Post-pill irregular cycles support thread!!

Glad that you had a positive appointment and that things are moving forward. Three weeks for the results though? That seems long-you should check tomorrow. Mine only took three days? Hope you get some answers soon x

I know, right! Blame David Cameron. Our bloods now have to go to Glasgow and they are mega busy! My DH's recent thyroid bloods took 2 weeks to come back. She said "up to" 3 weeks so it could be anytrime before then.
So what happened with me is they did not even run the correct test. I was really frustrated yesterday but I talked to them today and I am hoping it will all sort out. They said they could call the lab and still possibly get the results we need off of that blood draw. So hopefully we can figure out a game plan. Mean while I am on CD 31 with no sign of AF. That could be a really good thing, or it means that I didn't ovulate at all this cycle. And I am too nervous to test :haha:

OMG test!!!!!!!!!! :test::test::test::test::test::test::test::test::test:
Glad that you had a positive appointment and that things are moving forward. Three weeks for the results though? That seems long-you should check tomorrow. Mine only took three days? Hope you get some answers soon x

I know, right! Blame David Cameron. Our bloods now have to go to Glasgow and they are mega busy! My DH's recent thyroid bloods took 2 weeks to come back. She said "up to" 3 weeks so it could be anytrime before then.

That is beyond a joke!!!!:growlmad:
I'm still waiting for AF to bugger off so we can get down to business for this cycle! Ha ha.. I have a GGOOOOOOOODDD feeling about this cycle!!! Come on BFP!!!!!! hhahah..
So what happened with me is they did not even run the correct test. I was really frustrated yesterday but I talked to them today and I am hoping it will all sort out. They said they could call the lab and still possibly get the results we need off of that blood draw. So hopefully we can figure out a game plan. Mean while I am on CD 31 with no sign of AF. That could be a really good thing, or it means that I didn't ovulate at all this cycle. And I am too nervous to test :haha:

Hey Trish :wave:

How annoying of the dr/lab to mess it up. Hopefully they can test that blood draw and let you know about O.

So forgive my ignorance - how does this work then? You take Clomid early in your cycle - do you have any idea when you are supposed to O after that? I was wondering how many days dpo you are likely to be?

It really is all or nothing isn't it? I would be nervous and scared too - when are you next due to go to the drs?
Glad that you had a positive appointment and that things are moving forward. Three weeks for the results though? That seems long-you should check tomorrow. Mine only took three days? Hope you get some answers soon x

I know, right! Blame David Cameron. Our bloods now have to go to Glasgow and they are mega busy! My DH's recent thyroid bloods took 2 weeks to come back. She said "up to" 3 weeks so it could be anytrime before then.

Urgh - I hate the postcode lottery that we have over here. It is so wrong.

Mind - at least you are in the system (so to speak) and will have some answers soon x
So what happened with me is they did not even run the correct test. I was really frustrated yesterday but I talked to them today and I am hoping it will all sort out. They said they could call the lab and still possibly get the results we need off of that blood draw. So hopefully we can figure out a game plan. Mean while I am on CD 31 with no sign of AF. That could be a really good thing, or it means that I didn't ovulate at all this cycle. And I am too nervous to test :haha:

Och how rubbish. I can't imagine how frustrated you are. Hopefully they will be able to run the test you need soon and you get your answers.

That's my arm empty, now we've just got the long wait for the results, but at least things are moving in the right direction. I asked the nurse about the time frame, and she said she thinks someone walks the blood to Glasgow! :haha:
:test::test::test::test:Trishg21 !!!

Fluffette, - keep calling your doctors! Mine told me my results would be ready in one week but I called 3 days later and there were there!

So what happened with me is they did not even run the correct test. I was really frustrated yesterday but I talked to them today and I am hoping it will all sort out. They said they could call the lab and still possibly get the results we need off of that blood draw. So hopefully we can figure out a game plan. Mean while I am on CD 31 with no sign of AF. That could be a really good thing, or it means that I didn't ovulate at all this cycle. And I am too nervous to test :haha:

Hey Trish :wave:

How annoying of the dr/lab to mess it up. Hopefully they can test that blood draw and let you know about O.

