Plus size & pregnant join here


I'm 4 weeks pregnant with #1 and plus sized. It sounds funny but outside of my weight I'm super healthy! I know I should be sure to maintain eating properly and exercising but right now I can hardly get out of bed haha

Yay! another newly preggers :)
Congratulations you two on the new pregnancies. Im shocked u found out so early. I guess the earlier the better. How's everything so far? Any symptoms yet?
Congratulations you two on the new pregnancies. Im shocked u found out so early. I guess the earlier the better. How's everything so far? Any symptoms yet?

Hehe - When testing from 9dpo you find out quick! I'm now 14dpo which would give me an EDD of 1st Oct though I'm pretty sure the Dr/Midwife will base my EDD on my LMP which would give me 25th September!

Symptoms seem to be fading. I was getting a lot around 10dpo though at the minute I seem to have a sore back, sensitive nipples and raging insomnia where I'm falling asleep at 2/3am then waking up 2 hours later with an insatiable thirst and hungry then can't sleep again. I do feel a little bit weird in the tummy region, like heavy and warm, especially if I've eaten or need a wee which I'm doing frequently!

Currently my BMI is 34 and I'd been aiming to get it below 30 for conception but never mind! I've gone from 39 to 34 in the last 8 months so that's something! I will continue to diet during pregnancy as I don't aim to gain much weight if I can help it. With my first I gained 20lb in total and he was 10lb himself so walked out the hospital weighing less than before I was pregnant! Good plan, one thinks!

How old is everyone? I'll be 27 next month
Congratulations you two on the new pregnancies. Im shocked u found out so early. I guess the earlier the better. How's everything so far? Any symptoms yet?

I didn't expect it at all. I had super light spotting and tested the day I was supposed to get af just because (and I have a ton of cheapy tests). To my shock, I was pregnant!

I"m slightly moody (haha) so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open, have some cramping and have a baseline of nausea that doesn't actually make me sick, just makes me go ughhh every once in a while
Congratulations you two on the new pregnancies. Im shocked u found out so early. I guess the earlier the better. How's everything so far? Any symptoms yet?

Hehe - When testing from 9dpo you find out quick! I'm now 14dpo which would give me an EDD of 1st Oct though I'm pretty sure the Dr/Midwife will base my EDD on my LMP which would give me 25th September!

Symptoms seem to be fading. I was getting a lot around 10dpo though at the minute I seem to have a sore back, sensitive nipples and raging insomnia where I'm falling asleep at 2/3am then waking up 2 hours later with an insatiable thirst and hungry then can't sleep again. I do feel a little bit weird in the tummy region, like heavy and warm, especially if I've eaten or need a wee which I'm doing frequently!

Currently my BMI is 34 and I'd been aiming to get it below 30 for conception but never mind! I've gone from 39 to 34 in the last 8 months so that's something! I will continue to diet during pregnancy as I don't aim to gain much weight if I can help it. With my first I gained 20lb in total and he was 10lb himself so walked out the hospital weighing less than before I was pregnant! Good plan, one thinks!

How old is everyone? I'll be 27 next month

Congrats on the weight loss. I was focusing on that before pregnancy but that's at a hault now. My appetite has changed drastically, it's so new because this is my first.

Hopefully your symptoms ease up, I dont know what I would've done if I was sick, guess I got lucky cuz I haven't been sick.

I just turned 27 this month, on the 9th
My last successful pregnancy was that long ago now I keep saying "I don't remember this backache so early with Coby... I don't remember feeling so sick so early with Coby... I don't remember this warm fuzzy feeling in my tummy so early... :lol:
Congratulations you two on the new pregnancies. Im shocked u found out so early. I guess the earlier the better. How's everything so far? Any symptoms yet?

I didn't expect it at all. I had super light spotting and tested the day I was supposed to get af just because (and I have a ton of cheapy tests). To my shock, I was pregnant!

I"m slightly moody (haha) so tired I can hardly keep my eyes open, have some cramping and have a baseline of nausea that doesn't actually make me sick, just makes me go ughhh every once in a while

I didn't expect either. I wasn't trying to get pregnant but I wasn't preventing either. My OH and I are getting married soon so we dont mind. Just a big step and a first for us both.

