It started on Sunday August 2nd. My due date was July 24th (day before my birthday ^.^ ) so as you can imagine, i was feeling grumpy and frustrated that i was still going! I had BH all day, and they were all over the place, a few mins here, then half an hour or so, back to a few mins apart, drove me mad! I lost alot of my plug that day too, so i was thinking
"Yay, baby be here soon!" 
Monday August 3rd, had my midwife appointment. She offered to give me a sweep, so i went for it, and immidiatly regretted it!
"Oh, baby's head is really low" she said while doing the sweep, and im laying there almost in tear's, she really hurt me! She then booked me in to be induced the next morn at 8am as i was already 10 day's over due. She also said i was 2cm dilated, which was a step in the right direction! That evening, my contractions became regulated and a bit more painful. My OH started to get really excited, told me to ring the labour ward, so i did.
"Take 2paracetamol, have a bath for an hour and call us back if it carry's on", they told me. So, i took advantage of the bath, got my OH to shave me

but didn't have any paracetamol in the house. My contractions continued and i rang back after the hour,
"You can either come in or we can send a midwife out to check on you", they say, so we opted to go in. It was now 01:30 Tuesday morn! When we got to the hospital, the head midwife checked me, and said
"Your only 2cm, you can either go home and try to get some sleep, or we'll give you some diamorphine and try to sleep here", so i told her to give me the drugs, i knew i wouldn't stand a chance trying to sleep at home, especially with my OH practically bouncing off the wall's! So i had the diamorphine, but still couldn't sleep anyway, and my OH couldn't sleep with excitement. About 05:00 i was sick because of the diamorphine. 07:00 a different midwife come's in to check on me. She give's me another sweep (which i didn't even feel, she was awesome!) and break's my water's for me to try and get me going. Gas and Air on hand as i was starting to feel my contractions again. I bounced around on a birthing ball, sucking gas and air with each contraction, and had a student midwife writing down the time's of all my contractions until 11:00. I'd said that I wanted to try a water birth, so at 11:00 when a midwife checked up on me, she said i was 5cm and if i still wanted to, i could get in the birthing pool now.
"Horray!" i thought to myself off my head on gas and air as they wheeled me into the birthing pool room
The water felt great, and i continued to have the gas and air, and the student midwife in with me. The next thing i remember is having my actual midwife give me another sweep in the birthing pool (which hurt again, she was not gentle with her hands lol) and she told me i was still only 5cm, so at 16:00 i had to get out of the birthing pool and be induced on the hormone drip

I cried when she told me, and couldn't stop sobbing as i climbed out of the pool and lay on the bed. She gave me more diamorphine (i swear she took a swing back as she stabbed me in the thigh!) then put the needle in my hand, and told me to lay on my left side. At 17:00 the midwife's changed so my student midwife felt gutted that she wouldn't be there for the birth bless her.
My contractions got worse and worse, i was incredibly tired from lack of sleep and labour itself, and this is when i started to say thing's with no control what so ever! I remember saying these thing's though!!
"We've got to put the flavour in the bubblegum." I muttered.
"What was that?" My OH asked,
"We've got to put the flavour in the bubblegum!!" I tiredly shouted.
".....Ok" he said.
At 21:00 i was 10cm and ready to go! Horray!! So now i was aloud to move, i got off the bed and sat on a birthing stool, trying to push. I remember looking at the bed as i had my arm's resting on it when i sat on the birthing stool and saying,
"All the celebrities have fruit for faces", which made the midwife laugh. The midwife and my OH kept encouraging me to push, but i just wasn't getting anywhere with it, and i was getting more and more tired. The midwife then said that my bladder was full and was stopping the baby from being able to come. So i tried to pee for about half an hour with no success. She then made me get back on the bed, put my leg's in stirrups and did an in out jobby with a catheter (As soon as she said catheter i freaked out, started crying and begged and pleaded to be able to try and go myself, hence the half an hour trying!) I managed to push him down to crowning, and then i just couldn't get him to move anymore.
"I can see the head!", my OH announced with excitement,
"Is it ginger?!", i cried out,
"I don't know, it's covered in blood!", he replied. It was now midnight, and the head midwife said that she was going to try the vontouse as baby had to come out now or i'd have to have a c-section, which in my opinion was not an option! I didn't go through all of that just to have to be sectioned! So unknowing to me she gave me an episotomy (Can you imagine the freak out if she'd of told me she was doing it?!!

) and got the vontouse on his head, told me to push as she pulled. The vontouse popped off, and she said
"You really need to push with everything you've got!",
"I can't", I replied,
"Why not?", she asked.
"I can't stop thinking about Johnny Depp!", i cried out (which i wasn't i just said it for unknown reason lol),
"Thanx alot, you make me feel really good about myself", said my OH.
So, she put's it back on, tell's me to push and she pull's again, and again it pop's off. Now i think she started to get frustrated with me,
"You need to push as hard as you can, do you want a c-section?", she said putting it back on. Again, i push, she pull's and success!!
"Ok now the head is out", she said calmly, my OH almost jumping for joy holding my hand,
"The head? ONLY THE HEAD!", i shouted with the pain of having half a baby still inside me,
"One more big push", the midwife told me, and hurray, he was out! 00:26 Wednesday August 5th. They popped him straight onto my tummy, and started rubbing him clean with towel's. My OH kissed me and was just ecstatic, as i jus stared at him in shock. He was here!
"Can you see what you have?", the midwife asked me,
"It's.....a...... boy", i said just in total shock that it was over now. After the placenta came out, the midwife stitched me back up, though i still didn't know she'd cut me untill the next day when my OH told me, he also said it sounded like cutting the rind off bacon >.<
"Not many women can deliver back to back without an epidural", one of the midwives said to me.
"I didn't know he was", i said. I don't remember having him taken off me, so i think i passed out, as my next memory is waking up about 04:00 and my OH was having some skin to skin in the chair next to my bed with Auron. The midwife came in and asked if i wanted a shower now that my drip had emptied, which i jumped at the chance at! So they wheeled me back into the room i was originally in as the birthing pool room doesn't have a shower, i had my shower, then trying to turn the shower off, almost cooked myself! The heat hit me hard, and i almost fainted, so i pulled the emergency cord, and had 5midwives rush in and help me out of the shower, dry me off and get me dressed

no dignity was spared! I kept saying over and over
"Im really sorry, i was just trying to turn it off" 
my BP sky rocketed, so i was put into my own room when they took me off the labour ward. It was about 5-6am ish so my OH had to go home, and i was left with Auron on my own. Also, because of my BP they wouldn't take the needle out of my hand!! I slept on and off until my OH came back at 1pm ish and kept pestering to have the needle taken out of my hand by the staff that checked in on me. Roughly 12ish Auron had his first feed for 25mins, and the staff helped me to get the latching right, felt sooooo strange! But really nice at the same time

at 15:00 they finally took the needle out of my hand, and at 20:00 we were aloud to go home after the paediatrition(sp?) check Auron over. And that's that i guess!! Did warn you it was long