So forgive my ignorance - how does this work then? You take Clomid early in your cycle - do you have any idea when you are supposed to O after that? I was wondering how many days dpo you are likely to be?

It really is all or nothing isn't it? I would be nervous and scared too - when are you next due to go to the drs?

So what you do is take it for 5 days early in your cycle. I took mine CD5-9 and then you are supposed to start doing OPK's and BD CD 14-21. You go in between CD 21-23 and get your blood drawn to see what your progesterone levels are at to see if you have ovulated.

I am going to talk to the doctor tomorrow to see if they were able to pull the test results. I don't want to test till I know for sure. I just don't want to get my hopes up if I didn't even ovulate. I did tell the nurse that I was late though. Hopefully have some answers soon!
Struth- Good luck with your scan tomorrow!

Wouldluvabub - How long did your cycle end up being this time around?
Trish, keep us updated!!!! :flower:

Sorry I dont have a lot of responses for everyone, just did a quick read and run before bed but wanted to let you all know I went in for my CD22 bloods yesterday. all the tests came back like the should expect my progesterone was .3 meaning I definitely did not ovulate after the provera (duh, Ive known I havent been ovulating do to no periods but now there is proof for the dr) hubby did SA a few weeks ago but we have to wait to get the results when we have our infertility appointment on friday. We did the SA through my insurance however they wont post his results to my account Im assuming since Im not him... Or at least Im hoping thats why and not because there is something wrong on his end as well as mine.:shrug:

Fingers crossed that I get prescribed clomid friday. I really dont see why I wouldnt so Im really hoping I will so that I can hop on the baby train! :happydance:
Trishg21 - any sign of AF yet? What cd are you now? Any news?

Missangie - let us know how you get on on Friday (both in terms of SA and clomid)

AFM - I had my scan this morning but I am more confused than ever! So my LH.FSH ratio was 4:1 - it was drawn on something like cd55 as I haven't had AF for ages and to wait would have been silly! At the scan this morning, I was told that I have a polycystic left ovary but that it is too small to be called properly polycystic and I have an ovarian cyst on my right ovary.

The cyst makes sense as I have been having dull aches on the right side of my abdomen. He didn't say anything about what type of cyst it was or anything.

He concluded by saying that he didn't think that I had PCOS and that it is possible that the cyst has been messing with my hormones and delaying AF. However, he did say that he didn't want to say too much as he didn't have sight of my bloods or my history - he was just going on the scan. He said he would write a report up and send it to the GP and I should make an appointment with her to see where we are.

So I'm confused - does an ovary have to be polycystic AND enlarged for PCOS? And, can you have a high LH/FSH ratio and not have PCOS. Hmm.... I guess I need to write a list of questions for when I see my dr.

There's more......

I got home and have been sat here with really bad back ache - all down my leg and everything. Then I go to the toilet and I have EWCM (far more than I think I have ever seen). And then I take an opk and I get what I think is a positive (or indeed VERY close) - there is a pic on my journal (link below). Do you think it is positive?

If it is, would it have not shown up on the scan that I was due to O? Would he not have said something if that were the case? He did have trouble seeing my left ovary - do you think that he might have missed this?
Hi girlies :flower:

I just wanted to check in to give out some hope for all you who have experienced many problems post-bcp like I CAN get pregnant. Because I got my BFP on Saturday, after 5 months of TTC and 9 months of horrible spotting, late ovulation and really long cycles since coming off bcp (and only 5 AFs in that time period). Woo!

In case it's of any use, I put this together! xxx:kiss:

