Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Wendy- Honestly I take a store brand prenatal vitamin. It follows all the guidelines that the RX ones do and it doesn't make me feel ill. My doctor said as long as I find a prenatal I could stomach because I was sick for the entire first trimester he was happy. Look into the baby book your midwife gave you and it should give the recommendations of each vitamin you are to have. Then find a brand that suits you best. I ended up trying 3 different kinds before I found the right one.

Well it was nice to have one motivating day because today I didn't get out of bed till noon. I am planning to do some grocery shopping so we will see if I get that done. I really need to finish my school course project since it is due next week but I just keep putting it off. My husband has to work late tonight so I am hoping since it will be quiet at night and I tend to stay up late I can get some things done. And is just me or did the format of BnB change to where everything is aligned in the center??
Wendy, I took an additional folic acid supplement the first 12 weeks in addition to my prenatal (which isn't marketed as a prenatal but has all the requirements of one). 400mcu is the minimum recommended dose, but those that are at risk of neural tube defects are prescribed a 5mg dose, so 11 times the normal dose. So taking more is clearly not a bad thing.

And I don't even want to think how much blood I've had taken lol. My first bloods I had 4 vials taken and got faint and had to sit in the waiting room for an hour for my mom to come get me. Then my LFTs were elevated so at my next appointment 4 weeks later I had to retake them (just two vials and no dizziness). Then I had my NT scan and had to get more blood drawn for that one, and then went back to my GP for the results of that and my LFTs were still elevated from the second blood test so guess what? Two more vials. When I saw her at 24 weeks they were still marginally high (hadn't got the results as I hadn't seen her for 10 weeks as MW was in between) so she arranged for me to get them checked again when I did my GTT two weeks later, so 4 vials again. And finally they're in the normal range! Lol. Thank goodness I passed the 1 hour GTT so I don't have to do I again and give MORE blood.
I was a medical assistant/phlebotomist for years before moving to Kentucky so giving blood doesn't bother me because I used to take blood lol. I am dreading my 1 hr GTT however and am terrified of doing the 3 hr GTT if I fail. And this pregnancy has made me CRAVE coke so I will have to be sure to stay away from the stuff for like a week before my test. So today I went to the grocery store and I saved 26.00 in coupons. I was so excited. Next time I want to save even more and go for bigger sales. Well just wanted to say hello to everyone. And hope you all have a good week. I cant wait for Monday to get here!!! Any advice for 20 week scan is appreciated!!!
Yay for savings Carly! I wish they did coupons here. With DH having been out of work for 4 months things are awfully tight.

Giving blood didn't used to be a problem for me (I was a blood donor) until I passed out a couple of times from being over hydrated and losing a unit too quickly (my weight has always been on the border of not being able to donate) and then the next time the same thing happened even though I didn't drink as much water so I was banned from being a donor, and now I have to lay down if I have to have 4 or more vials drawn or I get woozy. Not sure now if it's psychological or not - sometimes 4 vials is fine sometimes it's not (usually it's when I didn't realise it was 4 vials that I have issues so I doubt it's psychological though). I do have good veins though :thumbup:
Oh, 20 week scan - drink a can of soda or something before going in and it should make your LO quite active. It's a tricky balance though as you don't want him/her being too wiggly as it can affect measurments but at the same time if s/he is sleeping soundly could be in a bad position and also affect measurements (and ability to tell the gender). I don't know if you're told to hold your bladder or not (most places in the states say not) but if you do, then it can help reposition baby if s/he is sleeping in an awkward position.

