Post-pill irregular cycles support thread!!

Grrrr...cd51 and still no O or Af. Wish this cycle would end or I would o already!!! I don't know how lon to wait and/or when to be concerned?

Have you had a cycle since getting off BC? What are your cycles normally like?

Yeah first cycle was 43 days. Now on cd56 and still no O/Af/bfp. I went to dr on monday, checked my thyroid which was normal. Now the dr said to wait 4-6weeks and may have to start pcos testing. What does that entail?

I have been on bcp since I was 13 or so. I know I had long heavy periods, but I don't remember if they were regular length cycles.

I have had long irregular periods ever since they first started, pretty much the only time they were regular for me was when I was on BC. To test for PCOS I had to do a pelvic ultrasound where they look at your ovaries to see if they are oddly shapped or have cysts. I happened to have a lot of cysts so it was very obvious. But I had to wait for 3 months with no AF before they would even do any tests. It sucks to have to wait so long but hopefully it will all work out for you :hugs:

Missangie- Yeah I really don't want to add up the costs, they end up being so much! Luckily my doctor didn't submit the work under infertility because my insurance won't cover ANY of that. But I still have to pay a portion on the tests. I don't know for sure yet but I wouldn't be surprised if it is around the same amount. Good think I decided to skip the HSG for now! Stay positive and hopefully things will turn around. Let's get these babies!
Thanks everyone for your reples,

struth - i was thinking about starting using the OPK's but i just thought that for sure I would have missed O by now! But who knows!

Euronova - Yes I agree its hard to plan, theres only so long you can keep up with BDing every other day 'just in case' lol, im exhausted now.

MrsB23 - gosh 110 days, its so frustrating, hope you get your AF soon

How long after coming off BC and irregular/long cycles do you wait before seeing your doctor? Im trying to stay quite relaxed about it at the moment but not sure how long I can keep that up, lol. Grateful for any advice.

Baby dust to everyone

Heres hoping for AF for us all and lots of baby dust
hey ladies.. im annie.. im new here... here is my story...

i been off the pill for over a yr now.. and my cycles would vary from 45-60days... and in dec my family dr. put me on metforphin and told me to see a specialist... so i did on the 28th of feb. she took me off the metforphin and they took 8 tubes of blood to see what is goin on with my body to see if im ovulating are not.... she said in the mean time to just temp and bring it back to her on april 11 so im doin that.. well im really confused.. so im posting my chart on here so hopefully someone can give me a heads up on what is goin on... i no my chart starts the day of my last period was over but that is when she told me to start temping...

what do yalll think


thanks!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

how is everyone eles?
mrs. i was saw a dr when i was off the pill for almost a yr.. but im stilll going threw the process bc im still not ovulating... from what one lady said by lookin at my chart....

I think if ur cycles are back to normal in 6months to call ur dr. bc after 3 months the bc and hormones are completely out ur system.. so i would call it cant hurt....
hi ladies! :flower:

I am SO glad to have found this thread...I am in total need of post-bcp cycle support too! thank you!

I came off of Microgynon 30 after 10 years last August (seven months ago) and started TTC January 2011. This is our third cycle. But my AF isn't anywhere near normal yet...I have had 'some' bleeding every month, but it's varied from 22-42 days, averaging out to 33. The last three cycles, bizarrely (ever since TTC) I've been getting up to five days of light spotting BEFORE Af...with AF lasting just 2 days. It's really odd and disheartening as I don't know when, or if, I'm ovulating - though I have bought OPKs for the first time this month and am nervously expecting them to show positive on Weds, as that would be my average O time based on the length of my cycles.

