Ah! Congratulations!!! I have news too. PARKER IS HERE! On Monday (3/12) I woke up at 3:30am to a gush in bed and I stood up and it kept gushing, I called labor and delivery and they told me to come in. Was having contractions every 3 minutes by the time we got there and by 6:30 we were settled in our room and I having contractions right after each other. Since I was only 36 weeks and 4 days my doula wasnt "on call" yet but we called her to let her know and she had some commitments she couldnt get out of but said she could come for at least an hour. She got there and updated that she could stay a little longer and then later she found out she could be there the whole time and what a blessing that was. She was amazing. I wasn't getting a break in between contractions and was trying to labor on the birthing ball, rocking against my husband, against the bed, etc.. and finally went into the tub and that helped SO much. After awhile I remember saying "I cant do this, I just cant do this" and my nurse called for the midwife to come check me so that I can have some sort of idea where we were at (I hadnt been checked at all) and when she checked me I was 9 cm and about 5 minutes later I was out of the tub and pushing. Pushed for almost 2 hours, got a 3rd degree tear and my little guy was here. For being only 36 weeks and 4 days he was pretty big, 7 lbs 4 ounces and 20 inches long and I am SO in love with him.

I am pretty shocked at how swollen my face is though and I broke pretty much every blood vessel in my face, shoulders and eyes so I look pretty scary and cant wait to look a little more "normal" (at least everyones looking at him and not me, right? haha)