Plus size & pregnant join here

Well, HR department is dragging their still not sure if I'm getting out on disability yet or not. But since my doc wrote a note, until they figure it out, I can't go to work either... So I have to use up my available sick time first. And then if they still haven't started disability and I still can't work, I have to use vacation time.

I wish they'd just write me off! :wacko:

So far, still holding steady on the weight, hoping to stay where I am for the remainder...already gained more than I should have and wanted. :cry: hopefully it comes off fast with breastfeeding!
Kaylraa that sucks that they are dragging their feet hun.. bloody useless. They should have to make a decision within a certain amount of time. That is no way fair if you have to go on and use vacation time! Your not having a darn vacation!! Gz on staying steady on the weight.. :hugs: I'v no idea what i am just now as my scales are dead lol. Will find out on Thursday if i can.

Cottleston its ok haha plenty of playing with new toys and clearing up after christmas and it will fly by huni! :kiss:

realbeauty the 24hr urine is to test for pre-eclampsia as it measures how much protein is spilled out within your urine within a 24 hour period. Really sucks that your partner can't go with you to the scan! I'd hate if my dh couldn't go to the scans. :hugs:

Sparkle Sorry i never got a pic up.. me and dh had big argument last night so i stayed in the bedroom most of the night watching films. I will get my phone charged eventually lol. Cant leave you being the only one posting bump piccies
Hi ladies :) How are we all?

I've been a bit quiet on here lately, I'm just SO tired and been running around getting lots of things done around the house etc. Nothing exciting!

Sparkle- Your bump is lovely, I'll get a pic up soon too, I'm just laying down at the min and then I'll get myself dressed and see what I can do :) Like seths says you can't be the only one!

Kalyrra- Im sorry your work are being so slow about getting you signed off! But Imglad you don't have to go in while they ale there minds up - not ideal but it's good you are getting a chance to rest :)

Seths and Cottles- How are you both doing?!

As the titel says plus size ladies join here...

So lets share our "big" journey through pregnancy together.. Our excitement, our fears of being plus size &pregnant... And of course our big beautiful bellies :winkwink:

Just a thread we plus size ladies can come chat :flower:

Melany - 6 Jan 2013 :pink: Amelia arrived 7 Dec 2012 :cloud9:

Kalyrra - 21 Jan 2013 :blue:

Wholeheart - 28 Feb 2013 :blue:

Miwi - 3 March 2013 :pink:

Cheztunes - 11 March, planned C-section for 7th (if I choose to take it) :blue:

Sethsmummy - 13 march 2013 :blue:

Kraftykoala - 23 March 2013 :pink:

Lyndsjohnson - 1 April 2013 :pink:

Cherrybump - 7 April 2013 :pink:

Dodgerlove - 14 April 2013 :blue:

Firefly - 17 April 2013 :blue:

Bitsysarah - 20 April 2013 :blue:

Weffi82 - 20 April 2013 :yellow:

Sparklegirl - 22 April 2013 :pink:

Memebrown - 4 May 2013 :yellow:

Mustbemummy - 8 June 2013 :yellow:

Cottlestonpie - 9 June 2013 :yellow: :yellow:

Matildasmummy - 9 June 2013 :yellow:

Jtj1054 - 12 June 2013 :yellow:

Jellycat - 16 June 2013 :yellow:

Junemummy - 18 June 2013 :yellow:

Helenedge - 20 June 2013 :yellow:

Tiffanylove - 24 June 2013 :yellow:

Just actually realizing what u meant by first page. Everyone's up there but me lol and I been here since I been pregnant :blush:

im not here either. my due date is july 9th.. :) gender is still not determined just yet... :)
Heres my 29 week bump . . . Huge!! :blush:

Is there anyway I can make it bigger?!
Well, HR/medical at work apparently talked with my doc office, and they decided that I could keep working. So no early disability leave for me. :cry: I'd like to see one of them work for 12 hrs on swing shift at 8 months pregnant! Lol

Oh well. Not sure when I can stop working then, as I only get 6 weeks of maternity leave, and it would be just my luck if little one was 2 weeks late! :shrug:

Going to go have a pity party, and then go back to work tomorrow I guess.
Kal: sorry they won't let u off. I couldn't imagine having to do that but clearly you're an awesome mommy:thumbup: :flower:... doing what u have to do.

