ahh glad you are feeling better hun

ahh sounds lush, have never been to the races bet it'll be fun and the weather is lush at mo too!

Yes he does get stinking hangovers, so that's one plus with him not coming home till the next day is I can miss out on some of the moaning and groaning!
Yep does sound like he'd had a few, but it's his own doing. :grrr: men
They are both good thanks. Think we've got on top of Thomas's sleep problem. He started getting up in the night and coming in our room, not sure if I said about it. I made a reward chart with stickers and he gets a pressie after a week. Got his 1st week straight away and then the 2nd week's been restarted several times but now we're up to 5 stickers so fx that's it now. Eating wise, he's been really good. He'll eat pretty much anything now, sometimes with bribary though

That's the good thing when they get older!

Harry is going through a fussy stage with food too, it's their way of trying to get some control. Just go with it, don't offer an alternative and they won't do it for long hun.