Things I did differently this month:
• Didn’t believe my iPhone app which was predicting when I ovulated – trusted my body instead. Waited a week later than every other month because there wasn’t enough CM for me to believe I was ovulating soon – definitely glad I waited! Held off going crazy BD-ing and wearing DH out until I definitely had EWCM (CD26), then BD’d every day for the next three days. Believe that I ovulated on the night of the third day – was also using OPKs and had a positive for each of those three days! Also BD’d in this pattern the week before (from CD22): BD, BD, BD, night off, BD, BD, BD (ovulation). Before that, over the rest of the month, tried to BD every other day – though did have a few two-night gaps when I was sure I was nowhere near ovulating. FYI, I am pretty sure I O’d on Fri 6th May, CD28. My temps went up after that!
• Big one – almost forgot to mention it. Used Pre-Seed the three days we BD’d leading up to and including ovulation! DH didn’t even know about it, used it internally, with the applicator, in the bathroom before coming in to bed!
• Also tried the old Robitussin cough mixture (the red one, containing an expectorant – Guaifenesin) in the week leading up to O to improve consistency and quantity of EWCM
• Vitamins – took 100mg tabs of B6 once a day for whole month, but stopped at day of O. Also took multi-vitamin (Pregnacare Conception) so was probably getting around 110mg of B6 a day. Got a bit freaked out by that so stopped dead on O and just went back to the usual one-a-day vit!
• TRIED not to get too stressed out. Ha! But we all know how hard that is!!! ;-)

0dpo – temp 36.0 (had been between 35.8C and 36.0 for a week prior). Two dark lines days before O, but darkest line on OPK yet on this day!
1dpo – temp 36.3, still positive OPK at 7pm (three days after first one). Still some EWCM.
2dpo – temp 36.4, slightly sore throat on waking, twingey pain on left side of womb. Almost like a ‘flutter’ (believe this could’ve been egg releasing?). Also, a bit gassy and have really bad skin (have been suffering from acne – like a teenager – for past two weeks or so, grrr! Usually completely clear!). Also have slightly greasy hair and light cramps/tender bbs.
3dpo – temp 36.3, greasy hair and bad skin continues, very sleepy. Hungry hippo ALL the time – with lots of cravings for sweet things (very unusual for me as I’m a definite savoury girl!) Feeling really moody, irritable and taking it out on DH! Light cramps and slight headache too.
4dpo – temp 36.3, woke up hungry at 7am with stuffy nose and phlegmy throat. Hungry all day again, especially for chocolate. How odd! Mouth ulcer on gum – ouch! Feeling moody again in the evening…poor DH!
5dpo – Terrible night’s sleep! Hot flashes, night sweats, kept waking up, vivid dreams. Very tired. Slight temp dip at 4am, 36.2C – back up to 36.4C by 7am. Slight bloating, cramps and backaches.
6dpo – temp 36.3, tired – yawning all the time. Burping a lot too! Nice! Still feel ‘full’ and bloated, some EWCM which is unusual at this stage after O. Feel very ‘hot under my skin’ – like I’m getting ill or a fever. Very tired. Had to leave the awards ceremony I was at, at 11pm because I was tired and yawning! Slightly bloated and still some EWCM.
7dpo – temp 36.3 at 7am, but up to 36.6 an hour later. Very stuffy nose, same ‘hot under skin’ feeling. Few cramps but nothing major. Throat feels thick and mouth ulcer sore. Very tired by 10pm – had a few ‘flutters’ in my belly, almost like a pulse, a couple of times during the evening (implanatation?). Light cramps and headache.
8dpo – temp 36.3, very thick throat, very slight nausea (possibly because of thick throat). Had a bad dream. BD’d for first time since O.
9dpo – woke up to go to the toilet at 4.50am, very stuffy nose first thing (could be hayfever!). Temp 36.3 at 7am. Very achey – but did play hockey yesterday! Mild craving (odd) for asparagus – ate a whole bunch. Never do that! Feeling forgetful and a bit weepy. Slight cramps and aches all over. Slight tender bbs.
10dpo – woke up to go to the toilet at 4.40am. Temp 36.3 at 7am. Felt very nauseous on way to work – partly because of thick throat, but also really hungry – even after muesli. Picking on random things/snacks – eg. A McDonalds caramel milkshake. Never eat junk food! Had three diarroeah attacks in the afternoon and evening. Belly very bloated. Feel really cold and bit shivery in bed. Slight backaches, bodyaches, tender bbs.
11dpo – Woke up to go to the toilet at 5am and couldn’t get back to sleep. Temp 36.3 at 7am, a little faint and shaky having to stand up on tube this morning. Starving! Three more diarroeah attacks throughout the day. Could smell steak from a restaurant really strongly on walk home! Eyes a little sore and sensitive with contact lenses in. Feel very wet down there.
12dpo – woke up at 2.41am really thirsty – downed a glass of water. Diarroeah attack first thing (6am), slightly nauseous/hungry after that and a bit cold and shivery in bed. Temp 36.4 at 7am. Really tired for whole day, eyes sore. Cricked my neck stroking the cat – in a lot of pain! Huge massive flutters on right side of womb at 8.30pm – beating like a pulse. Could even see it through the skin! Lasted about half an hour. Weird!
13dpo – temp 36.7 at 7am – higher than ever before! Absolutely starving at 8am. Slept very deeply, but did wake at 5.22am to go to toilet. Stuffy nose on awakening. Tummy very swollen and tender, lots of toilet trips throughout the day! Thirsty too – drinking loads of water.
14dpo – temp 36.6 at 7am, unheard of. LP usually around 10 or 11 days! Starting to feel hopeful now. Hungry and a bit nauseous (because of hunger) first thing.
15dpo – temp 36.5 at 6am, woke up, did FMU in a pot, but was very sleepy so left it in bathroom and went back to sleep for another two hours. How did we resist it?!!! I don’t even know! Then woke up again, went back into bathroom, tested using Clearblue Digital. Immediate result – PREGNANT 2-3!!!!!!!!!!! BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Ovulation Chart