Natasha might have better advice though as she's had 2 20 week scans, I've only had one lol.
Carly Yeah my BnB changed to centre too! Most of it seems to have gone back now though, glad cause it was doing my head in! Oh what a fab save with coupons! I try and use them whenever I can too. It definitely helps x

Nat Thanks hun, I think i'll just take both then. I was just worried taking too much would be a bad thing. Wow that's a lot of blood you've given! And you're just a skinny thing, no wonder you felt faint lol. I've got about another three or four lots of blood to give. Apparently I have to give blood when I go for my first scan, I didn't know that before I met with my midwife x

Well I went round and had a long chat with my Dad about things last night and he's changed my mind about a lot of things. First of all he hates the name Samuel :( I forgot about this guy he knows called that and he's a horrible guy who stole lots of money from my Dad when they were younger so obviously that name reminds my Dad of him. He told me it's my choice and not his but he doesn't like it. Of course that put me off the name though! Samuel was my first choice so I think now we are going to go with hubby's first choice name which is Logan. So if a boy it will be Logan Scott, a girl Emily Jean :)

He also convinced me I should try breast feeding or at least express to bottles and still use breast milk. So I think i'm going to give it a go. More the expressing side of it and that way me and hubby can share the feeding duties. Just have to see how it goes when bubba is here.

He also doesn't want to know what i'm having as he's old fashioned and would like to keep it a surprise for when bubba arrives. He did however say that if I was going to tell people then I would have to tell him cause someone else would accidentally tell him if I didn't. So me and hubby have decided we will find out but not tell anyone. We actually think it will be nice keeping it our little secret and telling everyone else when the time comes. I want to know though so I can buy the things i'd like to buy. I will of course tell you girls what i'm having though ;) It's amazing how much my Dad influences me lol x
Carly Yay, 20week scan!! Will you be wanting to find out if bump is a boy or a girl? My hospital said to make sure your bladder is neither full nor empty (so pee about an hour before your scan, and drink like you usually would) as it can effect the scan (which i found was quite true with Auron's 20week scan, i forgot to pee a while before the scan, and felt quite needy for a wee while having the scan done, and she was having a hard time seeing what she needed to because of my bladder :wacko:)
I'll look forward to seeing pix, if you can get them on here of course, and most importantly, i hope everything goes well and you enjoy seeing LO :hugs:

Wendy I would ask a pharmacist about the folic acid and healthy start vitamins, I should hope they'd know lol. Love the name Logan, and Logan Scott make's me think that perhaps you and your hubby are big X-Men fan's?? (And of course Jean) Which is awesome!! I love all the Marvel and DC stuff (Batman and the Joker being my fav's obviously :blush:) Can't wait to find out if your bump will be a boy or a girl :happydance:
Your dad really is a huge influence on you!! Im glad that you've decided to give breastfeeding a go! But i will say, try not to get your hope's up on expressing milk straight away. They say it can take a few week's before you can successfully express (usually once good breastfeeding has been established). Hopefully all will turn out good and well for you ^.^

Fair play to all you ladies who have given blood before!! As much as i would love to, im too much to a coward with the needles! Just thinking about it is making me feel physically sick and my arm's feel weirdly twitchy >.<
Midwife appointment this morn was ACE :thumbup: I wish the one i saw was my actual midwife! She made me feel so much more relaxed, and was really lovely! Ely is head down (good boy!) and she found his heartbeat straight away, measured my bump which is bang on average line now, and my pee sample was all clear! Just felt like she actually knew what she was doing and it was very reassuring! Oh, and we got the fridge delivered at 7:45 this morn, so it's had time to settle and is on woo woo!! Love it ^.^
Natasha Haha, it didn't even dawn on me that all those names were from Xmen, although I am a major fan of the films. I love all the comic films. Logan has always been hubby's fav name and we knew it was from the Xmen, but Scott is my hubby's name and Jean was my mother's name so that's where they come from :) Oh wow, how naive am I, I had no idea that you couldn't express straight away. I thought you could just start as soon as baby was born. Guess I will just have to try natural breast feading for a while then, i'm just not sure how comfortable I am with the thought of it. Time will tell I guess! That's fab news about your MW appointment :happydance: I told you everything was going to be just fine :hugs: x
Wendy I would say that's a pretty awesome coincidence with the name's! Im also glad that you understood what im on about, i don't like to ramble on and it go straight over people's head's lol
It's not naive at all, it's a common miss conception. And i completely understand where your coming from, i had no intention on breast feeding Auron, but ended up giving it a go in the hospital, and it's the best thing i decided to do! Only lasted 3week's, but it's better than nothing. It's such a strange sensation, cant describe it, but i guarantee you'll feel happy in yourself just for giving it a go, regardless of how long you do it for :flower:
Natasha, glad things went well at the midwife appointment. I hope your mind is more at ease and you can fully enjoy that lasts days of your pregnancy

