Plus size & pregnant join here

Blah! Stayed up late last night so I could sleep in today as on night shift tonight - Nope! Woke up by hubby rooting around in the loft at 9.30am and been wide awake ever since. This is gonna be one hell of a night shift without red bull!
Hi Ladies!!! Sethsmummy told me about this section! I am an obese mommy to be, and I have gained a total of 5 pounds so far.. so I am doing well, I'm told!!!
I am due March 27th, and hubby and I are so excited!!! Oh.. and we are team yellow!!

Welcome to the group! It's really a lovely group od ladies :) Your due date will be here before you know it. It's almost February already!

Hi Ladies!!! Sethsmummy told me about this section! I am an obese mommy to be, and I have gained a total of 5 pounds so far.. so I am doing well, I'm told!!!
I am due March 27th, and hubby and I are so excited!!! Oh.. and we are team yellow!!

:hi: woo hey hun :D oooo you should hold onto baby for a few days.. its my dads birthday on the 31st :D hes having a surprise 50th party

Ladies we gotta love our tiger stripes lol I got covered in them when i was a teenager so iv not really been effected by new ones whilst being pregnant.
Im another determined to loose weight. I wanna be a fit mummy for my boys and dont want them to be laughed at at school because they have a huge mummy. My Goal is around 14 stone so i will have roughly 6 stone to loose after Ethan comes. I hope i can do it :)
Holiday sounds really good! Iv not been on a holiday since i was 15 years old. so 10 years ago, my holiday is going to house sit my mums house haha.. not much of a holiday, dont think we will be doing it this year though.

ok i am off to bed now ladies, busy busy day tomorrow. lots of love to you all xx

I also want to lose some weight after the baby is born. I'm trying to eat primarily healthy now, though I can't lie there are some goodies in there too. I know I can do it before, at one point I had lost over 50 pounds... and then I put it back on which is frustrating! Wish I'd kept it off until after I got pregnant, then the weight gain wouldnt' seem so bad.

Hi Rosie ! That's a great weight maintenance hope I can say the same for me at 31 weeks.

Cottleston- I'm exactly the same before a scan - worry worry worry. I'm sure everything is gone tomorrow as I'm sure it will be :)

I'm still waiting to feel the baby I know I've just got to be patient especially with an anterior placenta .

I am much earlier in my pregnancy than most of hte ladies here, and so anxious for movement. I get really nervous before each appt/ultrasound. I go in about a week and a half for the anatomy scan and it is all I can think about!

So much for my early night lol. I just watched Conan the remake (2011) and are my hormones a ragein now lmao. better get me some sleep quick haha

hahahahaha was there a rather nice looking actor in it?

I went to sleep more or less straight away last night, only up once to pee at 6:20 but thats me up up up. Already looking like its going to be a frustrating day though. woman im meant to be meeting this morning messaged me last night saying she cant find all the newborn clothes i was suppose to be buying.. but the message is jumbled so i cant understand if she wants to pay for them today and get a couple and then get the rest when she finds them.. but thats not going to be happening. No money will be changing hands unless she has all the clothes.

urgh heres hoping everything else goes to plan today! x

EDIT: uh-oh AND now the snow is lying really well! :doh: I wish it would just go away!!

Oh! The guy with the hair? Was in stargate atlantis? He is a bit yum!

Iv not seen stargate hun, but maybe, yeah he had long dark hair

Got a pic....

you ready? ....


Yum! So I haven't seen it before, but thinking maybe I should! Nothing wrong with a little eye candy :thumbup:
Noooo! I totally don't do long hair. Lol.

But I am a weirdo, because since watching homeland I am majorly celeb crushing on Damien Lewis!! Hubba Hubba! Lol. :haha:
Thanks all! Evem though I look at the pic i still cant quite believe its me and there is a baby in there hehe
So much for my early night lol. I just watched Conan the remake (2011) and are my hormones a ragein now lmao. better get me some sleep quick haha

hahahahaha was there a rather nice looking actor in it?

I went to sleep more or less straight away last night, only up once to pee at 6:20 but thats me up up up. Already looking like its going to be a frustrating day though. woman im meant to be meeting this morning messaged me last night saying she cant find all the newborn clothes i was suppose to be buying.. but the message is jumbled so i cant understand if she wants to pay for them today and get a couple and then get the rest when she finds them.. but thats not going to be happening. No money will be changing hands unless she has all the clothes.

urgh heres hoping everything else goes to plan today! x

EDIT: uh-oh AND now the snow is lying really well! :doh: I wish it would just go away!!

how did the woman with the clothes go? did she find them?
hahaha i wouldnt class him as yum :blush: Am i weird? Although i think its just the hair.

