Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Oh wow, sorry about your grandad! :hugs:

DH didn't work Thursday but he did work today and he works tomorrow too so better than nothing. Thanks for asking :). Hopefully he still works monday or Tuesday (or both) or we'll have another tight week but oh well. And ya DH was pretty mad about the lunch bag incident. But now he's got a proper esky so his lunch and water stay colder and he can sit on it on break at least. Still annoying though as his over bag was a Christmas present last year and is a Holden bag (our surname so mom and dad loved to send us Holden paraphanelia since they dont have them in Canada lol) and was the perfect size and had pockets for his stuff... Ah well.
And happy belated 3rd tri! Just noticed your ticker. Home stretch now!
O Emma I'm so sorry your going through a hard time at the moment, I do hope your Grandad pulls through ok.
Hope everyone else is well!
I'm actually starting to relax now, well apart from my head being down the toilet most of the day but I just remember the sound of that little heartbeat and it keeps me going! I have just realised that I think I'm the one at the earliest stage of pregnancy on here, feel very newbie like! Wont be long Wendy and I'll be the only one in the first tri, can't believe your 10 weeks now!!
Adrienne- Dont be jealous, thats silly! But I am excited. My mom is all moved in to her new place, so I'm excited to see it as well as go to vegas for the 1st time. And I am going to see Twilight Breaking Dawn while I am in town!!!

Naomi- Lovely scan pics!! Makes my heart melt for you, sooo happy, cant wait to read more about your journey!!

Arlene- Cant wait to hear all about your scan. I hope you share some photos of that new puppy!!!

Emma- So sorry about your grandad, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.

Natasha- Just 2 more weeks until I leave!! I love your bump pics, that baby is on his way.

Wendy- You can NEVER have enough vacation. A nap at work never killed anyone lol.

AFM- We are going to Target today, coupons in hand so we will see how I do. This should be an exciting trip!! Not sure what else we have planned. I really need to get some new bras. I literally have one comfortable bra and its not even a nice one, its like a cheapy one that doesn't look that great under clothes. Well ladies I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!!!
Nat You are so right, i've decided i'm now going to enjoy feeling no sickness without worrying anything is wrong with bubba who I know is safe tucked away in my tummy :) Oh your classes sound really informative and to be honest it would be nice if I could meet some people round here who are pregnant too. Saying that one of my hubby's friends have just announced they are going to be parents too a week before us which is so exciting! I can't wait to tell them our news after the scan x

Arlene I honestly have no idea what pram we are going to get other than the fact it will be black in colour so hopefully it will do bubba no.2 as well. My in-laws are buying ours for us so said we would go shopping together sometime and pick one that will suit both me who is 5 foot 3 and hubby who is 6 foot. Might be fun :haha: Oh yey for the scan date!! Under a month hun, the time will fly by x

Adrienne Hope your work trip is a quick one and that the tww flies by for you, I can't wait until the day you tell us you got your bfp :flower: x

Emma So sorry to hear your grandad has taken a turn the worst, i'm praying everything will be ok and he'll be on the mend soon :hugs: I know you've had it hard hun but things can only get better :flower: x

Rachael I saw on Facebook your having probs with your pram, what happened? Hope you managed to get a refund in the end. How's the job going now the training has finished? x

Naomi So glad to hear you are relaxing a bit now, I know it's not easy. As for the sickness fingers crossed it will only be for another 2 weeks max, mines certainly disappeared when I hit ten weeks, presuming that's because the placenta has taken over. Being the newbie is not a bad place to be, at least if you ever have any questions as you go along one of us will know the answer :) x

Carly Oh I feel your pain! I am just not comfortable in any of my bras right now, it's a nightmare. I dread to think what I will be like at your stage cause I find it so hard finding bras to fit me now never mind if I go up a size or 2. Hope you manage to get some, I remember visiting Target when I was in America, it's a great store x

Natasha Hope you're well hun x

Sorry I haven't been on the last couple of nights, i've been decorating the nursery :happydance: The notion took me so I decided to start painting and I love the shade of yellow we picked, it looks so nice now it's dry and only needed one coat which is fab! Now I just have to wait till January to find out if we are having a boy or girl and can then buy a gender appropriate border and curtains etc. Can't wait! Off to get some food now, my appetite is certainly back and i'm always hungry! I don't think it will be long before the weight starts creeping back on lol. Speak soon x
Hi ladies :flower:

Wendypops- Its so nice when you get to do the things like decorating the nursery! I am so glad the sickness feeling is gone now, I also got my appetite back pretty quick and then was eating every few hours :haha: I think I may be getting my sickness back :( I am not sure if it is morning sickness or something else yet but only time will tell!

