Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

hey ladies:]
im not pregnant yet, but i plan to be this cycle:3
could i come chat with you guys?
hey wendy,pinky,and buster:]
how are you ladies doing?
and to the rest i do not know, hi im abii:]
ive been ttc for 1 year and 2 weeks which means im on cycle 13. Im engaged, i go to school[for my ultrasound tech degree] and work[for the secret shopper services], and i'd love to follow you guys on your pregnancy journeys, even though most of you will be due probably by the time i get my bean lol xP
this is my first cycle using preseed and softcups so wish me luck that it works this time:blush:
Emma So glad your back home and resting hun, sounds like you had an ordeal getting your medication! What a joke. Don't you be worrying about work, you take as long as you need. Well I took your advice and used my doppler first thing this morning when my bladder was full and I heard bubba's heartbeat nice and clear! :happydance: It was fab, as usual bubba moved after a short while but i saw the heartbeat raise to 171bpm and hubby recorded it on his mobile. I then listened to my heartbeat to check it wasn't me but nope mines was only 97bpm. Eek! Feel so happy right now, thanks for the advice :flower: x

Abii Hi hun, feel free to pop over here whenever you like but i'll probably just talk to you mainly on one of them or i get confused what i've already said :haha: Hope you'll be joining us properly soon x
awh thank you wendy:]
i hope i will be too.
my ovulation peak should be here soon.
once i get that dip ill be on :cloud9::haha:
ill keep you updated:hugs:
Hi ladies.
It is 4 in the morning here and I cant sleep.
I woke up and happened to flip to a random page in a baby info book. Well of course it was about medications and I happened to think I took dulcolax the other day. Well then the book says there could be risk to the baby and I panic. So I start googling like no ones business to try and find anything and everything I can, and find out its nothing to worry about as long as I didn't take antacids or milk along with it. So I will do a proper post later but I just had to do a mini rant. I just wish they would tell the full story so that I dont have to reach panic mode. But they go right to scaring the crap out of you. Its not scary enough that you are carrying a mini person inside of you, but to freak me out over a laxative, have a little kindness book writers.
Morning ladies, just quick message from me. Finally finished training at work on Friday, and I start doing the actual job on Tuesday, so 3 day weekend for me :D

Hope everyone is ok?
Carly sorry the medication gave you such a scale, but I'm glad everything is ok and that you can put your mind at ease.

Rachael Happy 2nd Tri!!!! and I hope you enjoy your first day of work as a non trainee. Also I hope you're enjoying your 3 day weekend
Carly Aww hun I so know what you mean! The amount of things i've read online that made me panic is unreal! Things like you shouldn't have a bath, I was like eh?? Totally panicked! Till I read that it was ok as long as it wasn't hot. Sometimes the internet is your worst nightmare! Hope you're well otherwise :flower: x

Rachael Yey for finally finishing training! That seemed to go on forever!! You'll have to let us know how your first proper days work goes on Tuesday. Ooh your in 2nd tri :happydance: Can't believe how quick that's gone! Hope you're keeping well x

How's everyone else doing? Everything's good with me. Had a nice weekend. Met up with a friend for lunch and a catch up yesterday, then today went shopping and had a mega cleaning session in the house. Went and bought a new dyson today, yes I have a cordless one but I wanted a plug in one so I feel like I have a new toy lol. Today was the first day in a while i've felt good, only felt sick for about an hour so I took advantage of that to get things done. I'm hoping though that as i'm reaching 10 weeks I might start to feel better full stop, it is about 10 weeks the placenta takes over isn't it? I've heard a lot of people feel a lot better once that happens so hoping it will happen for me too. Anyway I best get to my bed, back to work tomorrow, groan. Speak to you all soon :flower: x
Is that all it will take for me to like cleaning, getting a new hoover. Don't tell my dh that. LOL
Ladies I'm soo sorry for the lack of posting lately. I am reading up on yous all the time just now really finding the time or energy to post. I was so violently sick friday night I fainted, scary experience since I've never fainted before!
Glad to hear you had a good day wendy, that means they exist?! :dohh: send one my way! :lol:
Good luck with your first proper day on the job tomorrow rachael!
Carly the internet can be a scary place! Always double check everything you read on here!

Again sorry to the ladies I haven't managed to go back enough for and need to get to work. Hope everyones well xx
Hope you feel better soon Arlene. I should seriously count myself lucky :shock:
Morning ladies!