Wendy I know how you feel. I learn so much from the BNB ladies. I've been on this site for a little over a year and I can't believe the things that I didn't know about my body and ttc and I'm 37 years old. LOL

Carly I think I'm gonna call you Coupon Carly LOL I love the extreme coupon show too. I'm trying to be better with my coupons because you can save a lot of money. But I don't think that I'll ever be like the people on that show.

Emma I hope Gavins nan is doing better and that your back is feeling better.

And to all the other preggo ladies out there I hope you and your beans are doing well.
Hi Ladies!!!

Natalie- Sorry they dont use coupons where you are. I started the whole thing because I am not working, and I thought it could be a way I help contribute to our family. Thanks for the advice about the scan. This LO LOVES coke so I am sure they wouldn't mind some before their photoshoot. If and when you have to get your blood drawn again go in and tell them you NEED to lay down while they are drawing you, and then when it is over SLOWLY sit up and drink some orange juice/apple juice and have a snack in your bag. A lot of times what happens is your blood pressure drops soooo quickly you feel faint and actually faint. So its usually not a mental thing, its usually a physical thing. So next time go in prepared.

Wendy- Its nice you and your dad are so close. Logan is a very nice name, and it sounds very good with the middle name scott. I also want to try breastfeeding, however my moms milk NEVER came in so she wasnt able to even try so I am not getting my hopes up or down about it. If I can try I will, and if it works great and if not then formula it is. I like your idea about keeping the gender between just you and your husband. I think your family will love the surprise. I am happy you have decided to tell us though!!!

Natasha- Thank you for the advice about the scan. My doc never said anything about my bladder, but they ALWAYS have me pee when I get to the office so I guess I will just drink like I normally do and see what happens. I will be putting up pictures including a bump pic and we are hoping to find out if bean is a boy or girl. Majority rule is boy so we will see. Glad your appt. went well and enjoy your new fridge its always fun to get new gadgets.

Adrienne- I will never be like the people on the show, I dont have the time nor patience to deal with that. I love the nickname though, I am just trying to save a few bucks not supply the army. I dont have room for a stock pile.

AFM- I have put my school work off long enough, today is the day!!! Then tomorrow is cleaning day and I am sure the weekend will fly by because it always does and then it will be MONDAY!!!!! I think I am more excited about this than I was my wedding, how silly is that?? Well ladies have a nice day and I will check in soon!!
Natalie I cant believe just how quickly your pregnancy has gone! You'll have a bubs with you in no time :)

Carly time feels like its dragging for me :dohh: We won't be finding out the sex, theres nothing like having that little bit more motivation when pushing baby out :lol: I got my letter in today and I will see her the 3rd of november again, i'm pretty sure we only see the midwife around 8 times unless theres problems. We haven't properly discussed names, we've came across Cody and Lucy.. but thats not set in stone at all. I love alot of names, like Sophia and Oliver but DF just doesn't like them at all :lol:

Wendy nope, that was my 'first visit' appointment, next i'll have my 'booking appointment' were they will take weight, height blood family history and previous pregnancy details, and i'll also get my scan date then :happydance: I'm so glad i've got this holiday with the girls, then a few days away with my boys, then before I know it'll be the midwife appointment again :) I also got all the leaflets and the Ready Steady baby book, I went back to work after the appointment and my DF went home and started reading up! When I was expecting Kyle I got fed up with people telling me what they thought of the names I liked :dohh: no disrespect to your dad at all btw! I just think people forget sometimes that its not their child. It is near impossible to express straightaway as Natasha said, you need to establish breastfeeding from the boob first. I plan to do this then express so DF gets to help out :)

Natasha how was your first labour with Auron? Your sons already a ladies man and he's only 2!! :lol: :happydance: for things going smoothly this morning :) are you not keen on your midwife? mines seemed really nice, but time will tell!

