Pre-Seeders & Conceive+ers thread, 49 BFP's! Stats on Pg 1. New Ladies Welcome :)

Well Ladies Im back again! Hi Claire, PeaceLoveBaby, Mara and everyone! Well I can't believe this thread is still going strong! I'm finally in a good place now and hopefully will be able to come on more often!

So I'm pretty far along now...pretty unbelievable! And I was checking out the stats on the front page and Claire...was just wondering if maybe I could be added again. I noticed that my last preg was there with an angel, but I did get preg again with preseed...wondering if that counts as another preseed preg?

So how are you girls doing??? Clair and PLB you guys must be pretty far along by now...or did someone go into labor?? haha! Its just been so long! After I post this I'm gonna go back thru the thread and catch up!
OMG OMG OMG!!!! Claire and PLB you guys had the baby's!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sorry this is such a over due congrads!!!! They are both soooo beautiful. I can't believe one is over 2 mos and the other over 1month!

I am a little disappointed though....cuz I didn't get to be there when the "omg the contractions are coming" posts came in! I will be reading further back to see if that did happen! Congrads again girls....
Aww glad you're back! I was actually thinking of you the other day as I looked on the first page. Yay!!! :hugs: Thanks :D Time has FLOWN!!!!
Aww thanks! So can you fill me in on the end of your preg? And what day you delivered? And how you delivered and what happened? I still can't believe that time has flown like this! I just wished I had been involved with the boards more, but with the m/c and then my son Cole's one year since he's been gone was on Nov. 25th. So it was just a lot happening ya know? Now I'm waiting until the next 2 days go by. My last pregnancy the one that I m/c'd, his/her due date was supposed to be on the 21st. So Dec 21st will prob be a bit rough. You always wonder what would be. And I feel guilty saying that just because I wouldn't have this baby I'm preg with now if that hadn't happened, but I didn't and still wish it hadn't ya know? Strange emotions I guess.

So I can't wait to hear all the details girl!
Well hello girls!!!!!

Sorry Nikki I thought I had added u. As soon as I get to my pc I'll change it, I'm on my iPhone doing a night feed at the moment :haha: So you're 21 weeks now :) Are u team yellow?!

Tinks!! I was worried you'd left us! I'm also really gonna have to try and slim after Xmas :( I dont have much to lose but it's enough and I'll probs only lose it by starving which I don't fancy at the moment ;) Also did a birth story:

Good to see u girlies back :thumbup:
Aww thanks! So can you fill me in on the end of your preg? And what day you delivered? And how you delivered and what happened? I still can't believe that time has flown like this! I just wished I had been involved with the boards more, but with the m/c and then my son Cole's one year since he's been gone was on Nov. 25th. So it was just a lot happening ya know? Now I'm waiting until the next 2 days go by. My last pregnancy the one that I m/c'd, his/her due date was supposed to be on the 21st. So Dec 21st will prob be a bit rough. You always wonder what would be. And I feel guilty saying that just because I wouldn't have this baby I'm preg with now if that hadn't happened, but I didn't and still wish it hadn't ya know? Strange emotions I guess.

So I can't wait to hear all the details girl!

No need to apologize..I completely understand. Sometimes you just need "you" time and don't feel like socalizing. I'm glad you're back though :) big :hugs: Take time when you need it, hun.

My pregnancy went wonderfully. Towards the end I was getting uncomfy with tons of braxton hicks and major heartburn, but could've been worse! I was due to have a scheduled c-section on Oct 25th..but she decided to show up a lil early. I went into labor on Oct 15th after they began observing me for low fluid. So when I went in the hospital thinking I was just gonna be hooked up to a machine for a few mins then go home...I ended up having a baby! Abbey Rose was born at 3:51 pm, Oct 15th :D And life has been pure exhausted amazing frustrating adorable bliss lol :cloud9:

How's your pregnancy going?
PLB: Well it sounds like you had a great preg after we lost contact! It must've been hard with the Braxton Hicks and the fluid issues, but its sooo worth it isn't it?! I think a lot ppl assume that c-sections are totally plannned, but I've heard so many women just going in like that on a day other than their scheduled c-section. I think that must be the best part because its like a surprise! I've never had a c-section and always have delivered vaginally. Your little girl is absolutely beautiful! Her face makes me think angel immediately! I can't wait until I'm holding my little one! So are you having a lot of sleepless nights? Are you breastfeeding?

