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id go ahead and kick him hun! how inconsiderate after saying he would do it! When my dh does things like that i just keep waking him back up till he does what he was supposed to do! So sorry your hips are feeling bad hun :hugs:

i have midwife today and a list of complaints for her!

Yeah I think you should kick him too lol, right out the bed on his arse. Bloody men.

Good luck at the midwives today.

I also have a midwife appointment, im not looking forward to it. Just got to try and keep my temper.
Hi everyone. Just a quick one from me, I'm really struggling with my anxiety over whether LO is ok or not. I'm going loopy. Second night in a row that I've barely slept. Thank god I'm at the hospital at 1:30 today, I need to see her to put my mind at rest but I'm terrified there actually is something wrong and I've waited too long to act. Totally irrational fear!! I'm going to mention this to the consultant today as I really can't carry on like this! Xxx
Hi everyone. Just a quick one from me, I'm really struggling with my anxiety over whether LO is ok or not. I'm going loopy. Second night in a row that I've barely slept. Thank god I'm at the hospital at 1:30 today, I need to see her to put my mind at rest but I'm terrified there actually is something wrong and I've waited too long to act. Totally irrational fear!! I'm going to mention this to the consultant today as I really can't carry on like this! Xxx

Hugs hun, there is nothing worse than worrying about the little ones. I hope that the consultant can put your mind at rest.
Are you feeling baby move?
Hi everyone. Just a quick one from me, I'm really struggling with my anxiety over whether LO is ok or not. I'm going loopy. Second night in a row that I've barely slept. Thank god I'm at the hospital at 1:30 today, I need to see her to put my mind at rest but I'm terrified there actually is something wrong and I've waited too long to act. Totally irrational fear!! I'm going to mention this to the consultant today as I really can't carry on like this! Xxx

Hugs hun, there is nothing worse than worrying about the little ones. I hope that the consultant can put your mind at rest.
Are you feeling baby move?

Thanks hun. Yea I do feel her move, though up until last week she was NUTS, now they are very light movements with just the odd turn. I phoned the midwife a couple of days ago and she said as long as I get ten movements a day not to worry - I do get that, but it's more the reduction thats scaring me. Im sure I'm just being a paranoid polly but Arghhh lol, I can't carry on like this! :dohh:
Hi all- how are we doing?

I'm nearly 28 weeks now and my belly has suddenly POPPED. Like, I'm enormous, and very obviously pregnant instead of fat... I keep looking at my belly and wondering how he can fit another 12 weeks growing in there!! Growth scan next week so hopefully will find out how big he might be :S

Anyone else suddenly get huge fast? TERRIFIED of being weighed now!

Good luck for your scan Miwi, hope baby is ok. I got told the other day to expect smaller movements now as they don't have as much room to move about anymore :thumbup: Will be amazing for you to see her again. I hope the consultant can help you with something for the anxiety, it cant be good for you being so worried all the time.

Mazzle - hey hun, I dont think i suddenly got huge, but i did POP but since then iv never really noticed myself get bigger lol. It will just be because baby has moved up a bit more OR has turned head down and sticking their bum out lol :haha: What day is your growth scan? I have my 32 week scan on Thursday and hopefully they will tell me an estimated weight.

I need to weigh myself and hope iv put nothing more on! 14lb is more than enough for me! must get on the scales before i goto the midwife.

Shes gonna hate me today coz im going to do nothing but moan! going to tell her about my pelvis and hip, about my constant head ache, my hands joining in the swelling and the extreme night time itching.

Lol go seths... Vent at the midwife! Hope she can help with at least some of it
Miwi good luck hun :hugs: Anxiety is such a horrible thing. I hope the scan puts your mind at ease for a while at least

