Pregnancy - April 2012

jealous! I am still setting my alarm and waking him every 3 hours to eat. Im hoping when we go to his 2 wk appt monday he will be gaining enough weight where I wont have to do that at night anymore and maybe get an extra hour or so of sleep between feedings!
purpleish, just a few more days until your due date! how are you feeling? still havin contractions?
jealous! I am still setting my alarm and waking him every 3 hours to eat. Im hoping when we go to his 2 wk appt monday he will be gaining enough weight where I wont have to do that at night anymore and maybe get an extra hour or so of sleep between feedings!

It is nice being able to sleep a little bit longer. Hopefully you will be able to let him sleep longer after your appointment. Aria slept for 5.5 hours at one point last night and it made a world of difference. Plus she was more awake today during the day.
Hey All,
SO sorry I havent been on for a while - been rather hectic around here!.... well, I went for my 37 week checkup on Thurs 15th... and the doctor examined me and basically said - get to the hospital, you're having a baby! (I was over 4cm dialated).... went to the hospital... monitored - but as they were so busy and I didnt progress, I was asked to go home.... next day - not feeling too good, went back to the hospital at 10.30 at night... got examined - and was told - congrats, you'll have your baby by midnight!... I thought they were joking..... but no - I waited for the epidural, they broke my water and approx 1h 30 mins later, I was holding my daughter!... born at 37 weeks on the 17th March... 3640 g :)....
My mum arrived the next day - and was happy but shocked to see the early arrival!... needless to say its been catch up ever since, she's doing well - I'm still sleeping on the couch - and my DH is looking after the toddler upstairs... so we're both doing ok :)

Only slight hic-cup is my son has got hand foot and mouth disease from daycare.. so having to keep him home until the spots disappear!...

How are things going with you two? enjoying motherhood? sleeping ok? Hopefully now I'm on maternity leave, I can check in more often,

*hugs* to you all,

amazing that all three of us had our babies pretty early and right around the same time! Congrats to you purpleish!
Thanks :) finally finished the nursery too! Will try and post some pics :)
Congrats purpleish!!! Would love to see some pictures of her :) It is amazing we all had our babies around 37 weeks. A friend of mine who was due April 6th also had her baby at 37 weeks. Must be something in the air.

Sorry I haven't been on in awhile. Taking care of Aria has been a bit overwhelming. She sleeps great at night but doesn't sleep much during the day. She takes about 3 hour to hour and a half naps and is up the rest of the day. When she is up I have to pay attention to her pretty much the whole time. Makes getting things done challenging. My email inbox is so full!! Plus I am still trying to finish the thank you cards from my shower.

I love being a mom!! It is definitely overwhelming at times being so needed by a little one. I started pumping recently which has helped. Now I can leave the house for a few hours and my husband can watch her. I saw a movie with a friend this weekend which was nice! I am starting to go a little stir crazy at home this week. I have never been good at just hanging out at home.

How are you guys doing?
We had newborn photos done recently! I don't have the prints yet but here is a link to a blog with some of the pics. So happy with how they turned out!!
dont have time to write much but those pictures turned out so great. Aria is beautiful and you look great too!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE the nursery
Thanks! We were trying to finish the nursery when my water broke :) She was determined to see the room .. lol!
Hey All...
Wow - doesnt time fly... and boy are things busy!.... Been a rough couple of weeks - Mya was diagnosed with tongue tie and had to have a snip... so just dealing with that, and they also think that she has reflux... as she just throws up most of her milk most of the time!...
My toddler has got over the HFM disease, but now has a double ear infection!.... just cant win....
Needless to say I'm grateful if I get a shower in the morning... anything else is a bonus :)

Hope things are going well for both of you and we can talk more when things settle down a little more!

All the best,

Hey Purpleish,

Sounds like a lot has been going on for you!! I can't even imagine - it's so busy having a newborn at home let alone dealing with health issues. Hope things get better.

Things are going pretty good for us. We are starting to get into a bit of a routine at bedtime which is nice. Naps we are still working on. She is finally big enough to fit in the baby bjorn which is nice because it frees up my hands. Problem is she likes to sleep in it and I don't want her to get in the habit of only napping in the bjorn. She napped in her bassinet this morning but now is asleep in the bjorn. I might try to transfer her to her bassinet shortly.

How is everyone?
Know what you mean about the bjorn, I have something similar... and Mya adores it - always loves to sleep on me - the heat, the heartbeat etc... I tried to transfer her to her rocker but she always wakes up!... unfortunately she cant sleep flat on her back yet (reflux)... but we'll get there in the end.. and at least at night she seems to be sleeping a little longer... up to 2.5 hrs now :)

Toddler is doing well, back at daycare and we're all a lot better for it!.. he loves the place and they do so much in a day more than i ever could :)

Hope you're all doing well, would love to hear how you are all doing.... :)


PS perhaps facebook/msn would be easier for instant catchups? let me know what you think :) x
purpleish and djf, Id love to add you two on facebook if you wouldnt mind! Ill PM both of you my first and last name so you can find me on there if you are interested. Im always adding pictures of the little guy and updating our blog about him too but seem to be bad about coming on here as much!

Purpleish, I cant believe you are only up to 2.5 hours and you have a toddler, I bet you are exhausted! Parker has the opposite problem, he is ALWAYS sleeping. Yesterday we got our first big smile finally. I have two friends with babies within a few weeks age difference and both of them were cooing and smiling so much earlier (i know you shouldnt compare but its hard not to!)
Glad to hear you guys are doing well!! Aria is great - and is sleeping 6-8 hours for her first stretch of sleep at night. She makes up for it by not really napping during the day. She'll nap in the baby bjorn, car, or stroller but that's about it. Eventually she'll need to nap in a crib as she is starting daycare in July. In a month I think I will start trying harder to get her to nap on her own.

Went back to work last week. It was good but hard to be away from her. I missed her so much but at least it is only 3 days a week and I get a HUGE smile from her when I get home.

Missangie - I added you as a friend on facebook.

Purpleish - If you want to connect on facebook send me your info in a private message. I am not sure if you would be able to add me if I sent you my info. I blocked my page from searches.

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