Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Wendy- I also lost weight. At 21 weeks I technically haven't gained any weight. At my first doc appt. I weighed 157 at that was at about 4 weeks along. At my last doc appt. at 19 weeks I weighed 153. So technically I have lost weight. I got down to 150 and now the weight is slowly coming on. However Sam wieghs more than 1/2 a lb so really lol. Your doc will say something if he is concerned about your weight. I wouldn't worry about it, just eat when you are hungry and dont follow the rule of eating for two. My rule is if I am hungry I will eat. I try to eat more healthy stuff than junk but sometimes you just need some junk in your life. I cant wait to hear all about your scan!! I bet you cant wait!! It was really funny when he kicked mike in the face. The look on Mikes face was priceless.

Natasha- Sorry to hear about the water birth. I hope this birthing experience proves to be better than your first. I am sure you are counting down the days to meet your little man. Just relax and take it easy until he gets here because then you will have your hands full with two little ones.

Well I hope everyone else is doing well. I am hanging in there, just counting down the weeks till my vacation. I am going to be working some more on my spreadsheet and do a little couponing. Have a great day ladies!!!
Oh Emma that's shocking about your hospital stay! Any of those things happening on their own would be bad enough but it sounds like a nightmare!

Natasha, I'm sorry to hear your water birth plans have had to be scrapped :(. How unfair that they'd take out the only pool.

Carly, I'm another who lost weight lol. I'm only just now 2kg (4.5 lbs) up from my starting weight lol. I was down 8lbs by 14 weeks even though I hadn't been sick or noticed a lack of apetite or anything :shrug:. My GP isn't concerned at all. She said that I obviously don't look like Ive been starving myself and baby will always get the nutrients it needs first. I'd like to put on 12-15lbs these last 9 or so weeks though - I don't want to weigh less than my pre-preg weight when bubba is born!
Hello Everyone!!
How are all my preggo friends? Good I hope.

Emma I can't believe you had to go through all that at the hospital. I'm glad you are finally home and able to recover properly.

Arlene hope you are feeling better. I'm sorry you've been so sick. Hope things start to subside soon.

Carly vacation is getting closer (I'm still jealous...LOL) That was a great story about the baby kicking dh, it put a smile on my face

Natasha baby make me laugh. I'm sure you have a lot on your mind considering you'll have another little one around the house soon. Sorry about the birthing pool. But I'm like you as nice as a home birth sounds, I do like the idea of the security of the hospital. Hope this birth is a lot easier on you than the first one.

Wendy sounds like you're starting to feel better as well and I'm glad to hear that. 2 weeks til scan, I can't wait to see the pics. I can't believe you wrapped all your Christmas presents already. I'm so bad a couple of years ago people didn't get their presents until after Christmas. I know is sounds crazy it's just not my favorite holiday. I feel Christmas is for kids and it just bugs me that I'm totally ok with not getting any gifts but I have family members who are way older than me and have just about everythihng they could possibly want and yet they still want to get presents.

Naomi you have a scan coming up as well. I hope once it's over you will feel more at ease and be able to fully enjoy your pregnancy. You deserve it.

Rachael hope work is going well for you and that the little bean is treating you well.

Nat you know I'm thinking of you, but I usually respond to you on your journal. I don't want you to think I'm forgetting about you.

And if I missed anyone I hope you are doing well and that your little beans are being nice to their Mommies.
:happydance::happydance::happydance::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo::wohoo: Presenting Little Noodle. Measuring perfectly at 7+3. Right where it should be. Saw and heard the little heartbeat (that's when I cried!!). Adam is very relieved its just the one little Noodle in there! I can't believe it guys, I'm actually proper pregnant!!! Wow, what a feeling!:happydance::happydance::happydance::cloud9::cloud9::cloud9:


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Wendy Yes I'll stick with baby brain, I haven't had much opitunity to play batman as I can only play it in the evening's after Auron's gone to bed (I don't want him getting scared by some of the content within the game). It's very good though, my OH is reading his book or playing on his DS in the evening's now, though come 10ish all i get is "Are you going to save yet", how rude, I never stifle his gaming experiences :growlmad: lol
2 week's till the first big event! How are you feeling about it? Im glad that your sickness is subsiding too, feel's like it'll never end when you have it, you must be so relieved!

Carly Loved the story of LO kicking your hubby in the face, what were the chances :rofl: How long is it until you go on holiday?

