Prayer offered here ~ Biblical guidance

Weell let's study this for ourselves...Remember feel free to grab your Bible and read these versus for yourself.........Here it goes!

God uses our circumstances to discipline us and to make us what He wants us to be. The story of Jacob in the Old Testament is an example of how God uses circumstances to discipline His children.
Jacob did not have a very good character. He was not only clever and cunning, but he was also greedy and dishonest. He was always trying to get the best of other people.

Jacob cheated his older brother out of his birthright. He deceived his father. In fact, he managed to get the best of almost everyone with whom he came in contact.

God knew what Jacob was like, and He was dealing with him.
Jacob was a deceiver, and God sent him to work for his uncle, Laban, who was the same kind of person as Jacob.....Jacob fell in love with Laban's daughter, Rachel, and wanted to marry her, but Laban required that he work seven years for her. Jacob gladly agreed to do this. The Bible says,

"Jacob served seven years for Rachel; and they seemed unto him but a few days, for the love he had to her."

When his seven years were completed, Jacob asked for his bride. Laban prepared a great wedding feast. When it was over, Jacob discovered that he had been deceived. Laban had substituted Leah, his older daughter, for Rachel. Jacob had married the wrong girl! He had to work another seven years for Rachel.For twenty years Jacob was cheated by his uncle. During this time, Laban changed his wages ten times. Eventually, Jacob left the land of Haran to return to his home. During the journey, Rachel became sick and died.

Later, Jacob's favorite son, Joseph, was sold as a slave by his jealous brothers. These brothers deceived their father into thinking that Joseph had been killed by a wild beast. Jacob believed that Joseph was dead and mourned for him many years.

Jacob had deceived others, and he himself was deceived. He encountered one difficulty after another. At one time, he cried out, "All these things are against me." Actually, though, God was working all these circumstances together for Jacob's good. Through discipline and chastening, God was bringing about a change in Jacob's character.In the end, we see a different Jacob. The one who had started out as a cunning deceiver was now a prince with God. He was gentle, humble and matured—a man who walked with God. Even Pharaoh, the mightiest king on earth at that time, recognized Jacob as a man of God. Pharaoh bowed before Jacob to receive a blessing from him.

Every one of us has much of Jacob's nature in us. We are selfish and self-seeking. We know how to be clever and even deceitful to get what we want. Therefore, God has to discipline us.

How does God discipline us? He disciplines us by our circumstances. God arranges all sorts of happenings to teach us what He wants us to learn. The things that happen to a child of God are not accidental. All the things that happen to us are either ordered by God or permitted by Him, and they are working together for our good. The Bible says,"We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28

Many things that happen to us do not in themselves seem to be good. Indeed, they may be painful and bitter to us. But God's Word says that we can know that "all things work together for good to those who love God.If we do not heed His teaching and His discipline, God has to chasten us. Chastening is a form of discipline from God. God chastens us when we are disobedient.
Chastening is not the same as punishment. The object of punishment is to make a person suffer for his wrongdoing; whereas, the object of chastening is to help someone to be a better person by correcting him.

There is another difference. Punishment does not involve love, whereas chastening does. A father shows his love for his son by chastening him. The Bible says,

"He who spares his rod hates his son, but he who loves him chastens him promptly." Proverbs 13:24
When God has to chasten us, we may feel sorry for ourselves and wonder, "Why is this happening to me?" We may look around and see others who have done the same things we have done, and yet they are not having the problems that we are having. We wonder why. We may even think that God does not love us or that He is angry with us. But these are wrong conclusions. Now let us see the true meaning of chastening.

· Chastening is proof that we are God's child.
The first thing we need to see about chastening is that it is proof that we are God's child. God does not chasten unsaved people. He chastens only His own children.

Five children were playing in a yard. They were covered with mud. Suddenly, a mother came out and disciplined three of the children, forbidding them to play there any further. One of her children complained, "Why didn't you discipline the others too?"
Because they are not my children," replied the mother.

Do you wonder why unsaved people do wrong and seemingly get by with it, whereas when a child of God does the same thing, he is chastened? The reason is simply this: Unsaved people are not God's children. God only chastens His own children. The unsaved will be punished for their sins in the next life, but God chastens His children in this life. If God chastens you, it simply proves that you are His child. The Bible says,

"If you endure chastening, God deals with you as with sons; for what son is there whom a father does not chastens? But if you are without chastisening, of which all have become partakers, then you are illegitimate and not sons." Hebrews 12:7-8

· Chastening is proof that God loves us!:happydance:The second thing we need to see about chastening is that it is proof that God loves us. God does not chasten us because He does not like us or because He is angry with us. He chastens us because He loves us. The Bible says,

"For whom the Lord loves He chastens, and scourges every son whom He receives." Hebrews 12:6

When we realize that trials and difficulties come from our Heavenly Father, and that they come to us because He loves us, our whole attitude toward them changes. The psalmist said,

"Blessed is the man whom you discipline, O LORD, the man you teach from your law." Psalm 94:12
How should we receive God's Chastening?

