Aww hoping..that sucks!!! Stupid flu Best of luck next cycle..are you without any chance at all?
I'm feeling better! It's only bad in the late evenings..but I can handle will be worth it for sure!! I can't wait till the 1st
Ladies HELP ME!! LOL
Af is 5 days late :/ I had a negative CB digi this morning and a neg FRER yesterday
Should i just keep testing untill i get AF?
Tmi question warning- call me stupid but just tried conceive plus. How does it work? Put some on him before( to try and get him in the mood and disguise why we were using it ( take pressure off) and me before dtd but dried up and went sticky before he actually got inside me. It seems a bit of a passion killer when oh is aroused and ready to stop halfway to reapply. Any ideas of best way to use it? Think I got positive opk so would appretiate quick answers for later on! Sorry for tmi!
Tmi question warning- call me stupid but just tried conceive plus. How does it work? Put some on him before( to try and get him in the mood and disguise why we were using it ( take pressure off) and me before dtd but dried up and went sticky before he actually got inside me. It seems a bit of a passion killer when oh is aroused and ready to stop halfway to reapply. Any ideas of best way to use it? Think I got positive opk so would appretiate quick answers for later on! Sorry for tmi!
Ladies HELP ME!! LOL
Af is 5 days late :/ I had a negative CB digi this morning and a neg FRER yesterday
The longest cycle ive ever had in my LIFE is 32 days but for god knows how long they have been 28 days.... Today is CD33 :/
I keep going Dizzy but my boobs arnt sore at all & I have indegestion like CRAZY!
Should i just keep testing untill i get AF?