Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Maybe this will help? :flower:
Your Welcome :hugs: Hope you find something to help you feel better soon! Sickness is probably the worst pregnancy symptom, especially when you only feel sick and are not actually sick for any sort of relief! I do not miss it lol
Adrienne- I took my hubby to walgreens on saturday and I got $80.00 worth of products for $40.00 between sales and coupons. The guy behind us told my husband to hold on to me lol. Needless to say my husband my impressed. And I only bought things we actually needed or use. The key is not to buy things just because they are on sale and you have a coupon. If it isn't something you or your husband needs or uses, pass it up.

Natalie- I was bald for a long time too!! I was actually hoping for heartburn so my baby could have some hair. Its not that big a deal because were having a boy but I wanted him to have a little hair. My husband had a FULL head of hair when he was born. I hope your baby has loads of hair!!!

Wendy- What a lovely surprise from your hubby!! Its never to early to buy baby things. My husband and I have started to move furniture in order to prep the nursery. And I was like what if something god for bid happens. And my husband being the perfect person and always knowing what to say said, nothing is going to happen BUT if something does happen to our boy, we will try again. It reminded me to let go of my fears and enjoy my little man. So let go of your fears Wendy and enjoy because pregnancy is scary and you do worry, atleast I still do. But its also magical and a gift so its NOT too early!!!!

Naomi- Try ginger ale, or coke that helped me. Also try and eat a little something every few hours, and drink LOADS of water. You have to stay hydrated. And try to rest as much as you can. Those things helped me. I hope you feel better soon, it does get better!!!

AFM- I had a decent weekend. My hubby has only felt Sam kick once. I think he likes the sound of our voices because anytime we are in the room together talking he is still and calm. When Mike leaves the room or we get quiet he moves around. But when Mike goes to put his hand on my belly its like Sam knows and is calm again. So I hope as I get further along he moves a lot more. But he is a sleepy baby like his mom and dad. He loves naps lol. Well I just have to take my final for class this week. And day dream about my vacation in a month from now. I hope all you lovely ladies have great days, and I will talk to you all soon.
Hi ladies,

Hope you are all well :hugs:

Carly- You will find that when you are moving or when there is noise that little Sam will be quiet. It is like you are rocking him to sleep. I always found the best time for Gavin to feel Pip was when we were in bed together as when you lie on your back your body sits differently and you can feel more and also you are still and calm which means time for baby to wake up lol!!

Naomi- I really hope you find something to help your morning sickness as nothing helped mine :growlmad: When I started to come out of the other side I had to eat every few hours to stop me feeling funny/ sick and it was always junk food. No matter how much I tried to eat healthily it didnt help me feel any better at all! Coke was always a good thing too but obviously you have to keep an eye on the caffeine intake! Hope things work out for you soon :hugs:

I hope everyone else is ok :hugs:

I am sorry I have not been on lately but I was away this weekend and have had the day from hell today. I have been getting a pain in my back and stomach all day and spent and hour and a half in the hospital with no answers! I have to call them in a few days to find out the results of my urine check as they found blood and ketones in my urine. Anyway I have taken some pain killers and I am off back to bed. Hope you all have a lovely week x
Well I am bored as hell ladies! Been in hospital since 1am being poked and prodded! I have finally got my own bed and the nurses have made me a brew! They think I have kidney stones now :( oh well, all for a good cause! Little pip is certainly happy as sue hasn't stopped kicking me all day lol
Hope you're ok :hugs:

Glad Pip is doing good despite you not doing :hugs:
Aww :hugs: Emma. Can't believe you might have kidney stones! Better than pre-e though at least. Can they do anything about them while you're pregnant?
Hello ladies :hi: hope everyones well! I've only had time to skim the last few pages and looks like nearly everyones doing great, sorry to hear your in hospital Emma :hugs: hope its a very short stay!

