Emma That's ridiculous that you had to point out the canular had got infected!! They are either understaffed or underqualified! Either way, that's shocking. At least you and Gav can stand up for yourself, it's worrying thinking of the older people on the wards that could be in pain and too frail to say anything. Anyway I hope you're on the mend and taking it easy

As for your Auntie, sorry but she needs to get a grip!! Your just out of hospital how about throwing some concern your way?! I do hope your Grandad is a bit better though

Carly The other crib def sounds like the best option! And how fab you are getting it as a gift

It's lovely when family want to help. My sister is so eager to buy mine but i've told her to wait until I know what i'm having as I can't decide whether I want pine or white lol. Aww how funny Mike got a kick to the face

The baby is showing him who is boss already! haha. The register sounds a fab idea too, especially if you get free gift vouchers, wish they did that here x
Naomi Lovely to hear from you hun and to hear things are going well (apart from the sickness of course!) It must be hard feeling so rough and having to teach little kiddies all day. At least I only have to sit at a desk and type lol. I wish you all the best of luck for your scan tomorrow, I am sure it will go just fine and I can't wait to see your pic

Rachael I'm always falling asleep on OH, I wouldn't worry about it

Last night I actually had a good sleep but i've still woke up with red eyes! Can't win. Hope your first proper day at work went well x
Natasha Aww that sucks about the water birth

I know what you mean though, as much as a home birth sounds good you're best to be in hospital where you can get help if needed. Stop blaming baby brain lady, it's more likely you've been playing Batman too long

Well everything is going well here, another day where I haven't really felt sick, think i've finally got past it ladies

Two weeks today until my scan and I cannot wait. Not much really been happening with me, I spent three hours last night wrapping up all my christmas presents! At least that's them done now and they are in gift bags under the stairs. They were lying all over the spare room floor so I needed to get them cleared out before decorating. I also weighed myself last night and i've lost weight! I thought I was meant to gain weight not lose it lol. I wont complain though, I'm sure now my appetite is coming back I will soon start putting on a healthy weight gain. Well back to work, talk to you all later
