Emma Aww my cat is a nightmare lol, he gets in everything! He loves boxes so I know he will want to jump in the cot or moses basket so i'm going to have to try and confine him to downstairs. I don't mind if i'm around but i'm so scared he will jump in with baby when they are sleeping and I don't notice. Problem is he doesn't like being kept in one room and always crys and scratches the door. I can see it being a lot of fun! Not

Oh that's made me feel a lot better cause i'm so worried i'm not eating right. I can eat ok at breakfast and lunch but by dinner I can't stomach anything other than maybe plain digestives or plain crisps. I try and eat a piece of fruit before bed though so there's at least something healthy going in. Funny you should say that cause hubby is convinced it is a girl too

My sister on the other hand thinks it's definitely a boy so it will be fun finding out who is right x
Carly It's normal to feel anxious but everything will be fine hun, I just know it

Can't wait to read your update tomorrow x
Well I got my scan date through

8th November at 2.20pm. It had to be the one day I was meant to be going away though didn't it! That's the day of the Evanescence concert i'm going to with my sis, sis-in-law and hubby. We were all meant to be getting a train at 12.30 so now i've arranged for my sis and sis-in-law to get that one and me and hubby will have to get the 3.55pm one leaving us litterally no time. We will need to get to glasgow, check in to hotel, get changed and then go. It will be mad! I thought about changing the scan but I really don't want to as the midwife said my hospital only do them on Mondays and Tuesdays so I don't want to wait another week or even 2. Just hope it's good news or I wont enjoy the concert
