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Morning all :)

Ah poo, it's this bloody jab isn't it, making us feel rotten. I can't sleep on my arm properly either, and there's a sizeable lump under my skin! That being said I don't feel ill like you Seths, though I did feel a bit weird in the few hours after the jab. I'm sure you'll be ok Cottles! It's def worth it :)

So glad Seth loved his car! I'm really looking forward to next Christmas already lol, even though I know LO will be a bit too young to really understand! I'll be excited for her and me haha.

It sounds silly but I didn't even realise that the pain I was having was due to my hips untill I really thought about it lol. I thought it was just my stomach muscles giving up, but now that it's happened a few more times and I find myself seizing up its obviously my hips. Sounds like we are all going to be cripples by the end. I've decided that as soon as I hit 37 weeks I'm going to start Operation Eviction lol, lots of walking and curries!

Cottles Hun I'm sorry you're putting up with that crap. People just can't take a step back and accept that there not in control sometimes. It's very unfair if her to try and take all that all the firsts from you. If I were you I would mention anything around her! :hugs:

I really need to get cracking today. The plan is to go to Ikea for LOs stuff, and for a rug for our hall and the bookcase that I've wanted for months lol. I think I'm nesting cuz I'm desperate to sort the house out, but honestly the thought of ikea and sorting through the boxes that are stuffed in the kitchen is making me want to crawl back into bed!! Ahhhh!
Morning Miwi hun

yup stupid jab.. it best do its job after all this lol.

Thanks hun :) hes sat in it right now with a sweetie in his hand thinking im gonna open it for him.. hes got another thing coming though because since christmas day he has hardly touched any food and just ate crap.. so no more chocolate until he has eaten a meal. His toast is siting untouched this morning which = no sweeties. I'm looking forward to next christmas too. im going to start buying in April and topping up my tesco clubcard so theres plenty money come christmas to spend on the boys. Also need to remember to use my clubcard every time i go shopping so build my points up.. I will miss getting my vouchers throughout the year but christmas club is the best thing

ooo dear, at least you know what it i s now though hun! I can just imagine as we all get near the end us all complaining that we cant get up off the sofa etc ... if they get too bad mention it to the midwife.

sounds like you are going to have a busy busy day.. all sounds like too much effort to me today lol but it will be nice for you to have everything sorted. I need to go out pay the council tax, get some gas and electric, get some toiletries for Ethans bath box so i can check them off my list of things needed. Then i need to sort through all ethans clothes and figure out what exactly i actually have, then swap everything out the bedroom cupboards which i haven't done since swapping bedrooms around. I need to tidy up and maybe buy some black paint if i can to finish off ethans side of the bedroom.
Ahhhhh will this day never end? Lol. I've been running around like a headless chicken but I know it's all going to be worth it! OH is currently putting up the bookcase and I'm being very helpful by sitting on the sofa directing haha.

So far we've been to ikea, spent the life savings we didn't have, taken some stuff to the charity shop, put away ikea stuff, visited the butcher and green grocer and now it's time to put up the ikea stuff together, then finish unpacking / tidying. I'm so excited to get finished!!

Seths I had no idea Tesco did a Christmas club! That's a brilliant idea! I am going to have to look into that! Christmas is a nightmare already, never mind when we add kids to the mix.

Think I will mention the hip problem to the midwife if it gets any worse, I'm not too bad at the min but seems to be when I get too tired that I they give up and kill. I can imagine we'll all be struggling big time by the end. I now officially waddle too, which OH finds highly amusing ;)

Hope you're having luck getting Seth to eat!!

Anyhow think I best get cracking! Hope you're all having a good day! Xx
hehe directing is the hardest job :p Sounds like you have had a busy busy day and your not even finished yet!

The christmas club is really good. You log into your clubcard online and go into my preferences. scroll down to the christmas savers club and opt into it. It means you get NO clubcard vouchers throughout the year (you may get one more depending on when you join). They still send money off coupons though. Then come November they send them all out to you. You can also "top up" your clubcard and you get these top up vouchers in November too, you cant double up the top up vouchers but you can the normal ones. You can also get a reward depending on how much you have saved throughout the year. I have £4.50 worth of points so far.. need to get them built up!

hehe yeah we are going to be a right bunch aren't we!

