Prayer offered here ~ Biblical guidance


Well-Known Member
Aug 13, 2013
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We all have the same Goal here in this site & that is to concieve a child...I truely believe JESUS is our Only hope in this.
There are steps we must take to increase this chance as we pray and ask God to give us a baby......God's word clearly says :“Seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be provided for you!” Matthew 6:33.......Although this verse is one of the most often quoted, printed, and monogrammed scriptures…I dare say that actually putting this one into practice is quite different than merely memorizing the words. Let’s break this one down a bit, shall we?

strive, pursue, or chase after with intensity
your chief and primary objective
The kingdom…
the realm of rule and authority
of God…
where God, our Creator and Savior Reigns!
So, what exactly does it mean to “seek first the Kingdom of God?” I was pondering this question recently ......
God revealed to me that by seeking first his kingdom agenda, then all things that I longed for and desired would ultimately be added to my life. The trick is to get the order right. Most of us have the order reversed. The world tells us to seek first marriage, a career, or whatever the next item is on our List, but God says that we are to place him and his agenda as the priority of our lives –trusting him to take care of the rest. I believe when we start to do this His Blessings start pouring !(According to his Will & his timing)
Father, we desire to have a baby, and since Your Word says that children are a gift from You, we expect to have a normal, healthy baby. Since __________ has been redeemed from the curse, we expect her to carry that child full term. Your Word says You will bless the fruit of her womb, and Your Word says she will lose none of her young by miscarriage or be barren and that You will keep her safe through childbearing. Since she is no longer under the curse, she will be able to have this child the way You originally planned for Eve to have children—free from pain and suffering and pangs and spasms of distress. So we expect this child to be brought into the world quickly and with no pain. We believe she will feel the contractions but will feel no pain. We believe, according to Your Word, that she will have a beautiful pregnancy with no suffering during it.

Thank You, Father, for hearing and answering our prayers and for faithfully watching over Your Word to perform it. We know You have given Your angels charge over us to accompany and defend and preserve us in all our ways.

Now, Satan, you hear the Word of God. We speak it to you and command you to take your hands off us, God’s children, in the Name of Jesus. We break all assignments you have put up against us and forbid you to hinder this pregnancy or childbirth in any way. We bind you, and the Word of God declares that whatever we bind on this earth is bound in heaven, and whatever we loose is loosed in heaven. And we loose the peace of God to flood our hearts right now, in Jesus’ Name.

Thank You, Lord, for hearing and answering our prayers. We love You and we appreciate You and look forward to seeing this precious little love that You have especially picked out for us.
I believe! Ask and you shall receive (in His time).
*Delight yourself in The Lord and he will give you the desires of your heart. Psalm 37:4

Thanks for sharing!
I totally believe that there is ABSOLUTELY nothing impossible with GOD. JUST BELIEVE!!!!
I agree. I pray to GOD every chance I get, prayer works and I know that it is he who will bless us with our blessing. I love the prayer. Thanks for sharing.
I'm glad I saw this thread. I'd love some Christian support!
Hello I do believe its all about prayer and Gods timing not our own. I believe he will help me conceive just as he did Hannah ( 1 Samuel 1-20) as she vowed to give her child back to the Lord. I do vow to in still the ways of the Lord Jesus Christ to my child as I do my others witch are 15,10,5, but are not my Dh although he treats them as his own. I love what you posted I am glad I also saw this post I need Godly engorgement .
Yes God is in control Proverbs 20:24 says :The LORD is the one who directs a person's steps. How then can anyone understand his own way?

Sometimes, however, God’s promises are marked with conditions. Although we serve a God of limitless grace and mercy, He often charges us with responsibilities upon which our success will depend. For instance, in today’s passage, we see that confidence, obedience, and endurance are all vital elements in “receiving what has been promised” (Heb. 10:35-36).
This does not mean that we can earn God’s favor with good deeds. In truth, He loves us not for what we do, but because He cannot help loving each of us passionately just as we are.

If we love Him in return, we must take responsibility for what He has called us to do. This is not a maneuver to finagle blessings from Him, but rather an act of humble submission to His will. When we operate from such a standpoint, we are in the perfect position to grab hold of what He wants to give us.:hugs:
HMMMM......WE really need to check the condition of our hearts..we need to examine inside of us and make sure we are not hindering our prayers....for example if we have anything against anyone we need to get it out of our hearts and Forgive...Why u ask? The Amplified Bible says, “But if you do not forgive others their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment], neither will your Father forgive you your trespasses.”

