Pre-Seeders & Conceive+ers thread, 49 BFP's! Stats on Pg 1. New Ladies Welcome :)

Just found this thread. I'm using preseed for the second time this cycle. Hope it helps to get the job done. :) All of the BFP's make me feel confident! Thanks.
Welcome puddycats and ettegirb21. GL hope you girls can bump up our :bfp: So sorry to about the MC ettegirlb FX for a sticky for you :hugs:

Puddycats - have you tried opks to try and work out when you ov? Using pre seed everytime you :sex: should defo help maters :happydance:

As always never I have my fingers crossed for you. Your hubby is so funny, mine wasn't to sure about pre seed at first, had to really sell it to him. Men, they dont like anything that my dent their egos :haha:

AFM, I got a peak on my CBFM yesterday and this morning :happydance: Dont know if any of the pre seed girls can help but i didn't get any high days before my peak. Is that normal??? Me and hubby have today off so I will be making the most of the peak day, He will be glad to go to work tomorrow for a rest :winkwink:
Welcome new girls :happydance: More :bfp: for sure!!!!

Tinks I'm not sure about CMFM but I would :sex: and pre seed whatever it says!!!!! ;)
I intend on doing Claire :winkwink: Hubby wont know whats hit him :haha:

I think the CBFM is giving me just peak days as its my first cycle using it. Appernetly it needs to get to know my cycles. Thanks anyway hun.
Hey all,
Just found this thread.
Tried pre-seed last month but didn't work. Ran out so ordered some zestica as was cheaper.
Hoping for BFP please! x
tried the concieve plus last night, its quite silky :) when i googled it a found a few post were many women said it was slippery!!!!

hope ya'll ok xx
I found it to be very similar to my cm, so it didn't feel too weird..though DH said "this feels weird" I guess it's a lil different for everyone.
tinks85 - i had the injection in feb, ran out in april, only had it once as i had a op and could defo not try and get pregnant, but i bleed all them 3 months and im still havin very irregular bleeds, longest has been 9 days on, off for 2 days then back on again as of this morning :cry:

has seen the nurse at my doctors (she sed she doesnt think every bleed is a period as my body is adjusting itself, and if i go on the pill to help with the bleeding it may take 3 months for them t work then when i come off the pill my body will go crazy again so bascially just ride it out, easier sed then done when urbleeding every week) and she said its just a side effect of havin the injection only once, she said to continue to try as it may take a couple of months for my body to sort itself out, she is classes me as fertile as im bleeding :shrug: and just to take a preg test every 4/5 weeks till i get some pattern with my periods.

sorry for givin my life history lol xx :flower::flower:
I know the feeling cycles were sooo messed up after the bcp. I went off it and had the withdrawal bleed, but then no period for 6 months after that! It sucked :( Hope they straighten out for you very soon. Keep the faith xo
hey girls...i had a question. I got a positive opk on the I should have ovulated on the 9th/10th (if I really did). Well, this afternoon I started having very light cramps...they aren't bad, but noticeable. I was wondering if any of you ever have cramps after a couple days after. I was feeling SO positive that this was the month.....and I had never felt so positive in these past 2 years. Then after today...I'm just worried that these cramps are just a sign that the witch will come :cry: I'm trying to be patient and not stress, because I know that doesn't's just hard. Any feedback is appreciated!!
thisisit, that's a GREAT sign! I had cramping right after ovulation..and it felt just like AF was coming. I was so bummed out. Here's my symptoms during the 2ww..hope it gives you some hope! :D


Ovulation - spotting after BD. cramps and diarrhea.
1 DPO - temp spike. Woke with sore throat and stuffy nose. Rash-type breakout on face..grr!
2 DPO - temp still rising. Very sore throat/nose. Slight brown spotting. CM changed to creamy. Slight cramps and increased appetite (normal for me after O)
3 DPO - Very scant cm..sticky. Cramps/headache.
4 DPO - Throat still slightly sore..nose slightly stuffy. Dull cramping, so light that I think I'm imagining it. Major headache. Feeling negative about this cycle..
5 DPO - Yellow-tinged creamy cm..still not a lot like everyone mentions though. Had a dream about cheese fries and HAVE to make them. Starting to have jaw pain/tooth pain on one side. ??? A bit gassy. Breasts just starting to feel a little sore..which is normal for me, only it's a tiny bit early for this.
6 DPO - Still gassy..hungry. Annoyed and feeling like this isn't gonna be our month again. Sigh.
7 DPO - Temp dip today. Cold seems to be coming back..feel stuffy and can hear it in my voice. Kinda tired..very hungry. Increased sex drive and sore ish boobs still. Nothing out of ordinary though.
8 DPO - Temp stayed the same..kinda low ish. Disappointed cuz I want it to be a ID! Left boob is really sore...the bumps in the road killed me. Im a little excited! No food tastes good. Headache and toothache are killing me. Refuse to take anything for it though, just in case! Constipated. Are my nipples larger? Hmm. Now I'm really grasping.
9 DPO - Temp went back up a little...didn't sleep well cuz the toothache. Had a bad stomachache like with diarrhea but was constipated. Big cramps :( Left boob still very sore under armpit. Felt a little nauseated this morning before I ate something. Am I imagining it?? Spotting after BD tonight. Never happened before..other than the once at ovulation.
10 DPO - BAD toothache/headache. Both boobs a bit sore, not crazy but enough to tell.
11 DPO - Scant cm..some creamy. Boobs not as sore. Definitely am not pregnant. Spotting after BD again. AF starting?
12 DPO - Temp drop. Feeling pissed off at the world. Hate everyone and everything GRR GRR. Am I peeing more? Tooth pain is gone. Bought a couple tests, just because I'm an addict and couldn't wait any longer. Took one in the evening.. BFP??!! OMG. Faint but there..hyperventilation and tears.
13 DPO - FMU - another BFP! Woke DH up at 8 am to take me to do a blood test. Few hrs later, confirmed. HcG 146!
Yep thisisit, I'm with PLB, I had cramps around the time of Ov (not sure when I did the month I got :bfp:), was sooooo sure I was out that I nearly didnt even do a preg test :haha:
Sorry I havent looked on this thread for a while and havent seen all the messages congratulating me, Thank u all!!
Puddycats, sorry to hear you have had a bad time. I was on the injection a few years back and then got the implant. My periods went crazy and i could bleed for like 2 weeks but then nothing for 8. It drove me crazy but i wasn't TTC at the time so i really feel for you hun :hugs:

PLB they are very detailed day by day notes and very useful for when you are in the 2ww.

Thisisit i agree with the others, it sounds like a good sign :thumbup:

I have been like a hell bitch today. Everyone and everything has pissed me off. I have a sore throat, been very bloated and had cramps. Plus i am doing weight watchers and only lost like half a pound and been good. Just want to go to bed and start today over again :growlmad: I feel so sorry for my hubby, he is walking on egg shells, bless him.

Hope everyone is having a better day.
Sorry to hear that never :hugs: Lets hope tomorrow is better for us both.

When are you going to test??? 14dpo, i have my fx
i have today, :bfn: FF has jumped between CD17 and CD20 O date so don't know what i am. walking on egg shells. poor DH!

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