Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Wendy I totally agree, it's horrible lol, but like you say, if it help's then it's better than the horrible sick feeling. How about pre crushing so it goes down quicker lol.
Wow, that's quite a crimbo prezzie!! No wonder your the best sister in the world! Are you standing or seated at the concert? We saw 30 second's to mars in the NIA in Birmingham last December, and it was amazing! (Enter Shikari were supporting) We were standing, and had 3-4 people in front of us (was cm's away from touching Jared Letto :brat:) and i can't imagine going through all that knowing i was pregnant, i'd be so worried with every bump and push lol. I took this pic, tiss my fav! <3


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Hi Ladies.
Thank you all for your congrats and kind words!
Wendy you were right from the begining!!
Emma I love your bump pic!!
I hope everyone else is doing well!! Now I just cant wait for our 4d scan!! The tech. got a shot of the babies face and he looked like a little alien lol. So I hope he looks better on the 4d scan. But I attached the scan photos. Tell me what you think!!


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Awwwwww lovely pix!! I can see most of baby in the bottom left, and skull is very clear in the top left and middle, but is the top right a foot?? im not sure...
When are you hoping to get your 4D scan??
The middle bottom and top right are butt/leg/boy bit pictures lol. He is very shy about showing his feet. We have seen them its very quick and she has never been able to get a picture. We saw both his hands and all his fingers which was really amazing. I still cant believe there is this little person inside of me. That me and my husband created this little life. Well I changed my ticker. I hope you all like it!!!
Emma loving the bump pic. Looking good. Hope your back is doing better.

Wendy sorry you're not feeling any better. Just a few more weeks and 1st tri will be over and hopefully the sickness will be too.

Carly love your scan pics, can't wait for the 4D ones.

Natasha, your little man sounds so cute. He must keep you laughing all day long.
Carly, They are lovely pictures! You can see Pips skull in her pictures but the bit that freaks me out is her mouth/ teeth on it lol. I am so happy for you :hugs:

Natasha, Auron sounds so funny, bless him :haha: It is slow progress at the minute but we are getting there. Cant wait to paint the room but I naver feel 100% at the weekends and just want to rest :( Think I am going to have to bring in help for my hubby as he cant wallpapper lol!

Adrienne, Thanks hun, My back comes and goes, as long as I am careful and rest it I am ok. How is your knee after a day of rest?

Wendypops, I wouldnt worry too much about what you read. As my MIL says, according to everything that they say not to do now, her two sons should be dead. There are guide lines to follow and general common sense and as long as you follow that you will do fine :hugs:

Hope everyone else is doing well :hugs:

I am feeling sorry for myself again!! Not happy :( I started with toothache and earache yesterday yesterday afternoon. Now the whole right side of my face is sore and my throat seems swollen. I dont know if its my ear of teeth that are the problem but I am pretty fed up. I feel like I am always ill or there is always something wrong with me and I am always moaning :( Oh well, another moan done with!
Natasha Ooh I love 30 Seconds to Mars! Haven't seen them live yet though :( The last band I saw live was Foo Fighters and they are awesome live! Plus I have a wee crush on Dave :blush: I ususally just stand but this time I booked seating balcony tickets as my Sis wears two hearing aids and I didn't want her getting bashed about. So glad I did now that I know i'm preggers! lol. Hope you're cold is easing up a bit x

Carly Aww what lovely pics! So clear. Can't wait to see your bump pic too :flower: You can get your nursery organised now :) x

Adrienne Thanks hun, I know time seems to be moving a bit quicker for me now :) x

Emma Thanks hun, i'm such a worrier. I just want my scan to be here so I know everything is ok. I keep telling hubby to not get too excited until we know baby is actually ok in there but I feel so bad bursting his bubble :( On the plus side i'm so happy to have got to 8 weeks without any cramping or bleeding :happydance: Och we are women hun, it's in our nature to have a moan :haha: There is nothing worse than feeling ill tho, hopefully it will pass for you soon x
DH is working!!!! It's just casual at the moment but it's work. And actually he had two options :haha:. Had an interview today as well as this morning was called in for actual work, which will be continuous for at least a week or two and then hopefully extend into another job after that. He managed to do the interview as well and was offered a casual job too, but the pay isn't great and its a half hour away and it's evening work so he would have had to miss out antenatal classes. Obviously he'd have taken it if he didn't also have this other work come up this week which is more what he wants to do long term.

I'm a happy girl anyway, though I'm not exactly breathing easy yet as it is just casual/temporary. But if things continue I may well be able to order the fabric I need for my baby projects (diaper bag and accessories and cloth wipes mainly) by the end of the month, and the rest of my diapers before the end of November. :happydance::happydance:
Carly I know how you feel, i still look at Auron and say to my OH "We made him.... Can you believe it? Didn't to to bad" :hugs: And even though i've seen, heard and feel Ely wriggle about it still doesn't feel real that he's in there.
:thumbup: for the new tickler

Buster Yeah, that boy does have me laughing! Yesterday he held his arm's up at me and said "Come on!" :rofl: he's loving his mummy cuddles at the moment! Though this morning my OH's sister came to pick him up (she's taking him out for the day on Wednesday's to give me a bit of a break until Ely come's bless her) and he was trying to leave with her before i'd even gotten him dressed :dohh: BTW, what's you name hun?