Well I have finally managed to get the laptop to me and get the energy to post :haha:

Arlene, So sorry to hear that you are going through a rough time with this pregnancy. I know exactly how you feel :haha: Hopefully things will start to improve for you soon. All I can say is try and do what is best for you as everyones pregnancy is different. Nothing helped me feel better and after a few weeks I got fed up of midwifes etc treating me as if I was stupid and hadnt tried eating little and often etc!! Hopefully you are managing to rest up between having Kyle and work :hugs:

Rachael, Yey :happydance: for the first proper day in work!! I hope it all goes well for you and you have a fab day!! Did I see on your journal that you are part exchanging your car?? Is that in preperation for your little one?? Its always good to prepare everything now especially the big things :hugs:

Wendypops, So sorry you have been so poorly sick recently. Its a horrible thing to have to go through. I feel that it is worse than having normal sickness for some reason. I think its because regardless if your sick or not sick you still feel bad constantly! I only ever felt good from about 7pm-9pm and the rest of the time I was crappy! I love getting a new hoover ( I am such a freak) Gavin usually hoovers but when we get a new one I like to do it lol!! Only a few more weeks until your scan :happydance: I cant wait to see your little one!!

Carly, Dont read anything up on the internet whilst being pregnant. It is just going to cause you un-necessary panic!! I dont think many people actually know what is safe in pregnancy and what isnt and that has come from first hand experience from being in hospital last week!! That is one reason I got myself home as I could take better care of myself at home than they were!! Just work along the rule I did, (before having to take these meds) paracetamol and rennies are your best friend!! Anything else I would be cautious of. Hope you had a lovely weekend :hugs:

I hope everyone else is keeping well!

Well if you want to laugh at our nhs and the treatment I received in hospital then carry on reading!!
I did start typing it all up but there is so much you girls will be reading for days :haha: so I will briefly put it below
-I had a urine test at 4pm Monday which showed blood in my urine yet the one at my midwifes appointment didnt show anything ( more like she didnt look)
- I was given morphine and then told that I wasnt meant to have it as I was pregnant
- I was left for 3 hours in agony! It took Gavin and his mum kicking off at the nurses for me to have my medication
- I was given a drug that kept on making me throw up which they were giving me half an hour before food and therefore I wasnt eating
- I was prescribed antibiotics but they kept on forgetting to give them to me and when questioned they said that I had had them!
- I was woken up at 4 am constantly to have my blood pressure taken.
- a 6 hour drip was given to me in half an hour resulting in more pain in my kidneys
- it took a midwife 48 hours to come and check that the baby was ok (fortunately she has been quite active so I wasnt too concerned) and told me that it was ok for me to have morphine

And all of that isnt even the half of it! In the end I said that I wanted to go home and to get all the meds sorted as I didnt feel rested at all as they wake you up all night and all day and they kept on missing my anti biotics! To top off my expierience I now am full of a cold so I am not quite sure when I am feeling bad if it is due the cold or the kidneys! Either way I have another week ish of 625mg of co-amoxiclav which if you look up say unsuitable in pregnancy and other places say it isnt. I just know that no one knows what is safe for pregnancy and therefore its an unfortunate chance that I am taking at the minute but I need to get healthy for my little girl!

I am waiting on what the doctor is due to say today as to what is going to happen with regards to work. We have to call in after 1pm and they will tell us what is going on. I am hoping I am not declared fit for work as I certainly do not feel it! Anyway, I am off to try and eat something. Hope you ladies have a lovely day :hugs:
The NHS sucks! I'm so sorry you're having such a bad time :hugs:

Yes, you read right! I'm part exchanging my fiesta (which I hate!) for a citroen xsara hatchback which will be far better for baby :D
Adrienne Oh I know it wont last for long, I usually hate house work :haha: Especially :iron: but I know it's next on my to do list before I run out of clothes! x

Arlene Aww sorry to hear you've been so sick hun, I totally feel your pain, although i've never actually been sick or fainted, that must have been so scary :hugs: I feel like i've constantly felt sick since my bfp! But touch wood yesterday and today hasn't been so bad so i'm hoping this is it coming to end. Hopefully when you're nearing 10 weeks you will feel the same, if not sooner :flower: x

