Plus size & pregnant join here

So to those of you that already have a LO, I have a question. I am currently on a work assignment that is 575 miles (925km) away from my home, all of my family, my doctor and most importantly my OH. I have 11 more weeks here on assignment. I am due in 15 weeks.

My question is.. What do you ladies think the chances are that I won't be able to make it back home before I have the baby? Should I be worried that I may have him sooner while I am still here? I'll be heading back home at 36 weeks. I just wonder how often babies are born before 37 weeks.

Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Jellycat - Noooo, don't tell me that! :cry:I was already wearing a US size 10! And I have so many shoes, replacing them all would really suck.

Firefly - It's not unheard of for babies to be born at or before 36 weeks, but before 37 weeks, they're considered preemies. Most doctors say to actually expect your first one to be late rather than early. But everyone is different! Are you having regular doctor appointments where you are at? They might be able to help you out with that question a little more, especially if they're monitoring your cervical changes, etc...
Kalyrra- I haven't found a doc here yet because I don't have insurance yet. As soon as I get insurance I will find a doc here.
hmm firefly i think you should be ok hun. If at any point you feel that things are progressing though (like a lot of bh or something) then i would think about speaking to your tutor and heading back early. BUT you should be ok. How quickly do you think you'll be able to get insurance so you can get a doctor? Realy sucks how things work for you guys!! With us if we live somewhere you just register with the doctor in that area.... or if your visiting somewhere you register as a temporary patient.

OH OH AFM I HAVE 2 BOOBIES LEAKING! :haha: lol im sorry but i got so excited last night when i realised both my boobs are now starting to leak a little :D I'm not contemplating combination feeding for the first week or 2 but still not sure yet. xx
Seth - yay for leaking boobies! (kind of! lol) That's great that things are working the way they should, happy for you!
Yes, the hospital provides the nappies, but I'm sure they're included in the final bill. :haha:

Firefly - I hope you get some soon, getting regular checkups is important for both you and baby. What kind of work do you do?

I'm sitting here at work, bored as all get out. 2 hrs down, 10 to go... it's going to be a long night! I'm sooo over it. Plus, I somehow hurt my lower back the other night spending over an hour cleaning out the old refrigerator. I scrubbed the entire thing down, pulled out all the shelves and drawers, etc... because we had someone coming to look at it to buy it. Feels almost like a pinched nerve, so sitting at work is uncomfy at best. I brought a small pillow though, so it's offering a little support.

Have my weekly appointment tomorrow. Not sure if she's going to check my cervix again, but I hope she does... and I hope I'm still progressing. I want this baby out! :rofl:
Ouch a pinched nerve is painful! Hope work passes quickly and you can get some rest and take some pressure off your back.

Have you started any eviction methods yet? I think at 37 weeks I was taking evening primrose oil to help with my cervix, red raspberry leaf tea for my uterus and as much spicy food as I could handle with the heartburn. It kinda worked... I was 39+4 when Toby broke free!

How's everyone's year been so far? I'm wide awake at 2:30am thanks to lil man coming into my room. When I put him back to bed at night it aggravates my heartburn and of course the moment I stand up i need to pee so even though he went back to sleep within 10 minutes, it'll take me AGES. Ah well. If I sleep the pregnancy/baby nightmares happen anyway so every cloud I guess!
Hi ladies, how is everyone?

I've had a rubbish start to the year, woke up on New Years Day with a temperature and feeling like I'd been run over by a bus! Really strange. So I've been sleeping for the last two days, and thankfully today I feel like I'm on the mend :) Haven't been checking my blood sugar much which I'm a bit worried about, as I've been out of it and just eating what I can like toast, soup etc. LO is fine as she's still jumping around but I'm nervous about going back to the clinic! Hope they don't shout!

Unfortunately today I'm absolutely starving. And all I want is carbs carbs carbs. Though hopefully this is a sign that I'm better :) This pregnancy as really messed with my immune system! I never used to get sick!! Ughh.
Happy New Year ladies, how are we all?

We found out yesterday that we are having a little girl, I am soooo excited! I thought we were having another boy lol

I am still being sick numerous times a day and now have a shitty cold and sore throat to be coping with on top of it.

