Plus sized in the second trimester!

Will do. Since yesterday I've had a lot of people tell me their stories. Some babies were taken early and some were not. Either way all the babies survived. Turns our my sisters good friend had hers taken 4 months early and weighed just over a pound at 22 weeks and his only problem now is that he needs glasses because his eyes never got a chance to fully form. Dh is blind anyways so I'm sure glasses are in her future regardless.
Dini. That's awesome about your weight! I was up 1.5 just as my home scale said but oh well.. I've kind of given up I think. What was their threshold for glucose? I know I was close to mine but they said anything below was fine.

Mod, I'll be thinking of you! I read somewhere that babies born after 27 weeks have a 90% survival rate! Plus miracles do happen too, look at bselcks miracle!
Well I'm happy to say that my fluid level jumped fro. 7cm to 13cm in just 2 days! So so happy! I'm out of the danger zone and they dr at the high risk clinic said there should be no reason for me to come back to see them!
Mcwhmm, my level was 133 and they use a threshold of 130 but most places use 140. So far my sugars have all been good. Today was my highest at 120 after eating pasta and breadsticks and a sugary drink. Most have been 70-80.

Mod that is wonderful news!!

30 weeks today! Yay! 75% of the way done!
Mcwhmm, my level was 133 and they use a threshold of 130 but most places use 140. So far my sugars have all been good. Today was my highest at 120 after eating pasta and breadsticks and a sugary drink. Most have been 70-80.

Mod that is wonderful news!!

30 weeks today! Yay! 75% of the way done!

Yep! I would have failed at your dr! The threshold at my dr was 140 and mine was 131. I wonder why they have different thresholds? I would think they would all be the same? That's good they are low now! Even 120 is passing!:)
Yep, they want the ones with my diet to be less than 125 so that one was close.
I know that we are all very active on other threads, but I just wanted to check in here and see how everyone is :)
I was just heading over here to do the same thing!!

I'm hanging in there. Getting impatient lol. Baby shower is Saturday so that's exciting!

Mod how are you??
Some times I just get overwhelmed reading through all of the posts on the April Due Date Thread Lol.

Ooo, that's exciting!

I'm getting very impatient too, but then at the same time, I am NOT ready yet. Lol. If I went into labor anytime soon I would have a panic attack for many reasons!

I went the other day and bought travel size items and what not for packing our hospital bags. I find that I have to do my errand running when I have the extra energy or else nothing gets done and I figure it's only going to get worse! I will likely start packing my bag over the next few weeks as I have extra time. I've also got the items that we got for take home outfits and what not for the baby in the diaper bag.

It's funny that this week I'm 33 weeks and thinking "man, 7 weeks is a long time." But then I was just thinking that Tuesday I'll be 34 weeks and I'm thinking "Holy cow, 6 weeks is not that long!"
Ugh I had this long thing typed out and it timed me out! I hate that.

Dini I hope your shower is amazing. It's exciting to finally get some of that much needed stuff for your little man. Make sure to update with how it went. Mine is next weekend and I keep having people ask me what I need, and I just want to tell them to look on the registry! But I can't. So I have a feeling I'll be returning things for stuff I actually need.

I had to return to the high risk dr for low fluid again, and again it was normal there, so I'm not letting them send me back there. Nope, not going back to look like a fool a third time. I have another scan next Wednesday so we'll see what they have to say. With all that said I already have my hospital bags packed because I didn't know what was going to be the outcome of the last visit. What are you guys all taking? How many bags? I have 3. One for baby, one for our clothes, and one for snacks, toiletries and electronics. Even though I didn't over pack the clothes cuz I'd rather get their gowns all bloody and not my own I feel I have too much stuff.

I'm also getting everything together to start on her scrapbook (even though I still haven't started our wedding one) and I've had so many scans, 12, with more to come, that there's so many pictures I want to put in it, but don't want to heavily focus on the before either. I dunno. Choices.

Mcwhmm I'm the same with the weeks. Next week I'll be 32 weeks with only 8 left to go, even though my countdown app says 60 days as of today, either way it's like 2 months away now, possibly sooner if any of us go before the 40 week mark. In a few days we'll all be able to say "baby will be here next month" and that's so exciting yet so terrifying at the same time.

I miss talking to you guys!
Mod I'm glad you are doing well! I'm jealous of all your scans but not of the stress you are dealing with.

I'm totally excited about the shower. It is making all so much more real now. We got the crib and changing table put together today and it is starting to look like a nursery. Also we got a surprise delivery today, the swing and bouncer from the registry and they are both from DH's moms friend in Tennessee. They were quite pricey and we are in shock she bought them but so grateful! So as far as big stuff we have the crib, changing station, travel system, bouncer and swing. I'm in love with the swing and bouncer. They are part of a set that includes the play yard we are hoping to get. They have adorable hippos on them and match our colors.

