm sure. My sugars are good today, though honestly im not sure I'm eating enough, I'm actually terrified to eat too many carbs. My sugars befor lunch was 4.2 and then an hour after lunch was 4.6?! That can't be right? Lol. Or else it's really good . . . Ugh. This is all so confusing!
All I keep thinking about is the horrible dr saying to me that when my sugars are high 'it's like you're force feeding your baby'. Needless to say I'm hyper sensitive about what I can and can't eat now! Xxx
i had my doctors appointment on thursday and my doctor never showed so i left after waiting 4 hrs. i got a new doctor its clear across town though in the ritsy part of town. my friend has the same doc and she is 22 weeks. he said to be awesome quick but gives you his adequate attention. so i will be 13 weeks when i see him on the 4th..
i had my doctors appointment on thursday and my doctor never showed so i left after waiting 4 hrs. i got a new doctor its clear across town though in the ritsy part of town. my friend has the same doc and she is 22 weeks. he said to be awesome quick but gives you his adequate attention. so i will be 13 weeks when i see him on the 4th..

Omg I can't believe your dr never showed! That's terrible :hugs: I'm glad you've got a new one that you can rely on!! Xx
Cottlestonpie - glad dh has realised you need some rest and gone to get you some Yorkshire puds

Miwi - hope dh starts to be a little more supportive with the first. I think I would feel the same as you at first but I'm sure you will soon start to learn what foods you are able to eat. Did they not give you any suggestions?

Sparkle - yay for popping I'm sure the bump will start to grow again soon!

Seth - hope you are feeling a little better

Sw33tp3a - I'm amazed your doctor never turned up - did noone say anything?

I've had a painful hip past three days but think its where I'm sleeping mostly on my left side so putting too much pressure on my hip. Think I might start sleeping on a duvet again to soften the pressure. I had SPD last pregnancy at around 35 weeks but certainly don't want to be starting the pain this early!

Went to see Santa today at our garden centre - 3 1/2 hours the queue was so glad I asked the staff as instead I've managed to book a time slot for next weekend .
Aw Im seeing Santa on Friday at ruxley manor. Loooove it! Toby doesn't quite get the whole Santa thing yet but he'll love it... The dancing penguins and making the reindeer food will be great fun!

Sweet, omg can't believe your doctor didn't turn up! Good job you changed, you don't need the stress of an unreliable doctor.

Miwi... Sounds like your hubby doesn't quite get it. Don't blame you for being a bit annoyed, hormones or not! Hope he gets more understanding as times goes on

Seths, good luck with the Christmas shopping! Hated that when I hosted. Got out of it this year though woohoo!

Wonder which one of our hubbies will get a kick/elbow in the beans first for pestering for some lovin :haha:
Jellycat, did you get any help with your spd last time? I suffered last time but didn't see my dr/midwife, I just struggled through it. This time though I had hip pain at 12-13 weeks and in the last day or two I've started getting that grindy feeling in my left hip. I know it's only going to get worse but I'm sort of pretending it won't at the moment lol
**sits down with Miwi for a grump session :haha:

Thats poo hun that your left in by yourself.. but id enhoy the time along lol. When john went away last time for his stag do i loved my quiet time once id got seth into bed lol. Glad dh is giving your diet a go.. hehe bad boy on the rolo's though.. although you may get away with eating a few?? Hmmm i would say thats real good hun... maybe shows your body is dealing real well with what you are eating... so you could maybe eat more? or something else you fancy. I will ask my sister when I talk to her next about if there should be a big difference after you have eaten though just to be sure.

sw33tpea... that is absolutely shocking! I hope you complained before you left.. cant believe nobody checked to see if you were being seen or bothered to tell you the doc wasn't even there :S I'd have been so pissed. Glad you have a new doc sorted out though ... here is hoping they are as good as you have been told :thumbup:

Jellycat... hip pain sucks doesn't it! I think it hits earlier the second time round because maybe the muscles/bones are still effected from first time... hehe you should see me trying to move sometimes :p makes my dh laugh his head off. Sod waiting 3 and a half hours! Glad you could book an appointment. Iv never took seth to see santa because he doesnt like him lol

Cottleston.. probably mine the way he is going :haha: I got my shopping ok :D and even have change to get some more bits which im really shocked about! Maybe not as screwed as i thought :happydance: ooo its my left hip thats the worst too!!

Well still not feeling better :( Just wanna curl up and goto sleep with a hot water bottle to be honest. I have been stressing over everything and everything and loosing my temper so fast... even the poor fish got shouted at :wacko: I keep getting braxton hicks... and spent half the time shopping holding onto things because i was going dizzy.n Also getting lots of achey pains at the top of my bump :( I did another dip stick and for once there is no protein in my wee :happydance: still Nitrite though. The pain in my back is almost gone! which i suppose i should be grateful for but today i just cant be grateful for anything when iv had a shitty day. Dh and I done nothing but argue too, he keeps getting moody over nothing :S like when we went shopping... was fine when we went in... till i had to go pee... then he was fine again a little bit after that... then when i went to call a taxi he got moody again because i took to long and left him with the pram and the trolley :S Fingers crossed for a better day tomorrow. I am looking forward to putting seth to bed at half 8 and then going to bed too!

Aw seths moody men are the worst lol. My poor OH is getting such a hard time from me at the min too, I really need to give him a break or I'll be a single mum by march lol. We were joking around the other day and I asked if I was getting a push present (haha) his reply: 'Your present is me still being around!' lol. Cheeky man! Though I think we are entitled to be snappy once in a while when pregnant!

I am actually really enjoying my evening alone, despite my carry on earlier about it. Ooops.

Ah seths if you could ask your sister that would be amazing! Thank you! I suppose it probably is a good sign, but surely the baby needs some glucose! Ah well. I just ate a huge bowl of mince and gravy with onions, carrot and green beans and then a chocolate yogurt. One hour later my sugar was only 5.9!! Woohoo. Starting to think I'm doing this wrong lol.

Cottles- you make reindeer food?! Please tell me how lol xx

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