Carly- Get used to wearing unattractive bras lol! I havent been in an attractive bra for months. The maternity bras I have are horrible but they are so comfy! I cant wear any of my other bras anymore as I dont fit in them lol! Good luck with the couponing x

Naomi- I am so happy that you are starting to relax now! The next few weeks will fly by and you will soon be in your 2nd trimester :hugs:

Thank you for your kind words Rachael and Natalie, hope you are both keeping well :hugs:

Well so far so good with my grandad! They have managed to get him off the ventilator and he is now in a high dependency unit. He seemed in high spirits yesterday but I think that was all the morphine he was ok :haha: as he didnt remember much he had just said. The next challenge is to get him upright and moving to see how well his body has actually coped with the triple surgery.

I have had an awful day today, well I spent most of it in bed!! I was up in the night throwing up and have just felt so sick today. I have so much acid indigestion its stupid!! I am not sure if the sickness was as a result of me being ill recently or my sickness coming back. I havent been sick for 5 days so thought that was over with from the kidney infection. I have just eaten for the first time today and hope that the nausea goes away for a bit.

Hopefully I will have something nice and positive to say soon :(
Oh Emma you've had such a tough time recently hang in there. I'm glad your granddad is doing better. I hope he continues to improve. Sorry you're feeling poorly again I hope it passes soon.

I hope all my other preggo friends are doing well. I post properly later as we are dealing with the first winter storm of the year. It's so early no one is prepared. They are forcasting 6-10 inches in my area and wide spread power outages because the snow is heavy and wet and the leaves are still on the trees. It's gonna be long weekend, at least we've got a generator in case we lose power. Wish me luck ladies and will speak with you all soon.
Nat Yeah visiting time's can be a curse for partner's, but they really are a blessing for friend's/family as some people just don't want to leave! Thankfully for me, I'd made it very clear before Auron was born that I didn't want any visitor's in hospital, so we had people come over after we got home for cuddles and story time lol. But because I was transferred to recovery at 5-6am, my OH had to go home (which was good for him as he really needed some sleep lol, but was scary because I was left on my own with Auron as I had my own room -which was lush!- because of my high BP after birth) and I think he came back about 1pm-ish?

Arlene We have the Petit Star Kurvi 4 Match Plus in Red! *Pix attached* It's cool because of the multi position goodness, only let down is the small shopping basket underneath. We've got a buggy board coming for Auron to cruse on so fingers crossed it'll fit! :thumbup: Horray for Scan date!! Will you be posting up pix of mini bean?

Adrienne What do you do for a living? Pulling an all nighter is no fun at the best of time's, at least there's a silver lining of £££ at the end of it :flower: Boo for the unpredicted winter storm, I hope it's not as bad as they are saying it will be!

Emma :hugs: Im glad thing's are looking good for your grandad, hopefully he'll continue to make a full, speedy recovery. Poo that your feeling so sicky, i hope your giving yourself plenty of R&R, and let other's look after you! And happy 3rd tri!!

Carly Only 2 week's! I hope you've got everything ready/ on target with preparations. Will you be putting up your best pix for us to have a nose through? :happydance:

Wendy Decorating already! It's so very exciting. I loved decorating Auron's room whilst pregnant with him, but being in a 2bed place, no decorating this time around, so it's felt even more draggy not having thing's like that to do :coffee:
Im pleased that your sickness has gone now, and that you can enjoy eating again! Hopefully you'll find the next few month's comfortable, and will start to blossom with bumpy :happydance:

And to all other Ladies, I hope your all doing good and well :flower:

Mine self, I can't believe that this time next week I'll probably be sat here saying "It's our due date!" with no baby in arm's lol. Shockingly after my MW appointment last monday she made me make another one for this monday...? I never had weekly appointment's with Auron so I was quite thrown by it, but it's quite nice at the same time. Perhaps I will be fortunate enough to be "checked out" by her and given some sort of estimation as to when I can expect labour to establish. Though I've made plan's for going out shopping with my OH's sister on Wednesday so hopefully I'm not being too optimistic ha ha!