Emma Will you be wall papering a feature wall or the whole room? Men are useless when it come's to decorating, but if you want something smashing up, there the first to go to!! (Though saying that, my OH did a lousy job of smashing up our old bed, he had to make it into small bit's to make more to carry instead of just half -sigh-)

Wendy I feel the same about Jared <3 He had bright blue hair, and came right into the crowd, if there was one less person ahead of me i would of been able to touch him >.< Was horrible waiting though as it was freezing cold and snowing, luckily we got there before the que shot right around the building, so there was probably around 100people in front of us? Can't imagine how many people turned up! The stadium is huge and was almost full in the standing, we couldn't see very much behind us with all the squished up people :happydance:
My OH want's to see Foo Fighter's really badly! One of his step sister's went to see them earlier this year and i though he was actually going to cry :rofl: I've been quite lucky, and went to Download Festival 2006, so i've seen lot's of band's. I'd really like to see SOAD though!
And Hurray you baby is a raspberry :happydance:

Natalie :thumbup: Im glad thing's are starting to look up on your Hubby's working! I'll be keeping my finger's crossed for you that he get's a permanent job soon!
Emma- The skull pics freak me out too!! Those BIG eye holes are a bit much. But it is strange that I love something so alien looking. Its ok to not like feeling well. My mom always says I am not allowed to complain about being pregnant, but I am allowed to complain about feeling ill. So go ahead and complain but make sure you get to the doctor to find out whats wrong, you might have a toothache that is affecting your ear, next thing you know your balance will be way off and youll start to get dizzy. So dont ignore how you are feeling.

Wendy- We are hoping to find some good deals on black friday. I started to look a little at strollers and car seats because I think that will be the hardest thing for me to settle on. Especially because I want something nice so it will last through to the next baby. We still want to stay as neutral as possible. But generally in my family if you have a boy you have all boys, if you have a girl you have all girls. I would say that is how 90% of the family is. But you never know.

Natalie- I am so happy to hear about your hubby!! That must be a load off your shoulders. I hope and pray everything continues to go well for the both of you. And that you can get your fabric and start your project before your LO gets here.

Natasha_ I know its still so surreal. I bet you cant wait to see your two boys together. Does Auron understand he is going to be a big brother?? I am glad you like my ticker, I wasn't sure about it.

AFM- It is time for me to finish up my project for class. I am almost done, I just have the finishing touches to put into it. I have to catch up on my pregnancy calendar and put pictures into it. Nothing else to exciting going on over here. Just been relaxing as much as possible since I have been having some round ligament pain but other than that I am fine. So I hope you ladies all have a nice day, and I will catch up soon!!! Feels good to finally do a proper post!!
Yay for blue bump Carly!

Loving the bumpy Emma! Hope you feel better soon!

Scan is 2 sleeps away! Eeeeekkkkk! :D
Carly, I like your mom's saying. DH tells me a similar thing too (when I'm feeling bad about complaining about heartburn or something else pregnancy related). You can love being pregnant without loving all the yicky side effects from it.

DH is off to work for the second day in a row - it's amazing how exciting somehing so normal and mundane feels after 4+ months of both being home. :haha: all is right in my world for the moment. Anyway it's 6am and I got less than 5 hours sleep and as I have no need to be up, I'm going back to bed :haha:
Carly He 'knows' theres a baby in my tummy (though for a while everyones tummy was 'baby' lol) and he'll lift my top, point to my tummy and say 'baby'. He'll also stroke it and kiss it, and he can say 'Ely' and 'Brother', but im not sure if he really understand's any of it. Im really looking forward to him seeing Ely and seeing what he'll be like with him. He's been very very mummy-fied the past week or so (since coming back from portsmouth), im not sure if it's just where we spent so much time together without my OH and with me not working, or if it's just a phase, but he just can't get enough cuddles with me. Yesterday (and today thinking about it) i was sat on the sofa watching Cbeebies with him lol, and he came over to me (from playing with his cars on the floor) put his arm's up in my direction, flexed his hands and made a cute little squinting face, and said "Come on!", as he wanted me to pick him up and cuddle him :rofl:

Rachael Yay for 2sleep's away!! :happydance: Will you be able to post up pix?
Hello my preggo friends. Hope all your beans are treating you well.

Rachael Yay for only 2 more sleeps til your scan. I hope we get to see some pics. Oh, and happy 12 weeks!! :happydance:

Natasha I can't believe you only have 4 weeks til you're due. Ely will be here before you know it. You must be really excited now. And to answer your question my real name is Adrienne :flower:

Wendy you're not too far behind. It will we your scan date soon enough and then the concert. That's going to be a great day for you. :thumbup:

Emma I hope work isn't doing you in and your taking it easy.

