Thanks all... I was definitely very disappointed. It's made me a little on the emotional/hormonal side!

I haven't had very many of those, thank God, but I guess I was due for one.
My husband has been extremely supportive my entire pregnancy, but today he made the comment that he didn't understand why I wanted to be off work as it wasn't much different than when I'm home.... he thinks it's all in my head. It's a good thing I was on the phone with him, or I might have punched him in the nuts, then told him "it doesn't hurt, it's all in your head!" (no extra pun intended

Seriously... why is it that all the people who think it's "not a big deal" are the ones who aren't 8 months pregnant and dealing with it! lol
Seth - I believe in the case of a c-section, you can get up to 8 weeks off. Wow, right?

I think if you had major trauma, and anything massively medical, then the doctors can get you on disability to extend your leave. We also have FMLA, or Family Medical Leave Act, that allows us to take up to an additional 12 weeks off but it's completely unpaid leave. The only perk is that you don't lose your job by doing so.
Miwi - I'm a process control operator at a chemical plant. Basically what I do is control equipment through computer screens. I monitor temperatures, pressures, liquid levels in tanks, pumps, motors, open and close valves, etc... I'm not allowed to leave my screens unattended, so whenever I have to run to the bathroom or go grab my lunch from the fridge, someone else has to watch them for me.
I work a 12 hr swing shift, so basically I sit on my rear in a chair for 12 hrs watching computer screens. I work 2 weeks on day shift (from 6:30 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.), then I work 2 weeks on night shift (6:30 p.m. to 6:30 a.m.), then switch back to days again, then back to nights... rinse and repeat.
Usually by the end of the day, my hands and feet are so swollen I can barely function. I can stand up and move around... but it's still hard to do enough to keep from swelling! Apparently my doctor told the HR people that as long as I could move around when I needed, and I could elevate my feet that medically I could still work.

Why bother writing me a freakin' note if you're not going to back it up??!!
Oh well. It'll serve them right if my water breaks all over the room while I'm working.

I think my biggest issue is not sleeping well. Last night, I woke up at 1 a.m. and never got back to sleep. I took a nap around 9 a.m. When I'm home, that's fine... but I can't exactly nap at work!

So if I don't sleep well, I just have to live with it, I guess.
USAF_WIFE - Congrats on the little girl! How exciting!!!