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Morning ladies. The kids went back to school today yay, as much as I love them they were starting to drive me nuts being of school for so long, even with x mas presents, they were still 'bored'.

24 weeks pregnant for me today, only 3 months left :)

Got lots of appointments coming up.
Midwife on the 10th, im sure she will tell me how fat I am again, and try and force me into going to slimmers world...again, which im not doing,!
GTT on the 17th, hoping that all goes well.
Scan, bloods, anti d jab, whooping cough jab, consultant and anesthetist on the 7th of Feb, that sounds like a long day huh?
:hugs::hugs::hugs: i hate comments like that too cottleston! really bugs me. You are going to do just fine with the 3 boys :)

has Toby calmed down any? I hate those days.. if they're not under your feet they are hurting themselves and then wondering why when they have beelln running round like a lunitic. how did he give you a fat lip hun? headbutt by any chance?

Jenny lovely bump hun :) damn that does sound a busy day but at least you ge it all out the way. Hope your midwife is nice this time! no need for them to be rude or tell you to goto slimmers world :s

He's calmed down a bit but he's getting tired so I'm preparing myself for the next tantrum! And yeah... Always a headbutt :haha: Usually they're alright but today's was just in the right place to bash my teeth into my lip. Oops!

Jenny what a lovely tidy bump! Sounds like you're going to be busy.... Sod the midwife though. Mine tried to get me to go to a preggy slimmers thing. Was never gonna happen unless they were also offering to pay for daycare and travel so I could go lol
oh man its not nice when they head butt. *touch wood* seths not done that in a long time. Last time i was trying to get him on a coach style bus and he was terrified of it so i got it right on the face.

id just laugh if my midwife suggested anything like that! Although i told DH i might try weight watchers once im healed enough. I weighed myself last night and have now hit 19 stone 6, so a gain of 14lbs. I know fine well im going to top the scales at 20 stone come march and there is no way in hell i am staying that big! So 4 days after having him i will be going on a strict diet and loads of water to try and shift some of this weight.. then once im healed enough if its not raining i will be going a walk around the Loch while seth is in nursery. I refuse to let myself get any bigger than that, i would be stupid to let it happen. btw i say day 4 because i want to breastfeed while i have colostrum and they say milk comes in on day 4.. so i will switch to formula then.. i will be in hospital for probably 3 days of that time so no interruptions and the last day no1 will be allowed to visit us and i shouldn't have to go out anywhere so again no interruptions, then i can switch happily to bottle feeding :)
Thanks both. She annoys the hell out of me, she said I had to either go to slimmers world (I don't deal well in groups of people I don't know) or to see a dietician. I know what to eat lol, just because im a bigger girl she thinks I sit on my arse eating cake all day, I wish lol. Hopefully I wont have to see her again after this appointment, as il be at the hospital every 2 weeks then anyways.

I am going on a diet after baby, when im all healed from the section, and finished breastfeeding. I never had time to eat properly (I used to work 12 hrs shits 4 days a week, aswell as care for all the pets, kids, house, husband, and by then I had no energy for the bloody gym lol), but now iv given up work, so will hopefully have time for the gym at some point
I'd love to join the gym.. but i have 3 reasons not to a) I cant afford the memberships around here b) I would hate going by myself and feel like im being looked at by all the fitter, slimmer people and c) DH would never watch the boys so i could go!
Hi everyone!

LO has been a bit more active today so I'm relieved about that, I feel like I'm going loopy half the time lol. I think this may be so kind of growth spurt as I'm STARVING and craving sugar / carbs this week. Not good for my GD. I can't wait till she's her so I can eat a big ole takeaway and not think twice lol. Think I'll prob gain more after baby's born than while pregnant ;)

Seths you do right relaxing, reading all you did yesterday made me tired lol. I like your plan for weightloss, I may do something similar. I might give myself a week of eating whatever and then crack on with my diet, eventually I want to be going on long walks with her 4/5 times a week. I'm sure we'll do great! What's made you think about bf for a few days Hun? Was it just the thought of people coming around that put you off?

Speaking of bf'ing, my friend and her OH called round for a little while yesterday evening and when I mentioned that I was thinking of breastfeeding, omg, both of them screwed up there faces in disgust and where like 'Ewwww, oh no, it's disgusting!' I was not amused!! I couldn't care less what anyone else does, but don't be so rude lol. Very childish. I had asked her to come to one of my antenatal classes with me as OH can't get the evening off work but I realise now it's about feeding . . . She's uninvited lol.