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Wendy, how exciting that one of hubby's friends is also having a baby around the same time as you! And yay for decorating the nursery already!

Emma, I'm gad your grandad is doing a bit better - I hope he continues to improve.

Ooh Adrienne I hope the storm doesn't knock out the power! Does it mean you'll be grounded for a while? I know some airports would have to have a pretty bad storm to be affected while others don't take much.

Natasha, not long! You'll for sure have a baby in the next few weeks!

Aww man I don't know what my bub is getting up to, but s/he sure doesn't seem to have as little room as there should be at this stage. I feel like it keeps doing flips and somersaults lol. Last night DH touched my belly just in time to feel one and he couldn't believe it - kept asking over and over what it's doing in there lol.

Oh and also, yesterday DH worked his first weekend shift - I hope he gets more of them as weekends are double time and he worked 10 hours! (well technically 9 hours and 20 mins, but they're given an hour at the end of the day to clean up and if they get signs taken down quickly they get to go early and still get paid for the whole hour lol). I won't expect them often but man is it nice... $480 for one day's work lol.
Just a quick update as dh just turned on the generator. We lost power when a transformer exploded outside our window. Trees are down everywhere it's crazy. At least I am off til Monday. Will keep you guys posted.

Natasha I'm a flight attendant that's why I have crazy hours
Emma I had a look at the hauck jeep infinity, very nice! You've always got so much going on misses :hugs: Glad to hear your Grandad is doing better. But sorry to hear your now not feeling good :( hopefully your feeling better now.

Naomi we're so close! Theres only 6 days between us :)

Carly you have to take lots of pictures in vegas!

Wendy alot of prams now have extending handles, which is great! DF is a great deal taller than me so we're going to go to glasgow pram centre and try a few out to see what suits, however he does love the icandy peach, I just don't know if I want to spend £1000... especially when this might be the last baby! Yay for painting the nursery :happydance: how exciting!

Adrienne good luck during the bad weather! Can't believe yous are getting that much snow so early! Fx'd it goes away as quick as its hit and yous get back to normal!

Natasha thats a lovely pram you have! I cannot wait to start buying, I changed my pram 3 times with Kyle though :dohh: Yes i'll be posting a scan pic, I got 6 at my 12 week with Kyle, don't think i'll get that lucky again though. Your due date is soo soon! exciting :happydance:

Natalie how exciting for you too, less than 9 weeks till your due date :happydance: fx'd your hubby keeps getting those weekend shifts!

Rachael hope your keeping well :)

This is the first chance i've had in a while to post properly, I think theres something up with the bit on my laptop where the charger goes in and its just not taking a charge now so having to use DF. Got my booking appointment on thursday :happydance: im excited for that :) and the flu jab on friday, not so excited for that :dohh: :lol: A guy I work with is telling everyone how is OH is pregnant and due in june and im dying to say "ME TOO" :rofl: I'm really surprised ive managed to not tell everyone. I think we're going out with my dad for bonfires night so will be telling him then, and that'll be all our close family that know, except Kyle! We're taking him to the scan and he can see it then. Anyway I have to order a cage for the next new member in our family, really looking forward to getting our little husky. I just hope the sickness has passed by then!

Hope everyones well xx
Arlene- I am having the same issues with my laptop! Its annoying as reading this forum on your phone and trying to post is very difficult! Think the battery itself is playing a huge part in mine as well!! :happydance: how exciting that you are going to be telling your dad this weekend!! I bet you cant wait to spill everything!! Hope you have a lovely bonfire night, we are going to the brother in laws in Pourtsmouth that weekend and hopefully going to see some fireworks with them.