I haven't started the bag packing yet but am thinking about it. I'm sure I will over pack as well. I also want to get their stuff all yucky but want some of my own stuff for early labor. Are any of you thinking of laboring in the shower or tub at all? And if so what will you wear?

We should keep this thread up. I'll try to change the title when I can get on my computer.
Mod, I did the same thing! I had a whole long post typed out on my phone and then i forgot about it and my phone died! Lol. Anyways..

I hope you guys both have a great shower! They are so much fun :)

I hope your appointment goes well on Wednesday! I wonder what is causing such a vary in the readings of the fluid? Fingers crossed that it stays high! That sounds like such a pain to keep going back and forth and think every things fine and then be told otherwise again! But as Dini said, I am a little jealous of all of the scans;) Lol.

Dini, that's awesome that you have gotten stuff that you really wanted already! :) Sounds like you'll be about set after your shower!

I WAYYYY overpacked for the hospital with my daughter and I will likely over pack this time too because that's just me Lol, I'd rather have too much than too little. I second getting the hospitals things all yucky as opposed to your own! I went in at 6am with DD and had her at 1107pm. I then slept in the gown and finally the next day (afternoon time) I got up and showered and put on my own clothes (sweat pants, tank top, and robe) so that I looked semi presentable when people came up to visit, even though it's totally excusable not to look presentable after having a baby! Lol. Then that night I bled all over my sweatpants and the sheets. That being said, I recommend whatever pants you pack are a dark color :p I plan on packing shower and hair necessities, toothbrush, paste, CHAPSTICK, lotion, and I highly recommend a headband/hair tie/bobby pins, whatever, to keep your hair out of your face because it drove me nuts! Then two pairs of sweatpants, tank top, tshirt, robe, zip up sweatshirt, socks, sports bras, towel (hospital ones suck!:p) iPad, chargers, phones.. The basics :p Then for baby I have two outfits for newborn pictures, two sleepers, and a going home outfit. I actually didn't even put clothes on DD other than the hospital shirts they provided until she went home, but that's because everything was too big that I had brought! Lol. I was actually really impressed with what all the hospital provided. I would ask about what all they have available. At mine (which I think is pretty standard) I got an unlimited supply of pads, plus a package to take home, disposable undies, which I laughed at, but they are a LIFESAVER! Then for baby they provide all diapers, wipes, lotions, creams, nasal syringe, brush, even a few blankets and of coarse formula if not breastfeeding.

I completely over did it today! I worked 8-5 and then when I got home from picking up DD at daycare, DH was still sleeping of coarse and I just got so fed up with the place being a mess and I could smell the garbage and I just went nuts cleaning! I did the dishes, cleaned all the counter tops, fridge, swept, moped, vacuumed, cleaned the bathtub, toilet, swept and moped, dusted. I was on a roll, but now that I sat down, I'm not sure I can get back up! Lol. I understand that DH works 12 hour night shifts, but it's really starting to irritate me that I have to do everything now. He only has 5 weeks left of this job though and he won't even get used to the shift change before he's done. Thankfully he finally has tomorrow off so we get to spend SOME time together. Literally the only time we have seen each other all week is just in the morning when he's coming in the door and I'm walking out and then as night when he's leaving. His eating schedule is even so off that he hasn't even gotten up for supper all week except for once so I'm just cooking for DD and I. I'm hoping to get the crib set up next weekend, maybe.. but we will see.

This is a really long post.. Lol, sorry!
The tubs in the hospital rooms are pretty small, but if I do have a long labor I'll probably hop in it or at least turn the shower on. Maybe I'll pack a swimsuit top for that. Im not counting on a long labor as the women in my family aren't really long laborers and usually have them within a few hours of arriving at the hospital.

Very cool that you got two big things from your mom's friend! I hope you get the pack n play as well. We bought our pack n play, swing and jumper on clearance so they don't match, but we're amazing deals! We also have the travel system with an extra base so all our big stuff is out of the way.
Man we posted at the same time. I'm sorry work schedules suck right now. I so told dh I needed help with the cleaning. I just don't have the energy to do it on my own anymore and he finally loaded they dishwasher this morning. A small step but I'll happily take it! How's the pelvic pain?

I'm not complaining about all the scans either, but I think the problem is that my ob office isn't taking the measurements fast enough. The high risk dr explained to me that as baby moves it takes up the pockets of fluid differently. She took measurements one minute apart and got quite a significant number change between the two just from how she was moving around. As far as I'm concerned everything is fine and now I just have my bags packed really early lol.

