Post-pill irregular cycles support thread!!

Hi to all the newbies - this is a great thread, and the ladies are so supportive. It is great to know we're not going through this alone.

Can I interrupt normal service to rant about the rest of this forum please?

I have posted in other parts of this forum - I started a thread asking for reassurance in the miscarriage part - and have been blatently ignored. I'm tired of it I really am. Outside this thread, and a couple of other support threads, this is the most cliquey, least friendly forum I have ever used.

Anyway - in other news, I was doing really well today until I went to pick up a prescription and there was a note in with it from my GP sending her condolences. I burst into tears in the middle of a mobbed chemist! Fortunately most folk in this town think I'm insane anyway :haha:

And - I have new shoes. They are beautiful happy shoes and I can't help but smile when I have them on.

Aren't they just divine? They are my "smile and be positive" shoes.
I've seen that happen to other women on the main forums too Fluffette.
I haven't actually started my own thread so I don't know what it's all about but so sorry you had that happen.

This thread really is amazing.

Welcome for sure to the newbies :)
Anyone here use OPKs? What cycle day do you usually start using them? Also, what time of day do you test?

I'm only on CD6, but couldn't resist trying one out. I got a faint test line, so I know it's negative, but I was just wondering if I should keep testing every day now until I get a positive or if I should wait a few more days to start testing every day.

Fluffette - I am with you on the cliques on this site. There are some that are so tight that I just don't get what they are talking about. Lots of in jokes and so on. I tend to stick to this thread and then a few journals. I'm sorry no-one gave you any support hon. I hope you are ok? Oh - and I love the shoes x

Welcome to the new ladies - this really is a lovely thread. The ladies on here have been so supportive to me. I, like you, have had irregular cycles since coming off BCP in December 2010 - 55, 29, 89 days and then I got pregnant after O'ing on cd16. Unfortunately, I lost the baby at 9.5 weeks and so am now waiting to O again. Currently on cd22 and have no idea when I will O. :paper: I'm hoping that it will be sooner rather than later but there is no sign as yet...

Likeaustralia - with opks, I tend to start around cd10 or so (wishful thinking!!).
You are a darling for replying to my thread Struth! Thank you. Hysterical that it got a reply after I edited out my whole post asking for reassurance and just left "sigh". What a sweetie that lady is.

The bleeding has since stopped, and while I was in a a&e with my little boy (he has broken his toe doing judo) I came across a leaflet on miscarriage which said the stop start pattern of bleeding is entirely normal.

Right, I'm off to snuggle in bed with a poor boy with a sore toe! xx
Ah - bless him. I hope he makes a quick recovery - but every least you found that leaflet. Yes - I have read that it can be stop, start for while. Mine has stopped (thank goodness) but I don't seem to be anywhere near O - my temps still seem too high (still above my usual coverline level) and so I think I have a while to go yet?

Who knows..... am having to learn to be patient again!
Thanks everyone for making me feel so welcome, I can’t put into words what a relief it is to find other people going through the same thing, although I'm sorry that any of us have to.

Thanks littlbabywish, I certainly won’t be lying if I say the whole thing is starting to really affect my emotional health…I’m terrified I’ve got premature ovarian failure (just about to turn 30 but I’ve heard it can happen), scared about pcos as well but at least that would be more manageable. Fingers crossed all your blood tests come back all clear.

Fluffette & Struth – I’m so sorry about your losses, it’s so cruel and unfair. Can’t imagine what you must be going through. The only positive is that at least you managed to get pregnant and people say you are normally incredibly fertile after a miscarriage. But I’m sure that doesn’t make it any easier to cope with your loss.

My temp has gone up this morning, probably a random reading as opk was negative yesterday but now worried as i haven’t BD since Wed night, so can’t get back to sleep…..arrgh. Waiting for dh to wake up then going to jump on him just in case!!
Snowflake - oh, how familiar that sounds! That is the thing with irregular AFs isn't it? Always wondering whether it is coming and whether you missed it. I would cry if I missed it! I think we have just about covered it each cycle but imagine after waiting all that time if it passed by without a good old BD!

Hey - are you able to link your chart in your signature (I love chart stalking!). Do you use FF? If so, you just need to go to the sharing tab and select get code. You then copy and paste the bbcode and put it in your sig. We can all then stalk along with you!
It's horrible isn't it? Felt like that constantly since I started charting back in April, except for the short time after I ov'd last cycle. Thing is if you miss it you have no idea how long you'll have to wait to get another chance!

It won't let me add signature yet as apparently I need to have more than 5 posts first! I do use FF and just got the code thing. Will try posting it below then should have enough posts to add a signature! - link to my charts, hopefully!
Ok, think I might have done that wrong but it should now be in my signature. Have added BD for this AM already just to see what it said my chances would be!!
Exactly! So frustrating. Just had a look at your chart - wow. Don't you hate it when you have to scroll? It does look like your body might have geared up once or twice but hasn't quite got there. What are your usual post-O temps like?
Ha ha, yep, you are so right about the having to scroll....don't think FF is designed for people like us with crazy cycles! This is my longest cycle so far. Last cycle my post O temps were all above 36.4 and when right up to 37 at one point so I'm a long way off that. Think you are right, my body has been trying to O but it's not happened, I had gastric flu from cd38 - cd43 with really bad fever etc (you can see temps are missing on the chart) so don't know if that has made this cycle worse. Wish my body would just hurry up and O already!! Any signs of O for you?
Perfect - I can now stalk your chart!!! Yeah - they are low compared to your last O then aren't they? Fingers crossed that today's temp is the start of something. Do you use opks too?

No sign of O for me yet :cry: Could still be some time I guess - what with the mc and the irregular cycles. My temps are still too high - my pre-O temps are usually 96.6-97 but they are still 97 and above so I think I might be in for the long haul :paper:
:hugs: to you both!
One more day of Provera for me... and then I'll let you all see my chart again :rofl:
I can't wait for af so that the clomid can start working magic!

I agree FF makes me scroll sideways and it's not fun. Definitely not made for people with longer than 30 day cycle.
I use the Clearblue Fertility Monitor, had bought it naively thinking my cycles would go back to normal quickly but can still use it by just re-setting it every 20 days. I don't really think this is O, as monitor still saying "low" and I think my temps need to go lower for a bit longer first but as you say just scared of missing my chance after waiting so long.

Fingers crossed for you that temps lower a bit soon and that O is just around the corner for both of us!
That's exciting Reba, have heard great things about Clomid, fingers crossed you get your bfp in your first cycle with it!
How does that work with your monitor then? I have one too but have never used it as my cycles have never calmed down enough (I am an optimist and thought they would!). Do you tell it is a new cycle ever so often?

Reba - I'm getting excited for you x
Yes, i just reset it every 20 days and start again. I'd bought it and the sticks so just decided it was cheaper than buying opks as well!
I also hate scrolling sideways in FF it drives me mad :( I'm on CD 80 tomorrow :(
Hope your all doing ok x

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