Adrienne- I hope you are keeping safe! I cant believe the weather for you! I dont think our weather has been as bad as it usually is at the minute but that may be bacause I am roasting hot all the time :haha: Hopefully they have managed to sort things out for you and you have power back soon :hugs:

Natalie- I am so glad your oh managed to get some weekend work in! I know what you mean about feeling like your little one has no room. I have been roughly the same size for about 6 weeks but Pip has got bigger!! She rarely thumps me anymore as there just isnt that much room for her to move about. You can sit for hours just watching my belly wobble as she just moves and turns lol!

Natasha- I am trying to rest up as best I can at the minute which is hugely difficult for me :haha: I cant believe that it is so close to your due date now!! Not long now and we will have our first little baby for this thread :happydance:

Well as for me, I started to feel better on saturday night after eating mash potato and beans and then a pack of jammie dodgers and a toffee apple :haha: I still dont feel myself but at least I dont feel sick at the minute!

I went to primark yesterday as I am struggling with clothes to fit me at the minute. Maternity clothes are so expensive!! So I went to primark and seen as I am constantly hot I bought myself some vest tops for a couple of pound each that are long in the body and they cover my bump perfectly!! I got some comfy jogging bottoms to lounge about the house in and had to get them 2 sizes bigger than normal :haha: I got a really nice winter dress as well which I can wear with leggings but not at he minute as I get too hot lol!!

Well I hope everyone is doing ok and had a fab weekend. This is my last week off work and at the minute I dont feel like I can go back to work!! Very weird for me but we will see how I feel towards the end of the week!
Hope you feel better soon Emma, but glad you're better than you were!

Arlene, how exciting you're getting a husky! :D I have one, and love her to bits! There's nothing quite like a husky - they're a breed of their own :rofl:
Rachael I didn't realise your dog was a husky, did you get her as a pup? How do you find she is if you leave her alone to go out? And last one, did you crate train her? So much preparation to do for a husky!

Emma glad your feeling a bit better, I'd love to be able to eat a toffee apple, unfortunately bubs doesn't like anything that is strong in taste, so toast is my comfort zone right now :lol:
Emma That's great news your grandad is on the mend, I hope he makes a full recovery very soon. Sorry to hear you are feeling poorly again, hopefully it's just a wee bug that will pass quickly. I only just saw your video on Facebook last night of pippin kicking your phone, how darn cute!! She's an active little girl. I can't wait till my baby does that although i've got a long wait yet. Oh yeah, maternity stuff is so expensive! I have already bought some maternity work trousers as mines are getting tight already, top wise I should be ok as got lots of baggy tops. I weighed myself again yesterday thinking I must be putting on weight now with things getting tighter but nope! I've lost another 2lbs :shrug: I don't get it x

Adrienne Wow that must be so scary seeing trees down all around you, I hope you are tucked up safe at home and that the storm leaves as quick as it came. I would rather have snow any day than storms :hugs: x

Natasha Yeah I know I started with the decorating early lol, but I really wanted to do the painting myself and thought it would be much easier doing it now than when i've got a big bump getting in the way :haha: How did the midwife appointment go today? Can't believe how close your due date is! So exciting :happydance: x

Nat Lol, it must be so strange seeing your stomach moving about like that. My hubby thinks he will freak out when he sees mine doing it :haha: Yey for OH getting weekend work, that's fab! The extra money is really going to help you guys. When will he know if this will become permanent or not? x

Arlene Wowza, £1,000 is a LOT of money! Prams are expensive though. This is the worst about the in-laws paying for mine, I will feel I can't pick one I really like if I know it is expensive. Saying that they have told us loads of times that money is not to come into it. We shall see what happens when the time comes I guess. Yey for the booking appointment! It's nice getting your first appointment out the way. I bet you can't wait to tell your Dad, I only have one more week then I can shout my news from the roof tops! I cannot wait!! x