Struth- Looks promising! Get BDing!

As for your results, I wish I had more advice to give. My doc said that people with PCOS usually do tend to have enlarged ovaries but that is mostly because they have cysts on them that make them appear larger. The doc might have missed that you are close to O'ing probably because he just wasn't looking for it. So if he doesn't think you have PCOS what do they suggest you do next? Is there a treatment for an ovarian cyst?

Miss Angie- Good luck on your infertility appointment! I am sure everything is fine with your DH. I was worried sick when my hubby did his SA and everything turned out great. We can be clomid buddies! :happydance:

Today is CD 33. I talked to the nurse briefly today and she said they WERE able to pull the progesterone levels from the blood draw. The results were in but they couldn't tell me anything until my doctor reviewed them and she was in surgery this morning. :wacko: But she said they should have them tomorrow so I will be calling before they close if they don't call me :haha:

I still haven't tested because I really don't want to see a BFN if I didn't even ovulate. Most of my symptoms have disappeared so I am assuming I didn't ovulate and will have to go another cycle on clomid. But we will see. Trying to stay positive :thumbup:
Hi girlies :flower:

I just wanted to check in to give out some hope for all you who have experienced many problems post-bcp like I CAN get pregnant. Because I got my BFP on Saturday, after 5 months of TTC and 9 months of horrible spotting, late ovulation and really long cycles since coming off bcp (and only 5 AFs in that time period). Woo!

In case it's of any use, I put this together! xxx:kiss:

Things I did differently this month:
• Didn’t believe my iPhone app which was predicting when I ovulated – trusted my body instead. Waited a week later than every other month because there wasn’t enough CM for me to believe I was ovulating soon – definitely glad I waited! Held off going crazy BD-ing and wearing DH out until I definitely had EWCM (CD26), then BD’d every day for the next three days. Believe that I ovulated on the night of the third day – was also using OPKs and had a positive for each of those three days! Also BD’d in this pattern the week before (from CD22): BD, BD, BD, night off, BD, BD, BD (ovulation). Before that, over the rest of the month, tried to BD every other day – though did have a few two-night gaps when I was sure I was nowhere near ovulating. FYI, I am pretty sure I O’d on Fri 6th May, CD28. My temps went up after that!
• Big one – almost forgot to mention it. Used Pre-Seed the three days we BD’d leading up to and including ovulation! DH didn’t even know about it, used it internally, with the applicator, in the bathroom before coming in to bed!
• Also tried the old Robitussin cough mixture (the red one, containing an expectorant – Guaifenesin) in the week leading up to O to improve consistency and quantity of EWCM
• Vitamins – took 100mg tabs of B6 once a day for whole month, but stopped at day of O. Also took multi-vitamin (Pregnacare Conception) so was probably getting around 110mg of B6 a day. Got a bit freaked out by that so stopped dead on O and just went back to the usual one-a-day vit!
• TRIED not to get too stressed out. Ha! But we all know how hard that is!!! ;-)

