Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Rachael- Thankyou! I cant believe its time for your scan, it came so quickly. Cant wait to hear all about it! And see the scan pics!

Natalie- I know how you feel. My DH was out of work for about 3 months and it was really hard for me to watch him. But it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. So this could be the turning point for you both. I hope everything keeps going well, and he finds happiness in what he is doing. I am sorry you have heartburn, so far I haven't had to deal with it, did it start later in your pregnancy??

Natasha- Thats so sweet!! I hope my Sam is a cuddle bug. I bet Auron will be a sweet big brother and very loving. Only 23 days left, you must be so ready to see your baby! Love the shower story, the fart couldn't have come at a better time lol. I cant wait till I am not able to shave myself. I was in a bad car accident a few years back and couldn't use my one arm so my husband had to help me in the bath, to wash, and shave and it was just wondeful. So I am looking forward to that again lol.

Wendy- The pain is fine during the day, I really dont notice it much. But at night my sides and hips kill!! The travel systems are expensive, so we are trying to find a good deal, and Target sent me a coupon so when I register I get a $20 gift card. Which isn't much, but its better than nothing. Neutral is the way to go, if you plan on having more children, unless your rich lol. We have both said from the begining neutral. We dont want anything that screams boy or girl. I mean I am sure there will be a few things like clothes, bibs, and little things. But for the big ticket items we agree. I cant wait to find out what you are having!!!! I cant believe you are 8 weeks already, time is flying by!!!

AFM-Well I am going to the grocery store today, coupons in hand so we will see how well I do. I also have to go to the goodwill to drop off a bag of clothes, and to the bank. My husband left the house at like 4:00 this morning and woke me up so I was up for a while before I was able to fall back asleep. Then I had a dream that I was out for a run and two bears were chasing me up a fake tree, and I escaped and started running again and I accidentally ran into this huge bird cage thing and the birds tried to attack me. But I escaped and then woke up. It was very bizarre. Well ladies have a nice day, sorry if a missed anyone in my post.
Right, where was I...

Nat Happy 29 weeks!! :happydance: It really has gone so quickly. Nah I've said your having a boy from the start so you'll be having a boy :haha: I've got Emma, Carly and another friend of mine right so far, so we will see if I get Rachael's boy prediction right tomorrow lol, if I do you should take my suggestion seriously :winkwink: haha x

Natasha That is just hilarious about the shaving! I dread the day I can't shave. My hubby has already said he would help but i'm scared haha. He used to play rugby so is a birly guy with huge hands, i'm scared he'll damage me :haha: I might have to talk nicely to my sister instead haha x

Carly Sounds like you have a busy day planned! Hope you manage to get everything done. What a bizarre dream! My hubby must have been having one last night cause he woke up and started talking nonsense to me about having stuff up on our bed :shrug: I have no idea what he was going on about but he fell back asleep two mins later :haha: x

Emma Hope you're keeping well hun and happy belated bday to Gav :flower: x

Arlene Hope you're having a lovely holiday, Naomi Hope you are well :flower:

Things are going good with me :) Having a day where I feel normal! Makes a nice change lol. Was round visiting my ex at lunch and got a hold of his beautiful little girl. She always falls asleep when I hold her so I must be doing something right :haha: Can't wait till it's my little bubba i'm holding.

Got my Xmas vouchers yesterday so i've been shopping shopping shopping! Put a £400 order through on Amazon last night so i'm sure the postman will love me this week! :haha: At least i'm pretty much finished now! Only little stocking fillers to pick up and i'm ready to get wrapping. Feels great to be finished so early x
Wendy I've not even started Christmas shopping yet, never mind being more or less done :shock: Glad you're feeling better today though :D

Natasha that story made me giggle :rofl:

Scan is 9.30am tomorrow. Good job it's not later really or I'd be a nightmare all day :D
Carly, good luck at the store you coupon queen lol. And I only had heartburn in second tri - so far this trimester has been great (only two weeks in though so anything can happen lol).

Wendy, I'm glad you're feeling better :). Watch - I'll be the one guess that ruins your record :haha: and well done on the Christmas shopping! I haven't even bought of it yet either, but then again I haven't been able to afford to do anything about it. Hopefully DH gets loads of work with overtime by the end of November so I can afford to buy gifts, at least for my nephews. I don't mind not being able to buy gifts for adults when we can't afford anything but hate to not get anyhing for the kids, especially as they're only 6 and 3.
Hi Ladies hope you all are doing well.

