Thanks for the wishes ladies, I had a lovely time away in Edinburgh

It was freeezzzzing tho! And rained really heavy for one of the days but we didn't let that spoil things. We went to some museums, went shopping, had a meal or two out and went to see the Lion King in 3D. It was lovely just getting away for a while. We also went into the Disney shop and hubby couldn't resist buying a couple of gifts for bubba, he bought two cute Simba bibs which were neutral and said Your pride and Joy and a little simba rattle. They are soo cute! We are now home and i'll have to start tackling the

groan. On the plus side though my doppler is here!

Aww man I tried 3 times last night to hear the heatbeat but it is hard! I know it's still very early but I wanted to give it a go and I think I got it a couple of times

I just couldn't hold it as it disappeared within five seconds. It definitely sounded different from the whooshing and my own heartbeat though, it was really fast and popped up as 176 for a second on the monitor before disappearing. I so hope that was it! I will try again at the weekend. Don't want to get too addicted and use it every day, I know what i'm like
Anyway how has everyone been?
Nat Ahh this is true. There is nothing worse than posting gifts abroad. it sometimes costs as much as the gift itself! Crazy! How's your hubby's job going? Good I hope

Adrienne I really hope your knee gets better soon then you's can book a wee trip away like we had. It really does you the world of good and recharges your batteries x
Naomi Ooh yey for the early scan

Only 6 days until you get to see your little baby!! I'm so excited for you! I was so tempted to get one in Edinburgh but thought seen as my 12 week scan is under 3 weeks away and I really didn't have the money I best just wait it out. Can't wait to hear about yours though! Sorry to hear the sickness has hit you, it's just horrible aint it. I'm still feeling sick about 85% of the day, wish it would do one x
Natasha Only 16 days to go!! Wow that's crazy! Are you feeling pretty tired now? Bet you're glad you've finished work. Hope everything is going well for you x
Carly Your so right hun, we need to let ourselves be excited and happy, hence why today I am going to buy paint for my nursery

I want to paint it before I get too heavily pregnant that I don't want to do it lol. We decided to go with a pale yellow as it's neutral and we can put a border and wall stickers up once we know what we are having. I think it will make it feel so much more real! Can't wait x
Emma Aww hun i'm sorry to hear your in hospital

You've really been through it all with this pregnancy. Hopefully you'll be out soon and get back home to relax in your own comforts. Hospitals are mega boring x
Rachael How's it going hun? How's work? Surely you're passed the training stage now?! x
Arlene Aww so glad you had a fab holiday hun, you deserved it. Can't believe how quick you've gone back to work though you crazy woman! Ugh, you've got the sickness too?? Looks like we're all struggling at the moment, not much fun

Ooh a husky dog! My hubby has always wanted one of those but with us both working full time it's not the right time. They are cute tho! x
Well I best get off, i've got a friend and her son coming over soon for a catch up and i'm going to tell her my news

She's my only best friend that doesn't know yet so I can't wait to tell her. We don't get to meet up as often as we'd like as she lives in another town and her son has Autism. She's been my friend since primary school so I wanted to tell her face to face. Well I shall be back later, nice catching up with you all