I too wish I hadn't been on the pill that long, in fact I've spoken to Euronova who's also on this thread about how I feel as though it's too easily prescribed. I was told by my doctor at uni in 2002 that the only time I would EVER need to come off of bcp would be 'to get pregnant' - but that 'I could go straight back on it and only come off it for that purpose'. well, knowing how long it has taken for my body to react to coming off it, I will never go on it again and what's more I am advising all my friends who have been long term bcp users to get off it asap as we're all turning 30 and thinking about TTC!!

so nice to find you ladies in the same situation. One question...for those who are also experiencing days of spotting before AF (and peculiarly short AFs after that) - do you think that affects ovulation or conception? I read somewhere that spotting can be a sign of low progesterone, which would be a worry if it were true (am taking B6 now just in case) - but I am slightly encouraged by the number of post-bcp women who say they're having the same thing, so am hoping it's just a side-effect of that and NOT low progesterone. but would be really keen to hear from anyone who's spoken to a doctor about it...

thanks girls and good luck to all of us xx:kiss:
Thanks everyone for your reples,

struth - i was thinking about starting using the OPK's but i just thought that for sure I would have missed O by now! But who knows!

Euronova - Yes I agree its hard to plan, theres only so long you can keep up with BDing every other day 'just in case' lol, im exhausted now.

MrsB23 - gosh 110 days, its so frustrating, hope you get your AF soon

How long after coming off BC and irregular/long cycles do you wait before seeing your doctor? Im trying to stay quite relaxed about it at the moment but not sure how long I can keep that up, lol. Grateful for any advice.

Baby dust to everyone

Heres hoping for AF for us all and lots of baby dust

Mrsd - yes I would say 5-6 months too. I am at the 3 month mark at the moment and am going to give it a bit longer. I guess it also depends on how old you are too though?
hey ladies.. im annie.. im new here... here is my story...

i been off the pill for over a yr now.. and my cycles would vary from 45-60days... and in dec my family dr. put me on metforphin and told me to see a specialist... so i did on the 28th of feb. she took me off the metforphin and they took 8 tubes of blood to see what is goin on with my body to see if im ovulating are not.... she said in the mean time to just temp and bring it back to her on april 11 so im doin that.. well im really confused.. so im posting my chart on here so hopefully someone can give me a heads up on what is goin on... i no my chart starts the day of my last period was over but that is when she told me to start temping...

what do yalll think

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thanks!! :hugs::hugs::hugs:

how is everyone eles?

Hi Annie! What is it you are confused about? Temping? I will try and help if I can but am also quite new to all this!
hi ladies! :flower:

I am SO glad to have found this thread...I am in total need of post-bcp cycle support too! thank you!

I came off of Microgynon 30 after 10 years last August (seven months ago) and started TTC January 2011. This is our third cycle. But my AF isn't anywhere near normal yet...I have had 'some' bleeding every month, but it's varied from 22-42 days, averaging out to 33. The last three cycles, bizarrely (ever since TTC) I've been getting up to five days of light spotting BEFORE Af...with AF lasting just 2 days. It's really odd and disheartening as I don't know when, or if, I'm ovulating - though I have bought OPKs for the first time this month and am nervously expecting them to show positive on Weds, as that would be my average O time based on the length of my cycles.

I too wish I hadn't been on the pill that long, in fact I've spoken to Euronova who's also on this thread about how I feel as though it's too easily prescribed. I was told by my doctor at uni in 2002 that the only time I would EVER need to come off of bcp would be 'to get pregnant' - but that 'I could go straight back on it and only come off it for that purpose'. well, knowing how long it has taken for my body to react to coming off it, I will never go on it again and what's more I am advising all my friends who have been long term bcp users to get off it asap as we're all turning 30 and thinking about TTC!!

so nice to find you ladies in the same situation. One question...for those who are also experiencing days of spotting before AF (and peculiarly short AFs after that) - do you think that affects ovulation or conception? I read somewhere that spotting can be a sign of low progesterone, which would be a worry if it were true (am taking B6 now just in case) - but I am slightly encouraged by the number of post-bcp women who say they're having the same thing, so am hoping it's just a side-effect of that and NOT low progesterone. but would be really keen to hear from anyone who's spoken to a doctor about it...

thanks girls and good luck to all of us xx:kiss:

Your story sounds very similar to mine :hugs: I am three months of the pill and have spotting prior to my AF, a very short AF too and a short luteal phase. I think that it may be low progesterone but I have also read that that can be due to the pill suppressing hormones and that the imbalance can take some time to sort itself out after coming off the pill.