Still no luck with seth eating :s had a bit of a rubbish day since this morning. When i got up to start getting things sorted i went over on my ankle.. i was in tears and it puffed up straight away. Seth came running over and rubbed my back giving me hugs lol then he brought me a pillow bless him. Its better now iv been walking on it but still bloody painful. Then when we went out I said to DH if you dont want to come a walk you dont have to. Went and got the gas and electric and he gets himself a sandwich from co-op. while waiting to pay i told him i was going to wilkinsons too to get some bath items for Ethan... and what does he do... get in a damn mood then decides he's not coming and im "wasting money" ... yeah coz its not like we have only 10 weeks left to get everything ready you idiot.. we have to budget these things into our every day shopping or we will never be ready! So he stormed off home dragging seth with him even though seth wanted to come with me. Then when he got back my sister was waiting as she came for a visit.. he told her I was in a huff and had buggered off!!!! I swear to god sometimes i just want to slap him silly. So much for keeping my blood pressure down! URGH :dohh: I am so fed up of this shit its unreal. I am trying my best to make sure we have everything we need so i dont have to rely on him getting things while i am healing from surgery and all he can do is cause me more damn stress :growlmad:
Cant wait to just go get in a bubble bath tonight and ignore him.

sorry rant over lol. i dont know what i would do without you ladies being here! xxx
Phew! Finished :) Just some pictures to put up tomorrow and a couple things to take to the dump and that's me all done. Definately looking more like home now!

Ah Seths is he kidding?? Why don't men understand that everything does not just magically happen, and when you're having a baby in 10 weeks or less you actually need to start planning and getting sorted! I've been buying the odd toiletry for LO whenever we go to Tesco, OH rolls his eyes sometimes but I think he's realised now that it's paid off as all we really need for her is nappies (which he said he would get lol, which is why we don't have a single one yet!). To be honest Hun I would just carry on getting what you need and not mention it to him, I've ordered a fair few things for LO from Amazon in the past few weeks and OH hasn't known about them until they've arrived because tbh it would never get done if I didn't (though they're not big purchases just odd bits).

I hope your ankle is ok, that's really the last thing you need. Bless Seth though, what a cutie looking after his mummy like that :)

I'm going to talk to OH about the Xmas club, I think it sounds great! Especially seen as you still get the money off coupons - I wouldn't want to stop getting all my coupons lol.

Right, think I'm going to put my feet up and watch this thing about the Sound of Music (yes, I am a bit sad! Haha) xx
PS Here's the finished product :thumbup:
hahahaha i love your sign about santa!

yeah i will just keep getting bits hun. I am almost done getting things for ethan... need a few more bath products, his change table (need to pay it off), floor mat, dummy cover to keep them sterile while we are out, a load more nappies from micro to size 2 and some newborn sleepsuits as i realised tonight when going through the clothes i only have 3!! Woopsy. I ordered his bottles yesterday and the teats today from amazon so they should be here next week. Oh and also need to get 2 packs of the ready made milk bottles and a few tubs of milk powder too.
My sister gave me some socks for my hospital bag tonight and she is giving me some pajamas and tops and pants to go in it too! As much as she is a cow sometimes she is brilliant lol. oh and shes giving me a dressing gown but dont know if i will pack it since you dont "have" to have one in this hospital.
I am going to grab at least one pack of nappies every time we go shopping from now on, or hunt online for the big packs! i want loads of huggies before they stop making them since i hate pampers! I thought i had loads of nappies till i packed some away in my hospital bag tonight lol... i have next to none now.

Hope you have a nice relaxing night miwi hun xxxx
Lol thanks, I've had that for a couple years now! I always get my new decorations after Xmas ready for the next year. I love Christmas decorations :) Actually I love home decorations in general. Especially lately, I just keep wanting to get more and more stuff for the house, maybe this is what nesting feels like!!

Ah you actually sound more sorted than me you know, I never thought about dummy covers or anything like that! And you've packed your bag?? Ahhh lol. Should I be doing that around now too? I was going to get all her clothes washed towards the middle / end of jan, though maybe I should wash a few things earlier to pack. Hmmmm. I also need to get my stuff for hospital, slippers, pads etc. I'm all about the baby but forget about myself I think!

Still feels like there's so much to do! Xxx
Omg you guys sound so organised! I keep telling myself I'll start planning early this time but I can't bring myself to do it. I'm still a wee bit in disbelief at having twins and keep putting things off "just in case".... I figure at 20 weeks I'll start looking into getting organised. I've had the fear of Orr-term labour drummed into me do I want to do it early ish.

Had my scan today. Was lovely seeing Bert and Ernie again.. And great to get confirmed as team blue. Wasn't keen on the surprise internal cervical scan she sprung on me at the end though!
We announced that the boys are boys and it gave me a good chance to mention that everyone is banned from buying stuff until I say so lol, so hopefully people will listen this time!