Miwi: love the bump pic.:happydance:
I posted in second tri but by luck of my baby being a butt and hiding during dopler time we got a scan and found out its a girlie!
Kalyrra- Oh god I'm so sorry, that sucks so badly. Honestly it's not right that you only get 6 weeks maternity either. Such a difference between the UK and the US! :hugs: What is it you do?

Realbeauty- Thanks :) Suprised you could see it since its so small lol

USAF- Contrats!! Welcome to team pink :)

Major excitement here, I've just been to Boots and bought a packet of sugar free diabetic toffee, as was majorly needing something sweet. Just tried one and they're surprisingly nice! Yey! So I'm going to have dinner and then sit down in front of the telly and have a few sweets like you're meant to do at Christmas time! Lol. I'm a little less grumpy now ;) Hopefully my blood sugars won't go too crazy after them! Xxx
Miwi Love your bump hun.. :D iv still not charged my damn phone :dohh: will get it charging over night. I dont know how to make the pic bugger though unless you upload through tiny pics (google it) like i do.
I'm doing well today... dh and I having a few arguments but whats new :shrug: cant wait till my hormones are back to normal! And OMG at finding the toffee :D I bet you are in seventh heaven right now! although watch your sugars.. my nanna was telling me that not all diabetic sweets are that good for you :haha: (doesnt stop her eating them though :winkwink: )

kalyrra So sorry to hear you cant get the disability hun, I think its absolutely shocking that you only get 6 weeks maternity leave :hugs: I mean what on earth happens if you have a traumatic birth or a section... you'd only just be healing!!

USAF_WIFE Congratulations hun!! :happydance: so happy for you :cloud9:

I have had a good day today. a friend came over and gave me a late bday present (£10 gift voucher) so i went and bought a book, seth a new cup (one with a straw) and I got Ethans milk dispenser... although i got home and realised its broken so I need to take it back again to replace it. Its only a chip off the clip that opens it but all the same its brand new so should be in perfect condition. xxx
Seths I have a question - after my dinner (mainly meat with a bit of veg) my BS was 5.8 after an hour. Then I had 6 diabetic toffees and two diabetic biscuits (Prob close to 30g carbs) . . . An hour later my bloods were 5.5 (just measured out of interest). I know you only have your sister to go on, but does this sound normal to you?! Even my OH is starting to doubt whether I have GD or not lol.
Seths I have a question - after my dinner (mainly meat with a bit of veg) my BS was 5.8 after an hour. Then I had 6 diabetic toffees and two diabetic biscuits (Prob close to 30g carbs) . . . An hour later my bloods were 5.5 (just measured out of interest). I know you only have your sister to go on, but does this sound normal to you?! Even my OH is starting to doubt whether I have GD or not lol.

I shall just ring ze sister and ask xx
Ach your a wee star!! Thank you SO much. I know no one that knows anything about this lol. Nightmare!
Miwi - that is a gorgeous rounded bump, my first was never like that very jealous! Yay on finding the sugar free toffee !

Seth - sorry you and hubby have been arguing hope the air is cleared soon.

Kalayarra - sorry you didn't get the disability, wow on only getting 6 weeks I thought France only getting 3 months was tough.

USAF_wife congrats on :girl:
Thanks all... I was definitely very disappointed. It's made me a little on the emotional/hormonal side! :haha: I haven't had very many of those, thank God, but I guess I was due for one.

My husband has been extremely supportive my entire pregnancy, but today he made the comment that he didn't understand why I wanted to be off work as it wasn't much different than when I'm home.... he thinks it's all in my head. It's a good thing I was on the phone with him, or I might have punched him in the nuts, then told him "it doesn't hurt, it's all in your head!" (no extra pun intended :haha:)

Seriously... why is it that all the people who think it's "not a big deal" are the ones who aren't 8 months pregnant and dealing with it! lol

Seth - I believe in the case of a c-section, you can get up to 8 weeks off. Wow, right? :dohh: I think if you had major trauma, and anything massively medical, then the doctors can get you on disability to extend your leave. We also have FMLA, or Family Medical Leave Act, that allows us to take up to an additional 12 weeks off but it's completely unpaid leave. The only perk is that you don't lose your job by doing so.

Miwi - I'm a process control operator at a chemical plant. Basically what I do is control equipment through computer screens. I monitor temperatures, pressures, liquid levels in tanks, pumps, motors, open and close valves, etc... I'm not allowed to leave my screens unattended, so whenever I have to run to the bathroom or go grab my lunch from the fridge, someone else has to watch them for me.

