Sorry iv been MIA ladies as some know my stupid laptop charger died on me! the new one just came this morning.
BITY and REAL - Good luck ladies

I cant wait to see some piccies

to any new ladies i have missed! Welcome to plus size and pregnant and the best bunch of women i have ever met in my life
PLEASE do not worry about c-sections. Especially if it is a planned section! I got myself so worked up about mine before hand because of all the stories i had read about bigger woman your at risk of this that and the other.. its going to go wrong because your fat bla bla bla
I loved my section.. and would happily do it again. The only problem i had... fitting on the damn operating table lol.. my flab hung over the edge

most embarrassing. oh and the vomiting once back on the ward but that was soon sorted out. I was up on my feet the same day! I wasn't allowed to lift Ethan from his cot though.. was told id be shouted at if they caught me doing it lol. I had the Cathater removed at 6am the next morning.. shower at 7am (by myself) and never looked back. I didn't need an ounce of help after that point. I was discharged on the Thursday (had section on tuesday) and as soon as i got home i went a 20 minute walk to pick up ds1 from nursery

the next day i was out doing my grocery shopping. I was carrying ethan in his carseat from day 3... and hoovering and getting the pram up/down stairs from 3 weeks. The best thing to do is just listen to your body... it will soon tell you if you are ready to do something.
I was nowhere near as incapacitated as i thought i was going to be.. and needed no help from DH with dealing with ethan. Now after 6 weeks im perfect

I get a few little twinged of pain on the right hand side but apart from that its all great.
USAF- I am so sorry about the crash hun! I am so so glad everybody was ok though.
massoma - i was shopping from around 9 weeks lol.
For you uk ladies... if anyone doesnt have a cot yet ....,-Mattre...-£120/BUN17BAB001,default,pd.html?cgid=601011 this is a cot,mattress AND disney bedding for £120!! amazing deal!
so AFM - Ethan has been swapped milks onto HIPP Organic combiotic and its so much better for him... he is pooing every day!! now the flip side.. the first week on it he put on around 8oz.... BUT when he was weighed this week.... he had lost 1oz! Which also means dropping a full centile in his red book so he is now on the 9th centile. The health visitor is back again on Wednesday to weigh him and if he hasn't put on any weight still or has dropped more centile's then he is being reffered upto the hospital to see the doctor that seth saw when he was little.
As for Seth... he had his 3 year development check yesterday (he has to have yearly ones) and he is sooo far behind where he should be on everything apart from his sight and visual learning. SO he is now being reffered for a FULL detailed development and sensory check and will no doubt end up back under the care of his pediatric specialist. So ofc with this happening i almost lost it with my sister when she posted on FB about how her life has no meaning.. shes "just a mum" wishes she had something worthwhile to do.. doesn't appreciate the kids just now... I wanted to just scream at her at least she has 4 healthy children who have had no problems

Managed to hold my tongue though.. wouldnt do any good me having a go at her. All of her friends pansied around her saying "ooo poor you" when really it should be "get a freaking grip you ungratefull cow! there are people out there whose children are not healthy or who cant have at all and your moaning about 4 perfectly healthy children because they are not well behaved when its the way YOU have made them"
We had a bad week this last week... the laptop charger died... then ethan not putting weight on... the washing machine broke (beyond repair) and then seth failing his development review
Sorry bit of a rant there

oh oh something else for uk ladies.. ARGOS have a wicked offer on for a playmat.. its down to £41 from £55! I got one for Ethan you can also get it on ebay too for the same price.
hope you are all ok
