LMAO at u lot. been a bit quite hasnt it?? lol
well Im still here, Im sorry I havent been on here. obviously it was my birthday on friday so was busy then, the weekend well, that was spent tidying the house and as Anna said directing hubby with the xmas decs, although being a typical woman I couldnt keep my hands off the helping

Monday....well I had MW in the morning ooooo have i mentioned friday night??? I had pink on the tissue but wasnt slimy pink...sorry for TMI. it was discharge pink. i wasnt sure at first, i thought it might have been my fingers showing through were tissue was wet so I dug into the vag area to reveal pink pink pink

didnt know if to laugh or cry lol.
so yeah....Mon I had more pink sun night and mon morning but again nothing heavy and the MW said it could be my plug starting to break down, but as not in pain or getting a gush to just rest.
Mid wife appt went well. as usual BP fine, sample fine, baby heartbeat fine, baby now 3/5 engaged hehehe. in the afternoon I had my first Physio appt for my SPD which again went well. felt quite sore on my foo foo where she had prodded and pushed but last night I think??? I felt a little relief in the turning over dept.

Today...well no sign of any more pink but I had my last antenatal class on breast feeding and care of your baby. I got to change a nappy in front of whole class....showing how i would do it. I got pretty much all right yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.
Hubby was only guy there and he got dragged up to show first hehehe. he did ok too.
well thats me for now....I hope to be on a bit more toward the end of this week from tomorro as hubby back at work.
Sorry I havent really been about.
I do hope u are all well. Love the bump pic tudor and anna Im sorry to hear about ur hip. I hope u are resting up xxxx
Until tomorro....
Love ya xxxx