Adrienne hope your doing well :hugs:

So yep next midwife appointment comes at a great time, after my holiday and then a few nights away with my boys, then halloween! :D Time should go quick enough, I'll get my scan date at this appointment. DF got my birthday cards from moonpig, one from Kyle and one from Bebee (what he always refers to baby as) which has a really beautiful poem inside it that had me in tears, and from Kyle I got a lovely chunky knit cardigan. Well one more day at work then i'm off on holibags :happydance: Saturday morning i've to be in Glasgow city centre by 9am for a birthday surprise from OH and apparently it'll be the perfect start to my holiday, can't wait to find out what it is :D

Hope everyones well x
You're going to have so much fun on your holiday. So nice DF is going to give you a going away surprise. Can't wait to hear what it is. Have a great time and can't wait to hear all about it.
Natasha Thanks hun, i'm definitely going to give it a go. Just want to be in pain :dohh: lol. Saying that, i'm sure after labour breast feeding will feel like a walk in the park! :haha: I took your advice and went in to my local chemist and asked the pharmacist about the vitamins, she said no don't take them together so thanks for the advice! It's better knowing what to do x

Adrienne It's so true! I had no idea how hard getting pregnant was before I came on here and learned all the ins and outs of ovulation and stuff. Next time I will be fully prepared! x

Carly My Mum was the same, my Dad said she was able to breast feed my brother but not me or my sister although she wanted to. So I guess we just try and see what happens! It would save money breastfeeding :haha: Hope you managed to get your school work done x

Arlene That's exactly what I want to do, express so DH gets to feed too. It's a nice way of bonding I think. I know my Sis and Sis-in-law will want a go of feeding bubba too so it would be nice to be able to use bottles. Anyway missus, I hope you have a fantastic holiday and a very Happy Birthday for when it comes around :flower: Can't wait to find out what the surprise was when you get back x

Well our office is closed on Monday for a local holiday so I cannot wait to have a nice long weekend off. Although my washing machine has died on me again and my new one wont be here till next week so i'll probably have to go round to my Dad's and get some washing done there. Nightmare! Everything seems to be going ok pregnancy wise, I just can't wait to get my scan date in the post! x
Buster Thankies! I do feel alot more relaxed now ^.^ How are you?

Carly Jus to be different im gonna say Girl lol ^.^ what time is your scan??

Arlene Holiday!! When will you be back?? Perfect surprise to start your holiday?? Im very curious!! Look forward to hearing all about it! As for my Auron Labour story, well, it's very long! I will say, don't read it if your nervous about birth lol