0dpo – temp 36.0 (had been between 35.8C and 36.0 for a week prior). Two dark lines days before O, but darkest line on OPK yet on this day!
1dpo – temp 36.3, still positive OPK at 7pm (three days after first one). Still some EWCM.
2dpo – temp 36.4, slightly sore throat on waking, twingey pain on left side of womb. Almost like a ‘flutter’ (believe this could’ve been egg releasing?). Also, a bit gassy and have really bad skin (have been suffering from acne – like a teenager – for past two weeks or so, grrr! Usually completely clear!). Also have slightly greasy hair and light cramps/tender bbs.
3dpo – temp 36.3, greasy hair and bad skin continues, very sleepy. Hungry hippo ALL the time – with lots of cravings for sweet things (very unusual for me as I’m a definite savoury girl!) Feeling really moody, irritable and taking it out on DH! Light cramps and slight headache too.
4dpo – temp 36.3, woke up hungry at 7am with stuffy nose and phlegmy throat. Hungry all day again, especially for chocolate. How odd! Mouth ulcer on gum – ouch! Feeling moody again in the evening…poor DH!
5dpo – Terrible night’s sleep! Hot flashes, night sweats, kept waking up, vivid dreams. Very tired. Slight temp dip at 4am, 36.2C – back up to 36.4C by 7am. Slight bloating, cramps and backaches.
6dpo – temp 36.3, tired – yawning all the time. Burping a lot too! Nice! Still feel ‘full’ and bloated, some EWCM which is unusual at this stage after O. Feel very ‘hot under my skin’ – like I’m getting ill or a fever. Very tired. Had to leave the awards ceremony I was at, at 11pm because I was tired and yawning! Slightly bloated and still some EWCM.
7dpo – temp 36.3 at 7am, but up to 36.6 an hour later. Very stuffy nose, same ‘hot under skin’ feeling. Few cramps but nothing major. Throat feels thick and mouth ulcer sore. Very tired by 10pm – had a few ‘flutters’ in my belly, almost like a pulse, a couple of times during the evening (implanatation?). Light cramps and headache.
8dpo – temp 36.3, very thick throat, very slight nausea (possibly because of thick throat). Had a bad dream. BD’d for first time since O.
9dpo – woke up to go to the toilet at 4.50am, very stuffy nose first thing (could be hayfever!). Temp 36.3 at 7am. Very achey – but did play hockey yesterday! Mild craving (odd) for asparagus – ate a whole bunch. Never do that! Feeling forgetful and a bit weepy. Slight cramps and aches all over. Slight tender bbs.
10dpo – woke up to go to the toilet at 4.40am. Temp 36.3 at 7am. Felt very nauseous on way to work – partly because of thick throat, but also really hungry – even after muesli. Picking on random things/snacks – eg. A McDonalds caramel milkshake. Never eat junk food! Had three diarroeah attacks in the afternoon and evening. Belly very bloated. Feel really cold and bit shivery in bed. Slight backaches, bodyaches, tender bbs.
11dpo – Woke up to go to the toilet at 5am and couldn’t get back to sleep. Temp 36.3 at 7am, a little faint and shaky having to stand up on tube this morning. Starving! Three more diarroeah attacks throughout the day. Could smell steak from a restaurant really strongly on walk home! Eyes a little sore and sensitive with contact lenses in. Feel very wet down there.
12dpo – woke up at 2.41am really thirsty – downed a glass of water. Diarroeah attack first thing (6am), slightly nauseous/hungry after that and a bit cold and shivery in bed. Temp 36.4 at 7am. Really tired for whole day, eyes sore. Cricked my neck stroking the cat – in a lot of pain! Huge massive flutters on right side of womb at 8.30pm – beating like a pulse. Could even see it through the skin! Lasted about half an hour. Weird!
13dpo – temp 36.7 at 7am – higher than ever before! Absolutely starving at 8am. Slept very deeply, but did wake at 5.22am to go to toilet. Stuffy nose on awakening. Tummy very swollen and tender, lots of toilet trips throughout the day! Thirsty too – drinking loads of water.
14dpo – temp 36.6 at 7am, unheard of. LP usually around 10 or 11 days! Starting to feel hopeful now. Hungry and a bit nauseous (because of hunger) first thing.
15dpo – temp 36.5 at 6am, woke up, did FMU in a pot, but was very sleepy so left it in bathroom and went back to sleep for another two hours. How did we resist it?!!! I don’t even know! Then woke up again, went back into bathroom, tested using Clearblue Digital. Immediate result – PREGNANT 2-3!!!!!!!!!!! BFP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Ovulation Chart