I've packed: toiletries, chargers, Nintendo ds, snacks, hair ties, chapstick, pads, undies x 2, socks x 3, yoga pants, nursing bra, nursing tanks x 2, robe and nursing gown, t shirt, zip up hoodie, change of clothes for dh, and necessities for baby. Do I need to bring my beast pump or do they teach you with theirs? I really don't want to bring more than I need to.
I'd take any small step! Lol. This week has just been really bad. My pelvic pain is the same and today my back pain has completely overshadowed it! If it's not one thing it's another I guess :p I'm concerned that I'm maybe just having a HUGE baby. I'm going to ask my doctor next Friday what he thinks :p I noticed at my last appointment when he was measuring my belly, he put the measuring tape down VERY low so she may just be low and that's why I'm feeling pain.

That makes sense when it comes to the measurements though! Maybe you should tell your doctor how to do it :p

That sounds like a good list! :) I'm not quite sure about the breast pump. That'd be a good question to ask! And, Yes, SNACKS! I didn't pack any with DD. I was in labor literally alllll day and of coarse they wouldn't let me eat anything but ice chips and popsicles, so by 11pm when I had her, I was starving! I made DH hit up the vending machine for me and get snacks Lol, that's something I need to remember this time though!
I definitely plan to get some singles for the snack machines as well. I can only imagine how hungry I might be after labor.

I wonder how bsleck is doing.

We've had some winter weather down here in Texas and they have zero means of snow prevention or removal, so we've been stuck in the house all day for 3" of snow. It's ridiculous. Tomorrow it's supposed to get icy so possible stuck tomorrow as well. What I would give for some chicken mcnuggets right now.
Hi girls! Been MIA again, this carpal tunnel is killing me. It's severe now, and constant numbness and pain and I'm losing strength and dexterity to the point I can barely open a water bottle or anything. Its making work so hard and getting in the way of chores at home, and I don't cook anymore so we are not eating healthy at all.

Had a midwife appt today and baby seems just fine, and appears to be head down, a bit diagonal but head down either way. However she said I may have to come off work on disability in the next few weeks with this carpal tunnel and I wanted to work till 39 weeks but now I'm trying to aim for 37. We just can't afford it, we can't afford to live on 60% of my income for 9 weeks, the 6 we were planning on is more than I wanted, but I guess we will have to figure it out.

I haven't started my hospital bag but better start. I was waiting till after my shower to see if I'd get a diaper bag which we did. A backpack style that I registered for, it's Eddie Bauer and DH won't be embarrassed to carry it lol. I hate to pack completely because i want to take a pair of yoga pants but I'm currently wearing the only two pair i have quite often.

Mod, I hope that weather is over!!

We got a nasty storm here 2 days ago but today it's 38 degrees and raining so it's melting and flooding...just love winter!! I'm over it already!
Ugh that sounds terrible Dini. I actually think I may be getting the same thing. Although mine is at night. Every time I wake up, no matter how I'm lying, my hands are completely numb and my fingers tingle. I have noticed a huge reduction in strength during the day, specifically when trying to pick up DD, it hurts my wrist.

Thats awesome that baby is head down! :) I too have been wondering if I will have to stop working earlier. Today, I could BARELY stand longer than 10 minutes without having to lean on something or sit down. My back and my pelvic bone are just in terrible shape! I've tried just about everything too. I just don't want to have to take off earlier and my job isn't prepared for me to be off at all as they are hiring NOW for me to train someone later this month, which I understand is not my problem, but still. I don't want to have to be off and I'm one of those people that can lay around and do nothing for a day or two, but after that I go crazy and have to do something, so I'm not sure how I would do on any kind of bed rest. Lol

I have pretty much everything I need for my hospital bag and baby girls. I'm leaving DH to do his own Lol. I just have to get around to actually putting everything in the bag. As you said too, I am usually wearing my clothes that I would pack. I have a tank top, tshirt, and sweatshirt that I am packing. I am currently doing laundry and I think I'm going to throw one of my pairs of sweatpants in there after they are washed.

I have come down with a TERRIBLE cold over night. I've been sucking on cough drops all day and it hurts my throat to drink anything. I'm actually thinking it might possibly be allergies? But I don't know.

I wonder how Bselck is doing?

I can't believe that we can finally say that our babies will be here next month! It's actually really starting to scare me! Lol
That does sound terrible dini. I'm sorry. Is that a side effect of pregnancy? I've had the numbness at night for quite a while now but no pain or strength loss like you two are talking about.

How was the baby shower?

This little girl has been head down for a good 2 months now... I know this from all those scans.

I bit the bullet and packed my favorite pair of yoga pants in my bag already. I have other comfy pants to wear in the mean time.

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