I have been temping since coming off the pill and so I know that I have been ovulating so I don't think that has been effected. However, I have read that low progesterone can prevent implantation (as it effects the quality of the lining and the length of the LP) and/or can effect whether a pregnancy continues or not :cry:

My understanding is that it could be low progesterone which is due to the pill affecting our hormones but that it could sort itself out over time. However, if it continues I am going to go to the drs for tests - they can do day 21 test to measure the level of progesterone and I understand that the treatment can be quite straightforward.

How have you been getting on with the b vits? What dosage are you taking? I have just bought some (50mg) but was going to try one more cycle without to see whether it sorts itself out. If not, I will try the vit b and if that doesn't work I will head to the drs (it would be 5 months by then...). Would be good to know how you have got on with them?
I know this probably sounds really stupid but i keep reading posts saying ive finally had a real period an ima really confused. I came off the pill (yasmin) around the end of feb 2011 and havent been getting alot of trouble which i thought i would do from the horror stories ive read, apart from the odd spot and apart from dark brown discharge for the last two days when i wipe and slight cramping a couple of days ago. But anyway i was just wondering how you tell if its a real period. i probably sound so stupid but i really have no idea what ima looking out for or anything
hey everyone..
how are yall tonight??

sturth- im confused bc im wondering if i ovulated are not... im getting worried bc one lady on the other site said it didnt look like it to her and im due for my period any day now.. im so upset why cant i just ovulate just like everyone eles.. man.. by the time im ovulating dh is gonna already have given up hope lol .,.,. lets hope not.. thanks again.. can u give me any insight about me ovulating are not?
hey everyone..
how are yall tonight??

sturth- im confused bc im wondering if i ovulated are not... im getting worried bc one lady on the other site said it didnt look like it to her and im due for my period any day now.. im so upset why cant i just ovulate just like everyone eles.. man.. by the time im ovulating dh is gonna already have given up hope lol .,.,. lets hope not.. thanks again.. can u give me any insight about me ovulating are not?

Ah - I see. Has FF not confirmed O? And are you just temping i.e. no opks? From looking at your chart , you could have O'd on CD20 but I would have thought that FF would have confirmed it if so? However, you do have a dip followed by a sustained temp rise (although only 2 f those were increases on the previous day). When is AF due? Are you now more regular then - you mentioned 45-60 day cycles?

What do the other ladies that temp think of Annie's chart?
Annie - When are you temping? Are you doing it the same time everyday with at least 4 hours of sleep? Just curious...your temps are pretty interesting. I'm not sure what to tell you, but I am not very good at the temping thing.

Well ladies, I am FINALLY on CD1! And it only took prescription medication :wacko: But onwards and upwards. I'll be doing my day 3 bloodwork on Monday and then day 21 bloodwork the first week of April. Hubby did his SA yesterday and we should be getting the results early next week so hopefully everything goes smoothly.
Yeah for CD1! FX'ed that this is the cycle that you get your :bfp:
thanks ladies.. im temping every morning at 515 am and yea i get alot of sleep...
FF hasnt confirmed it.. im not sure whats going on and im just temping nothing eles... you wanna no something weird.. all day today i have a CM that looks like globs of jelly almost... i mean its GLOBS and LOADS when i wipe.. sorry tmi.. im gonna google it and see if i can find what thast means.. its stretchy but not like raw eggs.....
Hey annie - didn't want to read and run. Sorry I don't have much info for you, like I said I suck at the whole temping thing. In fact after temping for over a month I found out that the thermometer I was using had a bad reputation of giving false readings :dohh: so I gave that up.

Keep watching your cm and keep up the temping, hopefully FF will confirm ovulation soon!
Annie, to me it doesnt look like you have O'd yet from your chart. But with the sounds of your recent CM it seems like maybe you will very soon! Keep temping and checking and see if you get a temp rise soon!!!!
Have you got an updated chart Annie? I agree with what missangie has said - that sounds like it could be fertile CM...
Your story sounds very similar to mine :hugs: I am three months of the pill and have spotting prior to my AF, a very short AF too and a short luteal phase. I think that it may be low progesterone but I have also read that that can be due to the pill suppressing hormones and that the imbalance can take some time to sort itself out after coming off the pill.

