oh bless u lot lol.....

Im alive lol.
sorry guys u cant lose me that easily
well Im ok.....thurs...yes thurs i think was the last time i was about?? or was it weds?? lol, met up with Kayleigh on thursday for coffee along with half of my other buds lol, baby deacon and hubby were in croydon, my sis was in croydon, my mate from work met us, all good fun, then i went and got my hair chomped and was treated like a queen by this gorgeous gay chap. YAY FOR DANIEL in head masters croydon lol. head massage, feet up...all fgooooooodddddddddd.
then went shopping after where again i met up with baby deacon, some relief from the ever growing shopping bag, until hubby arrived to take over.....thanks babes. then pizza hut mmmmmmmmmmmmmm NOM.
Friday.;..... oh yes friday....the word nesting springs to mind lol. i sat for most of it but i cleaned that kitchen like there was no tomorro. and thankfully....touch wood hubby seems to understand the meaning of the words....keep it clean! or else lol its still clean much to my surprise lol.
saturday....i forget now what we did saturday. I think it was a lazy day? oh yeah I packed beanys bag heheheh and yesterday, i sat and wrapped all the xmas presents. and wrote the remainder of the xmas cards.
Today, well today I still have a lot to do.....washing, tidy the main bedroom up....AGAIN as I will need to make space for the moses basket and most important, catch up with you guys. im off to my mum and dads tonight to say hi and to stare at 4 diff walls lol and to collect my birthday presents (this friday il be 36 ) tomorro will be another quiet one from me as I got work xmas do lunch time and then growth scan after. weds I have follow up appt so hope to find out how beany is doing etc. and then thurs....I hit cooked! i must say i do keep bursting into tears with panic IM SCARED OF THE PAIN OK lol. i know she will all be worth it though hehehehe.
anna im sorry i missed your big day hun

belayed happy viable and yay for double figure countdowns hehehehe. talking of which, i missed my 90% cooked lol

Kayleigh I hope u have managed to sort your hair out?
I hope everyone else is ok xxxx.
Im low on credit til 17th but even then I need to watch what I use seeing as this month is the big one

right....to catch up elsewhere. xxxx