Im Moody a lot now lol. I didn't really get sick either. I had the cramps as well but they weren't my normal excruciating cramps. Mild. Hopefully u won't get too bothered. Only time will tell
Hi ladies! Congrats on the new pregnancies :D
I too have the pregnancy insomnia... Not helped though by the fact that my DS is I think maybe teething, so he's been up 4 times so far tonight which means I'm now wide awake and just waiting for his next wake-up call. (It's almost 3am here urghhh.)
Ditto with the insomnia :( 3:45am ...congratulations guys. I am 35. I don't write on here much but have followed this thread from the start, I love catching up with how everyone is doing :)
Please remind me that there IS a point during pregnancy you can sleep though.... I work shifts so if my body clock is gonna be this screwed for the whole 9 months I'll be spending a lot of time off sick!
Welcome to all the newbies :wave: that joined..

going to do a lil nap now feeling really tired today, will catch up with u all later :winkwink:
Noo - Congratulations on your pregnancy hun :happydance: Welcome to plus size and pregnant :D Oh my gosh it must be great being a midwife yourself.. hehe .. although i think you will probably be bombarded with questions :haha: I apologize in advance if i ask you lots. I'm afriad the sleep gets no better.. or at least not for me. I sleep worse now than i did at the start. The last 2 nights iv only got up to pee twice.. but its the constant tossing and turning that gets me, when one side gets sore i have to flip to the other then back again when that one starts hurting :dohh: Oh and i turned 25 in December.

Belle1981 - Congratulations on your pregnancy too hun :happydance: and welcome to plus size and pregnant :D ooo i think sometimes the nausea without actually being sick is just as bad as being sick or worse. At least if your sick it might go away. I had that all the way through 1st trimester.

Cherry - well done for maintaining your weight hun. I weighed myself again this morning and its back to 19stone 6lb :cry: I think my scales just had an off day :dohh: oooo wish i could be your weight now haha. I would be one happy mummy then. Napping is brilliant.. haha its the one time we can nap and get away with it :haha:

Jen - Im hoping things get better with her too but im not holding my breathe. I know for sure she is going to be pissed when she finds out i'v had ethan and only told her later at night instead of straight away.. but i dont care anymore :thumbup: Its not her baby so she has no right to know straight away. She'll also be peeved that i let my sister in at night visiting but i dont care about that either anymore.
Good luck with the breast feeding hun, i hope baby latches really easy and its an easy process for you :D
I did have a rough time with Seth.. but that hospital is now under investigation (the maternity unit might get shut down). Strep B is not tested for in the 2 weekly urine samples hun.
I agree, everyone talks about the physical pain and healing, but your never told about the emotional side of it aswell until its too late when i think it should be included maybe at 27 weeks onwards in appointments so that you know what could happen. I deffo found the emotional side harder than the physical.. although the physical had me in tears on many, many occasions.
So sorry your feeling rubbish this week hun! Try hot steam.. if you dont have one of those face steamer things, bowl of hot water with a little menthol in it and a towel over your head and the bowl :thumbup: OR get menthol drops that you can put on tissue.. put a few drops on some cotton wool and stuff it behind a radiator if you have some and put the heating on :thumbup:

Jellycat - hmm I lost a little in first tri.. then steadily put on.. and then lost a few lbs in this last few weeks although as i said above iv gone back upto 19stone 6 although thats still 4lb less so im still happy.

Cottleston - uh-oh about Toby teething, fingers crossed it doesn't last too long hun! have you tried childrens bonjela? I used that for Seth and it worked a treat :flower: Did you get any sleep last night at all??

Bitty - oh no sorry to hear you have insomnia too! :hugs::hugs: Wishing you a good night sleep soon hun :flower:

Sparkle - enjoy your nap huni

Realbeauty - ooo how long till you get married hun? haha and were allowed to be moody :thumbup: I was very very moody last night.