God tells us in His Word how we are to receive His chastening. The Bible says,

"My son, do not despise the chastening of the LORD, nor faint [be discouraged] when you are rebuked by Him." Hebrews 12:5

In this verse, God tells us that there are two attitudes we are to maintain when we are being chastened.

#1 We must not despise the chastening of the Lord.

The word "despise," as it is used in this verse, means "to treat lightly." The Bible tells us here that we are not to treat lightly the chastening of the Lord. If God chastens us, we should take it seriously. We should seek to find out what He is trying to teach us.Unfortunately, many Christians go on for years without learning what God is trying to teach them. Why? Because they either do not realize that God is chastening them or they do not take it seriously.
Our Heavenly Father is constantly training His children; yet many of God's children do not see the hand of God in the things that happen to them. They think that what happens to them is only accidental, never realizing that God is behind their circumstances. They do not realize that God is using these things to try to teach them His ways. It is indeed tragic for a Christian not to see God's hand in his circumstances. And it is tragic to despise or treat lightly God's chastening.

Therefore, one of the first attitudes a child of God needs to learn is to take seriously the chastening of the Lord. We certainly do not say that every sickness or every accident is the chastening of the Lord. But we should pay careful attention to our circumstances.

When something occurs, our first questions should be, "What does this mean? Is God trying to teach me something? Is there something in my life that is not pleasing to Him?" We must take seriously the dealings of the Lord or they may go by without benefiting us..

We must not "faint" when God rebukes us.

The word "faint" here means "to lose heart" or to become too discouraged. The Bible tells us here that we are not to take it too hard when God rebukes or chastens us. This is the opposite of treating it too lightly.

When God is dealing with us, we may become so discouraged that we feel like giving up. We may think that we just cannot live the Christian life. But God tells us not to "faint." He wants us to know that He is chastening us because He loves us and desires only the best for us.

The Peaceable Fruit of Righteousness

May God enable us to see that the trials, experiences, and chastenings which He sends are for our highest good. There is nothing enjoyable about being chastened, but if we accept it in the right way, it will yield precious fruit in our life. The Bible says,

"Now no chastening seems to be joyful for the present, but painful; nevertheless, afterward it yields the peaceable fruit of righteousness to those who have been trained by it." Hebrews 12:11

To whom does chastening yield "the peaceable fruit of righteousness"? It yields it to "those who have been trained by it"—those who are submissive to God's chastening.

David knew what it was to have God's chastening hand upon him. He also knew what it was to submit to God. He did not accuse God of dealing with him unfairly. He did not hold resentment against Him. Instead, he was thankful to God for His faithfulness. David said,

"I know, O LORD, that Your judgments are right, and that in faithfulness You have afflicted me." Psalm 119:75

This is the way we should receive God's chastenings. We should tell Him that He is altogether right in what He does. We should be thankful to Him and learn the lesson He is teaching us. We should realize, too, that God will use our experiences to help others who follow after us. The Bible says,

"Therefore strengthen the hands which hang down, and the feeble knees, and make straight paths for your feet, so that what is lame may not be dislocated, but rather be healed." Hebrews 12:12-13

What does this mean? It means that we do not live to ourselves; we influence others. Others are following after us. If we are disobedient, we make a crooked path and lead others astray. But if we walk in obedience to the Lord, we make a straight path for others to follow.:hugs:
I am on cd 12 and waiting to O this week i think. I have egg white cm and have pain in the left side so going to try and BD if Dh isn't tiered. Last month I O really late and had same symptoms until I actraully Od I don't use Ov kits its to confusing for me but I do temp but only know that I Od after temp rises :( praying for all of us lady's

babysalazar--hey sistah! I am CD9,the witch left waiting to O too!I havent seen any CM but either way I'll keep BD!:happydance: We BD last night and we agreed to BD everynight until end of the month for starters LOL! praying we all get the bfp for sept!!:hugs:

Praying for our BFP's this month!!