Noo - I hope your night shift goes ok hun sorry you didn't get much of a lie in.

MustBeMummy - not that I know of hun. I might just tell her to leave it as she has only 20 items in total and wants £15 but i met the other lady who gave me over 100 items for £20 which we have just looked through and love it all. Smells of smoke but nothing the wash machine can't sort out.

Well what a bloody day its been... first that woman messes me round with the clothes... then it starts to snow real bad.. then it starts to rain! Bus driver on the way to town was rude to everyone who got on... Got absolutely soaked waiting for the other lady... but got the clothes from her... went and got some scratch mits from next... then got seth a new hat which is a lion and it has mits attached to it. Missed the damn bus as we couldn't walk fast enough so had to sit in a safe from 3:00 till 40:30pm.. .. Then when we went to cross the road i let seth press the button for the lights as he always does.. waited for the green man.. started crossing the road and A BLOODY IDIOT IN A VAN SPEEDS THROUGH THE FKN RED LIGHT AND ONLY JUST MISSED SETH AND I!!! :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: Didn't even slow down or anything! If we had been 2 steps further forward we would have needed an ambulance and the speed he was going i wouldn't like to have betted on seths chances! Then the bus was 20 minutes late and FREEZING. and then when i got in had to warm up and then go back out again for some gas and milk. So now i am just ready for a good cry and bed :cry: I am so looking forward to my sleep in tomorrow morning. poor Seth is really ill so is now tucked up in bed dosed up with nurofen and calpol. poor little mite.
On a nice side i picked up my Bounty Mum-To-Be pack today and its got a free baby towel in it :thumbup: saves me buying another one :thumbup: and its got some moisturizer in it.
MIL was asking today how long after ethan is born they can come visit. So told her minimum of 4 days but to be honest they wont be able to come till a weekend since Seth will have nursery to goto. Which gives me a week and a bit to heal before they come. She told DH she is going to make us a hamper for ethan with bathing products/clothes etc in it. So have to give dh a list of the creams we will use.

Oh and just how grumpy I was by the time it came to the bus coming... stood in the bus shelter trying to keep seth warm (he has been throwing snowballs with daddy) and a woman started smoking right in front of us.. it took 2 seconds flat for me to very very loudly say "Excuse me can you take that outside please". Idiot was blowing the smoke right into seths face grrrr But there was a nice teenage girl who kept asking me whether i wanted her seat at the bus stop. :)

so sorry im moaney.. just think iv had enough today lol. Lots of love ladies.

Miwi hun ill reply to your pm when i get up tomorrow ... right now im half asleep and will be very surprised if i last another 10 minutes :hugs:

Thanks Jen1019!! I'm glad that I came over here to this group. Seems like my due date is coming up so quickly! I didn't do anything to lessen my weight gain, I AM eating more healthy food.. but it's more because I crave it, not a "choice" lol. I do give in to junk and such... but I still don't gain anything really. The nuse/receptionist laughs whenever I get weighed because I am obviously upset about not gaining.. when some people are told to slow down and be careful witrh all the weight. One of the ladies at my husbands work gained 90 pounds... and her baby weighed 9 pounds......
wish i craved healthy food Rosie lol. How often do you get weighed? I was only weighed once at my booking in appointment and have never been asked to step on the scales since but i have put myself on the scales whilst there. I like to know just how much im putting on. Wowcher.. 90lbs!.. i thought id put on a lot with seth with just under 38lbs!

how is everyone today? I'm feeling a little better.. ish. Feeling really really sore today.. bad hips, pelvis killing, stomach cramps, lower back pain. To be honest its like im on a damn period and iv been riding a horse bareback for a week nonstop! BUT the day must move on.. time to go get some shopping before the snow/rain kicks back in!
Seth - maybe its your body gearing up for baby which is why you are starting to get your aches and pains. Any date yet for your section (edit - just seen your siggy )

This thread is moving so quickly for me some days!

Cottleston didn't you have your scan yesterday? How was it

Afm my aches a d pains have completely disappeared now as if they never happened. But I now woken to a stinking cold :-(. Passed on from darling son. Hope it won't last too long. Half way mark tomorrow then consultant Monday.
I love long hair on men, yummy yum yums lol.

Sorry your feeling crap today seth, i hope you feel better soon.

