Prayer offered here ~ Biblical guidance

Wow you don't even know how I needed to hear that . Me and hubbie had an argument and a lot of hurtful words were thrown out at each other. I was more hurt then him I think but I was not wanting to forgive him I was already building a wall around my heart. I know as a Christian woman I shouldn't do this but I just though id stay away from him not be as loveable as I used to be with him. I thought how can we bring a baby in this kind of relationship so I asked God to forgive me. Dh asked for forgiveness and I said ok but I still feel hurt I didn't ask him to forgive me for the way I was acting. I just don't know how its been 4 days already and don't want to bring it up again things seem to be better. I know I need to cause I still feel a heaviness on my heart.
Wow you don't even know how I needed to hear that . Me and hubbie had an argument and a lot of hurtful words were thrown out at each other. I was more hurt then him I think but I was not wanting to forgive him I was already building a wall around my heart. I know as a Christian woman I shouldn't do this but I just though id stay away from him not be as loveable as I used to be with him. I thought how can we bring a baby in this kind of relationship so I asked God to forgive me. Dh asked for forgiveness and I said ok but I still feel hurt I didn't ask him to forgive me for the way I was acting. I just don't know how its been 4 days already and don't want to bring it up again things seem to be better. I know I need to cause I still feel a heaviness on my heart.

BabySalazar----Isn't it AMAZING how God speaks to us right when we need it?That's the benifit we have being his children.... Believe me have been in your shoes & we have to forget how we feel..why because The enemy uses our emotions alot ! "Oh I don't want to say sorry 1st" "I have a right to not forgive him for what he did" ect. Satan puts these justifications in our all reality there is no excuse in God's eyes for not forgiving right away..Look how many times God forgives us?..My suggestion is just say Your sorry for your actions..we have to own up to what we do "PRIDE" always gets in the way of us humbling ourself and asking for forgivness & forgiving. 4 days so's never tolate for us to ask God to forgive us right?Besides when we don't forgive God doesn't forgive us.. Here is the proof in God's word::But if you forgive not men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.
If God doesn't forgive us because we have unforgivness in our hearts (which he clearly says in Matthew6:15)then we put our soul in danger ,How terrible it would be to suddenly die & stand before God & hear him say sorry u didn't forgive joe,sue,bob so I cannot forgive you depart from me worker of iniquity(thrown into Hell) belive me it can happen and there are many scriptures backing this up..I have been studying about this lately & has reallyopened my eyes wider .......It it's not worth chancing that..... so GO take your booty in there and humble yourself....remember this it's not about us...It's about God & forgiving those who hurt us actually free's us too!!!:hugs:
Wow you don't even know how I needed to hear that . Me and hubbie had an argument and a lot of hurtful words were thrown out at each other. I was more hurt then him I think but I was not wanting to forgive him I was already building a wall around my heart. I know as a Christian woman I shouldn't do this but I just though id stay away from him not be as loveable as I used to be with him. I thought how can we bring a baby in this kind of relationship so I asked God to forgive me. Dh asked for forgiveness and I said ok but I still feel hurt I didn't ask him to forgive me for the way I was acting. I just don't know how its been 4 days already and don't want to bring it up again things seem to be better. I know I need to cause I still feel a heaviness on my heart.

That's the hard part -about forgiveness. When we feel that we have been wronged by someone it goes against our nature to say I forgive you and treat the person with love and kindness.

It's called denying your flesh or taking up your cross. You do what God says is right, not what your flesh tells you. Your flesh wants you to stay angry and hold onto your resentment. That's why it SOO hard to ignore how you feel!

But by forgiving your husband and moving forward, you aren't doing that for him, you are obeying the Lord and you are cleansing your heart! Forgiveness is for you! :hugs:

Ask God to examine your heart and your motives and ask Him to help you overcome. You both need to try and forgive and love each other no matter how hard it is. Take up that Cross girl! YOu can do it! The Lord is with you every step of the way, no matter what. :happydance:
Wow you don't even know how I needed to hear that . Me and hubbie had an argument and a lot of hurtful words were thrown out at each other. I was more hurt then him I think but I was not wanting to forgive him I was already building a wall around my heart. I know as a Christian woman I shouldn't do this but I just though id stay away from him not be as loveable as I used to be with him. I thought how can we bring a baby in this kind of relationship so I asked God to forgive me. Dh asked for forgiveness and I said ok but I still feel hurt I didn't ask him to forgive me for the way I was acting. I just don't know how its been 4 days already and don't want to bring it up again things seem to be better. I know I need to cause I still feel a heaviness on my heart.

