wow i need to not leave it so long between checking... 3 pages tp read
Miwi - you wouldn't have to go that far over due hun.. im having my section on the 5th or 7th. Oh just realized too that if i get the 7th thats the same date as ChezTunes

hehe omg that would be awsome if 3 of us went on the same day!
hehe your welcome for the info hun

if i was going natural i think id do it just to try it.. meant to be really good. I think she is just trying to keep you on your toes

but at least she is still wriggling round in there. hmmm as long as your readings are fine i wouldnt worry about your snacks hun. I hope your antenatal goes well... hahah i dont think you will have to do panting.. i never at mine

but mine was rubbish! we sat on the balls, used a doll to position for breast feeding, talked about pain relief, talked about nappies and that was about it! Oh and went on the tour of the hospital where all the dads tried the gas and air lol
USAF - good on your for getting them told hun! and cz on feeling her wriggling around in there! its so funny especially when they go off on one! my tummy ripples now if Ethan is a little hyper in there.
Sparkle - lovely progression pics hun! Your bump is so lovely!
isobel84 - so sorry your spd is hurting so bad hun

Fingers crossed the midwife will sweep you at 39!! I think if you have real bad spd they should have to sweep you from 38 weeks.
Cottleston - GO FOR IT! haha i have just been reading in a magazine about a lady who went into labour from laughing so much at allan carr! Would be great to get things going if nothing has started yet

Plus you never know.. he may talk about you in future if you went into labour at his show lol

realbeauty - happy birthday hun!
squishy -

I hope you feel better soon hun! how did it go at the hospital today if you have already been? I so hope they can make things a little better for you
Jeez this is long reply lol sorry ladies
So AFM - Today i feel like im dying. Last night after i stopped (8pm) my pelvis felt like it was trying to rip in two. Then my ankle that i hurt last week started to hurt again and swell up! Had dinner and got seth into bed for 9

I went to bed myself to try rest.. fell asleep around 11pm after trying since 10 but being in so much pain i just couldn't drift off. Woke up around 1am with the most immense pain in my left hip and left side of pelvis.. i couldnt even move my left leg it was that bad.. so cue the really painful trying to turn over as right arm was going dead. I cried a few times through the night from turning over. Got up this morning and felt like id had no sleep and my pelvis and hip still really bad. Took seth to nursery (all the time walking feeling like im going to pee myself and it burning but knowing i didnt have to pee. been like this for 2 weeks now!) Got back home after half an hour when it should only take 10 minutes.. i went back to bed to sleep. Got up to go get seth and my headache was back (this is day 4), im still sore and i feel like utter crap. So i have done nothing today! My flat looks like a tornado has tore through it but i just cant clean it right now. Will have to do it tomorrow though at the latest if i dont get the energy to do it tonight. I cant leave it like this.. its disgusting. Tomorrow i have to get seth to nursery, then pick him back up at 11:30. then i have the midwife at 2:20 and i need to mention my head ache and how bad my pelvis is getting.
I hope I can wake up tomorrow pain free! I really need a pain/discomfort free day

Sorry for this being so long