Rachael Def count yourself lucky! I'm very jealous of how well you're coping lol. Woohoo for the new car! I kinda wish I hadn't sold mine now :dohh: Ach well, I can still use hubby's when I need to for bubba and at least I wont need two car seats :haha: x

Emma So lovely to hear from you hun :hugs: Wow, our NHS system is a joke! I thought morphin was fine cause they give you that here when you're in labour. My hospital wont do epidurals. Hopefully your meds will start kicking in, that's a joke what you went through at the hospital, no wonder Gav kicked off! I also found out the other day that in my local hospital if you have your baby during the night, once your baby is born your partner/husband has to leave and come back after 9am. I think that's shocking!! Hubby says if that happens with us he will kick off as there is no way he will want to leave. Just hope I go in labour during the day now! Oh and yes I know i'm so excited! 2 weeks tomorrow until the scan :happydance: I'm sick of keeping it a secret now lol x

Well that's me back at work, it's going alright but I still can't be bothered being here lol. Got to think of the money I suppose. Talk to you all later :flower: x
Rachael, that's good your getting a bigger car, more room for baby things lol! How has today gone for you?

Wendypops, I couldn't believe how stupid the doctors and nurses were at times and I was on 2 different wards and seen by several different ppl! I had to get them to remove the canular for the drip out of my right arm as it was really sore and had got infected! They never even noticed! I can still barely rich part of my arm still! I am just hoping this is the final problem I am going to have but doubt it lol. I really hope your pregnancy improves for you :hugs:

Well Gavin has just called the doctors about my sick note and apparently I have been signed off for 2 weeks! Not too happy about this. 1 week maybe but 2.... Hopefully my work dont try to start my maternity leave early!
Oh and my Grandad is in hospital and apparently has internal bleeding and I've just been speaking to my sister and my auntie has been complaining that no one has gone to see him etc! Although I have told my auntie I couldn't go as I just got out of hospital. It was nice to see anyone's concern when I was in hospital last week! Not even a text message from them but now we are being slagged off! I hate families!
Wendy- Once you feel that baby moving the doppler will probably be more fun! Cant wait to hear about it! The crib is a great deal, but my husband went to see it and he was not impressed. And it has a drop down front which makes me very nervous. So we went to babies R us and found a beautiful convertible crib at a great price, and his parents have offered to buy us the crib. So I am quite happy!! I know the internet can be an quite evil at times. Glad to hear your feeling better, I was 100% by week 13 but then I had corpus luteum pain soo I traded in one bad feeling for another. YEAHHH for the new Dyson, I was excited when I got mine too. The fun wears off after a while though lol.

Abii- Please feel free to join in. I wish you luck in TTC. I know these ladies helped me through so youve come to the right place!

Rachael- Welcome to the second trimester!!! Goodluck on your first day on the actual job!!

Adrienne- Thank you for caring!!

Arlene- So nice to hear from you, sorry your sooo ill. It must of been scary to faint. I hope you start to feel better. You have a wedding to plan!!

Emma- Thank you!! Sorry your hospital stay was not good, hopefully when you have pip it will be better. I hope you start to heal soon. Sorry about your family, that stinks that they didn't care much when you were in the hospital. I hope your uncle gets better, but they need to understand why you cant visit.

AFM- Well Samuel is a very smart boy. Yesterday Mike had his face to my belly and he was talking to Sam and boom he got kicked right in the cheek, it was very funny. I love that I can feel him moving everyday now, some days he is lazy but for the most part he moves a little to let me know he is alright in there. I started watching the new show Once Upon a Time last night, it was really good. I love cast and I think its going to be a hit for ABC. I just wish I knew when some of my other shows were coming back, but I will just continue to wait. I have started to get a list of things we want to register for together. Because when we registered for our wedding we literally went around the store and were like oooo thats cool, thats cute, thats nice. And we ended up with a lot of stuff I dont use. Sooo I cant have that happen with the baby, because there actual is a lot we NEED. So I am trying to be proactive so that when we go in the store we know exactly what departments to go to, and exactly what to scan. I am very very excited about it. Especially because we get 2 free gift cards and welcome packs filled with coupons and freebies just for registering. Well ladies it was nice catching up, hope to hear from you all soon!!
Hey all! The morning sickness has subsided enough to feel suitably human enough to catch up on here!!