That's the hard part -about forgiveness. When we feel that we have been wronged by someone it goes against our nature to say I forgive you and treat the person with love and kindness.

It's called denying your flesh or taking up your cross. You do what God says is right, not what your flesh tells you. Your flesh wants you to stay angry and hold onto your resentment. That's why it SOO hard to ignore how you feel!

But by forgiving your husband and moving forward, you aren't doing that for him, you are obeying the Lord and you are cleansing your heart! Forgiveness is for you! :hugs:

Ask God to examine your heart and your motives and ask Him to help you overcome. You both need to try and forgive and love each other no matter how hard it is. Take up that Cross girl! YOu can do it! The Lord is with you every step of the way, no matter what. :happydance:

One reason God allows adversity/PAIN in our lives is to get our attention. He’s acutely aware of when we’re too preoccupied with ourselves and our interests. God knows when it’s time to plan an interruption so we will take notice!

The question immediately arises: isn’t there another way to capture our attention? Theoretically, the answer is yes. There are other means besides adversity. But it usually takes a jolt of some kind to bring us around. In his book The Problem of Pain, C.S. Lewis put it this way, “God whispers to us in our pleasures, speaks in our conscience, but shouts in our pains: it is His megaphone to rouse a deaf world”

When things go our way, it is sometimes difficult to turn our thoughts to God. If all is well, we may quickly drift into a state of self-reliance and smugness. Our prayers can become lifeless, and the Word of God may start to sound unappealing to our complacent ears. To make matters worse, we can begin to confuse our sense of well-being with spirituality. When nothing is wrong, we falsely assume that everything is right.

It is next to impossible for an unbeliever with no pressing problems to see the need for a Savior. That person might figure, When everything is fine, why “mess it up” with God? But come back to the same man or woman after adversity/TRIALS has struck, and you will find a completely different attitude.

Such is the power of adversity. Difficulties can bring even the strongest and most stubborn of us to our knees..... Consider Saul, who later became the apostle Paul. As he traveled to Damascus to arrest believers, God struck him down with blinding light, humiliating him in front of his traveling companions. No doubt assuming his blindness was permanent, Saul was now ready to listen to God. As the truth settled in that Christ was the Messiah, he realized his error. A few days later, Saul proclaimed Jesus in the synagogues (Acts 9:20). He was the first to take the Great Commission seriously—He planted churches across the Roman empire, and he preached to both Gentiles and Jews.

What about you? What could God accomplish through you if He had your undivided attention and loyalty? We sometimes forget that when God looks at our lives, He sees not only our past, but our potential future as well. He sees the lost soul with whom we’ll have an opportunity to share. He knows who among us could be great preachers, writers, debaters, or teachers. And from the perspective of eternity, whatever it would take to get our attention would be worth it.

To some, this whole notion may sound cruel and unfair. And to be honest, in the midst of a situation where God was working to gain my undivided attention, I had my doubts as well. But we are the ones who are unfair when we label God as cruel. Our stubbornness and insensitivity to His Spirit may cause Him to resort to means we may consider unpleasant. Our preoccupation and infatuation with the things of this world diminish our spiritual sensitivity. And if we are really honest, we leave God no choice.

If you are facing adversity, God may be trying to get your attention about a specific sin. He may be in the process of steering your affections away from worldly things. God may know that you are on the verge of making a major mistake. Perhaps He wants to intensify His relationship with you during this time of decision making. Whatever your circumstances may be, rest assured that God doesn’t act without a purpose. If He’s allowed adversity to enter your world, He has something exciting in store for you!:hugs:
God is so good I picked up my cross and I did it I asked Dh to forgive me for acting the way I did and he accepted. I feel so Great today woke and had a long prayer, let go of a lot and asked Jesus to take the garbage i had hidden in my heart search my heart o lord I am letting go and letting God handle things. Yes adversity sometime that is the only way we come back to really seek Jesus as I know that I was to content where I was and out of no where thing started to happen. What did I do I hit my knees but not soon enough but I am back on focus. I also thank God for you and all that you are sharing with us.
God is so good I picked up my cross and I did it I asked Dh to forgive me for acting the way I did and he accepted. I feel so Great today woke and had a long prayer, let go of a lot and asked Jesus to take the garbage i had hidden in my heart search my heart o lord I am letting go and letting God handle things. Yes adversity sometime that is the only way we come back to really seek Jesus as I know that I was to content where I was and out of no where thing started to happen. What did I do I hit my knees but not soon enough but I am back on focus. I also thank God for you and all that you are sharing with us.