I have been temping since coming off the pill and so I know that I have been ovulating so I don't think that has been effected. However, I have read that low progesterone can prevent implantation (as it effects the quality of the lining and the length of the LP) and/or can effect whether a pregnancy continues or not :cry:

My understanding is that it could be low progesterone which is due to the pill affecting our hormones but that it could sort itself out over time. However, if it continues I am going to go to the drs for tests - they can do day 21 test to measure the level of progesterone and I understand that the treatment can be quite straightforward.

How have you been getting on with the b vits? What dosage are you taking? I have just bought some (50mg) but was going to try one more cycle without to see whether it sorts itself out. If not, I will try the vit b and if that doesn't work I will head to the drs (it would be 5 months by then...). Would be good to know how you have got on with them?

Hi Struth,

Thanks so much for taking the time to read and tell me about your experience. :flower: I have heard very similar things to you, that the pill basically mucks up all our hormones...what pill were you on? I was on microgynon 30, don't know if that means I'm likely to have more progesterone or not though. I think if we don't get our BFP this month, then I will go to the doc and ask to have my CD21 bloods taken to check on my progesterone levels. Good idea and please let me know how you get on with yours if you go too!

I just bought some 50mg B6 in Boots to try and even things out...haven't taken them for a full cycle yet though, so don't know how effective they're being. taking them every evening along with folic acid. they haven't had any adverse effect at least, so I'm pretty sure it's ok to take them - I don't know what the recommended dosage is though, if you have real AF issues (like us). another thing to ask the docs if/when we go...let's hope we get PG and don't need to though! :hugs: xx
P.S annie - that definitely sounds like EWCM to me!! Get BD-ing!! :happydance:
Your story sounds very similar to mine :hugs: I am three months of the pill and have spotting prior to my AF, a very short AF too and a short luteal phase. I think that it may be low progesterone but I have also read that that can be due to the pill suppressing hormones and that the imbalance can take some time to sort itself out after coming off the pill.

I have been temping since coming off the pill and so I know that I have been ovulating so I don't think that has been effected. However, I have read that low progesterone can prevent implantation (as it effects the quality of the lining and the length of the LP) and/or can effect whether a pregnancy continues or not :cry:

My understanding is that it could be low progesterone which is due to the pill affecting our hormones but that it could sort itself out over time. However, if it continues I am going to go to the drs for tests - they can do day 21 test to measure the level of progesterone and I understand that the treatment can be quite straightforward.

How have you been getting on with the b vits? What dosage are you taking? I have just bought some (50mg) but was going to try one more cycle without to see whether it sorts itself out. If not, I will try the vit b and if that doesn't work I will head to the drs (it would be 5 months by then...). Would be good to know how you have got on with them?

Hi Struth,

Thanks so much for taking the time to read and tell me about your experience. :flower: I have heard very similar things to you, that the pill basically mucks up all our hormones...what pill were you on? I was on microgynon 30, don't know if that means I'm likely to have more progesterone or not though. I think if we don't get our BFP this month, then I will go to the doc and ask to have my CD21 bloods taken to check on my progesterone levels. Good idea and please let me know how you get on with yours if you go too!

I just bought some 50mg B6 in Boots to try and even things out...haven't taken them for a full cycle yet though, so don't know how effective they're being. taking them every evening along with folic acid. they haven't had any adverse effect at least, so I'm pretty sure it's ok to take them - I don't know what the recommended dosage is though, if you have real AF issues (like us). another thing to ask the docs if/when we go...let's hope we get PG and don't need to though! :hugs: xx

Hi Morticia! I was on microgynon for a couple of years, then went onto the depo injection for 6-9 months (that really did mess with my head!), and then went back onto microgynon but I kept getting thrush (TMI!) and so eventually ended up on cileste. I was on cileste for about 3-4 years I guess.

I have decided to leave the b vits for one more cycle to see if I regulate without them. If not I will take them and see how things go then. I'm trying to not get stressed out with all this TTC lark so I will just see how things go!

It would be good to keep in touch to see how we both get on - I will keep you posted!

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