Jenny- I'm jealous of your gorgeous bump!! :)

Cottles- How's Toby now Hun? I hope you arent having too hard a time of it! Oh and your MIL needs to think before she speaks, of course you will be fine!! Totally different kettle of fish!

Oh and my midwife tried to get me to do slimming world too. She sat forward in her chair and leaned in as if she was about to tell me a huge secret and was like 'Have you thought about slimming world?' I think she was a bit disappointed that I didn't throw my arms around her and thank her for this enlightening bit of info . . . Why didn't I think of Slimming World?! :dohh: Lol. Needless to say I have not been and dont intend to do any real 'diet' till march.
Im glad shes being more active today hun! Do you feel like you could eat a scabby horse?? Think i sure could! omg big take away after baby arrives sounds soooo good.. there will be room to fit it all in with no baby in there :haha:

i have loads left to get done and am going to start after this post. Need to sort out some of the clothes and get them away in the boys cupboard so i can sort our cupboard out of all the toys in there from when it was seths room lol. Then i need to put seths toys together in his room (train tracks etc) and then start on our room if i can be bothered with it. See how my pelvis is feeling. Need to goto tesco to get some bits in too amongst all this lol.

I have never wanted to breast feed properly... with seth i didnt produce any milk at all and had a bad experience with the midwife who was suposed to be helping getting him to latch on. Its kind of put me off.. plus i just couldnt get my boob out if people were here or if i were in town, im just not that comfortable with it. The first few days is when we have colostrum which is the most important bit of milk so i want to try at least give him that as thats what i had wanted to do with Seth. Plus the times we have to go into town and things we can be stuck there for a long time.. and i just couldnt imagine myself living my life attached to a darn pump so express it all the time. So is BF (if i can) for the first few days and then ween off onto formula.. makes life so much easier especially if dh were to get a job and i have to try handle baby and seth by myself from the early stages whilst still trying to heal. At least with bottle feeding i will have more time with seth and he wont feel pushed out because baby is "getting more cuddles" than him. Id feel happy those first few days as i can tell people they cant come visit in hospital if need be and if they do they can only stay 1 hour max :D then when we are home NOBODY is allowed the first few days whilst Seth settles into the routine of having a new baby in the house.

I cant believe your friend.. i would have said something to be honest. How dare they be so rude.. its your body.. your baby and your choice. if they dont like it they dont have to come round or talk about it! Really annoys me when people are opinionated about how you want to feed your baby! Both BF and FF are completely natural and good ways to feed your baby.

I'd love to join the gym.. but i have 3 reasons not to a) I cant afford the memberships around here b) I would hate going by myself and feel like im being looked at by all the fitter, slimmer people and c) DH would never watch the boys so i could go!

Can you doctor not help out with the costs? The slimmer fitter people better be nice, or il eat them hahahaha. What is DH? lol

Hi everyone!

LO has been a bit more active today so I'm relieved about that, I feel like I'm going loopy half the time lol. I think this may be so kind of growth spurt as I'm STARVING and craving sugar / carbs this week. Not good for my GD. I can't wait till she's her so I can eat a big ole takeaway and not think twice lol. Think I'll prob gain more after baby's born than while pregnant ;)

Seths you do right relaxing, reading all you did yesterday made me tired lol. I like your plan for weightloss, I may do something similar. I might give myself a week of eating whatever and then crack on with my diet, eventually I want to be going on long walks with her 4/5 times a week. I'm sure we'll do great! What's made you think about bf for a few days Hun? Was it just the thought of people coming around that put you off?

Speaking of bf'ing, my friend and her OH called round for a little while yesterday evening and when I mentioned that I was thinking of breastfeeding, omg, both of them screwed up there faces in disgust and where like 'Ewwww, oh no, it's disgusting!' I was not amused!! I couldn't care less what anyone else does, but don't be so rude lol. Very childish. I had asked her to come to one of my antenatal classes with me as OH can't get the evening off work but I realise now it's about feeding . . . She's uninvited lol.

Jenny- I'm jealous of your gorgeous bump!! :)

Cottles- How's Toby now Hun? I hope you arent having too hard a time of it! Oh and your MIL needs to think before she speaks, of course you will be fine!! Totally different kettle of fish!


wow, when you invite her over after you have had baby, I think you should squirt her in the eye with some boob milk. lol.

Im having major hunger times too, every few hours my stomach rummbles and hurts.