I have been testing my blood for a couple of weeks now and my fasting levels are higher than they should be so expecting things to progress on the GD front at my appt next week.
Kalyrra - how is your back hun? aaa i never thought about them putting them in the bill. So glad we don't have to worry about a bill over here.

Cottleston - oo no huni.. nightmares are not good :hugs: Are you still really worried about something going wrong hun? Heartburn sucks too, I'm right there with you.. and the peeing.

Miwi- glad your feeling a bit better hun. I wouldnt worry about them at the clinic.. just tell them how ill you were and that you slept most of the time. To say your numbers have been fine there shouldn't be a problem. Or you could do what my sister did and just write numbers in as though you had tested making sure they are round the same as your previous numbers you were getting. Have you checked today? Im still adamant you'v not got it. Toast dipped in soup has now sprung into my mind and i dont get any money till saturday... darn lol

squishy - Congratulations on team :pink: hun :happydance: so excited for you! Sorry to hear about your high sugar readings though. Do you think they will have you do your GTT early?

I'v got the midwife again today.. more bloods to be taken oh the joys. Hope she doesn't want to weigh me though! Im scared of how much iv put on in the last week since iv eaten like a pig! Looks like its going to pee it down too :S so getting wet it is. Wonder what my BP is going to be today.. fingers crossed its at least half normal but all the stressing i have been doing over the last 2 weeks i wouldnt be surprised if it has sky rocketed. I had a real good sleep last night for the first time in ages :D Slept until 11am.. no idea how long id have slept if i hadnt asked DH to wake me at 11 so i have plenty time to get ready to go to the midwife. xx
squishy - Congratulations on team :pink: hun :happydance: so excited for you! Sorry to hear about your high sugar readings though. Do you think they will have you do your GTT early?

I'v got the midwife again today.. more bloods to be taken oh the joys. Hope she doesn't want to weigh me though! Im scared of how much iv put on in the last week since iv eaten like a pig! Looks like its going to pee it down too :S so getting wet it is. Wonder what my BP is going to be today.. fingers crossed its at least half normal but all the stressing i have been doing over the last 2 weeks i wouldnt be surprised if it has sky rocketed. I had a real good sleep last night for the first time in ages :D Slept until 11am.. no idea how long id have slept if i hadnt asked DH to wake me at 11 so i have plenty time to get ready to go to the midwife. xx

Not sure what they will do tbh, they wanted me to have one early but I refused as with my sickness its pointless as I would just bring the stuff back up. I have a horrible feeling they may put me on insulin but am at check next thursday.

Hope your appt at midwife goes ok, the appts an be more stressful than anything can't they. My bp settled down after being up and down for a few weeks so hoping it stays that way. My DS stayed in bed until 08:50 this morning, it was heaven :)
Seths- soo jealous of your lie in lol... hope the midwife went well. How's your bp?
Miwi- them at the clinic must know that sometimes people get ill and can't take readings every time. Im sure it'll be fine :)
Squishy- yay! Congrats on team pink!

As for me, yeah, I am still super paranoid about about something going wrong. I can't shake the thought since I've been told about my size being high risk, twins being high risk... I just feel doubly high risk and that scares me. I've only got 3.5weeks til my next scan/appointment but it feels like forever. I should probably be thankful that I've had like 4 scans already but yeah...
Seths- soo jealous of your lie in lol... hope the midwife went well. How's your bp?
Miwi- them at the clinic must know that sometimes people get ill and can't take readings every time. Im sure it'll be fine :)
Squishy- yay! Congrats on team pink!

As for me, yeah, I am still super paranoid about about something going wrong. I can't shake the thought since I've been told about my size being high risk, twins being high risk... I just feel doubly high risk and that scares me. I've only got 3.5weeks til my next scan/appointment but it feels like forever. I should probably be thankful that I've had like 4 scans already but yeah...