Believe me I am working on this daily..I not claiming to be "MRS. CHRISTIAN of the year" I am learning that these things harm our walk with God & our prayers.
In 11 Corinthians 2:11 the Apostle Paul admonishes us to, “...forgive....lest satan should get an advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.” The devil will take advantage of every instance of resentment and bitterness that you allow to stay in your heart; and he will viciously use it against you.

Satan is always out to get us even causing us to hinder our own prayers with God due to falling victim to his(Satan'S) tactics & schemes.I see this often in my own life too..Many of us Christians feel frustrated and defeated in life because our prayers seem to go unanswered. we don’t receive healing when we ask for it. we don’t sense the leading of the Spirit when we seek it
We think that God does not love us or that we aren’t good enough to receive His blessings. But the reality is, WE have obstructed Our relationship with God by allowing bitterness and resentment (hurt feelings) to stay in our heart towards someone that has offended us.
God's word says (Not my words) In Mark 11:25 JESUS SAID “The Amplified says, “...forgive him and let it drop (leave it, let it go), in order that your Father Who is in heaven may also forgive you your own failings and shortcomings and let them drop.”
SEE HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS??? This has to be one of the most astounding statements in all the Word of God. JESUS SAID...WHO SAID? JESUS SAID that God will not be able to forgive you if you can’t find a way to forgive others. WOW! I don't know about you but I do not want to be in that situation!:dohh:
Could this be the reason why prayer has gone unanswered for so many of us Christians/believers? Could this be the reason why so many are filled with judgmental and hateful attitudes towards others.SOOO..Forgive.... let it go.... let it drop. The alternative just isn’t worth it. Yes it's hard at times because our Pride gets in the way...That's when we need to remember How God will not forgive us if we do not drop it and let it go....

It is no longer a question of whether or not you will forgive someone. Christians ALWAYS forgive. Every time. Every hurt. Every person. No matter what they have done. lETS START to UNhinder our prayers so that God's Blessing willl overflow in our lives!! :hugs:
HMMMM......WE really need to check the condition of our hearts..we need to examine inside of us and make sure we are not hindering our prayers....for example if we have anything against anyone we need to get it out of our hearts and Forgive...Why u ask? The Amplified Bible says, “But if you do not forgive others their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment], neither will your Father forgive you your trespasses.”

Believe me I am working on this daily..I not claiming to be "MRS. CHRISTIAN of the year" I am learning that these things harm our walk with God & our prayers.
In 11 Corinthians 2:11 the Apostle Paul admonishes us to, “...forgive....lest satan should get an advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.” The devil will take advantage of every instance of resentment and bitterness that you allow to stay in your heart; and he will viciously use it against you.

Satan is always out to get us even causing us to hinder our own prayers with God due to falling victim to his(Satan'S) tactics & schemes.I see this often in my own life too..Many of us Christians feel frustrated and defeated in life because our prayers seem to go unanswered. we don’t receive healing when we ask for it. we don’t sense the leading of the Spirit when we seek it
We think that God does not love us or that we aren’t good enough to receive His blessings. But the reality is, WE have obstructed Our relationship with God by allowing bitterness and resentment (hurt feelings) to stay in our heart towards someone that has offended us.
God's word says (Not my words) In Mark 11:25 JESUS SAID “The Amplified says, “...forgive him and let it drop (leave it, let it go), in order that your Father Who is in heaven may also forgive you your own failings and shortcomings and let them drop.”
SEE HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS??? This has to be one of the most astounding statements in all the Word of God. JESUS SAID...WHO SAID? JESUS SAID that God will not be able to forgive you if you can’t find a way to forgive others. WOW! I don't know about you but I do not want to be in that situation!:dohh:
Could this be the reason why prayer has gone unanswered for so many of us Christians/believers? Could this be the reason why so many are filled with judgmental and hateful attitudes towards others.SOOO..Forgive.... let it go.... let it drop. The alternative just isn’t worth it. Yes it's hard at times because our Pride gets in the way...That's when we need to remember How God will not forgive us if we do not drop it and let it go....

It is no longer a question of whether or not you will forgive someone. Christians ALWAYS forgive. Every time. Every hurt. Every person. No matter what they have done. lETS START to UNhinder our prayers so that God's Blessing willl overflow in our lives!! :hugs:

I agree with your post, 100%. Forgivess is key and many christians are not forgiving and they allow hatred, bitterness and revenge in their hearts. My DH struggles with that to some extent. We have had a few family blow outs because of anger, resentment and heartache. There are people in his family fighting and it's all because they do not know how to forgive and forget. That is one thing I feel that the Lord has blessed me with, the ability to forgive and forget. Im not saying that I don't get angry or that I don't let my anger get the best of me but it doesn't take much for me to say I forgive you and I love you. Let the past be the past!