AFM - i am trying these last 2 days to not fall flat on my butt whilst outside lol. I have almost went 5 times but managed to catch myself just in time. I had a fab sleep last night (sorry!!), I had another really bad headache and nausea from around 6 so went straight to bed at 8:30 and fell straight asleep. Woke up twice for the toilet and a few times to turn but enjoyed it still. Woke with the alarm at 7:30am. DH has gone to the jobcentre today to sign on so have to go get seth by myself.. so heres hoping i dont fall lol. I think its been the light in the living room causing my bad headaches so we have changed the lightbulb to a lower one to see if that helps. Today im having a lovable day <3 ... must have been the good sleep and the fact Ethan is FINALLY picking back up with his movements!! Iv had about 5 so far this morning so waaayyy better than the last few days where i have only just got my 10 movements a day. Will have to mention my itching to the midwife again on Thursday so will probably mean another needle in my arm lol. my PCR (or bile salt.. lol whichever one it is) last week was 14 when it was 4 the time before so fingers crossed its not gone up anymore :) Well i best get ready to go and collect my little Gremlin from nursery, fingers crossed today we make it home with no accidents :thumbup: i asked the nursery to put him on the potty at 10 until he peed. none of this sit him down for 2 seconds nonsense and let him back off if hes not peed. The poor boy cant hold a pee for 4 hours so its no wonder he had an accident on the way home yesterday.

lots of love ladies :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:
Oh bless him having an accident yesterday... You'd hope that nursery staff would know to let him sit for a while and go in his own time rather than rush him, poor thing.
Glad you got a good nights sleep hun! Sorry to hear you weren't feeling too great though... Fingers crossed the lightbulb trick works. Make sure you're drinking enough too. Probably stating the obvious there but I get terrible headaches and sluggishness when I'm dehydrated.

Afm, I'm feeling a little better today. I got maximum 4 hours sleep last night. I know it was less as I woke up a few times in those 4hrs because I'd rolled onto my back but I didn't stay awake too long when I did have to wake up.
There was one point where one of the boys mustve wriggled up a lot as the top of my belly was bulging and rock solid. Not like a BH, just like it was full lol... As well as that I felt some movement yesterday so I'm not panicking as much now. Just impatient for Monday's scan!

Hope everyone is having a good morning xx
:happydance: glad you felt some movements hun! hehe cheeky Bert or Ernie for squishing right up top. I'm glad you are feeling better hun especially after only 4 hours sleep i would be drained :coffee:

he did a pee today :) but it went over the top of the potty. They only have small pottys so they are going to try him on the big toilet with the seat attachment on it. Fingers crossed he is fine with it since their toilets are child sized :thumbup: I drink loads and loads... got through a whole bottle of diluting juice in 2 days! Not long till your scan hun :happydance: Im impatient for my next one now lol.

You saying one of the boys had moved up reminds me of my dream last night.. i dreamed that the baby pushed its face right up against my stomach wall and you could see the outline of all his features from the outside. It was so weird lol.

OH AND I didn't make it to the nursery without falling over :S The one day John isn't with me and i slip... managed to catch myself on my hands and knees though before loosing balance and going on my tummy but no pains or anything (apart from my knees) so I think all is good. Seth is now sat on the xbox enjoying playing banjo and kazoo lol x
Welcome Noo and Belle - Congratulations.

Cottleston - Glad you re feeling better today and got some movement

Seth :-( Hope you havent hurt yourself too much from the fall

AFM - I was in bed by 10 last night which felt great especially as JJ was in bed by 7 and had dinner by half past. Woke at 4 thinking I culd smell smoke when I went for a pee so then spent 15 minutes checking every room in the house so didnt drop back to sleep for an hour but still feel better for it today. Weighed myself this morning after a bif trip to the loo and am back down to 2lbs gain from pre preg so feeling abit happier today
I need to point out I can't give midwifery advice on an open forum but if you do need to chat about something - Do PM me.
I need to point out I can't give midwifery advice on an open forum but if you do need to chat about something - Do PM me.