Congrats Morticia - so pleased for you! Praying for a sticky bean for you. Have a very happy and healthy 9 months!
Struth- Looks promising! Get BDing!

As for your results, I wish I had more advice to give. My doc said that people with PCOS usually do tend to have enlarged ovaries but that is mostly because they have cysts on them that make them appear larger. The doc might have missed that you are close to O'ing probably because he just wasn't looking for it. So if he doesn't think you have PCOS what do they suggest you do next? Is there a treatment for an ovarian cyst?

Miss Angie- Good luck on your infertility appointment! I am sure everything is fine with your DH. I was worried sick when my hubby did his SA and everything turned out great. We can be clomid buddies! :happydance:

Today is CD 33. I talked to the nurse briefly today and she said they WERE able to pull the progesterone levels from the blood draw. The results were in but they couldn't tell me anything until my doctor reviewed them and she was in surgery this morning. :wacko: But she said they should have them tomorrow so I will be calling before they close if they don't call me :haha:

I still haven't tested because I really don't want to see a BFN if I didn't even ovulate. Most of my symptoms have disappeared so I am assuming I didn't ovulate and will have to go another cycle on clomid. But we will see. Trying to stay positive :thumbup:

Thanks Trishg21 - I guess I will just have to run a heap of questions by my GP when I get to see her! I was confused about the enlarged ovary thing - surely if it is polycystic, it is polycystic? As for the cyst - I think that they will leave it to see if it goes away on its own. Apparently they are quite common and most of the time we don't know we have them. He did say that they will probably want to rescan me in a few months to see if it has gone or not. Reading on the web (!!) they can get rid of them by laproscopy if need be but it seems like they tend to avoid this unless necessary. I'm guessing they will leave it and see what happens (especially if I am o'ing - btw I got a darker opk last night too!).

Glad to hear that they were able to get your P levels - let us know when you get them. I so hope that you have O'd and that AF is taking a long holiday :hugs:
Congratulations Mortica:hugs: so pleased for you!
Have a happy and healthy pregnancy!!! :happydance:

Struth- sounds like you're o'ing!! It would lovely to come back on here and see you with your :bfp: after I return from my holiday in 2.5 weeks time!!
I also hope you get clearer anwsers from the doctors! I'm sorry I can't offer much helpful information on that side of things, I'll probably be asking you more questions in a few more weeks!!

Take care everyone

:dust: Baby dust for all of us! :dust:
Congratulations Mortica:hugs: so pleased for you!
Have a happy and healthy pregnancy!!! :happydance:

Struth- sounds like you're o'ing!! It would lovely to come back on here and see you with your :bfp: after I return from my holiday in 2.5 weeks time!!
I also hope you get clearer anwsers from the doctors! I'm sorry I can't offer much helpful information on that side of things, I'll probably be asking you more questions in a few more weeks!!

Take care everyone

:dust: Baby dust for all of us! :dust:

Thanks Lemonflower. :dust: to you too x
"I just wanted to check in to give out some hope for all you who have experienced many problems post-bcp like I CAN get pregnant. Because I got my BFP on Saturday, after 5 months of TTC and 9 months of horrible spotting, late ovulation and really long cycles since coming off bcp (and only 5 AFs in that time period). Woo! "

Morticia that is amazing news congratulations. H&H 9 months to you. :happydance:

Struth - I really don't know but maybe he missed it because the eggy has already been released?:wacko: not sure if this is possible. I would get to bd'ing as many times as you can in the next 24 hours just in case. Good luck.

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