Natasha So glad your midwife appointment went well. Can't believe how close you are now! I'm so excited for you. I loved Xmen First Class, there's not many of the marvel/dc films I haven't seen at the cinema either but I did miss the Green Lantern so like you will be hunting it out on dvd too. The cinema is so expensive too nowadays you just can't afford to go all the time x
Rachael I so can't wait! Although the days seem to be dragging right now lol. I think i'll be the same as you, as soon as this scan is done i'll start counting the weeks till the next one

Carly Sounds like you have a lovely weekend plan! I know about Thanksgiving but i've never heard of Black Friday? What's it about? You have so much to look forward to x
Adrienne Wow, I can't imagine being without proper power for a week. So glad your safe though, that's the main thing! I guess work is probably the best place for you right now if they are not affected by the power problems x
Nat Yeah I think that's what i'm going to have to do but it's hard asking them how much they want to spend without it coming across as rude if you know what I mean. That's why I came up with the idea of taking them with us pram shopping so hopefully I can gauge their reaction to ones we like lol. They have always been very genrerous but I don't like taking advantage or just expecting if you know what I mean x
Emma Sounds like you've put weight on nice and gradually. The midwife told me she wouldn't be bothered if I lost weight cause she knows bubba is still getting all it needs so i'm happy with that. Can't wait to have a proper bump though lol. Aww no your still being sick? That sucks hun, hopefully your midwife can help tomorrow. I already suffer from acid reflux and the doctor warned me it would get worse with pregnancy, not looking forward to that day if that's what it does to you

Hope your feeling a bit better anyway x

I am so fricking happy for you hun!! Many congratulations!! You have waited so long for this and so deserve it. I bet your hubby was over the moon? x
Karen Welcome to the thread hun, it's always nice to have a newbie join us

Sorry to hear about your previous losses but it looks like everything is going well for you this time and I pray it stays that way! Do you have a scan date booked? x
Naomi &
Arlene Hope you ladies are well

Well, I can't believe i've made it to 11 weeks

So happy! I've become a bit addicted to my doppler though, I just love hearing bubba's heartbeat. Hopefully I will calm down a bit once I've had my scan. Not really much happening with me. Just been busy sorting things in the house. Getting my hair cut tonight, it seems to be growing like wildfire since my bfp!! and tomorrow I have the in-laws coming round for a visit so I will prob have to try and sneak on here at work again

Hope everyone is keeping well anyway, speak soon x