Oh so sorry to hear that! I though with chemicals your period cam pretty much on time still. Hope we see you next month! And still check in with us so we can stare at all your test.
My body is pretty terrible to me most of the time.
This is how it went (and continues to go I would assume):
I have long cycles - generally 33-37 days. I have not tracked Ovulation very well because I didn't want to spend the money on OPKs and I am not good enough at following a schedule to temp. I always assumed that I O around CD19-22 or something, since this is the only time I ever experience EWCM, and just BDd according to that. It hasn't worked doing it that way, obviously.
So last month I decided to bite the bullet and bought a pack of wondfo's (40 OPK and 10 HCG) and got some Soy to help bring my O date forward. I got a + OPK on CD 16 and think I may have O'd on CD 17. Apparently we were either BDing too late in my cycle or the Soy brought O up a couple days!! GREAT! I figured that if my O date came forward so would AF. I was either wrong about that or my AF was late by about 2-3 days (cycle day 36, and 20ish DPO!)
There seem to be too many variables in my cycles.
So this month I am going to do what I did last month and HOPE AND PRAY that the next bean finds a comfy spot and STICKS!!!!!
I will def NOT be testing early this cycle, it was too heartbreaking. I will just wait for the damned
or test if she doesn't fly. When I do though, you will know!! I will want second opinions!
Thank you girls again for everything and goooooooddddd luuuuuuckkkk!!! I will check back to see scans and see how your are doing! post post post!
P.S. I never thought I would have an angel in my Sigggy...
I guess my next BFP will be a happy rainbow!!