Wendy glad your feeling good today. Let's hope you've seen the last of the morning sickness.

Rachael scan time is almost here. So excited for you. Hope you're able to get some sleep tonight

Natasha that story about dh shaving you had me cracking up. Love it. The fart was just the icing on the cake.

Carly I was thinking about you last night when I was watching Extreme Couponing and now you're off to the market with coupons in hand. Love it.

Arlene Emma and Naomi I hope all is well with you guys.

I hope I didn't forget any one (Nat I always catch up with you in your journal) but if I did I want to wish you well also. Take care ladies and have a wonderful day.
Natalie Im gonna say Boy then! I've found that women i've known that have carried forward (including myself) have had boys, and women who have carried all around (So you can tell there pregnant from behind) have had girls.

Carly Nick's quite good, though i think i have him well trained lol. He also cut's my toe nails and will paint them for me, there black at the moment :happydance:
Have you looked up the meaning of your dream?? It's very peculiar! If i can find my dream book, i'll post up the highlight's to see if we can find out what it all means ^.^ Had a strange dream myself the other day so i need to hunt it down anyway!

Wendy What other band goodness have you seen? Sound's like you've been to a fair few gig's!
With regard's to shaving, if your not feeling so good about hubby with a razor, maybe get some cream for him to put on you, and spatula off? If i didn't have nick, i would probably dabble with the idea of going and getting waxed, i don't think i'd feel comfortable asking anyone else i know to do something like that for me :haha:
I can't believe your already done with christmas!! So far i have 3 stocking fillers for Auron :dohh:

Rachael Can't wait to see your post!! Hope all went well at the scan :flower:

Adrienne Have you started your christmas shopping yet?

I've just had my ASDA shopping delivered which consisted of £30 worth of nappies! 2 boxes for £20 in Auron's size which will last a month, and 2 pack's for £10 of the newborn size 1's in preparation (as they dont do this size in a box??!!). It's crazy, there's 54 nappies in each pack of newborns, and 64 nappies in each box of size 6's! Madness!! At least it's come at a reasonable time so i can go out now, might treat Auron to lunch out for a change <3

Also, if i could have about 3minute's of your time to follow the link, i would very much appreciate it ladies :flower:
Wendy- It started to pour rain so the only thing I got accomplished was grocery shopping. Today is cleaning day so we will see how motivated I am. I cant believe your done xmas shopping, its awesome! I haven't even started, I literally have not bought 1 thing. I cant wait to hold my Sam either. I still can't believe I am being blessed with the handsome boy I always wanted. I usually dont get a feeling about gender, but for some reason I see you having a little girl. I would never bet on it, just a feeling I have. So we will wait and see!!

Rachael- Goodluck at the scan today, I cant wait to hear all about it!!

Natalie- I really want to get even better at couponing. I really have the bug now. I hope your heartburn doesn't return, and I hope I never get it!! They do say if you have heartburn your baby will have a hair on their head. They have actually done studies on it. So I am thinking my baby will be bald. I was bald lol.

Adrienne- I really am trying, I saved around $30.00 which is nothing to those extreme couponers, but its going to take time to get that good. I hope your well, and your wieght loss is going amazing!!

Natasha- I didn't even think to look up my dream. I had another wierd one about being chased by this time I was in Jurassic Park and there were a bunch of people with me that I didn't know, and we were laying down flat on the ground not moving because trex cant see you if you dont move. It was wierd. Your lucky your hubby does your toes, I WISH!!!

AFM- Today is cleaning day. Its also Friday so I am looking forward to the weekend with my hubby. I have been really lazy this week and haven't gone walking once, so I hope he wants to go walking with me over the weekend. He is good company and a good motivater. Other than that there isn't much I want to do. I hope you all have a nice weekend. Catch up soon!!
Then I had a dream that I was out for a run and two bears were chasing me up a fake tree, and I escaped and started running again and I accidentally ran into this huge bird cage thing and the birds tried to attack me. But I escaped and then woke up. It was very bizarre.

Bear -Also see animals
1 To have a bear appear alive in a dream indicates aggression, or if it is dead, the handling of one's deeper negative instincts. To dream of a toy bear -i.e a teddy bear- shows a child like need for security.
2 Phycologically, we have recognised the need to meet the force of our own creativity.
3 The bear symbolises spiritual strength and power, both latent -for example when a bear hibernates- and also apparent

1 When animals appear in a dream they usually represent an aspect of the personality which cannot be properly understood except on an instinctive level.
Bear The mother appears in dreams in many forms, the bear being one of them. The image may be of the possessive, devouring mother or of the all caring mother. If it is recognised in the dream that the bear is masculine the image may then be of an overbearing person, or possibly the father.