Oh and my midwife tried to get me to do slimming world too. She sat forward in her chair and leaned in as if she was about to tell me a huge secret and was like 'Have you thought about slimming world?' I think she was a bit disappointed that I didn't throw my arms around her and thank her for this enlightening bit of info . . . Why didn't I think of Slimming World?! :dohh: Lol. Needless to say I have not been and dont intend to do any real 'diet' till march.

Cheeky cows arn't they! Afterwards I can see the point, but now? At such a busy and sensitive time! lol
nope my gp cant do anything to help with costs hun.. wish they could or id have asked years ago lol. DH is Darling Husband.. or not so darling husband at time :haha:
People act like im disgusting for still breastfeeding my son. He is pretty much weaning himself and I am at the point where if he does nurse its akward but he hardly asks and so I allow it he only takes a tiny bit then back to his bottle. I will be breastfeeding Fallon too! Screw what people think and do what is right for you! I even had a provider here actually two tell me I need to wean my son... SERIOUSLY? Please do me a favor and keep your opinion to yourself...
nope my gp cant do anything to help with costs hun.. wish they could or id have asked years ago lol. DH is Darling Husband.. or not so darling husband at time :haha:

That's a shame about the doc, you would think as much as they moan about people being over weight, that they would actually have some useful options for us.

lol why would be not have them for you? That's a bit crappy.
bloody hell this thread moves sooooooo fast :dohh: just when i think i know whats happening im all lost again :blush:

welcome to all the newbies :flower:
if u want to be added to front pg just let me know & add all necessary info..
also if u are on front pg & need changing done let me know too, its hard to keep up :dohh: lol but im glad this thread is growing :thumbup:

also keep those bump pics coming ladies or nursery pics or scan pics.. sorry i know im being nosey :blush: :haha:
God Seths you make me feel like a right lazy cow lol. Will your DH not help so you can rest your hips a bit?

I think that sounds like a great plan with your BFing, I've always said I would like to try but I'm honestly not going to beat myself up if I've no milk, or I struggle. Im kind of 'meh' about the whole thing, no real strong opinions either way! I'm a firm believer of each for there own - we're all just doing our best at the end of the day.

It honestly shocks me how rude people are about there own opinions. I sometimes think I'm the only person around here that doesn't just shout there opinions from the roof tops! Lol. I would have said something to them too, but I was so shocked and it happended so quickly that I just kind of sat there. Baring in mind they don't have kids I suppose I should just brush it off! USAF I can't believe you were told to wean your son, good god what business is it of anyone else's?! I would have complained.

Seths a scabby horse would do nicely! Though I'd prefer a nice Chinese. Roll on march ;) I'm going to have a big bowl of stew tonight and hopefully that'll help!

According to my midwife, if your BMI is over 40 when you're pregnant you can go to slimming world for free if your GP gives you a letter. Don't all rush out at once to get one ;)
Oh and ladies I have a quick question - What do you all think about red raspberry leaf? I was thinking of starting to take it at about 37 weeks when you're technically full term. I really don't want to go over due, partly because my SIL is flying over for the weekend on the 7th of March and I'd love to have a baby for her to meet :) Seems like a lot of people try it?!
Miwi, I swear by the stuff. If the twins aren't here by 37 weeks I'll be taking that and evening primrose oil every day. I'm convinced those are the things that helped me go into labour naturally (and brought it on quite strong too)... Anything that might help!
Hi everyone I'm due 21st feb with my second!
My start BMI was 38 and now at nearly 34 weeks Ive put on about 7-10 lbs not sure. But more or less all baby and the rest that comes with it.
I put on loads after my son 2 years ago, I breastfeed him for 7 months but I ate a huge amount of cakes n chocolate, even sneaked up at night to my secret stash so this time I will do it diferent and be a healthy mum for both my kids.
Oh, should probably add... The night I went I also had a spicy satay burger and er, gave dh his birthday bj :haha: obviously he's claiming the last thing helped most but I think that's just do he can pester me loads nearer the time!
Brill Cottles thank you! I'm going to start taking it at 37 weeks, just in tea form as I actually used to drink it cuz I liked the taste. Lol. Hadn't heard of evening primrose oil but will ave to read up on that too! I alway thought that curry was just an old wives tale BUT I like curry so won't hurt to try I suppose!! There will be no BJs in this house ;)

Hi Isobel! Welcome to the group :) This thread is great. Looking forward to getting to know you! Xx

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