Thank you Noo, that is very nice of you to offer :thumbup:

gz Jellycat! 2lb gain is awsome! I didnt hurt myself too much, just sore knees now and hurt pride.. thankfully nobody was around to see it happen lol
:happydance: Woot for a good night sleep hun! I wonder where you smelled the smoke from :shrug: xxxx
Welcome to the two newly pregnant mommas! :) Welcome to the group... I haven't been with this group for that long, but they are all wonderful. Just hang in there, you'll be out of 1st tri before you know it!

Noo - Congratulations on your pregnancy hun :happydance: Welcome to plus size and pregnant :D Oh my gosh it must be great being a midwife yourself.. hehe .. although i think you will probably be bombarded with questions :haha: I apologize in advance if i ask you lots. I'm afriad the sleep gets no better.. or at least not for me. I sleep worse now than i did at the start. The last 2 nights iv only got up to pee twice.. but its the constant tossing and turning that gets me, when one side gets sore i have to flip to the other then back again when that one starts hurting :dohh: Oh and i turned 25 in December.

Belle1981 - Congratulations on your pregnancy too hun :happydance: and welcome to plus size and pregnant :D ooo i think sometimes the nausea without actually being sick is just as bad as being sick or worse. At least if your sick it might go away. I had that all the way through 1st trimester.

Cherry - well done for maintaining your weight hun. I weighed myself again this morning and its back to 19stone 6lb :cry: I think my scales just had an off day :dohh: oooo wish i could be your weight now haha. I would be one happy mummy then. Napping is brilliant.. haha its the one time we can nap and get away with it :haha:

Jen - Im hoping things get better with her too but im not holding my breathe. I know for sure she is going to be pissed when she finds out i'v had ethan and only told her later at night instead of straight away.. but i dont care anymore :thumbup: Its not her baby so she has no right to know straight away. She'll also be peeved that i let my sister in at night visiting but i dont care about that either anymore.
Good luck with the breast feeding hun, i hope baby latches really easy and its an easy process for you :D
I did have a rough time with Seth.. but that hospital is now under investigation (the maternity unit might get shut down). Strep B is not tested for in the 2 weekly urine samples hun.
I agree, everyone talks about the physical pain and healing, but your never told about the emotional side of it aswell until its too late when i think it should be included maybe at 27 weeks onwards in appointments so that you know what could happen. I deffo found the emotional side harder than the physical.. although the physical had me in tears on many, many occasions.
So sorry your feeling rubbish this week hun! Try hot steam.. if you dont have one of those face steamer things, bowl of hot water with a little menthol in it and a towel over your head and the bowl :thumbup: OR get menthol drops that you can put on tissue.. put a few drops on some cotton wool and stuff it behind a radiator if you have some and put the heating on :thumbup:

Jellycat - hmm I lost a little in first tri.. then steadily put on.. and then lost a few lbs in this last few weeks although as i said above iv gone back upto 19stone 6 although thats still 4lb less so im still happy.

Cottleston - uh-oh about Toby teething, fingers crossed it doesn't last too long hun! have you tried childrens bonjela? I used that for Seth and it worked a treat :flower: Did you get any sleep last night at all??

Bitty - oh no sorry to hear you have insomnia too! :hugs::hugs: Wishing you a good night sleep soon hun :flower:

Sparkle - enjoy your nap huni

Realbeauty - ooo how long till you get married hun? haha and were allowed to be moody :thumbup: I was very very moody last night.