It started on Sunday August 2nd. My due date was July 24th (day before my birthday ^.^ ) so as you can imagine, i was feeling grumpy and frustrated that i was still going! I had BH all day, and they were all over the place, a few mins here, then half an hour or so, back to a few mins apart, drove me mad! I lost alot of my plug that day too, so i was thinking "Yay, baby be here soon!" :nope:
Monday August 3rd, had my midwife appointment. She offered to give me a sweep, so i went for it, and immidiatly regretted it! "Oh, baby's head is really low" she said while doing the sweep, and im laying there almost in tear's, she really hurt me! She then booked me in to be induced the next morn at 8am as i was already 10 day's over due. She also said i was 2cm dilated, which was a step in the right direction! That evening, my contractions became regulated and a bit more painful. My OH started to get really excited, told me to ring the labour ward, so i did. "Take 2paracetamol, have a bath for an hour and call us back if it carry's on", they told me. So, i took advantage of the bath, got my OH to shave me :haha: but didn't have any paracetamol in the house. My contractions continued and i rang back after the hour, "You can either come in or we can send a midwife out to check on you", they say, so we opted to go in. It was now 01:30 Tuesday morn! When we got to the hospital, the head midwife checked me, and said "Your only 2cm, you can either go home and try to get some sleep, or we'll give you some diamorphine and try to sleep here", so i told her to give me the drugs, i knew i wouldn't stand a chance trying to sleep at home, especially with my OH practically bouncing off the wall's! So i had the diamorphine, but still couldn't sleep anyway, and my OH couldn't sleep with excitement. About 05:00 i was sick because of the diamorphine. 07:00 a different midwife come's in to check on me. She give's me another sweep (which i didn't even feel, she was awesome!) and break's my water's for me to try and get me going. Gas and Air on hand as i was starting to feel my contractions again. I bounced around on a birthing ball, sucking gas and air with each contraction, and had a student midwife writing down the time's of all my contractions until 11:00. I'd said that I wanted to try a water birth, so at 11:00 when a midwife checked up on me, she said i was 5cm and if i still wanted to, i could get in the birthing pool now. "Horray!" i thought to myself off my head on gas and air as they wheeled me into the birthing pool room
The water felt great, and i continued to have the gas and air, and the student midwife in with me. The next thing i remember is having my actual midwife give me another sweep in the birthing pool (which hurt again, she was not gentle with her hands lol) and she told me i was still only 5cm, so at 16:00 i had to get out of the birthing pool and be induced on the hormone drip :( I cried when she told me, and couldn't stop sobbing as i climbed out of the pool and lay on the bed. She gave me more diamorphine (i swear she took a swing back as she stabbed me in the thigh!) then put the needle in my hand, and told me to lay on my left side. At 17:00 the midwife's changed so my student midwife felt gutted that she wouldn't be there for the birth bless her.
My contractions got worse and worse, i was incredibly tired from lack of sleep and labour itself, and this is when i started to say thing's with no control what so ever! I remember saying these thing's though!! "We've got to put the flavour in the bubblegum." I muttered. "What was that?" My OH asked, "We've got to put the flavour in the bubblegum!!" I tiredly shouted. ".....Ok" he said.
At 21:00 i was 10cm and ready to go! Horray!! So now i was aloud to move, i got off the bed and sat on a birthing stool, trying to push. I remember looking at the bed as i had my arm's resting on it when i sat on the birthing stool and saying, "All the celebrities have fruit for faces", which made the midwife laugh. The midwife and my OH kept encouraging me to push, but i just wasn't getting anywhere with it, and i was getting more and more tired. The midwife then said that my bladder was full and was stopping the baby from being able to come. So i tried to pee for about half an hour with no success. She then made me get back on the bed, put my leg's in stirrups and did an in out jobby with a catheter (As soon as she said catheter i freaked out, started crying and begged and pleaded to be able to try and go myself, hence the half an hour trying!) I managed to push him down to crowning, and then i just couldn't get him to move anymore. "I can see the head!", my OH announced with excitement, "Is it ginger?!", i cried out, "I don't know, it's covered in blood!", he replied. It was now midnight, and the head midwife said that she was going to try the vontouse as baby had to come out now or i'd have to have a c-section, which in my opinion was not an option! I didn't go through all of that just to have to be sectioned! So unknowing to me she gave me an episotomy (Can you imagine the freak out if she'd of told me she was doing it?!! :haha:) and got the vontouse on his head, told me to push as she pulled. The vontouse popped off, and she said "You really need to push with everything you've got!", "I can't", I replied, "Why not?", she asked. "I can't stop thinking about Johnny Depp!", i cried out (which i wasn't i just said it for unknown reason lol), "Thanx alot, you make me feel really good about myself", said my OH.