Nat It really suck's! Though I think they decided to use that room because it didn't have a shower in it like the rest of the room's. I gave birth to Auron in that room, and had to go back into the room I was originally in to have a shower, then go back to the birthing pool room after, before being taken down to recovery. There is another hospital around with 2 birthing pool's, but it's further away, and neither of us can drive so it's not really an option. -sigh-

Adrienne Thank you, and I agree, an easier birth is very much welcome this time around. How are you? You don't seem to say what's going on with you in your post's :flower:

EDIT Naomi Didn't see your post lol, Horray for Noodle! :happydance: Must be such a big weight off your shoulders seeing LO for the first time

Thought I'd add my bumpage pix so all you ladies can see how much he's dropped ^.^

1st) 27 Week's 5 Day's

2nd) 31 Week's 4 Day's

3rd) 35 Week's 4 Day's

4th) 38 Week's 3 Day's (Yesterday)


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Naomi so exciting to see little noodle! :hooray::hooray:

Natasha, yep, he's definitely dropped! Last days (or weeks) for you. My hospital has two birthing pools. If one is free when I'm in labour I think is like to try a waterbirth, but I could go eiher way. Will see what I feel like at he time. Did you have a water birth with Auron then or were you just in that room?
Nat I tried for a water birth with Auron, but had to get out to be induced. I was in the pool for about 5hour's, 5cm when i went in, 5cm when i got out, hence the induction. Was awesome labouring in the water though, I'd deff recommend it :thumbup:
Cool :). I'll definitely prepare for the possibility then. I've always flip flopped about the idea of a waterbirth ever since my friend had an accidental waterbirth lol. It sounds really relaxing and calming, and the idea of all the mess being contained sounds appealing, but then when I see pictures of waterbirths and the bloody water it makes me a bit :sick: and I second guess it lol.
Lol, it'll be a shower situation dry land or water. They don't bathe babies in hospital's, only wipe them off with towels, which was part of the appeal of having a water birth for me, try and get some gunk off in the pool :haha:
Can you/have you had a tour of your hospital labour ward?
I will be having a tour yes - but it's not for 5 or 6 weeks! My antenatal classes start tomorrow and the tour is part of either the last or second last class.
:thumbup: that's good! We had the tour as our second class (optional of course) when we did a "parents to be" course with our Auron pregnancy. Though when it came down to it I still worried that we wouldn't find the right floor, bare in mind there's only 5 floors, and they wrote it all down in my maternity notes :haha:
Lol. Well I know where the birthing suite is anyway as I have to walk past it to get the antenatal clinic for my mw appointments :haha: and our hospital only has two floors (that I know of, but then, maternity is on the ground floor so Im not even aware if theres anything above anyway, I'm probably wrong :haha:). The only thing I'm not sure about is going into labour after hours (main doors are closed from 8pm-6am and you have to go through emergency). I hope that's part of the tour lol. And visiting hours for partners are really lousy so I hope baby cooperates and is born in the morning so I can hopefully go home later that day. Otherwise no visitors allowed, partners included, between 8pm and 10am! Or for two hours in the middle of the day either, unless you luck out and get a room to yourself. I can understand not having partners on the ward overnight, but surely the hours could be extended by a few hours on either side for partners. I can't imagine staying the 4 days they like to keep you with those kind of visiting hours.
Carly Oh that's good to know that i'm not alone is losing weight. To be honest i'm quite happy of that cause i'd like to lose a bit of weight! Midwife said I may end up lighter than I started which would be fab! I too just eat when i'm hungry, it's the best way. When is your vacation again? Not long now i'm sure x

Nat Ooh I can't wait to hear how your antenatal class goes tomorrow! I wasn't sure whether I would want to go to them or not but hubby thinks they are a good idea. I think I would just feel embarrassed sitting practising my breathing with others lol. I had a quick catch up on your journal too and it's fab you can drive again! That will make life so much easier for you. Grr about the lunch box though!! Idiot dangerous drivers. No wonder you were mad! x

Adrienne I totally know what you mean. I buy for both our families and our close friends and their children but each year the list is getting bigger and bigger. This year we decided we should try and cut the list a bit so I texted a few friends we don't see as often as others and asked if they would mind not swapping gifts as our list is so large with people having children now etc but some of the replies I got made me feel so darn guilty! It's not that I didn't want to get them, I just can't afford to. But the replies like "oh fine, strike us off your list" and "that's a shame, yours was the only one I looked forward to opening" made me feel awful! Nothing I can do about it though. Next year will be even worse when I have my own little bubba's presents to buy x

Naomi Yey!!!! :happydance: What gorgeous scan pics, I just knew everything was going to be alright. You must be on cloud 9. That's great little noodle is measuring exactly right too. I hope you can start enjoying your pregnancy now :) x

Natasha Lol, get your OH told! Messing with a pregnant lady when she's playing her favourite computer game is not on! haha. I am so excited, yesterday I panicked a bit as I read people talking about miscarriages and saying how they knew as they had lost their symptoms. Of course me not having sickness anymore started getting paranoid, but I got the old doppler off and heard bubba's heartbeat nice and clear and for once I heard it for ages! My sis got to listen in too it was nice. Phew! I need to stop reading bad things lol. Oh wow, your bump has farely dropped! Not long now hun x