Hi sis Jajuly! Yes me too!! Can't wait til you test!:hugs:
CD10...BD night 3 tonight lol! COMON BFP FOR SEPT.!!!!
Don't think its happing for me this month Hubbie don't want to BD :cry: last night I made a move and he turned me down. I have been texing him off and on all day just flirting with him thinking maybe it will help tonight to get him in the mood :blush: maybe. Well he's off all weekend and he doesn't have any side jobs so hopful the I am to tierd excuse wont come up :shrug:
Great post ladies! My hubby and I have been trying to conceive for a few months with no luck. Never thought it could be so hard, but somehow it just came to me about a month ago that I needed God back into my life. I knew that he was missing for a while & somehow i'm feeling positive. :thumbup:
Think I might actually be pregnant now, but all the tests are saying negative. :wacko: I know it's early, i'm due to start this week with the :witch:

I'm praying that she will go away on holiday![-o<

Lots of Baby dust to you all, I know that God will grant us our prayers in his own time.

:hi:Praying for you that she stays away.

I'm officially 5 days late on the witch, praying multiple times a day that she will stay away. Feeling positive! My boobs are so tender & feeling really tired through out the day. :p
Don't think its happing for me this month Hubbie don't want to BD :cry: last night I made a move and he turned me down. I have been texing him off and on all day just flirting with him thinking maybe it will help tonight to get him in the mood :blush: maybe. Well he's off all weekend and he doesn't have any side jobs so hopful the I am to tierd excuse wont come up :shrug:

BabySalazar--- Aww sorry to hear..Wow My hubby never turns me down I am usually the oneLOL...jUST KEEP ON TRYING GIRL!!
Great post ladies! My hubby and I have been trying to conceive for a few months with no luck. Never thought it could be so hard, but somehow it just came to me about a month ago that I needed God back into my life. I knew that he was missing for a while & somehow i'm feeling positive. :thumbup:
Think I might actually be pregnant now, but all the tests are saying negative. :wacko: I know it's early, i'm due to start this week with the :witch:

I'm praying that she will go away on holiday![-o<

Lots of Baby dust to you all, I know that God will grant us our prayers in his own time.

:hi:Praying for you that she stays away.

I'm officially 5 days late on the witch, praying multiple times a day that she will stay away. Feeling positive! My boobs are so tender & feeling really tired through out the day. :p

I am on cd 12 and waiting to O this week i think. I have egg white cm and have pain in the left side so going to try and BD if Dh isn't tiered. Last month I O really late and had same symptoms until I actraully Od I don't use Ov kits its to confusing for me but I do temp but only know that I Od after temp rises :( praying for all of us lady's

babysalazar--hey sistah! I am CD9,the witch left waiting to O too!I havent seen any CM but either way I'll keep BD!:happydance: We BD last night and we agreed to BD everynight until end of the month for starters LOL! praying we all get the bfp for sept!!:hugs:

Praying for our BFP's this month!!

Hi sis Jajuly! Yes me too!! Can't wait til you test!:hugs:

Well, I took a test yesterday and it was BFN. :dohh:
That was assuming I was right about ovulating on CD8. So maybe (hopefully) i did O at the normal time and AF isn't due until next week. :winkwink:

How are you doing??
Hello I am on cd17 have lots of O symptoms but temp is still low so haven't Od yet.We have only BD 2 times this week. Its so hard to get hubbie to Bd a lot cause he is always tiered from work and he is a bit over weight. I think I am trying more then him he says all in Gods timing. (JaJuly2013) Well lets hope and pray together that you still get that BFP next week your not out until Af show :hugs:
Great post ladies! My hubby and I have been trying to conceive for a few months with no luck. Never thought it could be so hard, but somehow it just came to me about a month ago that I needed God back into my life. I knew that he was missing for a while & somehow i'm feeling positive. :thumbup:
Think I might actually be pregnant now, but all the tests are saying negative. :wacko: I know it's early, i'm due to start this week with the :witch:

I'm praying that she will go away on holiday![-o<

Lots of Baby dust to you all, I know that God will grant us our prayers in his own time.

:hi:Praying for you that she stays away.

I'm officially 5 days late on the witch, praying multiple times a day that she will stay away. Feeling positive! My boobs are so tender & feeling really tired through out the day. :p


Has been so down the past few days, the witch showed up 6 days late. :( Good luck to the rest of you! Back to trying.
Great post ladies! My hubby and I have been trying to conceive for a few months with no luck. Never thought it could be so hard, but somehow it just came to me about a month ago that I needed God back into my life. I knew that he was missing for a while & somehow i'm feeling positive. :thumbup:
Think I might actually be pregnant now, but all the tests are saying negative. :wacko: I know it's early, i'm due to start this week with the :witch:

I'm praying that she will go away on holiday![-o<

Lots of Baby dust to you all, I know that God will grant us our prayers in his own time.

:hi:Praying for you that she stays away.

I'm officially 5 days late on the witch, praying multiple times a day that she will stay away. Feeling positive! My boobs are so tender & feeling really tired through out the day. :p


Has been so down the past few days, the witch showed up 6 days late. :( Good luck to the rest of you! Back to trying.