Emma what an ordeal you have just been through, wow!!! I can't believe the NHS can be that awful!! I'm so glad your home now and I know 2 weeks might seem like a long time but I'm sure it will do you good! Can work start your maternity leave that early? I would have thought you would have to be off for longer than that and later in the pregnancy but I might be wrong!

Wendy I can't believe your 9 weeks, its just whizzing by!! Hope your feeling OK and work went well in the end.

Rachael The new car sounds like a good idea, we are definitely going to need something bigger once noodle is here!

Arlene I feel you pain hun:hugs: I know that sickness feeling well, its awful you are suffering so badly, I hope it lets up soon.

Carly I would steer clear of Google hun, it can be a minefield of information and I definitely think as pregnant women we can have too much information! I hope your all ok and things are going well.

AFM, well got my scan Wednesday morning and I have to say I can't wait to make sure everything is ok. I think my only chance of relaxing in this pregnancy is when I know noodle is actually in there and has a heartbeat, I know thats not then a guarantee but it will certainly make me feel better!!

Big :hugs: to everyone who I have missed!
families can be so annoying Emma :(

my day has been super busy, fell asleep on oh on the sofa, then he woke me up to send me to bed and I'm awake again now!
Hello Ladies, just a quick one for now, my attention span is lacking at the moment! Hope your all doing well, not feeling too sick and bump's aren't being to uncomfortable :flower:
And of course TTC ladies, here's some lucky dust and fingers crossed for you :dust:

Emma You employer cannot make you start maternity any earlier than 37week's into your pregnancy (my MW told me that) so if they do try and pull a fast one, be safe in the knowledge that they can't!
I hope your feeling much better soon, and that your family lay off, as it's the last thing you need right now :hugs:

Myself, Unfortunately im not going to be able to try for a water birth like i wanted too as the hospital has had the birthing pool removed temporarily to use the room for theatre :nope: I'm really disappointed, but even if i had the space (and money) to try for one at home I wouldn't. As much as I'd love to try for a water birth, my main priority is to be in hospital for the birth as i worry too much that something will go wrong (especially with all the drama that happened with birthing Auron lol)
Sorry for not replying to you all individually, just can't concentrate right now (baby brain lol)
Emma That's ridiculous that you had to point out the canular had got infected!! They are either understaffed or underqualified! Either way, that's shocking. At least you and Gav can stand up for yourself, it's worrying thinking of the older people on the wards that could be in pain and too frail to say anything. Anyway I hope you're on the mend and taking it easy :hugs: As for your Auntie, sorry but she needs to get a grip!! Your just out of hospital how about throwing some concern your way?! I do hope your Grandad is a bit better though :flower: x

Carly The other crib def sounds like the best option! And how fab you are getting it as a gift :happydance: It's lovely when family want to help. My sister is so eager to buy mine but i've told her to wait until I know what i'm having as I can't decide whether I want pine or white lol. Aww how funny Mike got a kick to the face :haha: The baby is showing him who is boss already! haha. The register sounds a fab idea too, especially if you get free gift vouchers, wish they did that here x

Naomi Lovely to hear from you hun and to hear things are going well (apart from the sickness of course!) It must be hard feeling so rough and having to teach little kiddies all day. At least I only have to sit at a desk and type lol. I wish you all the best of luck for your scan tomorrow, I am sure it will go just fine and I can't wait to see your pic :flower: x

Rachael I'm always falling asleep on OH, I wouldn't worry about it :haha: Last night I actually had a good sleep but i've still woke up with red eyes! Can't win. Hope your first proper day at work went well x

Natasha Aww that sucks about the water birth :( I know what you mean though, as much as a home birth sounds good you're best to be in hospital where you can get help if needed. Stop blaming baby brain lady, it's more likely you've been playing Batman too long :haha: x

Well everything is going well here, another day where I haven't really felt sick, think i've finally got past it ladies :happydance: Two weeks today until my scan and I cannot wait. Not much really been happening with me, I spent three hours last night wrapping up all my christmas presents! At least that's them done now and they are in gift bags under the stairs. They were lying all over the spare room floor so I needed to get them cleared out before decorating. I also weighed myself last night and i've lost weight! I thought I was meant to gain weight not lose it lol. I wont complain though, I'm sure now my appetite is coming back I will soon start putting on a healthy weight gain. Well back to work, talk to you all later :flower: x

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