I have been more anxious this pregnancy and it is just the one so I can totally see why you would be over worried. You are in the best of hands though.
I am really excited about pink but can't rush out and buy lots of stuff as will be getting stuff passed on from neighbour and sis in law x
Well the amazing thing has happened.. my BP has come right down! 120/68!!
I was so amazed i had to look twice lol. Thats almost back to what it was when i first got pregnant :happydance: Here's hoping it stays that way. Wasn't my usual midwife again.. she stuck me in one arm and couldnt get blood, so did the other one and it hurt like hell. So probably next week neither vein will be good to give blood from :S

aww cottleston :hugs: its normal to feel worried so don't worry :hugs: Not long till you hit 24 weeks and you can breathe a little sigh of relief. I have seen lots of bigger women carry twins successfully. I think they only count twins as high risk because of the risks like twin to twin transfusion and things.

Squishy- have you been on insulin before?? I hope they sort something so you dont have to go on it though, my sister hated being on insulin

Glad your bp has come down, its a relief isn't it.

Never been on insulin, was diet controlled last time x
it sure is hun :D Are you trying to control with diet just now? I was so relieved when i passed my GTT, really thought i was going to fail it! x
Wow, great news about your blood pressure hun! Fingers crossed it stays under control now x

24 weeks cannot come soon enough. I'm taking a little comfort in knowing that I'll be technically halfway in 10 days because my hospital don't go over 38 weeks with twins.

So I figured id be brave and post my Christmas day bump pic. I was 16+2... And I'm sorry but the picture is instagrammed to within an inch of its life haha
it sure is hun :D Are you trying to control with diet just now? I was so relieved when i passed my GTT, really thought i was going to fail it! x

yeah just diet. Not sure if they will try and get me to have a gtt or just go for the next step as the results of my self testing kinda say it all x
Hi everyone :)

Seths- Thats fantastic about your BP! Great news :) You must be very relieved! I think I may fill in the gaps in my book lol, there isn't too many and when I did test it was ok. Though I have had two higher readings in the past week or so, so you never know I may actually have GD lol.

Cottles- Bless you being so anxious, I totally understand. Sometimes this LO feels too good to be true, and it too me well into 20 weeks to accept that the worst wasn't going to happen. I still worry about her on an almost daily basis even now lol. This child has been kick counted to within an inch of her life ;) I hope the nightmares stop soon, theyre awful. Ps, gorgeous bump!!

Squishy- GD sucks doesn't it. I wonder if they might start you on metaformin before insulin? I know that's how my clinic works, diet to insulin seems like a big step?!

I've just woken up to a text from my Area Manager saying she never got a sick line from me for December . . . Not being funny but how then have I been off work for 4 weeks without a sick note or phoning in sick and it's only just being flagged?? Lol. Ugh. I clearly remember posting it to her . . . I'll have to get another be now which is stressing me the f*** out! Will the GP give me another one if I phone and explain the situation do you think?? I would pay for one for an easy bloody life. What a nightmare!
cottleston what a gorgeous bump! Wish my bump was that good now! ooo almost being half way is brilliant hun! Kind of takes a weight off when you hit that mark too.

squishy fingers crossed they sort you with something hun, will they do extra scans for you too to keep an eye on babies size? I love getting extra scans.

Miwi :s thats stupid... if you didnt have a sick line in they would have contacted you after 3 days or less! not left it for a month. I think your area manager has lost your sick line and trying to cover her own back. The doctors should be able to give you another one if you explain the situation. What had you eaten before your higher readings? I'm sure if i had to self test all the time id be getting a few high readings with what i have been eating lately. The midwife yesterday told me not to obsess over how much weight i put on though :S kind of a bit backwards since everyone goes on at you about how you shouldnt put much weight on because your plus sized!

Isn't it stupid! I agree she's lost it. She can be quite sharp and if she really thought I hadn't sent it in and over a month had gone by she would have gone through me! But she's being very nice and very apologetic . . . Suspicious much? Lol. I'm just off the phone with the dr and they were FANTASTIC, honestly no questions asked I just explain and she was like yea we can do a duplicate, is that the one from Nov 29 for six weeks? Im so relieved. I'll send this one recorded delivery lol.

Well thh my eating has been a bit iffy this week. I'm just fed up about worrying it. Yesterday morning I got an 8 after eating a tortilla wrap thingy (felt awful and just couldn't be bothered) and the time before that I was about 9 (!) after eating soda bread though which I knew was a gamble. Today I'm 5.9 after one slice of toast with peanut butter . . . It's really strange! My OH doesn't understand it at all either. It's bizarre! Xxx

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