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This cycle has been officially all over the place. I can't make heads or tails of what is going on with me this time around. To top it off, I have had 3 nights in the past week with extremely weird dreams involving both DH and my exbf. Ugh.

Woke up this morning feeling extremely nauseous and hyper sexual the past 2 days. AF isn't due until the 20th but like I said- my cycle is all over the place this time around.
Looks like my charts before metformin..are you on anything??
Hoping you're right, Lauren. Not cramping as much and now I'm nauseous. Very strange... only time shall tell.

Just keep paying attention to your temps..and try not to drive yourself too crazy symptoms are similar to bfp symptoms
Looks like my charts before metformin..are you on anything??

Nope. I used to be on met (for possible PCOS despite regular periods and no cysts) but was taken off because it didn't do anything for me and might have caused my repeated pancreatic attacks. Last cycle was a lot more stable and normal for me, although I have never had consistent flat line temps but I could at least predict within a .25 range where I would be at. I've had a rough sleep pattern this cycle though
I told tc about my flat temps..ended up in bfp.. good luck
Bah - my temps hit my baseline this morning - dropping .4 degrees. No cramps at all. Sore throat is gone. Boobs don't hurt. I'm sure I'm out this month. Just waiting for the witch to arrive in a couple of days. Ugh. Annoying - I even took B6 this month hoping it'd elongate my LP.

Onto next month!
Give b6 time..I took it for a month prior to bfp
Bah - temps dropped even lower today, so I'm out. I don't ever make a ton of CM. Anyone here have any experience with the FertileCM pill or PreSeed? I'm thinking about trying one - probably PreSeed.

Welcome Juicy!

Charlie - Girl, I'm trying. lol - so hard though!
preseed is fine if your cm is not hostile.. theres a test they do for that.. I forget what it is called.. but basically, if your cm is hostile, the preseed will be pointless.. I did use it a cycle or was ok..hubby said too much maybe use half recommended dose
Hello Ladies,

So I thought I posted an update here after my FS Appt. but apparently I did not! So here it is...I cut and paste from my journal entry on March 6th.

So the appt. went well...I got my RX for Metformin and my Ins. co-pay is only $4 per month so that is really good

But...I kinda didn't like the Dr. We got there on time but had to wait a 1/2 hour past appt. time to actually see Dr....sigh I just find that rude when people are late. Then we can hear him and his Nurse yelling back in forth in hallway what room is he going to next ROOM 3 is all I hear then he comes right in no knocking...hmm again rude? (Note I am a nursing student and have worked in healthcare he has broken all the polite rules before I even meet him) Then he doesn't wash in (come on man you are an OBGYN and have been playing with other women's parts all day!!!!) Just plunks in a chair and says, I quote, "You wanna get pregnant?"

Me: Um yes....Hi my name is S. and this is my husband K.

Dr. Ok so lets look at your chart here.

Then complete awkward silence for 5 minutes (as both DH and I are looking back and forth at each other thinking this is the Dr. right?!)

He never introduced himself!!!!

So after the 5 minutes of awkward silence he says to my husband "I know your sister and Mom. Don't you love Lebanese food I am Syrian you know." And him and DH have a 10 minute conversation about similar Middle eastern Food swapping recipes and DH sisters births!!!!! Ok we have gone from awkward to is this really happening

After that he then spent about 5 minutes (I timed him) asking about my cycles, how Provera works, m/c, and PCOS. Said the next step is Metformin and he will see me in two months and I should keep up with weight loss.

I had to stop him at door to ask about dosage instructions for Metformin!

But my DH like him!!!!

So tomorrow will make a week on the metformin. The first few days were rough it upset my stomach but now I feel fine. It has kinda curbed my appetite. I am on 500mg once a day and I think he said for one week but I am going to take it once a day for two weeks. Then after that twice a day until I see him on May 6th.

I was temping but missed the last two tomorrow Ill pick back up on that.

Blessings & Babydust,
Sounds like my . I was only on met for 2 month I think..maybe 3 before bfp.. and I did it with just met.
Mrs. LCS that gives me so much hope! My husband and I prayed and prayed and we just didn't feel peace about trying Clomid but felt absolute peace with Metformin.
Yes met is a godsend. Put my hormones right back in balance and my levels. We did a year of clomid (5cycles) quit it all and it happened just on the met high hopes for you :)
Can't figure out how to post the picture but I just got my BFP!!!! So excited. Found out our offer was accepted for a new house today and I'm pregnant!! Stick baby stick!!
MCR - CONGRATS!!! YAY!!!! :)

BHS - At least you were able to be seen earlier than expected and get on something? There's something for that, right? lol Hope the Met works great for you!


Bah, AF came yesterday, giving me a 9 day LP. =/ Ugh, this makes me nervous. This is my cycle history and if your LP doesn't change (right?) and I've already been pregnant once, I shouldn't worry as much about my shorter LP? Thoughts? I took B6 all month and this was my shortest LP ever and my latest time ever ovulating. Perhaps I shouldn't take it or think it just wasn't in my system?

My periods have gotten short since the MMC/D&C. I was a 27-28 days cycle and now I'm more like a 25-26 day cycle.

Cycles History
3 cycles Ave. Min. Max. Med.
Ovulation: 15 13 17 16
Luteal Phase: 10 9 11 10
Cycle length: 25 24 26 26

I wanted to just call it quits this month and not do anything, but DH wants me to keep temping and charting and opk'ing. I started yesterday and he was really convinced this was our month and he just looked at me and goes, "Oh, sh*t. Really?" He was in total shock. Hugged me tight and told me next month will be our month. Anyone else ever feel like they've let their partner down by not making it happen?

Guess I'm in a blue mood today. :hugs: ladies, happy Friday!
LPs can change if you have pcos..but only by a few days..mine did the whole time..and its probably because since we spot more than normal ladies..its hard to determine spotting or legit af bleed.. 9 is not that great.. mine was a 9 a few times and that isn't long enough to implant.. but I took B6 and my LPs increased over 2-3 months.. you need to keep taking it, its very good for you.. since you had no problem getting preg before.. this time around you need to make sure your uterine lining is thick enough and your LP is long enough. Workout, get blood flowing down there, B6, green smoking/cut back on drinking.. pineapples help lining too.. this is what I did at least..
p.s. your not letting anyone down by it not being your month!!! these things are up to nature really! everything has to perfectly align for it to happen.. you haven't been trying too long, so just stick with it.. it takes a few cycles to get some charts to compare too and to find your norm.. don't obsess..just do the basics.. temp, opk, monitor cm, take prenatals, take B6, and take care of your body.. this is ALL you can really do.. and it will be just what you need to do, I promise :)

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