Hello Ladies!
I am so happy to catch up a little bit here
Happy Birthday Simon! I can't believe it's been a whole year since he was born, congratualtions to you all xx
and Smiler, you're already back at work a little bit. It feels like you should still have a tiny squish of a baby, hehe
I hope all you mums are in good spirits and that all us TTCers are doing equally well with lost of PMA

I've been using the internet less and less as I focused more on 'the real world' and tried to live more

Lots of stuff has happened, we saw a fertility specialist, I had another early loss, my best friend had her 2nd baby, we bought an apartment in Milan, I had about a zillion blood tests and just found out last week I am MTHFR hetero compound... which is likely the cause of my recurrent early losses.
Hubby is getting his sperm test and culture done on the 11th of July. I am still meant to get a couple of physical exams, but once we've got those results we're going to book back in with the Specialist so she can disect everything and tell us the next step.
I've already done a huge amount of research, put myself on baby aspirin (which will likely end up being a life time prescription) and have an appointment with my GP this week. I also pick up my second set of blood results this afternoon and find out about my post ov progesterone levels and if I have any more genetic mutations.
It's all been a little overwhleming these past 7 days, but I am feeling positive.
Regardless of the baby prognosis, this information can and probably will change my life for the better. I am well equipped now to prepare for any future pregnancies and also to make sure my body is getting what it needs to function well on a day to day basis!
In other good news, I just booked a holiday to Spain in August with my Mum. She turned 70 this year and although we celebrated a little when she came to visit in May, it will be nice to spend some quality time with her
I don't know when I will next visit the boards, I find inftertility a little easier to cope with when I put my energy into yoga and breathing and living rather than the internet these days. But I haven't forgotten all you lovely ladies and the fantastic support you have given me over these past couple of years
Thank you and take care xx