I work a 12 hr swing shift, so basically I sit on my rear in a chair for 12 hrs watching computer screens. I work 2 weeks on day shift (from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.), then I work 2 weeks on night shift (6:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m.), then switch back to days again, then back to nights... rinse and repeat.

Usually by the end of the day, my hands and feet are so swollen I can barely function. I can stand up and move around... but it's still hard to do enough to keep from swelling! Apparently my doctor told the HR people that as long as I could move around when I needed, and I could elevate my feet that medically I could still work. :dohh: Why bother writing me a freakin' note if you're not going to back it up??!!

Oh well. It'll serve them right if my water breaks all over the room while I'm working. :haha: I think my biggest issue is not sleeping well. Last night, I woke up at 1 a.m. and never got back to sleep. I took a nap around 9 a.m. When I'm home, that's fine... but I can't exactly nap at work! :shrug: So if I don't sleep well, I just have to live with it, I guess.

USAF_WIFE - Congrats on the little girl! How exciting!!! :happydance:
Kaly, that sucks :hugs: Are you able to put your feet up? Can you at least get the doctor to say you need more breaks?

Miwi... Love your bump!

I'm sooooo upset/angry with DH. This is basically how last night/this morning went....

1:30am: Dh can't sleep so he gets the hump and stomps around the house waking up me and Toby.
1:40am: He comes back to bed, denies all respondibility, pretends to not notice that Toby is at the foot of our bed and refuses to put him back to bed. So I have to.
4:30am: Toby finally settles in my bed because I'm too tired and f-cked off to care if he wakes DH up. Backfires obviously because DH mostly sleeps and I mostly get kicked and climbed on.
Now: I'm up with Toby for the day while the guy who caused The Worst Night In Months stays in bed asleep because he's "still a bit tired"

I'm starting to remember how bad DH is at night shifts. I'm pretty much gonna be dealing with 3 kids alone.

ETA: so I finally get to bed and now he's vacuuming. Wtf :dohh:
OMG Cottleston I swear down id have killed him! What an ignorant so and so. You should do it to him one night hun when you know he has to be up in the morning so he cant just stay asleep!

Miwi... sorry i never got back to you hun! AS i was on the phone to my sister dh took the laptop off me and i never got it back. I was pissed he didnt let me reply before taking it but i suppose it was "his day". next time he has it on my day i wont be so nice in taking it back lol.

My sister said that as long as your sugars never fall below 4 or above 8 when you eat then you are perfectly fine! She thinks they bodged your GTT too and said to ask for it to be repeated as she NEVER had results this stable for so long. She agrees with me that you probably dont even have it!

kalyrra - That really really sucks! I couldnt imagine only getting that amount of time with baby :S American rules suck big style.
Cottles- Oh dear me I don't know how you haven't lost the plot! That's so rude of him. I swear men just don't get it some times. Especially the vacuuming, wtf is that all about? Lol.

Seths- Ah don't worry Hun, there was no rush. I so appreciate your knowledge lol. I'm going to mention it to the nurse as she should be phoning me tomorrow. I'm being a bit more laid back today - its hard to know whether I'm getting stable results because I'm depriving myself so much (lol) or if I'm just normal and don't have it! So I've had a sausage sandwich this morn (start of mine and OHs Xmas holidays so celebrating!) on wholemeal bread with a tiny bit of ketchup, and got 7.2 an hour later ... Pretty standard for me at breakfast. Ugh. If Im doing all this for nothing I'll not be happy ;)
I've a few spare test strips so I'm going to make OH do a couple tests today to compare someone normal to me . . . I'd absolutely love it if I could have a normal Xmas!! Lol. I actually think I'd willingly start the tablets if it meant I could eat spuds and stuffing on Xmas day lol.
Anyway, sorry for the blab!! Hope you're having a good day :) xxx
I've had enough. I still haven't had any sleep be ause DH sent toby up so I could put him down for a nap. He wouldn't settle so we had lunch, read a book and I just tried settling Toby down again but he's over tired and fighting it. So now DH is pissed at me for "just letting him scream".... What am I meant to do, gag him?!
He's making me feel like the worst mum ever by shouting at me, implying that I don't do anything even though im the one who did EVERYTHING last night and this morning... It's never enough :cry:

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