Sorry to hear the witch got you! Fx'd for next cycle!
Hey - how is everyone doing?? This thread has gotten a little quiet lately, let's liven it up! I know Greekgrl77 is having some issues w/ her landlord so I'm guessing she can't get online. Let's pray for her situation and that it gets resolved quickly. :hugs:

Anyone still in the TWW? I am..currently 10DPO today. Having some symptoms still but they appear somewhat typical for me so I'm not sure if I'm out this month or not.

I'm getting ready to move this weekend and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and stressed. Money is tight and we still have a lot of packing to do. If you all could pray for me and my husband, i would appreciate it!

Thanks ladies!! God Bless :flower:
Hey - how is everyone doing?? This thread has gotten a little quiet lately, let's liven it up! I know Greekgrl77 is having some issues w/ her landlord so I'm guessing she can't get online. Let's pray for her situation and that it gets resolved quickly. :hugs:

Anyone still in the TWW? I am..currently 10DPO today. Having some symptoms still but they appear somewhat typical for me so I'm not sure if I'm out this month or not.

I'm getting ready to move this weekend and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and stressed. Money is tight and we still have a lot of packing to do. If you all could pray for me and my husband, i would appreciate it!

Thanks ladies!! God Bless :flower:

Hello wow moving how fun :wacko: been there before. I had so much things i forgot i even had :lol: . I got rid off a lot took it down to one of our local churches that give things donated to people in need for free. Sorry to hear Greekgirl77 is having problems just like the enemy to attack when she was ministering Gods word on here. I will keep you both in my prayers :thumbup: I am only 4Dpo we are praying for that Bfp and if i am out then we will move on to next month as Dh says its all in Gods timing. So wow 10Dpo when you going to test i will test around the 11 if af don't come that is. I am going to try and not to think every symptom this time is related to pregnancy ones obsessed :loopy: lol God Bless :hugs:
Hey - how is everyone doing?? This thread has gotten a little quiet lately, let's liven it up! I know Greekgrl77 is having some issues w/ her landlord so I'm guessing she can't get online. Let's pray for her situation and that it gets resolved quickly. :hugs:

Anyone still in the TWW? I am..currently 10DPO today. Having some symptoms still but they appear somewhat typical for me so I'm not sure if I'm out this month or not.

I'm getting ready to move this weekend and I'm feeling a little overwhelmed and stressed. Money is tight and we still have a lot of packing to do. If you all could pray for me and my husband, i would appreciate it!

Thanks ladies!! God Bless :flower:

Hello wow moving how fun :wacko: been there before. I had so much things i forgot i even had :lol: . I got rid off a lot took it down to one of our local churches that give things donated to people in need for free. Sorry to hear Greekgirl77 is having problems just like the enemy to attack when she was ministering Gods word on here. I will keep you both in my prayers :thumbup: I am only 4Dpo we are praying for that Bfp and if i am out then we will move on to next month as Dh says its all in Gods timing. So wow 10Dpo when you going to test i will test around the 11 if af don't come that is. I am going to try and not to think every symptom this time is related to pregnancy ones obsessed :loopy: lol God Bless :hugs:

I am not sure when I will test. I"m trying to hold out until at least Tuesday sept 3rd. AF is due on the 2nd. Yeah I agree, it's hard not to obsess and symptom spot while in the TWW. I seriously don't like the waiting game. Patience is not one of my strong points, lol. :dohh:
Here it goes, I have been feeling sick the past few weeks. Woke up 3 days feeling as if I'm getting the flu. My breakfast - milk & wheatbix was off putting one morning. Been dizzy, constipated, bloated & suddenly these white heads appeared al over my forehead & chest. I took a test the 22nd & negative. But then last week & this week I have been sleeping my life away & really snappy at stupid things. Saw my mom on sat & she said that I was visiting the loo a lot. Never notice because I drink heaps of water. Woke up Thursday tired all day. Got home & grabbed the last available digital test the one I was keeping for hubby when I knew I was. Tested....hourglass....keeps turning & turning. Just as I gave up! Bingo! POSITIVE 1 -2 weeks! All joys just runs to hubby & throws him with the test out of excitement. Saw the doctor today. Did another urine test & yet another positive! He says I'm about 5-6 weeks pregnant, due +- 1st Jully! I can't believe this day has come, been trying for 6months. And nearly believed myself that my endometriosis has returned. I know it's early so I'm taking it real easy. Yes ladies, after loads of praying, God has blessed us with a miracle! There is always hope! Good luck to you all!
Nearly forgot I was 5 days late before I tested! :)

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