Plus Size & TTC. Who's With Me?

So I keep getting neg. opks however today I have signs of ovulation. I am having pink spotting and an increased libido. tmi (last night at like 3 am i woke up and wanted/needed to just jump my husbands bones) I have not felt like that in a long time. So are there any other options to detecting ovulation? my cervix is to high (i actually almost got a softcup stuck! my dh was able to get it out but it was scary!) and i wasn`t sure if temping was a guranteed way to detect o?
Temping will tell IF you ovulated, not when you'll ovulate. You won't know until after you ovulate that you have with temping. Does that make sense?
Expectingtc: so sorry af arrived :( lots of luck for this cycle and that you feel better!

Ashntony: hopefully you will get a temp rise tommorow to show you did ovulate.

As for me: I had my specialist appointment. He gave me metformin, Clomid and tablets to bring on af! Yay x
Sorry AF showed up ExpectingTC!

Ash any luck figuring out O?

I'm 2DPO currently. Let the waiting begin
Mrs lsc: I have heard people conceive just on met, it can do wonderful things to regulate hormones apparently. Excited!!

How is the pregnancy going? Any morning sickness etc? X
I'm remaining positive, despite really wanting to feel down in the dumps. lol.

I've gotten back on track with my exercising - which feels incredible. This time last year I was training for a triathlon! I'm not signing up for any tris or races because if I do get pregnant it'll be a waste of money. Last time the Doc told me I couldn't get my heart rate over 140 and I had to cancel 4 races I had lined up.

I'm taking all my vitamins and supplements. I'm temping. And I'm trying the Mucinex this time. I realized that last month (and really since the D&C) I haven't had much fertile CM. Hoping the Mucinex works. DH might lose his mind if I buy preseed and add one more step to our sex schedule. LOL. He hates the "schedule" of it all, but knows the importance.

Sorry - just rambling this morning.

Comet - did the doc say anything else? Just curious! :)

Ash - did you ever O?

Charlie - Oh the TWW is so brutal. I swear time slows down. LOL FX!

LCS: Hope you're feeling well! <3
Yep! I oed yesterday! :) DH and I bded with preseed and use softcups afterwards! I took another test this am and got a negative! And I have ne more ewcm! So 1 dpo today! Hopefully
a: I get a BFP on 3-19-14
b: AF arrives by 3-5-14.

so let the tww commence!
I just started noticing that I am mildly nauseous at night time after dinner until I go to bed.. that's about it.
The things I did this cycle that might have helped: Prenatal, metformin, B6 (all 3 everyday) worked out 45 min everyday, lowered carb intake, no smoking, temping, and DIDNT try hahahha..
LCS - it's funny that you mention the things you did differently. I was trying to recall what was different in my life when I when I got pregnant the first time. I realized that I was running daily and taking all my vitamins/supplements (I take prenatal, b6, bcomplex, co-enzyme q10, folic, and vitamin c) and eating extremely clean. Started back on this the day AF came this month.

Let's see what happens! :)
Mrs lsc: thanks for putting what you did differently, it's really interesting to see.

Expectingtc: hope doing what you did last time works for you! I know what you mean with scheduling the fertility gel! So unromantic!

He said to me that's it's not about losing weight but balancing your metabolism because it controls your hormone production aswell apparently :shrugs: ?
The only reason he gave me Clomid straightaway is because hubby gets deployed in September so we are up against a time limit.
He didn't really say much else just explained what each medication does' x
Comet - that's interesting and makes perfect sense. My OBGYN said my weight isn't playing a role at all. He said I'm active and eat well - it's just timing. I'm sure the PCOS complicates things, though. They tested me for it because I am overweight and struggle with weight loss.
Us all about the right cocktail..balanced hormones etc
Expectingtc: yeah as long as your getting the right nutrients and all from good food then I don't think weight makes a huge difference. As long as your body is healthy.

Mrs lsc: I agree!

Hello Ladies,

So I have been mulling this over and over and just need to get it out.

I am calling my Dr. today to ask her to prescribe metformin. I am happy cause this means one step closer to having a baby but also scared...I am a big girl and I have always been. While my Dr. is not a hater to big women she did say she would like to see me lose some weight and I agree that would be best. I did lose some weight and then I gained it all back (life got in the way husband sick, moving just a lot of stress) things are back to our new normal and I am back to eating healthier and walking.

I know the pounds will come off and I want them to but I am afraid my Dr. will say she wont prescribe Metformin until more weight is lost. She didn't say I need to lose weight to get my script for Metformin but just stressed losing the weight.

And this is the part that makes me mad...why can't I go all out to have a baby does being a bigger women mean Ill be a bad Mom? Does being bigger mean I don't have the right to pull out all the stops to try and have my child? It just makes me mad this world is so focused on being skinny. Beautiful = skinny. Am I less because my clothes size is a plus size?

Yes I know I am bigger yes I know the risk of the extra weight but it isn't like I am less because of it. I have always been bigger and honestly I have always been very happy with myself! My husband always tell me that is one of the first things that attracted me to him I was plump and I wasn't ashamed of myself!

I am just afraid now that we have reached the point where we want to pull out all the stops to conceive my Dr. will use my weight against me make me wait.

But if I let FEAR stop me from making that phone call I will never find out right?

Ill update this once I talk to my Dr. Please prayer for strength for me!

Byhisgrace: first off.. Metformin is what actually aided me in losing weight! Women with PCOS are unable to lose weight due to hormonal imbalance..Metformin/Glumetza allows for this to be possible.. in taking these meds AND a low carb meal plan, I was able to lose 15lbs in 4 weeks..this is also the cycle(s) I conceived.. When you ask for it express your concern with being able to lose the weight due to pcos and demand metformin. I am on 1500mg/day and will remain so until 12 weeks. But I conceived on this drug alone. After a year of clomid/hcg shots..IUI's.. finally worked when I dropped some weight and balanced hormones with Metformin.
I struggled for YEARS to lose even a few pounds.. it all clicked when I was diagnosed with PCOS.. haven't had a problem since.. low carb seems to be the only thing (for me) that works.. but its quick, not easy..but quick, and stays off. FYI, a regular OBGYN can not diagnose PCOS, only a Specialist.. (I believe) so I would cut right to the chase and go to one.
Hello Ladies,

Mrs. LCS & Comet thank you for your input I now feel better going to my Dr. and being really vocal about what I need. Thank you!

So I called my regular OBGYN chatted in length with her Nurse who relayed my long msg to Dr. The Nurse then called me back and said the Dr. said basically I am the ideal candidate to see the NEW fertility specialist that just linked up with their office in the next town to me!!!! The specialist isn't new to the field they were just luckily enough to get him to join their practice! So off to a fertility specialist I go! My regular OBGYN will do co-care with FS once I am pregnant which I am so happy about! At first I was like why isn't my OBGYN calling me back but the Nurse said it was her half office day and then she was off but wanted to make sure someone got back to me today which I thought was pretty awesome!

So even better news! Even though the FS is new to practice he is booked til end of April but I was able to get an apt for March 4th:happydance:

Sooo here we go! Excited yet nervous!

Blessings & Baby Dust,
Enjoy the journey. Our FS was good..After 7 weeks he released us back to obgyn. Happy for have a plan step closer!

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