1 Dreaming of being chased or trying to escape is perhaps one of the most common dreams; usually we are trying to escape responsibility, our own sense of failure, fear or emotions we can't handle.
2 To be chased by an animal generally indicates we have not come to terms with our own passion.
3 Spiritually the image of being chased or pursued suggests either fear of one's actions, or is a play on words, as in chaste.

1 When we dream of escape we are trying to move beyond -or to avoid- difficult feelings. We may be trying to run away from responsibility or from duty.
2 It is possible that anxiety or past trauma puts us in a position where we are unable to do anything other than try to escape from the situation itself
3 Escape also represents our own need for spiritual freedom

To be Climbing a tree suggests we are looking at our hopes and abilities, in order to succeed.
(I just put in that part as the text is rather large for a tree, all about leaves and branches, but it didn't seem necessary with your dream to put it up)

1 The cage normally represents some form of trap or jail. To dream that we are in a cage indicates a sense of frustration and perhaps of being trapped by the past. To dream of caging a wild animal alerts us to our need to restrain our wilder instincts.
2 We are being warned that we are enforcing too much restraint on our hidden abilities. We could be allowing others to hold us back in some way.
3 We should examine, and reconsider our negative images of religion or belief.

(Again there's a massive explination about bird's, if you can think of any detail's like colours or type of bird i'll add it on, but here's the basic from your discription)
1 Birds in dreams usually represent freedom, imagination, thoughts and ideas which, by nature, need freedom to be able to become evident. As far back as Pagan times, man has been fascinated by birds and by flight. Birds were believed to be vehicles for the soul and to have the ability to carry the soul to heaven. As a result, birds were very often invested with magical and mystical powers.
2 Psychologically, man often needs to project human qualities onto objects outside himself, and because birds conduct is instinctive, they can be used in dreams to understand mans behaviour.
3 Birds have come to represent the soul -both its dark and its enlightened side.
A caged bird can indicate restraint or entrapment
In a womans dream, it suggests the self, in a sense the spiritual self

1 Being attacked in a dream indicates a fear of being under threat from external events or internal emotions. Unknown impulses or ideas force the dreamer into taking a defensive attitude. If we are being attacked by animals we are turning our own aggression and/or sexuality inwards; we have fear of our own natural urges.
2 N/A
3 There is a spiritual or psychic threat
Natasha- Thank you sooo much for taking the time to look all the up and type it all out for me. It really means a lot that you would go through all that trouble. A lot of these meanings make sense. Especially the attack part. I have been really turning my sexuality inwards. So it would make sense that I would have two dreams back to back about being attacked. Also the part about being chased. I have a lot of feelings that I hide from, or pretend I am not feeling. I worry all the time something could go wrong, and I could lose my baby. I worry that I wont be enough for my baby. I worry they wont know their family as well as my husband and myself knew ours. I just keep this all to myself because my husband always just says everything will be fine, and there is nothing to worry about. My mom is starting to be the same way, because I dont think either of them could imagine what would happen to me if something did go wrong. I guess all of my feelings are coming out in my dreams. Again thank you soooo much, you have really touched my heart and made sense of subjects and feelings I was afraid to discuss.
Scan went well! There's a real baby in there and everything :rofl:

Measured 12w4d, EDD is now 23rd April!

Baby was a little wriggler and she couldn't get the NT measurement.

Pics attached :)


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O wow what lovely pics!! Congratulations Rachael, bet it all seems so real now!!!
Rachael what lovely pictures. I especially love the last one where you can kind of see hand and feet or atleast thats what I'm thinking those bits are. So glad everything went well. Cant wait to find out if your having a boy or girl!!!
Carly Your more than welcome :flower: Im glad that you've managed to make some sense out of it all, and perhaps you'll be able to rest easy talking about these thing's. They say that pregnancy bring's on strange dream's, but it's no wonder when we worry about LO not only during pregnancy, but what's to come after and what kind of parent we will be. I don't remember any of my dream's from my first pregnancy, but i know i had alot of really strange one's!
If you do have any more strange dream's, post them up and i'll 'translate' if i can (That goes for all you ladies :flower:)

Rachael Hurray for scan goodness!! I predict you are having a :baby: :pink: and i shall also predict that she will be an Aries not a Taurus! Will you be wanting to find out at you next scan?
Hi Ladies, it's Friday...Yay!!!!