I hope to manage to find time to get on for a proper post, but unfortunately i'm back to work tomorrow! :( Had a great holiday, it was the hotest malaga had been in 32 years in october, so lots of sun and sea :happydance:

As for the pregnancy, i'm now all day sick, only cured by eating every couple of hours but I cannot eat anything full in flavour, so i'm finding days I can only manage toast, sandwich or soup. Joys :lol: oh and im all of a sudden travel sick too :shrug:

Anyway, just a quick post, we're taking Kyle to the science centre for a Planet Dinosaur thing, he'll love it! Oh nearly forgotm we're getting a Husky :D she'll be ready to come home the start of december, she is absolutely beautiful :)
Hi Arlene, welcome back! We missed you! Cant wait for a proper update, but sorry you've been sick, even if it is for a good cause :haha:. Yay for getting a husky in December!
Emma- Thanks that makes me feel a lot better about his movement. I do notice when I'm laying down I feel it more than when I'm sitting or standing. I hope you feel better, and they can fix you up real quick. Little Pip is really putting you through the ringer over there. Hope to hear a happy update soon!!

Arlene- So nice to hear from you!! I am sorry about you being ill all day. I spent so many days barely able to leave the couch unless it was to heave. So I completely understand. I am glad you had a nice vacation. Sooo excited about a new pet!! Huskys are wonderful with children, so its the perfect addition for your growing family!!!!!

AFM- I am going to be doing a little research on my vegas trip to see if my friend and I want to go on any additional shows or anything. I am really looking forward to it. Its only about a month away now. My mom is FINALLY moving this weekend. It has been a nightmare for her to get this apartment. So she finally should get the keys today. I feel so bad because her and my little sister have been living out of boxes, and thier animals are sooo confused. So hopefully everything goes well, this will be the first move they do without me so I am a little nervous deep down, but I know everything will work out. Well I will catch up soon ladies, have a nice day!!
Thanks for your kind words ladies.

I am still in hospital but they have ruled out kidney stones for me which is good. They think its just a kidney infection but are keeping me hostage here as they need to see how I react to the antibiotics. I am still in pain regardless of the pain killers I have so ok not too happy. I am on a ward with 3 elderly people which is quite interesting!

Hope you have all had a lovely few days x
Well I hope they find and are able to treat whatever the problem is quickly Emma so you can go home! How interesting indeed to be sharing a ward with elderly people.
Oh Emma sorry you're doing so poorly. Kidney stones are rough, but you're a tough girl and will get through this just fine.

Carly VEGAS BABY!!!! Your going to have so much fun when you go. I'm a little jealous becasue it has been ages since I've been to Vegas for fun.

Arlene Welcome back. Sorry your little bean is making you ill. Huskies are great dogs and so cute. You're going to have a full house with a new baby and new dog. Sounds good to me.
Thanks for the wishes ladies, I had a lovely time away in Edinburgh :) It was freeezzzzing tho! And rained really heavy for one of the days but we didn't let that spoil things. We went to some museums, went shopping, had a meal or two out and went to see the Lion King in 3D. It was lovely just getting away for a while. We also went into the Disney shop and hubby couldn't resist buying a couple of gifts for bubba, he bought two cute Simba bibs which were neutral and said Your pride and Joy and a little simba rattle. They are soo cute! We are now home and i'll have to start tackling the :laundry: groan. On the plus side though my doppler is here! :happydance: Aww man I tried 3 times last night to hear the heatbeat but it is hard! I know it's still very early but I wanted to give it a go and I think I got it a couple of times :happydance: I just couldn't hold it as it disappeared within five seconds. It definitely sounded different from the whooshing and my own heartbeat though, it was really fast and popped up as 176 for a second on the monitor before disappearing. I so hope that was it! I will try again at the weekend. Don't want to get too addicted and use it every day, I know what i'm like :dohh:

Anyway how has everyone been?

Nat Ahh this is true. There is nothing worse than posting gifts abroad. it sometimes costs as much as the gift itself! Crazy! How's your hubby's job going? Good I hope :hugs: x

Adrienne I really hope your knee gets better soon then you's can book a wee trip away like we had. It really does you the world of good and recharges your batteries x

Naomi Ooh yey for the early scan :happydance: Only 6 days until you get to see your little baby!! I'm so excited for you! I was so tempted to get one in Edinburgh but thought seen as my 12 week scan is under 3 weeks away and I really didn't have the money I best just wait it out. Can't wait to hear about yours though! Sorry to hear the sickness has hit you, it's just horrible aint it. I'm still feeling sick about 85% of the day, wish it would do one x

Natasha Only 16 days to go!! Wow that's crazy! Are you feeling pretty tired now? Bet you're glad you've finished work. Hope everything is going well for you x