I've had such a tiring day. I just dumped a load of clean washing on the bed to sort through it and next thing I know it's half an hour later and I'm sprawled across the bed, waking up with a face full of pants and socks :haha:
lol for me this is very unorganized. When I had Seth.. i had EVERYTHING by 30 weeks, my bags were packed and ready too and his cot etc was all put together and ready for him. and I was still ready for him by 40 weeks even though we moved house when i was 39+5! I hate being this unorganized. I am going to get seths old changing bag washed tomorrow then get Ethans clothes that are being packed into it washed and dried so that it can get packed and its ready to go. I have also just found asda are selling big boxes of huggies newborn nappies for £9 each so will be getting some of those in size 1 and 2 when my child benefit comes through next month. I will prob just grab one box of each just now since there is no saying what size baby will be... oh and i need some more micro nappies too just incase he is as small as seth was.. need another 2 packs of those! Dont worry hehe my bags not packed properly yet.. all it has in is socks, maternity pads (3 packs), nipple pads (one box), 1 pack newborn nappies, 1 pack micro nappies and my wash bag. Thats it till my sis gives me all the bits she is going to dig out for me.
Check with your hospital you might not need slippers if you dont want them. I wont be taking any with me this time.. although with seth i HAD to have some with a hard sole and they couldnt be the flip flop type either. Dont have to have a dressing gown this time round either since i wont be sharing a room with anyone! So much to do, so little time ARGH

Cottleston - ooooo id be so stressing already if i were you lol but thats just me. im bad enough with one on the way never mind 2. Congratulations on them deffo being boys! :D and i hope they all listen to what you said. hahaha sounds like you needed the sleep hun! how are you and dh getting on now huni? xxx
Burt and Ernie? Haha. Cottles that's brilliant!!

Ok, now I'm panicking and feeling like I've tons and tons left to do. I think I'll get little miss's clothes for my hospital bag sorted this week when OH goes back to work. Going to hit Primark for a hospital bag and nighties etc on Monday. Oh dear I best make a list lol. May as well get sorted in Jan cuz in Feb there'll be less money as my maternity pay will start and we'll be waiting on missy before we get tax credits. Ahhh!! ;) Least it will keep me busy!
I've already started my hospital bag list I'm terrible I worry if I don't write lists and get organised. Think with JJ I was ready at 30 weeks too....... I feel this time I need as much time as possible as having JJ this time my time is more limited.

Hope you guys are feeling better after your jags

Cottlestonpie - congrats on confirmation of the two boys that's great news ! Will you be getting more scans as carrying twins? I'm not surprised you are tired.

Weighed myself this morning and I'm exactly my pre preg weight so for new year I'm starting a healthy eating plan and trying to get more active like going for walks etc. git a shooting pain in my left buttock / hip today hoping its just a one off pulled a muscle as I could feel it yesterday walking into town. Midwife Monday really nervous
Hey ladies, mind if I join in?
I'm a plus size mumma and early days with #4. I also have 6 year old identical twin boys and a 19 month old daughter.
Hey ladies, mind if I join in?
I'm a plus size mumma and early days with #4. I also have 6 year old identical twin boys and a 19 month old daughter.

:hi: hey twinmummy!! how are you hun? Congratulations on your BFP :)

Miwi - make a spreadsheet hun lol thats what i have done and it really helps! Well apart from me forgetting the newborn sleepsuits lol. I also wrote myself a list last night of all the days and amounts we get paid up until Ethan comes.. what bills come out when and when we can save what. I should be able to have £150 cash sitting for when i go in to have Ethan so wont have to worry about buses and things, well unless DH blows it all while i am in the hospital.. in which case id kill him lol.

Jellycat woo go you on the weight hun! Think in total i have gained 13lb now... i need to be real carefull about how much more i gain not good when last weeks are when you put the most on :dohh: I hope you have just pulled a muscle and its not the start of any hip trouble hun.

AFM - my ankle is a little better this morning... i was in tears last night after id gone for a pee... crikey id never felt pain that bad in a loooong time! I'v not really walked on it much today so its feeling a little stiff. I'm excited for tomorrow lol i hope there will be post since im waiting for all the things to come i have ordered!

hope you are all good today xxx
Hi twin mummy! Congrats on your BFP :) Welcome!

