Pre-Seeders & Conceive+ers thread, 49 BFP's! Stats on Pg 1. New Ladies Welcome :)

Tinks: Well I don't feel so alone now! I was feeling pretty down on Sunday which is he day I Oed cuz I thought up it's to late. I'm gonna have to call the obgyn tomorrow. I researched all these tests and stuff. Frankie kept telling ke to relax but nope I'm a worry wart! I can't be totally sure when I O because I've never charted let alone even keep track of AF, but I do know that last cycle was 26 days and I do know that the 3 cycles before that were exactly 28 days to the button! So I just kept seeing days go by and by thinking wow there's no way this is happening cuz my LP would be way to short! So now that I have Oed I'm hoping that my LP will be a normal length which it should and that's def not something I'm worried about. So this I guess will be a gd month to actually see what my LP is. I put a fake temp in for tomorrow and i got CHs. It looks kinda weird though cuz I have one high temp on CD14 I think. But that's just a fluke I guess. So I'm not thinking I'm outta the woods yet but once I see one more high temp tomorrow I'll be able to relax and my cycles will be more relaxing now to.

Anyways it soooo late and I'm gonna be exhausted tomorrow I had tons of school work to do. So a nap will def be in order for tomorrow! Talk to u gals later!

Try not to worry to much, your chart is looking good. I found it hard the first month i charted as you dont have anything to compare it to and dont know whats normal for you.

Hope your temps stay nice and high and you get that sticky bean.

Linny - We only use lube now and again before TTC. I am using pre seed really for an aid to concieve. It is handy to have some sperm friendly lube at hand just encase. I am using pre seed everytime we DTD around Ov.

GL hun

:dust: to everyone
Hello ladies, i've just been stalking the thread. CONGRATULATIONS to all the BFP's, it seems to be a lucky thread. Just a question really, this preseed or conceive plus, do you ladies use it cos you don't have good CM?? I ask cos i have fine CM and don't use any kind of lube when not TTC, not sure if using this will help my chances. Its my 11th month TTC so any help would be great!

My CM was OK, but I heard alot of good things about Pre seed/Conceive+ that I thought I'd give it a go. Second cycle using Pre seed :bfp:

Keep us posted if u do buy some!!! :flower:
Congrats on all the girls who got their :bfp:
:dust: to everyone who is anxiously waiting! xx
Nessicle: Thanks fr giving me me some hope! Idk y I'm counting myself out at 3DPO. It's crazy really cuz I wouldn't even be feeling anything prob n e ways. It's just weird with this charting like really knowing what's going on with ur body ya know? I guess well wait and see! Oh I wanted to ask u did u get any symptoms before ur bfp and how many DPO before u got +HPT?

Tinks: Yes charting is rough at first but I guess I'm more relaxed now. I know my body did what it was supposed too! The Tww is sooo much better than waiting to O!
Aragorn: Ur gonna love it! So won't DH! I'm sure heard this already but a little bit goes a long way! The box says 3 but fir most women that's way to much. Personally I only go to the 1. But I also get great CM like 6 days of it. So I'm just using a little to boost my chances!

Oh I wanted to ask u ladies, can u buy just the preseed applicators separate? Since I've only use 1 I haven't even put a dent in the tube. I BD 6 x's during fertile window and before with it and I only have 3 applicators left cuz it only comes with 9. I know I'll BD more than 3 x's! Haha! I hope I don't get stuck buying a whole other box of it!
Oh I wanted to ask u ladies, can u buy just the preseed applicators separate? Since I've only use 1 I haven't even put a dent in the tube. I BD 6 x's during fertile window and before with it and I only have 3 applicators left cuz it only comes with 9. I know I'll BD more than 3 x's! Haha! I hope I don't get stuck buying a whole other box of it!

That I'm not sure of! Try ebay maybe?!?!
Oh I wanted to ask u ladies, can u buy just the preseed applicators separate? Since I've only use 1 I haven't even put a dent in the tube. I BD 6 x's during fertile window and before with it and I only have 3 applicators left cuz it only comes with 9. I know I'll BD more than 3 x's! Haha! I hope I don't get stuck buying a whole other box of it!

That I'm not sure of! Try ebay maybe?!?!

You can reuse the applicators.... They are designed to be washed and then reused. x
I would like to join this lucky thread if I can please. I will be using Preseed with Softcups from this month. Thanks x
Nessicle: Thanks fr giving me me some hope! Idk y I'm counting myself out at 3DPO. It's crazy really cuz I wouldn't even be feeling anything prob n e ways. It's just weird with this charting like really knowing what's going on with ur body ya know? I guess well wait and see! Oh I wanted to ask u did u get any symptoms before ur bfp and how many DPO before u got +HPT?