So, she put's it back on, tell's me to push and she pull's again, and again it pop's off. Now i think she started to get frustrated with me, "You need to push as hard as you can, do you want a c-section?", she said putting it back on. Again, i push, she pull's and success!! "Ok now the head is out", she said calmly, my OH almost jumping for joy holding my hand, "The head? ONLY THE HEAD!", i shouted with the pain of having half a baby still inside me, "One more big push", the midwife told me, and hurray, he was out! 00:26 Wednesday August 5th. They popped him straight onto my tummy, and started rubbing him clean with towel's. My OH kissed me and was just ecstatic, as i jus stared at him in shock. He was here! "Can you see what you have?", the midwife asked me, "It's.....a...... boy", i said just in total shock that it was over now. After the placenta came out, the midwife stitched me back up, though i still didn't know she'd cut me untill the next day when my OH told me, he also said it sounded like cutting the rind off bacon >.<
"Not many women can deliver back to back without an epidural", one of the midwives said to me. "I didn't know he was", i said. I don't remember having him taken off me, so i think i passed out, as my next memory is waking up about 04:00 and my OH was having some skin to skin in the chair next to my bed with Auron. The midwife came in and asked if i wanted a shower now that my drip had emptied, which i jumped at the chance at! So they wheeled me back into the room i was originally in as the birthing pool room doesn't have a shower, i had my shower, then trying to turn the shower off, almost cooked myself! The heat hit me hard, and i almost fainted, so i pulled the emergency cord, and had 5midwives rush in and help me out of the shower, dry me off and get me dressed :rofl: no dignity was spared! I kept saying over and over "Im really sorry, i was just trying to turn it off" :dohh: my BP sky rocketed, so i was put into my own room when they took me off the labour ward. It was about 5-6am ish so my OH had to go home, and i was left with Auron on my own. Also, because of my BP they wouldn't take the needle out of my hand!! I slept on and off until my OH came back at 1pm ish and kept pestering to have the needle taken out of my hand by the staff that checked in on me. Roughly 12ish Auron had his first feed for 25mins, and the staff helped me to get the latching right, felt sooooo strange! But really nice at the same time <3 at 15:00 they finally took the needle out of my hand, and at 20:00 we were aloud to go home after the paediatrition(sp?) check Auron over. And that's that i guess!! Did warn you it was long :flower:
Im curious as to your birth story with Kyle :baby:
Wendy :thumbup: hurray for the long weekend, sorry to hear on the passing of your washing machine though!! They say things come in 3's so i wonder who will be next to have an appliance malfunction? :shrug:
Natasha Wow what a wonderful birthing story. I really enjoyed reading that hun so thanks for sharing. Your one nutty woman with what you came out with though :haha: God knows what I will be like! Hopefully this labour will be a good bit shorter for you x
Wendy I certainly hope so, but i would gladly go through the same again, the feeling you get when they pop them onto you is indescribable! Best ever <3
Im looking forward to reading all you ladies labour stories!! No details spared either :flower:
Hello ladies hope you all are doing well. Just wanted to wish everyone a happy weekend :happydance:
Natasha I love reading really detailed birth stories like yours. I really feel they help prepare me for anything. I know some women only read stories for the type of birth hey want, but I can read a story that's not what I would consider ideal and go "ok I don't want that, but I could handle it if that's what mine is like".

Today my mom gave me a gift certificate for 3 prenatal massages :) (or any combination of treatments I want up to $150 value - my mom's massage therapist/beautician is a really lovely lady who runs a spa from home and is qualified for prenatal treatments and is thinking about training as a doula). And when she does prenatal massage she's even willing to go to the client's home. Ahe had one lady who hadn't been able to sleep in over a week, Karen went to her house and gave her a massage and she didn't wake up for a day and a half :haha:

Anyway I'm looking forward to it :). Will try to save them and go weekly from 36 weeks maybe (or 37 and if I don't get all 3 in then I can go after). Should have me nice and relaxed for birth :)

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