Well there's not much happening with me, I lead a boring life of work, sleeping and eating at the moment lol. Feel like I need another holiday but i've just had one :haha: Hopefully I can get myself back into a normal routine soon and can start being more productive with my time instead of falling asleep after work. We shall see! x
Wendy don't let people scare you into thinking a lack of symptoms or symptoms disappearing means bad news. They tend to ease up around the end of first tri anyway for the majority of people who do get ms, and can come and go the duration of pregnancy (or like me ne'er experience them qt all). And then there are mmcs where people carry on having symptoms anyway so theres just no telling.
Emma sorry to hear about your horrible hospital stay! :hugs:
Natasha your bumps definitely dropped! Its seems your carrying very neatly! I work with a girl who is just 20 weeks along and about the same size as you now.
Wendy fx'd that's your sickness gone for good! Your scans so soon :D so excited for you!
Naomi :happydance: glad baby is just as its meant to and that you now have this reassurance and can start enjoying things more!
Hugs to all other ladies :hugs: I'm doing this on my phone and can't remember who else I had and what I had to say :dohh:
Okay so yes I'm only 8 weeks but we're already talking prams! I think its one of the most important buys, and I looove pram shopping. So what prams do yous ladies have or are yous considering for LO? My oh has been very involved in this and has feel in love with the icandy peach, and cherry.
Wendy, I just posted a big long update about the class in my journal so I won't go into full detail here too, but it was really good and not at all what I expected :thumbup:. It's not like a Lamaze or Bradley class or that type of thing, but put on by our hospital and covers everything. (though today we did all end up on the floor doing cat stretches :rofl:)

Obviously I have no way of knowing how the ones there are done, but I'll give you our course outline as you might find hospital ones to be similar.

This week was nutrition and exercise in pregnancy and we also had a physiotherapist come in for an hour with exercises and stuff for us.

Next week is covering the stages of labour and there will be a video.

Week three is pain relief, both medical and non medical and unexpected events that may arise during labour (and something called "motor safe with Ben"? No idea what that is :haha:)

Week four is breastfeeding and parenting and we're to bring a doll that day.

Hmm the second page seems to be missing. But I know week 5 is the tour of maternity and C-sections off my memory, and something else too I think.

Week 6 is contraception and something else. Post natal depression maybe?

Anyway, it can't hurt for you to go to classes. And you may end up making some mommy friends while you're there :). I know a lady who 10 years on still gets together once a month with all the ladies from her antenatal class!
Naomi I'm so happy for you. The scan looks great. I'm sure that you and dh are over the moon.

Natasha lovely bump pics. And it looks like you have dropped quite a bit. AFM I am back at work and have to work an all nighter tonight. I'm in the beginning of the dreaded tww. Don't know how this cycle is going to end but hopefully it ends with the letters BFP.

Arlene shopping for prams sounds like so much fun. Enjoy!

Wendy I can't believe how some of your friends responded when you told them they wouldn't be getting a gift. I mean they are not children and should be able to understand. I hope you didn't take their comments to heart.

Hope the rest of you ladies are doing well. But I'm on my phone and it's such a pain. Anyway off to take a nap to get ready for work tonight. Take care and talk soon.
Adrienne I'll have everything crossed for you this 2ww :hugs:

Nat sounds like those classes would be very informative and definately a good chance to meet new friends! I've never heard of 'motor safe with ben' is it maybe to do with proper fitting car seats or something?

So my booking appointment with the midwife is on thursday and I thought I would recieve my scan date then, however I only managed to sit and go through the mail the came in for me during my holiday last night and one was my scan date, 25th of november :happydance: at 9.10 so im not having to wait all afternoon :) and then we pick up our pup a week later, should be a very exciting week :D

Anyway I best get ready for work, we've to dress up today! First time they've ever let us, so should be a good laugh. Hope everyones well :hugs:
Ooh that could be it! I do remember something about transportation of infants so that's probably exactly what it is. I don't know why they didn't just call it "carseat safety" though lol.

Have fun dressing up at work Arlene!
Hi ladies, sorry I haven't been on but my laptop is playing up and my internet at home :growlmad: so o have just been catching up on my phone!

Arlene :happydance: for your scan date! It's so good that you and Wendy are so close together as you have all your appointments etc around the same time! What are you going dressed up in at work today. We have a dress down day at work today but I'm missing it with being at home lol! In regards to prams, I have got the hauck jeep infinity (i think lol) pram for little pip. It's a good pram as you can connect the car seat straight onto the real of the pram with no messing about! Hope your starting to feel better x

Nat, your courses sound so informative! I have 1 coming up in November which is 3 nights over 3 weeks called baby bump and beyond but I am not sure what that entails! Has the hubby managed to get work for the rest of the week? I saw that someone ran over his lunch box... How could they not see a red box!

Naomi, so happy to see your scan pictures! I posted on your journal as I missed your post on here with being on my phone!

Well ladies that's as far back as I can see on my phone at the minute and my memory is out the window so sorry if you have commented from my last post and i havent responded.

I am unfortunately no longer at home resting so can't see the posts as ofter as id like. My Grandad became very ill the past few days and was rushed in for emergency surgery yesterday. Last week they did a scan of him and never found anything but this week did a camera up his bum and now all of a sudden he has a tear in his bowl! They didn't expect him to make it through surgery but he did. The next mountain was trying to get him off a ventilator. My Grandad has really bad asthma and bad lungs so they weren't to sure if this was going to be successful last night. I am waiting to here if they manage to do it or not and am off to my sisters in an hour to wait to hear and then my sister is driving me the rest of the way so I don't have to. I just feel like it never rains but it pours with me at the minute!

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