Shona Sending lot's of sticky dust your way
I found the first one freakier than the second. I had to make my OH sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door after watching the first one

The second one was good, but I didn't feel scared after it had finished like the first. Funny though, my OH went to the toilet after watching the second one, and heard Auron make a weird noise in his sleep (his room is next to the bathroom) and he had to get up and look out of the bathroom because he was convinced Auron was gonna come barging into the bathroom, before continuing his business
Emma Are you taking anything for the heartburn? It's horrible to have, I've gone through packet's of chew tab's (mostly suffer with it during the night) Hope everything went well for you seeing your grandad in hospital

I'll be keeping my finger's crossed for you, and will look forward to seeing those all important first scan picture's in the next few week's!
Wendy All I can say is thank goodness for Orange Wednesday!! Also, our cinema does ticket's for £4 on Tuesday's too, so it's only 50p more than a Wednesday, not worth going any other day though! I just wish it was a Vew Cinema and not an Apollo. Have a Vew in Portsmouth, and it's awesome!! No matter what screen your in there's big seat's with plenty of leg room, think there's abour 149ish0 screen's there..? But the Apollo only has 4 Director screen's (which are the comfy one's) and 5 ordinary screen's, which are ok, but lack of leg room make's for much fidgeting!
Pix of smexy new hair??
Hope you've managed to perk up since your post, I think a C is awesome

It's disappointing when you try so hard and expect much more from yourself, but you've done brilliantly to get a grade like that, congratulations to you!
They say that as long as you feel at least 10movement's a day you should have nothing to worry about. It doesn't help ebing busy and occupied as you only really notice the big/painful/sudden movement's and not all movements. Before staring my maternity leave, I hardly took any notice of any movement's Ely was making unless I was at home, and it felt like he hardly stopped! Roll on Monday to give you peace of mind, and in the meantime try not to worry (easier said than done i know) and try not to get too preoccupied so that perhaps you will feel more movement's
All other lovely ladies, Hope your doing fabulously, taking care of yourselves, and making time for R&R as well as play time of course
Im suffering a cold! Nick's sister who we lovingly put up for 5night's last week has left it for me, what a bia-tch!

As if Im not feeling crappy enough with the discomfort of looming labour, Auron who won't leave me alone for 5minute's (unless he's in bed) and being constantly pestered by everyone
"when's that baby gonna make an appearance?",
"how much longer is that baby going to keep us waiting?",
"having that baby yet" INCLUDING my OH, AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! If it wasn't for the fact i LIKE my hair I'd probably be ripping it out! Im so fed up of the same question's over and over. It's sweet/lovely/nice that people care, but for frick sake, we will tell people when it's all over and we're out of hospital, and as far as my OH is concerned, it's not like Im gonna go off and have the baby without him