Rachael Happy 15 weeks! :happydance: x

Things are going well with me, a little bit of the sicky feeling has come back but nowhere near as bad as I have been. One week tomorrow until the scan, yeeha! Please let this be a quick week. It's just a shame I wont be able to come and tell you guys how it went on the day as I need to go straight to Glasgow for my concert and wont be back until the next day. I will text Emma though so she can hopefully tell you all if it went ok :) Well I best get on with some work I suppose, really can't be bothered. I'm so tired, I go to bed early every night cause i'm shattered but still I can't fall asleep for about 2 hours, it's doing my head in :sleep: Speak to you all later anyway x
Quick update, My midwife appointment today went fine and well. Baby is 2/5th engaged, and midwife said because I've been having twinges it's lookin good for the weekend. If not, I've been booked in to have a sweep next Monday at 4pm, so if it does come to that, hopefully it'll get thing's going! My prediction of him coming on the 9th may be looking quite promising :haha: Hope all you ladies are well, and I'll hopefully do a proper post tomorrow as Auron is being a bit.... temper mental at the moment.... he's not long woken up from a nap and not in the best of mood's :flower:
Arlene, she was a nightmare to leave alone until I crate trained her! I only crate trained her earlier this year but it's the best thing I ever did. I would strongly recommend doing it as a puppy :thumbup: Holly used to fret when I left her and ate a few things around the house, but since I've crate trained her she doesn't make any noise when we're out and nothing gets ruined. Her seperation anxiety is worse than most because of things that happened with my ex, but I think if you crate train from a puppy you should be fine :D

Wendy, not long until your scan, bet you're so excited! I'm counting down to my next one - 5 weeks on Friday :rofl:
Wendy- I bought a lovely bra, not a maternity one because I am not there yet, but I am sure in the future I will need one. I also bought a pair of maternity jeans that I think I could live in from this point on. I LOVE LOVE Target. We are actually registering there, I would say it is in my top 3 stores. It is soo exciting that you have started the nursery, I you have way more motivation than I do.

Emma- Sorry you are ill, but soon you will meet pip and it will all be worth it!! Goodluck when you go back to work, its never easy to return after a long time off.

Natalie- Nice pay day for your hubby!! Hope things continue to go well.

Adrienne- Goodluck!! I know what those storms are like, so be careful and stay safe!!

Arlene- Sweet idea with Kyle. Hope your sickness ends soon.

AFM- I will be posting plenty of pictures from IL and Vegas!! I just cant wait, and have actually decided to leave a day early. I cant wait for this weekend my husband and I are going to register and having a really nice meal so I think saturday will be a wonderful day. Then monday my 23 week checkup and then I leave on thursday!! So I am sure this week and next are going to fly because I will be busy getting prepared and making sure everything is in order before I leave. Then when I get back its thanksgiving and black friday so even more fun!!! Well ladies hope you all are doing well, its always nice to catch up!!
Hi Everyone, sounds like you are all doing well.

Emma I'm glad you were able to find some clothes. I know maternity clothes can be so expensive. Sorry you've been so hot, but glad you are doing better.

Natasha OMG I can't believe how close you are. I'll be on pins and needles all this weekend thinking about you. Good Luck

Carly yay for leaving a day early. Can't wait to see all your pics. Have a great time.

Arlene sorry that toast is the only thing that bubs will tolerate at the momnet. Hopefully your sickness won't last to long. Can't wait to see pics of your new doggie.

Rachael I can't believe you're already 15 weeks. It seems like time is going by really fast. Hope all is well.

Nat I'm sure you're keeping busy with all your projects. I can't wait to see some of your work when it's finished. Hope your classes are going well.

Wendy sorry your sickness has returned, hopefully it will pass soon. Yay for scan being less than a week away. Can't wait for the pics.

Naomi hope you and your little bean are doing well.

I don't think I missed anybody, but if I did I hope you and your little beans are all ok.

AFM the storm was worse than we thought it was going to be. My town looks like a war zone. Have been without power since 5pm Saturday and they don't expect it to be back til at least Saturday. I least I have a generator so I have some power, but I have to drive 45 minutes away to get gas. None of the gas stations close by have power, and if they do you have to wait in line for hours and hours. There are trees and power lines down everywhere, it's dangerous just getting around. I'm at work hence the reason I'm able to post since I'm on a computer. Can't say as to when I'll be able to do a proper post again. So until next time take care and I'll try and catch up on my phone.

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