AFM - i am trying these last 2 days to not fall flat on my butt whilst outside lol. I have almost went 5 times but managed to catch myself just in time. I had a fab sleep last night (sorry!!), I had another really bad headache and nausea from around 6 so went straight to bed at 8:30 and fell straight asleep. Woke up twice for the toilet and a few times to turn but enjoyed it still. Woke with the alarm at 7:30am. DH has gone to the jobcentre today to sign on so have to go get seth by myself.. so heres hoping i dont fall lol. I think its been the light in the living room causing my bad headaches so we have changed the lightbulb to a lower one to see if that helps. Today im having a lovable day <3 ... must have been the good sleep and the fact Ethan is FINALLY picking back up with his movements!! Iv had about 5 so far this morning so waaayyy better than the last few days where i have only just got my 10 movements a day. Will have to mention my itching to the midwife again on Thursday so will probably mean another needle in my arm lol. my PCR (or bile salt.. lol whichever one it is) last week was 14 when it was 4 the time before so fingers crossed its not gone up anymore :) Well i best get ready to go and collect my little Gremlin from nursery, fingers crossed today we make it home with no accidents :thumbup: i asked the nursery to put him on the potty at 10 until he peed. none of this sit him down for 2 seconds nonsense and let him back off if hes not peed. The poor boy cant hold a pee for 4 hours so its no wonder he had an accident on the way home yesterday.

lots of love ladies :kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss::kiss:

I am glad that you are at the point of not caring what your friend thinks anymore. It is absolutely about you, little Ethan, and your family. Does it matter if she doesn't see you straight away? The baby will still be there. I was actually talking to my cousin about one of my longtime friends who was extremely high maintenance when she was pregnant. You constantly had to ask how she was doing... she was going to leave her husband over nothing. Lots of craziness. She told my cousin I was going to be high maintenance which I found to be extremely amusing as that is the total opposite of my personality. You had to ask her just about every day how she was doing. I mentioned to my cousin that the only time she asks me how I am is when I initiate a conversation. Kind of sad. She's all about herself, especially lately... I wish I had that old friend back who used to be there for me all the time, and cared. Oh well! Maybe it's just my pregnancy hormones :dohh:
So sorry to hear that you fell the other day, hon. Hope you didn't hurt yourself too badly. I actually had an almost near fall the other day at work when I walked over an icy patch. It's scary! Hang in there... LOL I love how you called him the little gremlin. Never a dull moment, right?

Oh bless him having an accident yesterday... You'd hope that nursery staff would know to let him sit for a while and go in his own time rather than rush him, poor thing.
Glad you got a good nights sleep hun! Sorry to hear you weren't feeling too great though... Fingers crossed the lightbulb trick works. Make sure you're drinking enough too. Probably stating the obvious there but I get terrible headaches and sluggishness when I'm dehydrated.

Afm, I'm feeling a little better today. I got maximum 4 hours sleep last night. I know it was less as I woke up a few times in those 4hrs because I'd rolled onto my back but I didn't stay awake too long when I did have to wake up.
There was one point where one of the boys mustve wriggled up a lot as the top of my belly was bulging and rock solid. Not like a BH, just like it was full lol... As well as that I felt some movement yesterday so I'm not panicking as much now. Just impatient for Monday's scan!

Hope everyone is having a good morning xx

Sorry that you aren't sleeping well hon. I would be miserable to deal with on four hours of sleep. Glad that you are feeling a bit better with the movement and that you aren't so scared. I hope Monday comes for you fast. My scan is a week after yours!

AFM- nothing new to update. Woke up about 20 times last night. Still congested. Bleh. Hoping I start feeling better sometime today. Getting through the past few workdays have been brutal!
ooo she thinks she is more important than my sister. My sister and I dont always get along but there is no way in hell my friend will be seeing this baby before my sister does, hence why iv told my sister she can come in at night time visiting as long as she comes without her children. Urgh i cant stand people like that! Jeesh were pregnant its not a life threatening condition :S
I couldnt care less whether my friends/family ask how i am doing, my parents hardly ask. But if anything was wrong they know fine well they would be told. Its sad how people change over time, but i supose we see the true personality after the change.
Thats ok i didnt hurt my tummy so im all good :thumbup: It is super scary! Im was petrified as soon as i felt my foot go and literally "oh shit" came out my mouth before i landed. Im just thankful i managed to land on arms and knees.
hehe Gremlin has been Seth's nickname since he was born as I thought at some points he looked like Gizmo from the gremlins lol. He has been called it that much he actually answers to it now. xx
Seth. I would've never guessed u were 25, by looking at your post and the fact that u know so much lol. I am getting married in march, my guy wants to in February so Idk just yet. We wanna do it before baby comes.

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