Im in a mood, had nightmares which made me cross, and it seems i cant shake the feeling off aarrgg.
Jenny I hate waking up and not knowing if a dream actually happened or not.
90lbs gain, wowsers! I'm still losing, now 28lbs lighter that pre pregnancy.

Crappy week here, had a bug which normally would have been fine but it totally messed up my blood sugar, I had ketones in my urine and it's bloody hard trying to snack every two hours when you just want to vomit!!

And I was measuring 5 weeks ahead at my appointment so have to have a growth scan on tuesday to see how big she is and if she is big because of the gestational diabetes I can effectively kiss my VBAC goodbye. Oh well, these things are sent to try us!

Welcome all the new faces and congrats on your bumps :D
Koala - if you are induced that doesn't necessarily mean csection would it? My friend had a csection first time and she was induced as measuring big and was able to have a vbac
Hi ladies! Happy weekend :)

Ach I'm sorry so many of us are feeling crappy :hugs: It's not easy is it!!

I'm taking it easy today, doing some washing and maybe a little cleaning but that's really it. I'm not feeling up to doimg anything much, my sleeping is non existent and my hips n back are so sore! I can't believe LO isn't measuring big, sure feels like it!! Lol.
Jelly - to tell the truth it will be because of the amount of walking i did yesterday as when i had to go back out at night time to get the gas i was getting pains on the right side of my bump.. hehe getting some funny looks whilst bent over the shopping trolley breathing through it all. Then last night dh spent round 45 mins trying to get sex... que me pretending to sleep.. then he gave up and spent another 30 mins prodding my stomach trying to play with ethan, then when ethan wouldn't play anymore he spent another 30 minutes trying to get sex when i finally gave up and just let him have it. I cried in the end because it hurt so much but i dont think he noticed to be honest. so its all left me really sore. gz on being half way tomorrow though hun and so sorry you'v got a cold.. that sucks!

Jenny - oh no i hope it was nothing too upsetting hun! its not nice when you wake up in a mood and cant shake it off throughout the day :hugs:

Krafty - sorry to hear youv been ill too hun :hugs: Never know hun you might just have a lot of water, plus fundal height can be very innacurate. Im measuring 4/5 weeks ahead but ethan is measuring just fine for his age. Fingers crossed they leave you alone to have your VBAC, big babies can be birthed naturally .. they just dont like it happening.

Miwi - im glad your taking it easy today hun! you need an easy day :hugs:
Jelly, my scan is 10am Monday so I'm still super anxious. What times your appoimtmenf? Sorry to hear you've got a cold. Sucks especially after getting over all
The other pains.

Seths, men eh! Id have just told him to sod right off! Although last time I told DH I was too sore he said "well a blowjob won't hurt your hips will it?" :dohh:

Sorry a lot of you are suffering still. It'll be worth it in the end! (She says while trying to not die of heartburn!)
oh no cottleston.. heartburn sucks! :dohh: I suffered really bad with it for a while (and have probably just jinxed myself into suffering again lol).

not long till your scan now hun :happydance: Am i right in thinking this will be your anomoly scan? So a long time looking at the babies.. hehe took an hour just to do Ethan's so i can imagine how long it will take for 2 babies :happydance:
I'v been telling DH for around a week no because im sore... i made the mistake yesterday morning when he started moaning about sex of saying "later".. so he took it very literally. I seriously wish men could experience what its like just even for a week or two. Then maybe they would sympathise more. I am dreading the 6 weeks after i have my section because i know fine well hes not going to wait that long! But i refuse to do damage to myself and risk rupturing my scar just to give him a bit of pleasure.. he can go jump off a bridge before that happens :haha: Also DH bugs me because he always waits for the day iv just had a bath/shower. which is normally every 3 days now because its such a pain trying to climb into the damn bath or getting back out again lol.

how has everyones day been? Im just about to go get the first load of baby clothes into the wash and try get rid of the smoke smell from them :sick:
It took me almost 3 hours to drive home this morning :( I had several diversions which led me straight back to the duel carriageway that was STILL closed further down. My 65 mile commute ended up being a 120 mile commute and just drove home crying as I was so fricken tired. Got home and only slept 3 hours before being wide awake with a steaming cold I didn't have when I went to bed! Back at work tonight. Dreading it!
Oh no NOO :hugs: :hugs: All the snow where i am has now gone. I hope the roads are cleared a bit better for your drive tonight and tomorrow, just please be careful with all this rain hun :flower: :hugs: :hugs:

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