Naomi I know you're not on here as often but I hope you and your bean are doing well :hugs:

And to anyone I may have forgot I hope you are enjoying all the good parts of pregnancy and not having too many side effects like morining sickness. Take care of yourselves and your little beans. Speak to you all soon!!
Natasha Auron sounds so adorable. And in just a matter of weeks he's gonna be a big brother - you'll have to tell us how he reacts to the baby when Ely is tangible and not just a strange growth on his mummy's tummy :haha:

I'm 29 weeks today! Can you believe it cause I can't. There are times I still find myself wondering if I've dreamed the last 6 months since finding out. 2-3 more months until I get to meet this little person who will change my life dramatically. More and more I'm second guessing my instinct that it's a boy. I still feel like it is, but I don't know if that's just because I desperately want DH to have a son first like he's always wanted (not that we wouldnt be delighted with a girl of course), or if my instinct is right and I'm now waffling because I keep seeing all these gorgeous girl things I want to get :haha:

Team :yellow: is torture but I wouldn't have it any other way.
Happy 29 weeks Nat!!!! I can't believe how fast time has gone by.
Yep, i'll be posting pics up when I can :thumbup:

I couldn't cope with being team :yellow: :wacko:

We're finding out :D
Adrienne It's probably more like 5week's knowing my luck, Auron was 12day's late, so im not getting my hope's up any time soon lol. Still doesn't feel real though. Maybe it'll hit me when we get the moses basket from my OH's parent's, and set it up in our bed room. We'll see :coffee:

Natalie Have you had any craving's? Would you say your bump carry's forward or all the way around? Have you done the ring test?
All old wives tales of course, but fun non the less! We were team yellow with Auron as he had his legs crossed and kept spinning around at the 20week scan :dohh: I felt like i was having a boy though, but it was a right pain in the back side! Neutral bedroom, neutral clothes (though as soon as he was born non of the neutral stuff was used, just a waste of money!) neutral buggy, everything! I was so glad when they told us we can expect a boy this time (though after reading alot of post on here, Ely could turn out to be a girl as we didn't get a potty shot :haha:)
:happydance: Happy 29week milestone!! I hope you don't become too uncomfortable in 3rd tri with baby going 'BOOM' on the growth!

Rachael What time tomorrow is the scan? :baby:

Last night, i got my wonderful OH to shave me :haha: I wont beat about the bush here, it had been a while! When he saw he was a bit shocked himself. It would of been quite the picture though, me stood in the bath, my feet as far apart as the bath's length and my OH with the razor in hand... I said to him "How funny would it be if someone walked in right now", and he said "I'd been more worried that some random had walked into our home without permission!", which made me laugh, (bare in mind I'd just had a bath and so i was wet) as i laughed i farted, and it sounded like my bum was giggling :rofl: Poor Nick
:rofl: What a funny image that makes Natasha :haha:

I'm carrying low and definitely all in the bump - haven't gained at all anywhere else and in fact have lost weight (only 1kg heavier than pre-preg so far). In the beginning I went off sweets totally and couldn't get enough salty things though I haven't had any cravings per say (mostly a case of "preggo see preggo want" :haha: and craving foods I can't get here). I had no ms whatsoever. I didn't do the pee test or the ring test, but the veins in your eyes one points to boy (left eye) and Chinese gender prediction says boy. I've had people say that skull theory says girl but no idea how accurate they were guessing that one. I've thought boy since I found out, but my mom was totally convinced I was a boy the whole time she was pregnant with me. She even told the doctor he was wrong when he said I was a girl :rofl:
Nat Aww that's fab news about your hubby getting casual work! :happydance: I can imagine how relieved you and hubby feel to have some money coming in again and from what I know about your hubby he is a good worker so I am sure it will lead to something permanent :flower: How cool you are going to make your own diaper bag etc! I hope you will take pics when you are all done x

Natasha Yeah I have to agree, Jared is a hotty! I got that close to Dave once but suddenly the whole crowd got wild and I was literally squashed to an inch of death! I couldn't breath and thought I was going to pass out until hubby grabbed me and pulled me out of it all. We weren't even dating at the time, think it was the moment I felt my first spark with him to be honest :cloud9: So I'm not kean on going near the stage again in the future! Oh you's have to see Foo Fighters if you can! I've seen them twice now and they are really amazing. Dave is hilarious too and is always being stupid between songs. Oh and guess what, i've seen SOAD too! hehe. Well no, not really them but the lead singer. He was supporting Foo Fighters at the last gig I went too. He was fab! x

Carly I'm thinking along the same lines as you, i'm going to buy a black pram and car seat in the hope they will do baby number 2 as well. They are too expensive to just do one baby! We will see if that goes to plan though lol. Hope you managed to get your project finished and your pain has eased up a bit :hugs: x

Rachael Ooh one more sleep hun! How exciting! :happydance: Will be eagerly awaiting your news tomorrow! x

Adrienne It's so lovely you keep up with us all on here :flower: Please don't think I don't reply to you properly on here, I just confuse myself when i've already posted to you on the ttc thread :haha: x

Well sorry i've not had time to get through all the posts yet but I will be back later :flower: x

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