Seths that's a really good idea! I'm going to spend the end if this week going through all her stuff and working out what I need and when I can get it. Oh you sound so financially organised too! Check you out! If your OH spent all that without you I think you would actually get off with his murder lol.
I really hope your ankle feels better soon. Maybe you should get it looked at?

I've been shopping today, got a couple of things for the house for less than a fiver and a few new tops that actually fit me from h&m (I think my MIL took pity on me as she got me a gift card for Xmas). I'm going to primark tomorrow for some new leggings ad there like £2! Haha. Shopping is a pain in the bum when you waddle though isn't it. Little miss was doing a dance on my bladder the whole time which just made the sales even worse!!
Welcome twin mummy, and congrats!!!

Seth - ice that ankle! Hope it feels better soon! Great job with only 13lbs, wish I could say the same... I think I've put on about 50... Lol I had managed to get down to my goal weight before getting pregnant, didn't surprise me that I put it back on so fast. The way I'm swelling, I am thinking about 10 lbs is fluid retention though. Here's hoping that breastfeeding helps!!

Look at all you organized ladies! I just packed my bag, and I'm about 37 weeks! Lol I don't have a lot of newborn sizes, wondering if I should pick up some more. I don't have any bath items for him either! I have a spreadsheet, just need to finish it off.
lol i have to be organised financially especially with dh not working at the moment. i have to know exactly whats coming in and whats going out.. although i need to find out how much seths nursery snacks will be so i can account for that too. Lol i think id get away with murder too. I think if its no better by next weekend then i will go get it looked at through the week at some point.. its feeling a lot better, still a little puffy and the boney bit on the outside is the only bit that really really hurts so i think i might just have bruised it... a nice warm bath seems to have helped it a lot.

ooo go you on finding the bargains. Wish we had a primark near us... sounds like such an awsome shop! hahaha ethan does that to me too!! Waits till you are nowhere near a loo then does a little dance on the bladder so you look like a muppet stopping and crossing your legs :haha: or is that just me :haha:

Kalyrra - I cant believe how fast its going for you!! that fluid retention sounds awful have you tried drinking extra? I was always told to drink more to help relieve water retention. I really need to start doing it since atm i dont know whether my ankles are just getting fatter or i have water retention :haha: I would deffo pick up some more newborn! you never know how long you will need it for. I need to sort through all my stuff but i know i deffo need loads more newborn .. i have a few upto 1 month.. but if Ethan is anything like seth.. he wont be into them until he is around 5/6 months old!! seth was 4 months old when he first went into newborn clothes properly. Don't worry about bath items though hun.... the first week or so you just use water and cotton wool really to top and tail them and even if they go in the bath its just water and a sponge. I didnt use baby bath till seth was 2 weeks old and will do the same this time. I have to be careful with seth as he has sensitive skin... lots of things make him rash.

TALKING OF BOOBIES and breastfeeding... im sorry if this is TMI but i have BREASTMILK!! :happydance: or at least i think i do. And only from one boob. When i was rubbing my nipple last night to get rid of the flaky skin i usually get i noticed that i had a tiny drop of fluid come out... im not sure if it is milk though as it was clear??? If it is it means that i will be able to do my first feed or 2 from breast :) With seth i didnt produce anything at all... im kind of worried with the fact its only from one breast though... as iv always had problems with my boobs i.e one is majorly bigger than the other (around double the size) and its the bigger that is leaking.
Seths I have that too, I've had clear liquid from about 20 weeks! Though not enough that I would need pads. One of my boobs is bigger too, and I do notice that it's the one that leaks more, though could be a coincidence? I think everyone gets milk at different stages, I don't think it's really significant! Glad your foot s a little better, definitely do keep an eye on it. Last thing you need is an injury lol. Primark is great but hectic and unorganised so I never really browse, I go in for something specific, locate it and get out! Lol. It's not a relaxing experience!

You're not the only one the has to stop and cross your legs lol. I have shooting pains down my, ahem, private parts quite a lot at the min, luckily I was at home last night when I had to hold myself up at the wall cuz of it! Oh was like 'erm, what's the matter with you!' lol. I assume it's baby hitting a nerve!

Kalyrra - Woop woop you're so close! I'm excited for you :) I think you are ok with no bath items for baby, I'm pretty sure I read that for the first few weeks just plain water is best anyway! :)
thank goodness for that thanks miwi. :) I think one explanation may be i had my left pierced and they did it in the wrong place so that may be why i dont make anything from that one... but im more than happy with just one milky booby lol.. at least he can have his first feed from booby and get the first bit of colostrum. the rest will be bottle feeds of formula though.. breast feeding is just not for me .

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