Carly Your so right hun, we need to let ourselves be excited and happy, hence why today I am going to buy paint for my nursery :happydance: I want to paint it before I get too heavily pregnant that I don't want to do it lol. We decided to go with a pale yellow as it's neutral and we can put a border and wall stickers up once we know what we are having. I think it will make it feel so much more real! Can't wait x

Emma Aww hun i'm sorry to hear your in hospital :hugs: You've really been through it all with this pregnancy. Hopefully you'll be out soon and get back home to relax in your own comforts. Hospitals are mega boring x

Rachael How's it going hun? How's work? Surely you're passed the training stage now?! x

Arlene Aww so glad you had a fab holiday hun, you deserved it. Can't believe how quick you've gone back to work though you crazy woman! Ugh, you've got the sickness too?? Looks like we're all struggling at the moment, not much fun :( Ooh a husky dog! My hubby has always wanted one of those but with us both working full time it's not the right time. They are cute tho! x

Well I best get off, i've got a friend and her son coming over soon for a catch up and i'm going to tell her my news :happydance: She's my only best friend that doesn't know yet so I can't wait to tell her. We don't get to meet up as often as we'd like as she lives in another town and her son has Autism. She's been my friend since primary school so I wanted to tell her face to face. Well I shall be back later, nice catching up with you all :flower: x
Welcome back Wendy - sounds like you had a lovely mini getaway :)

Yes DHs job is going great :). He had two half days last week and didn't work on Monday and his first paycheque from Wednesday-Tuesday was over $600 :). (money has all been spent or allocated now though :haha:). Yesterday he worked 11 hours and today he worked 7.5 and he works tomorrow too, though likely it will be a short day. So it's shaping up well :)
Emma Have they come up with an answer to your problem yet? I hope your feeling better, and that the old folk on the ward haven't hassled you too much! Is it just me or do you find that pregnancy attracts the elderly to you like a magnet?? (And what's with the touching of bump without an invitation?!)

Arlene :happydance: Husky husky husky!! Your certainly going to have your hand's full!! Have you thought of any name's for puppy yet? Im not sure if it's the husky or malamute ect, but we want the one that look's just like a wolf!! Don't know how long it will be before it happen's as we need a bigger home with a garden first -fingers crossed this time next year-

Carly Your so lucky to be going to Vegas! Will you be staying in one of the infamous hotels? Whenever i think of Vegas, i think of 'fear and loathing in Las Vegas'. Not Johnny depp's most attractive roll, but an awesome film all the same :thumbup:

:hugs: glad to have you back Wendy! Glad you had a lovely time away!! My OH would be very upset to hear you've seen the Lion King in 3D, we watched Tangled last night and there was a trailer for it on the disc, he said how much he'd love to see it and i silently cried with laughter on the inside, such a girl!
16 day's? Meh, we'll see! Im convinced i'll go over, so im lookin at more like 4week's :haha: On the plus side it won't be any longer than 4week's cause if they offer to induce me i wont say no (but at the same time i wont ask for it lol).

Sorry if i've missed anyone. Im finding it hard to focus at the moment :dohh: Hope everyone is doing well and having a good day!

Im looking forward to tomorrow as Batman Arkham City comes out, and after looking at my online banking im going to buy it tomorrow! Very unexpected how much im getting paid from work for my maternity! But this week's one is mixed with holiday pay so i wont be going too crazy just in case! My mum is coming down today to see us until Saturday, and i've got a hectic weekend with people over sat night for dinner and seeing OH's parent's on sunday (Collecting the moses basket from them and having dinner) and swimming in the morn (well OH and Auron, i'll watch :haha:) plus having the new game, i might not be so active on here for a while, (i have an addictive personality to say the least!) my mission is to complete it before Ely make's an appearance! If you can't tell, im VERY excited about this game! I have the first one (Batman Arkham Asylam) and friggin loooooove it! I remember it came out just after Auron was born, and i'd be sat on the sofa/chair breast feeding him whilst playing on it :haha: good times <3
Adrienne- Ive never been to Vegas so Im really looking forward to it. I also get to see my family in IL, so thats a bonus that Im excited about. My mom will be all moved in to her new place, so it will be nice to stay at a new apartment.