I ended up putting Toby to bed for a second time last night then hid in the loo having some sort of panic/anxiety attack. DH has taken the day off work because he knows he's been a moron so he's taken toby out. I can't even bring myself to get out of bed for a drink. It's 1pm. I should be up. I should've done the housework. I should've eaten something today. But there's not a single bone in my body that has even the slightest bit of motivation and not a single part of me that cares. I suffer a lot with depression and this isn't it, but if I don't try super hard to sort this out, it won't be long. It's hard trying to not get depressed when the one person who you rely on for help is the person not doing what they ought to.
awww cottleston huni :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs: Dont you worry about the housework and things.. they can wait! Tell DH to make something nice for tea when he gets back in or oder take away :thumbup: he should be making it up for you having to get up with Toby. i hope it doesn't develop into depression hun i know how hard it is to fight it normally so would hate you to have to go through it whilst pregnant. Your DH seriously needs to pull his finger out his butt and help you more! You are growing 2 babies in there and need all the help you can get and also all the rest you can get too! :hugs: :hugs:

will check back in once i get back from the midwife. xxxx Lots of love hun xxxx
Oh Hun I hope u feel better soon, just take it easy n let hubby look after u!

I weighed myself at mw today n at 34 weeks I've gained 7.5 lbs
Hi ladies :)

I'm back from the clinic. LO is just fine, she didn't move much during the scan but she kicked her legs a little at one point and I swear I felt nothing. The DR said that because it looked like she was sucking her thumb she was probably sleeping / resting. I've a good amount of fluid and the blood flow from the placenta is fine too. Dr said she's not concerned so I really need to try and relax and enjoy her . . . I feel like I'm robbing myself of this time by being so emotional.

I asked about my anxiety and was basically told to 'chill out'. Haha I kid you not. I was rushed out of there so fast, wasn't even asked to sit down or anything just 'see you in two weeks' I was like erm, about my anxiety . . .

As far as the GD goes the Dr actually said that when I come back I will most likely be started on insulin! I nearly fell off my chair. He reckons that 35 weeks is when insulin resistance peaks, however I've only ever had 2 high readings so that seems a bit intense to me especially as baby is measuring perfectly. But hey, what do I know!

Feeling a bit disheartened tbh, waited around for hours to be rushed through appointments. But so so glad baby is doing ok!

Cottles Hun I hope you start to feel better soon. I honestly think I'm headed down the same route, I've been there before and I'm noticing similar things. I have been sleeping late, laying in bed till all hours etc. feeling generally blah and lethargic. Will you talk to the midwife about it? I think I may make an appointment with my GPs midwife, cuz the clinic is just too rushed. I hope your hubby makes last night up to you, I'm glad he took the day off work :hugs:

Seths- How did you get on? Hope she helped with your long list ;)

Isobel- My goodness how have you gained so little? Lol. I need to know your secrets :p God know how much I've gained!!
I'm glad baby seem fine but it's hard work when u r being emotional. With my son I was very emotional about the whole thing but this time I got no choice then being headstrong as I'm a single mum. There's noone else that can get up n be there for my son then me.

Seths how was your app?

My secret?
I do t want my son to be living a life overweight becomes I made bad choices in his life if that make sence? So we r living quite healthy. We don't have takeaways (the odd pizza) we don't have sweets and crisps or biscuits very often and I LOVE fruits. I could live on fruits!!
My downfall is coke I drink about 2 pints a day. I'm a big girl cuz I love my food, I eat like two grown men :) but in this pregnancy I've become full quick so I think that's why I don't put on more.

When I was preg with my son I was alot more active (I'm not now due to SPD) but no ate crap! N put on nearly 3 stones!
I'm glad baby seem fine but it's hard work when u r being emotional. With my son I was very emotional about the whole thing but this time I got no choice then being headstrong as I'm a single mum. There's noone else that can get up n be there for my son then me.

Seths how was your app?

My secret?
I do t want my son to be living a life overweight becomes I made bad choices in his life if that make sence? So we r living quite healthy. We don't have takeaways (the odd pizza) we don't have sweets and crisps or biscuits very often and I LOVE fruits. I could live on fruits!!
My downfall is coke I drink about 2 pints a day. I'm a big girl cuz I love my food, I eat like two grown men :) but in this pregnancy I've become full quick so I think that's why I don't put on more.

When I was preg with my son I was alot more active (I'm not now due to SPD) but no ate crap! N put on nearly 3 stones!