Claire: Ya know I did look at the first page and feel really foolish because my name is listed again! I'm so sorry about that! I just really attribute my good luck to the preseed and maybe other ladies will give it a try cuz of your list and get preggers! So how was the end of your pregnancy?? I am still really disappointed that I missed all of the excitement! I just didn't realize time flying I guess! I thought you and PLB would be close to delivering around this time not already having the babys! HaHa! I was going to ask you how your delivery went and what happened, but I noticed you posted a link of your birthing story! I will be headed to read it!

As for me girls...things are going really good! Starting to get uncomfortable though! My belly is popped out bad and its at the first stages of feeling like it can't stretch anymore or my stomach will burst, but we all know its not even half as big as it will be! HaHa! My belly always get wicked big but thank goodness it is all belly! I've been taking weekly belly photos since I was 3wks preggers and I am going to be starting a journal so I'll post them there and let you guys know when I do!

Well we still don't know what the baby is yet! I was sooo bummed! The tech looked right off and we all thought for sure it was a boy, but when we went back to double check there was nothing there! And it kept going back and forth like that. It could've been shadows or various things. So on Dec. 29th I'll be going back in for an u/s to look at the gender! I hate having to wait!
Nikki, can't wait to see those bump pics and find out what you're having! So exciting :D

Vrainoire, still to AF or answers?? Hope you have a wonderful holiday in spite of everything. All the best hun xx
PLB- No AF and no answers i was trying to avoid it but I think i'll be starting BCPs in the new year..but thanks I believe the holiday's will be wonderful for me
Aww sorry to hear hun..that's very strange!!! BCP's might be good then, get you regulated so you can come off them and start TTC again. I'm on bcp's right now, but very tempted to get off them lol. Just gotta convince DH.
I will have a read of your story Claire. Thanks for thinking about me.

Its not been the easiest of times but we are staying possitive and hubby is an amazing support. We saw a specialist yesturday and she is writing to St Marys hospital in Manchester (thats the fertility hospital our PCT uses) to see us for ICSI/IVF so we are just waiting to hear about funding and stuff. The full stroy and details are in my journel.

Nice to see you back Nikki.

Hope you get some answears soon Vrainoire :hugs:
Welcome and best of luck, Isabel xx

Tinks, sorry you're having a rough time. :hugs: You're so lucky to have such a supportive hubby tho! Hope you had a lovely xmas. :)
Thanks PLB, I know I am so lucky in other ways.

Welcome Isabel, wishing you lots of luck.

Hope everyone had a fab day yesterday :thumbup:
Well ladies tomorrow is my next ultrasound! I went on Dec. 2nd and we couldn't tell the gender UGH! So tomorrow is a regular prenatal appt for me, but they are going to bring me into to have a real quick ultrasound to look at the sex! I won't leave there until I find out! They'll have to get the baby to move if they have to! HaHa! I'll post as soon as I find out! My appt is at 10:30am, but I'm sure there are lots of time differences here!

Tinks: I just noticed that you are a Fertility Friend user from your ticker so I went to your chart and added you as a friend. So you will get a friend request from me, but my username on FF is also NikkiCC so you should know who I am! I have my charts on there as well as a TTC homepage and a Pregnancy homepage! I love FF and Baby and Bump!

Wish me luck ladies! I'm just soooo excited! (OHH I just keep forgetting to start a pregnancy journal! UGH! How random is that! It hits me all the time and I still forget! Not to mention I'm upset that I've missed almost 6 months to my journal!)
good luck at your ultrasound nikkicc!

hi everyone! :wave:

hope everything is well tinks, claire, PLB, and the rest of ya ladies :hugs:
Hey chick! Hope your xmas was alright :D

We're doing great...Abbey slept thru for the first time last night. It was amazing lol.
it was alright. i threw up the whole day :( and DH left four days before so it wasn't that enjoyable. i had plans to be with friends, but that went to hell when i got sick. i'm one day late right now, but waiting until NYE to test. i'm nervous and anxious, because i've already gotten BFN's this cycle. hoping my cycle isn't messed up or something!

awwww, first night's sleep that is soooo awesome PLB. how freaking adorable! congrats! :hugs:

have a great day!

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