Wendy- Sounds like a lovely trip!! So nice of your hubby to buy some little gifts. If you got 176 on your doppler I bet thats your bean. I hope you dont get too obsessive because I have read about women who scare themselves. My doctor didn't even use doppler on me until I was 13 weeks. So in the next few weeks you should get a good strong heartbeat that doesn't hide. OHHH the nursery. I wish we could paint, I think yellow is perfect, plus its my favorite color so I am all for it!!! I also think we are going to do wall stickers and window decals.

Natalie- So glad to hear hubbys job is going well. Money is always spent faster than its made.

Natasha- We are staying at the bellagio and seeing a show at the luxor. I am more than excited to go!!! Enjoy your game. I also have always loved video games, so I can understand the excitement!!!

AFM- Yesterday was quite depressing because it rained and rained all day. I was hoping today would start off better but its still cold and raining. I took my final yesterday and today I think I will do some couponing and get ready for a shopping trip next week. My new class starts on Sunday and I am terrified because its statistics. My hubby says he will help but I am still nervous. I just keep telling myself this class, two accounting and then NO MORE #'s!!! A women that mike works with has a friend who is selling her crib for $100.00. Its almost brand new, and was a $700.00 crib. Its dark cherry wood which is what I wanted. So I think we are going to go ahead and buy it. So I am kind of excited to be able to start looking for my glider and bookcase and then I can figure out what I want to register for!!!! Well ladies have a nice day, catch up with you all soon!!!
Nat Aww that's fab news! I'm so happy you's are having a bit of luck for a change. I can imagine how exciting it must have been getting a first pay cheque in again! Long may it continue :) I read through your budgetting thread and think that's a fab idea! We are also trying to pay a few things off before bubba makes an appearance but it's so hard as other things keep popping up needing paid but fingers crossed we will get there x

Natasha Haha, aww it's nice your man has a wee soft side to him :haha: I thought i'd have a hard job convincing hubby to go but he was like no let's go, i've never seen it and will have to get used to this if i'm going to have a child that will watch disney films. Thought that was kinda cute! I gotta say I love my Xbox too but i've not had any time to play it lately. Hubby really wants that game too but i've told him no more purchases with xmas coming up! Too much stuff to buy for bubba. I'm a meanie! haha. Sounds like you have a busy weekend planned, enjoy it hun x

Carly No I know what you mean but I haven't touched my doppler today, I would love to get a locked on heartbeat on it but I'm not going to obsess or worry so will just try once or twice a week until I get one. I would just like to be able to know that bubba is ok. You will know my worry, I remember you being the same. Yey for getting your final out the way! And that's a fab bargain for the crib! You snap it up quick lady! :thumbup: x

Well I've had a lovely day with my friend. She is so excited and made up for me :happydance: She's my only friend that is a Mum already and she's so excited to have a friend having a baby. She gave me so much great advice and it was nice just having someone to openly chat to about labour and baby stuff. We took her little boy to the park and he had a fab time, it was just a lovely day. Me and hubby went and bought our paint for the nursery so hopefully we can get that started soon too. Can't wait! Well i'm off for a wee lie down now, feel sick as usual :( Speak soon x
Hi ladies. Hope you are all ok :hugs:

Natasha, thanks hun. Yes its been a bit weird with people and the bump. Everyone who sees me or is told I am pregnant kept on asking questions and staring at my bump lol. I think I have answered the same questions a thousand times this week lol. Sounds like you have a busy weekend ahead of you. hope things aren't too hectic for you :hugs:

Wendypops, I am so glad you had a good break with the hubby! The clothes from the Disney store sound so cute! Yeah things don't seem to be going my way but I am happy that my little pip is safe and well. She has been kicking away a lot this week lol! Try filling your bladder to hear the heartbeat. It Is usually difficult to get the heartbeat too early as they are hiding low down behind the pubic bone. Hope you get to hear your little one soon x

Well ladies I am home now and resting. I have a kidney infection and am now on antibiotics. I am off work and not sure how long for at the minute. I have managed to pick uo a cold from the hospital which I am not happy with but can't do anything about! Little pip is doing ok and she has been checked over and still has a strong heartbeat!

Anyway I am trying do this on my phone and is a little difficult so I hope the rest of you ladies are doing ok :hugs:

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