Rachael after looking at your scan pics I have to agree with you...There is a baby in there. LOL Congrats, love the scan pics.

Natasha Christmas shopping, I'm not even close to started. I'm one of those last minute people. I can't even wrap my brain around the fact that it will be halloween in a couple of weeks.

Carly $30 dollars that's great. If I could do that at evey shopping trip I would be so happy. Keep up the good work.

Hope you ladies are getting ready for the weekend. Have a great Friday and speak with you all soon.
Lovely scan pics Rachael!

Carly thanks for sharing that about heartburn and hair - I'll put up with any amount of heartburn for a baby that doesn't take after me - I was completely bald til I was three!!! I love bald babies, I think they're adorable. But it's most unfortunate to be a 3 year old girl with no hair. I wore a LOT of bonnets lol.
thanks everyone!

I will be finding out the sex at the next scan, so I will let you know if you're right Natasha!
Rachael Gorgeous scan pics hun, I can imagine how thrilled you were to see your little baby on screen! I'm starting to sway a little bit with you that it might be a girl but nope my early predictions have always been right so I will stick with a boy and hope i'm right! I hope you're having a nice weekend showing your pics off to everyone :hugs: x

Nat Nooo your not allowed to break my record :haha: Yeah I know what you mean, Xmas is really all about the kids aint it. I'm sure you could always make something for some adults if you liked? Your fab at making things x

Natasha I never think that shaving cream works for me, not that i've tried it often lol. Guess it's an option for later pregnancy though! I know what you mean I wouldn't ask anyone to help shave me either lol, but my wee sis stays with me and we're very close so I know she would help if I needed her :) I haven't actually been to many gigs, i've only ever saw the foo fighters lol, granted seen them a few times. Evanescence will be the 2nd band I've seen but I hope to see more in the future x

Carly Ooh thank you for the gender guess! I love hearing them :) So you, Emma and my hubby all think girl but my sis is still insisting it's a boy. Will be so exciting to find out in January! Hope you managed to convince your hubby to go out a walk with you this weekend :flower: x

Emma & Naomi hope you ladies are well :flower: & :wave: Adrienne x

Well i've had a lovely day out today. Went shopping with hubby and sis to Carlisle and a local town. Got lots of nice new clothes, some more xmas gifts so that's me totally finished now and I also bought my first baby purchases :happydance: I had some of my xmas vouchers left so I bought a breast pump and some baby bottles. It's so exciting! Hope i'm not jinxing anything buying them early but I thought it was better to use my vouchers on something useful instead of wasting them on more stuff I don't need.

Well ladies hubby is whisking me away to a gorgeous hotel in Edinburgh tomorrow until Wednesday night, he thought I deserved a treat and some relaxation. He's such a sweetheart :cloud9: I will try and read up on here while i'm away on hubby's phone but it's hard trying to reply on it so if I don't before I shall speak to all you lovely ladies on Thursday, look after yourselves :flower: x
Hooray for first baby purchases Wendy! It's not too early :p
And your hubby is quite the gem taking you to a hotel for no reason other than to relax! Lovely!

And making presents isn't possible as it's the getting presents to people part that's the issue. Would have had to mail things a month ago to get them to people without it costing an arm and a leg to ship - even then it would be half an arm and leg :haha: it's far cheaper to buy things online from a store there and have MIL pick them up. It's only DH, my parents and brother who are close enough to give handmade things to and none of them will mind in the least not getting anything this year - baby is their Christmas present :haha:
Wendy you're not going to jinx anything. Enjoy this time because they say it goes by so fast. So if you see something baby related that you want I say go for it. And as I said on the other thread enjoy your holiday. Dh and I thought about doing something like that, but I don't think it's the right time at the moment with my knee acting up and still being on the diet. Once I'm in the maintinance phase of the diet and they figure out what's wrong with my knee we can look into doing something like that. Enjoy!!!
Morning all! :hi:
OO Wendy I'm sure you wont jinx anything by shopping early! Hope your having a lovely time away, lucky you!!
To everyone else, hope your ok!
Ok can't contain myself any longer, I've booked my early scan. Will be 7+3, its on 26th Oct and I'm sooo excited, well excited, scared, all sorts of things. We've decided to go private as neither of us are fully relaxed about this pregnancy and it can't be doing me much good. Have to say though, morning sickness really kicked in today and its becoming all day sickness. Ginger biscuits don't seem to be working, any advice girls???

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