that's wonderful news. Good job! Each time you do that, you will grow in your faith. It will get easier the more you do it. I'm so happy for you!:friends::wohoo:
God is so good I picked up my cross and I did it I asked Dh to forgive me for acting the way I did and he accepted. I feel so Great today woke and had a long prayer, let go of a lot and asked Jesus to take the garbage i had hidden in my heart search my heart o lord I am letting go and letting God handle things. Yes adversity sometime that is the only way we come back to really seek Jesus as I know that I was to content where I was and out of no where thing started to happen. What did I do I hit my knees but not soon enough but I am back on focus. I also thank God for you and all that you are sharing with us.

that's wonderful news. Good job! Each time you do that, you will grow in your faith. It will get easier the more you do it. I'm so happy for you!:friends::wohoo:

Thank you for the engorgement I am like on :cloud9: or something Lol I cant wait for Dh to come home for lunch :)
God is so good I picked up my cross and I did it I asked Dh to forgive me for acting the way I did and he accepted. I feel so Great today woke and had a long prayer, let go of a lot and asked Jesus to take the garbage i had hidden in my heart search my heart o lord I am letting go and letting God handle things. Yes adversity sometime that is the only way we come back to really seek Jesus as I know that I was to content where I was and out of no where thing started to happen. What did I do I hit my knees but not soon enough but I am back on focus. I also thank God for you and all that you are sharing with us.

Babysalazar----I am so Happy tohear this..U made me smile!:flower: I really have no reason for sharing all this except I enjoy sharing what I have studied especially it has helped clear the fog from my eyes the enemy has placed there.... God has put it in my heart for me to do this....sometimes we focus to much on other things like(trying so hard to concieve) and forget that GOD is who we should be seeking 1st.there is a order for things .....then when and if it's in his plan for our life we will concieve our little blessing! SO PROUD OF YOU YAY!!:hugs::happydance:
God is so good I picked up my cross and I did it I asked Dh to forgive me for acting the way I did and he accepted. I feel so Great today woke and had a long prayer, let go of a lot and asked Jesus to take the garbage i had hidden in my heart search my heart o lord I am letting go and letting God handle things. Yes adversity sometime that is the only way we come back to really seek Jesus as I know that I was to content where I was and out of no where thing started to happen. What did I do I hit my knees but not soon enough but I am back on focus. I also thank God for you and all that you are sharing with us.

that's wonderful news. Good job! Each time you do that, you will grow in your faith. It will get easier the more you do it. I'm so happy for you!:friends::wohoo:

Thank you for the engorgement I am like on :cloud9: or something Lol I cant wait for Dh to come home for lunch :)

How are you 2 doing ? I am CD6 right now so maybe next day orso will start BD everyday this month to try and catch this egg LOL
How are you 2 doing ? I am CD6 right now so maybe next day orso will start BD everyday this month to try and catch this egg LOL

Im oh so patiently waiting in the 2WW. LOL :thumbup:

Aww well how do u feel about it?? I start BD in few days:happydance:

I'm feeling pretty good about it actually. I had more fertile CM this cycle for some reason. I think we DTD plenty during my fertile window and I'm noticing some different symptoms already. :thumbup:
Great post ladies! My hubby and I have been trying to conceive for a few months with no luck. Never thought it could be so hard, but somehow it just came to me about a month ago that I needed God back into my life. I knew that he was missing for a while & somehow i'm feeling positive. :thumbup:
Think I might actually be pregnant now, but all the tests are saying negative. :wacko: I know it's early, i'm due to start this week with the :witch:

I'm praying that she will go away on holiday![-o<

Lots of Baby dust to you all, I know that God will grant us our prayers in his own time.
Hello ladies,

Keeping you all in my prayers.

Lots of baby dust to everyone about to enter their fertile phase. I'm in the TWW so im praying for the best.

Greekgrl I saw you over on the ovufriend message board :)
Great post ladies! My hubby and I have been trying to conceive for a few months with no luck. Never thought it could be so hard, but somehow it just came to me about a month ago that I needed God back into my life. I knew that he was missing for a while & somehow i'm feeling positive. :thumbup:
Think I might actually be pregnant now, but all the tests are saying negative. :wacko: I know it's early, i'm due to start this week with the :witch:

I'm praying that she will go away on holiday![-o<

Lots of Baby dust to you all, I know that God will grant us our prayers in his own time.

LALLI---Well there isno mistake you were lead to this forum...:hugs:
Hello ladies,

Keeping you all in my prayers.

Lots of baby dust to everyone about to enter their fertile phase. I'm in the TWW so im praying for the best.

Greekgrl I saw you over on the ovufriend message board :)

Thank you!! Yay u seen me lol..:hugs:

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