Tinks: Yes charting is rough at first but I guess I'm more relaxed now. I know my body did what it was supposed too! The Tww is sooo much better than waiting to O!

no problem Nikki!

Well for one I stopped temping - I found it gave me too much to worry about and this cycle I did the SMEP and no temping and used conceive+ and it was sooo much more relaxing! It was ace not temping lol it was such a chore!!

In termps of symptoms I didnt have anything other than some lotiony CM from about 4dpo to 6dpo.

Laid in bed the morning of 7dpo and I felt some tugging sensations that I'd never felt before (i know that was my implantation now) and by 7pm that evening my boobs were so horrendously sore! I swear all across my chest, my abdo, my armpits - they hurt so much I could barely move in bed! I never get sore bb's so that was a big giveaway for me but obviously still too early to test at 7dpo.

By Monday 10dpo my bb's weren't too bad but I went and got some superdrug early pg tests and I had a faint +hpt in the afternoon without holding my pee in for very long. I took another on 11dpo and sure enough it was there then confirmed on the digi! From yesterday I felt lots of stretching sensations and tightness low down in my pelvic region and had tons of watery CM I feel like I've pee'd myself or AF has arrived lol.

Hope that helps!xx
Yay! Just got a positive ovulation test!!!
I've been using pre seed every other day now, yesterday was the last time we bd'd. Should we do it again today and tomorrow then?

How much of the pree seed have you been using? I put about 1-2GM. Do you think that's enough?
Lorts: Well n the directions I noticed it said not to reuse the applicators, but I think that's a gimmick so u buy more. My DF was saying that maybe I could wash and then boil them to sterilize them. That way I don't get worried!

Starmoon: Welcome! U will absolutely love this group of gals! Everyone is very accepting, helpful and honest! These wonderful ladies gave me lots of support for this cycle as it was my first time charting.

Nessicle: Thanks for the advice it really does help! I find that many women I ask aren't to honest. I mean it makes since that u wouldn't notice right off ya know? Well I'm at 4DPO and was getting some light pains in my stomach, but I'm so early I'm sure it does have to do with anything. I also have a wicked backache tonight. See it stinks cuz I don't know if this is normal or abnormal I've never felt the need to pay attention to anything. Also I have a really bad sore throat. I'm like able to do what I usually do but my throat is sooo scratchy! So maybe this is related to my cold I just don't think it's possible to relate this to a preg.

As far as the sore (.)(.)'s I don't EVER get them. Even when I got preg with my other kids I didn't get sore (.)(.)'s til a few months. Well as far as I can remember. I did get sore (.)(.)'s during my fertile period. Like near O, but I couldn't believe it cuz I've never noticed it before. I'm thinking I don't get them before AF though cuz I believe that's something I would notice. Who knows though! I'm just so excited and hoping for my BFP!

So how r u feeling? Any nausea? I hope ur doing well! With my daughter I couldn't get outta bed for 5 months. I lost a ton of wait. Then I got iv fluids and the next day I was fine. I was dehydrated. I couldn't even drink or I would vomit immediately! My doc told my to put a lil water in a spoon and sip it but I still vomited!

Bumbug: I also use preseed. This is my first cycle. I only use 1GM and that's it. I get great CM but i'm doing it to increase my chance. We've been having unprotected sex for 4 months and this is my first month really trying. So I'm hoping to make this TTC journey a short one! I also think that a lil is just fine. I thought Mara had used ALOT during her first cycle using it. Then her second cycle she used less and got her BFP. I could be wrong but maybe she can clarify!

K I've now written a book for everyone! Sorry I'm long winded!
Good luck Starmoon!

Yay! Just got a positive ovulation test!!!
I've been using pre seed every other day now, yesterday was the last time we bd'd. Should we do it again today and tomorrow then?

How much of the pree seed have you been using? I put about 1-2GM. Do you think that's enough?

I would do it today/tomorrow if you got a positive OPK today...I think they show positive BEFORE you ovulate so get :sex: i could be wrong but i think thats how it goes. With regards to the measurements, I used about 3 the first month (which was messy!) then dropped to 1 the second month and got :bfp: Like I say, less is more! Good luck :thumbup:

Heehee Nikkicc feel free to write to book :)
Anyone had any reactions to the preseed or conceive+? Like -- infections, cysts, etc?
No reactions for me. Not sure about anyone else..I can't recall anyone saying they had problems.
no problems here...and OH liked it aswell....its suppose to be just like CM with the right PH in it and everything!! good luck!:dust:

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