Angelbaby > How are you now? How are you feeling? I am so sorry about your family argument. My spirit is there with you giving you lots and lotsa

dear. It can be quite stressful now when AF is not showing up and DH leaving. Maybe he needs time to cool off. Sometimes what we need is just time apart and Voila! Everything goes back to normal or better. So hang in there

Am not sure about the cyst at this time, because when i had mine, it came around the same time that i would have ovulated. I would suggest that you have it checked out asap. Maybe its a bfp coming with a bang!!!! GL dear. AF staying away is a good sign.
Honeycheeks > Preganol is an injection to stimulate the growth of mature follicles. I did not understand why i had to be given but anyway decided to try one last time.
Pinky, Adav and Luckie, how are you getting on?
AFM, have alot of pain like the one i had with the cyst. But i am being hopeful and relaxed this month. Am even taking wine at dinner (after TTC for so long, let me enjoy life) but only half a glass. Taste so good. I know that its not good, but hey i stopped living for a while there. When the time for IVF comes then i stop.
For now ladies, am praying for more bfps this cycle on this thread. Wanted to add on Luckies bfp on the thread title but dont know how to. Will appreciate if anyone can tell me how. Am so proud of us. Holding strong and sticking together through this TTC journey.

to us all!!