I am enjoying these posts! :thumbup:
Just wanted to add a thank you to Greekgrl77 for adding me as a friend. You are my very first friend on here! :)
If any other ladies want to be my friend - for christian support or TTC support or both - please feel free to add me as a friend! I would love that! :)
HMMMM......WE really need to check the condition of our hearts..we need to examine inside of us and make sure we are not hindering our prayers....for example if we have anything against anyone we need to get it out of our hearts and Forgive...Why u ask? The Amplified Bible says, “But if you do not forgive others their trespasses [their reckless and willful sins, leaving them, letting them go, and giving up resentment], neither will your Father forgive you your trespasses.”

Believe me I am working on this daily..I not claiming to be "MRS. CHRISTIAN of the year" I am learning that these things harm our walk with God & our prayers.
In 11 Corinthians 2:11 the Apostle Paul admonishes us to, “...forgive....lest satan should get an advantage of us; for we are not ignorant of his devices.” The devil will take advantage of every instance of resentment and bitterness that you allow to stay in your heart; and he will viciously use it against you.

Satan is always out to get us even causing us to hinder our own prayers with God due to falling victim to his(Satan'S) tactics & schemes.I see this often in my own life too..Many of us Christians feel frustrated and defeated in life because our prayers seem to go unanswered. we don’t receive healing when we ask for it. we don’t sense the leading of the Spirit when we seek it
We think that God does not love us or that we aren’t good enough to receive His blessings. But the reality is, WE have obstructed Our relationship with God by allowing bitterness and resentment (hurt feelings) to stay in our heart towards someone that has offended us.
God's word says (Not my words) In Mark 11:25 JESUS SAID “The Amplified says, “...forgive him and let it drop (leave it, let it go), in order that your Father Who is in heaven may also forgive you your own failings and shortcomings and let them drop.”
SEE HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS??? This has to be one of the most astounding statements in all the Word of God. JESUS SAID...WHO SAID? JESUS SAID that God will not be able to forgive you if you can’t find a way to forgive others. WOW! I don't know about you but I do not want to be in that situation!:dohh:
Could this be the reason why prayer has gone unanswered for so many of us Christians/believers? Could this be the reason why so many are filled with judgmental and hateful attitudes towards others.SOOO..Forgive.... let it go.... let it drop. The alternative just isn’t worth it. Yes it's hard at times because our Pride gets in the way...That's when we need to remember How God will not forgive us if we do not drop it and let it go....

It is no longer a question of whether or not you will forgive someone. Christians ALWAYS forgive. Every time. Every hurt. Every person. No matter what they have done. lETS START to UNhinder our prayers so that God's Blessing willl overflow in our lives!! :hugs:

I agree with your post, 100%. Forgivess is key and many christians are not forgiving and they allow hatred, bitterness and revenge in their hearts. My DH struggles with that to some extent. We have had a few family blow outs because of anger, resentment and heartache. There are people in his family fighting and it's all because they do not know how to forgive and forget. That is one thing I feel that the Lord has blessed me with, the ability to forgive and forget. Im not saying that I don't get angry or that I don't let my anger get the best of me but it doesn't take much for me to say I forgive you and I love you. Let the past be the past!

I am enjoying these posts! :thumbup:

Yes !! I am glad you enjoy themalthough the thanks Goes to God Lol :hugs:
Just wanted to add a thank you to Greekgrl77 for adding me as a friend. You are my very first friend on here! :)
If any other ladies want to be my friend - for christian support or TTC support or both - please feel free to add me as a friend! I would love that! :)

Each day I will talk about different topics and how it relates to our walk with God!
I agree, forgiveness is key. It's funny you posted that, because thats what I been working on lately in my life, trying to forgive people and just to live a positive lifestyle, and positive lifestyle = stress free. I find myself smiling just because, I'm thankful for GOD allowing me to see another day. I feel as though if I'm good to others, GOD will be good to me and he will bless me. I dont claim to be perfect either, because no one on this earth is perfect. I enjoy reading the posts and I look forward to reading more from you.
I agree, forgiveness is key. It's funny you posted that, because thats what I been working on lately in my life, trying to forgive people and just to live a positive lifestyle, and positive lifestyle = stress free. I find myself smiling just because, I'm thankful for GOD allowing me to see another day. I feel as though if I'm good to others, GOD will be good to me and he will bless me. I dont claim to be perfect either, because no one on this earth is perfect. I enjoy reading the posts and I look forward to reading more from you.

Amor ,Thank you hun!Yes being good to others matters & Ill do a study about this later.It's called reaping what you sow,The world calls it Karma.Ill do a study on it .Happy uenjoy it.Glory Goes to God.:hugs:
Ill try and post my new studies in the AM..I am learning right along with all of you!

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