Good for you Hun! Sounds like you are making really good choices. I've not gained much during this pregnancy I don't think, but having GD means I'm restricted on eating too badly :winkwink: I have a big appetite too, but I don't think that does any harm if we're eating the right things! I'm also really conscious that I don't want my baby to pick up on my bad habits so I'm glad to be eating better :)
So do u have to cut out carbs? I wouldn't do to good with that lol can u eat fruits as they r high in natural sugars?
So do u have to cut out carbs? I wouldn't do to good with that lol can u eat fruits as they r high in natural sugars?

Yea basically I have to watch carbs so I eat a lot of green veg, meat, cheese, salads, unsalted nuts and whole grain bread. I find protein and fat with carbs slows the release of sugar into the blood. I don't eat fruit anymore tbh, I miss it. I miss eating loads of veg and pasta, I could easily be vegetarian as I'm totally not a meat person. But hey ho, it's not forever at least.
I have small amounts of icecream as a treat and I've also found that salted / plain popcorn is ok in small amounts too. That about as good as it gets lol.
Well ladies looks like i probably wont be hitting full term :nope: My midwife thinks ill be lucky to hit 37 weeks the way things are going. My BP has shot back up again from 120/68 for the last 2 weeks straight back to 156/86 :( she did my full blood works as i get done every week now and is not looking forward to the results. Could see in her face as soon as she took my bp and looked back through my record... i just looked and said "its coming isnt it" and she nodded.. its just a case of how bad and how quick this time round. I am also aneamic so that will explain the being tired and not having any motivation lately. Told her about my pelvis and she said im doing the right things to help but theres not much else that can be done since physio didnt help last time. So with the bp hitting back up/swelling/headache its deffo coming :cry:

I just hope to god things stay steady until at least 35 weeks! I couldn't handle Ethan being 100 miles away from me. I know i need to chill but now im worried about being ready for him if he comes really early.

miwi im glad she is ok :D just being a lazy maddam like ethan lol. sucks you got rushed out :S maybe bring everything up with your gp midwife and just tell her you felt rushed at the clinic. :S i dont see why they need to start you on insulin if your results are fine.. i would argue that at your next appointment. They DO NOT need to put you on insulin if your diet is controlling gd adequetly which yours is xxx
Aw seths, I'm sorry you had a bad appointment :( That must be so worrying. Did she suggest any way that you might be able to lower your blood pressure? Wish we lived nearer I swear I'd take on some of your stressful jobs lol. I hope your hubby will pull his weight now. You never know, your bp went down for two weeks, so it could do that again :hugs: Ethan will be just fine Hun, you know what to look for now at least.

I think I will argue with them about the insulin tbh, I see no need for me to start it. And I'm petrified of sticking myself with needles. Im pretty sure also that once you are on insulin it means you are induced around 37 weeks . . . So it changes the whole ball game. Bloody hell lol. I think baby girl will be an only child at this rate :winkwink:
Thanks hun.. no dh wont pull his weight where getting ready for Ethan is concerned. Thats "my" job. plus if he did he'd only do a half assed job and id get peed off and have to re-do it. Ill just have to have a mad week getting everything sorted next week and then thats it and i can rest for the rest of the time. No suggestions on how to lower it since im already on aspirin.. maybe the consultant will want me on more meds when i see him next week after my scan. I hope Ethan is still growing ok.. im measuring 35 weeks but that means nothing as fundal height is so out on bigger ladies lol.

yeah deffo argue it hun. they have no need to make you take it when you are managing without it! but they dont have to induce at 37 weeks.. my sister was always induced at bang on 39 weeks. x
Aw Hun well have a busy week and then you must rest! Or else. Haha. Youll know more at your scan definately, try not to worry till then (says she lol) as they can always do something no matter what is discovered. :hugs: I hope they are able to do something for you next week and the scan puts your mind at ease.

I'm peeved off about the whole insulin thing but I'm going to try and forget about it for the next couple of weeks. Ah that's good to know about your sister, I really don't want to be induced just because they gave me a drug I didn't need! Was her LO big? Feels like every dr you see tells you something different in that place, so no doubt I'll go in 2 weeks and they'll say something totally different again haha. At least I'll not have long to go by then anyhow! Xxx

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