Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Carly, a C is not bad at all. What class was it? I am terrible of Math. Hmm, a funny story I don't have one at the moment. Just wait someone at work will do something crazy and I will have to post it.

Wendy, I am glad we won't be preggers for most of the summer. I live in Texas and it gets unbearably hot here.
Thank you ladies. You are soo sweet! It was a marketing class and I worked my butt off but I just couldn't master the tests. I am in a statistics class now and its helping get my self esteem back because I actually do pretty well in math. Wendy dont feel bad about the pee thing I thought I had a UTI at first and then I did a little research and realized what it was. I am excited because I am almost out of my vitamins and I really really want to try the gummy ones, but I told myself to finish the ones I have first before I spend the money.

Well ladies I am back to work on figuring out what I want to register for and what I MUST HAVE lol. We go on Saturday and I just cant wait, and then I see the doctor Monday so hopefully I will atleast get to hear Sams heart beat.
Shona Sending lot's of sticky dust your way :dust:
I found the first one freakier than the second. I had to make my OH sleep on the side of the bed closest to the door after watching the first one :haha: The second one was good, but I didn't feel scared after it had finished like the first. Funny though, my OH went to the toilet after watching the second one, and heard Auron make a weird noise in his sleep (his room is next to the bathroom) and he had to get up and look out of the bathroom because he was convinced Auron was gonna come barging into the bathroom, before continuing his business :rofl:

Emma Are you taking anything for the heartburn? It's horrible to have, I've gone through packet's of chew tab's (mostly suffer with it during the night) Hope everything went well for you seeing your grandad in hospital :flower:

Karen :happydance: CONGRATULATIONS! :happydance: I'll be keeping my finger's crossed for you, and will look forward to seeing those all important first scan picture's in the next few week's!

Wendy All I can say is thank goodness for Orange Wednesday!! Also, our cinema does ticket's for £4 on Tuesday's too, so it's only 50p more than a Wednesday, not worth going any other day though! I just wish it was a Vew Cinema and not an Apollo. Have a Vew in Portsmouth, and it's awesome!! No matter what screen your in there's big seat's with plenty of leg room, think there's abour 149ish0 screen's there..? But the Apollo only has 4 Director screen's (which are the comfy one's) and 5 ordinary screen's, which are ok, but lack of leg room make's for much fidgeting!
Pix of smexy new hair??

Carly :hugs: Hope you've managed to perk up since your post, I think a C is awesome :thumbup: It's disappointing when you try so hard and expect much more from yourself, but you've done brilliantly to get a grade like that, congratulations to you!
They say that as long as you feel at least 10movement's a day you should have nothing to worry about. It doesn't help ebing busy and occupied as you only really notice the big/painful/sudden movement's and not all movements. Before staring my maternity leave, I hardly took any notice of any movement's Ely was making unless I was at home, and it felt like he hardly stopped! Roll on Monday to give you peace of mind, and in the meantime try not to worry (easier said than done i know) and try not to get too preoccupied so that perhaps you will feel more movement's :hugs:

All other lovely ladies, Hope your doing fabulously, taking care of yourselves, and making time for R&R as well as play time of course :winkwink:

Im suffering a cold! Nick's sister who we lovingly put up for 5night's last week has left it for me, what a bia-tch! :haha: As if Im not feeling crappy enough with the discomfort of looming labour, Auron who won't leave me alone for 5minute's (unless he's in bed) and being constantly pestered by everyone "when's that baby gonna make an appearance?", "how much longer is that baby going to keep us waiting?", "having that baby yet" INCLUDING my OH, AAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! If it wasn't for the fact i LIKE my hair I'd probably be ripping it out! Im so fed up of the same question's over and over. It's sweet/lovely/nice that people care, but for frick sake, we will tell people when it's all over and we're out of hospital, and as far as my OH is concerned, it's not like Im gonna go off and have the baby without him :dohh:
Hi ladies :hugs:

Carly- Don't you just love these hormones!! A C is a good result hunni, I know its probably not what you expecting but its still a pass :hugs: I know how you feel about being home alone, I have been going nuts during the day being alone. It also doesnt help that I cant do a lot during the day so I spend most my time getting annoyed with daytime TV!! Hope you have managed to make yourself feel better :hugs:

Natasha- I have been taking Rennies for it. If I didnt then I would be a lot worse than this! I keep of thinking about taking out shares in Rennies with how much I spend on them :haha: I know what you mean about the same questions, I have had "how long have you got left" constantly and feel like I have been saying a few months forever!!

Karen- Sorry hun but I did chuckle over the "advanced maternal age" comment, what a way for them to put it!!

Wendypops- I never suffered with acid indigestion or heartburn at all before being pregnant so I am not liking this at all. Its annoying as it isnt every day I have it and there is not any specific food that sets it off. Some time its there sometimes its not!! I haven't noticed my hair growth that much but I think its more diffcult with longer hair. In regards to your pee being a stronger colour, when I was taking the Vitamin B suppliment my pee was luminous, like the colour of the mountain dew bottles!! Constantly made me chuckle :haha:

Well my Grandad is doing ok and they have stopped a drug which was making him grumpy and confused so it was a pleasent surprise when I saw him today! The doctors are happy with his progress and they just have to try and get him to eat and then he can hopefully come home!!

Oh and Gavin started painting Pips room tonight :happydane: its so exciting!! We have had most things in place but just had to do the painting and then some wall papering and we could finish off putting the room together! Now its all systems go :happydance: :thumbup:
Karen I wish I had that problem but here in Scotland it's always freezing lol. I don't even think we had a summer this year! Maybe one week of warmish weather in April and that was it! I was thinking at least my little bubba will keep me warm during the cold winter :haha: x

Carly Glad to hear you are feeling a bit better hun, you have fun sorting out your register :flower: x

Natasha You've got it lucky! We only have an Odeon cinema here with one screen lol. The seats aren't the comfiest either. Sometimes we just drive to Carlisle and go to Vue cinema there, it's lush and very comfy! I know when we saw Lion King in Edinburgh it cost us £28! Absolute rip off. Would be worse if you had kids with you too. Sorry to hear the silly questions have started, I never understand why people say is the baby not hear yet? etc when they clearly see from your stomach it isn't :haha: x

Emma That's lovely you had a nice visit with your grandad, hopefully he will be back home soon. Yey for the painting of the nursery! Love the colour. Can't wait to see finished pics of it all :thumbup: x

Well I got my hair chopped right off yesterday and I love it! Went from long hair to a bob above my shoulder with a side fringe. It's so different but i've had so many compliments I feel fab! If I wasn't so camera shy I would post a pic up lol.

Oh I have a couple of questions for you ladies, the doctors called me today telling me I am entitled to a flu jag and do I want to make an appointment. I hate jags!! I've heard a lot of people get ill after it so i'm not sure I want it to be honest. I've only had the flu once in my life so i'd be very unlikely if I got it now. Are you ladies getting it?

Also as week 12 is coming round fast :)happydance:) do I stop taking my folic acid once I hit 12 weeks or the end of the 12th week? I should have asked my midwife but forgot! I take it I can't take my vitamins after then as it contains the 400 folic acid you need each day and your not meant to have it after 12 weeks right? Unless I find a different pregnancy vitamin without it in it. It's all so confusing! x
Natasha- Thankyou!! Sam did end up moving as the day went on. I think he is going to be a night owl. Mike ended up coming home last night and once I feel asleep he put his hand on my belly and in the morning he said he got a few thumps. I didn't move an inch lol. I am sorry your ill and I can imagine all the questions are getting tired and old. I just hope and pray you have a safe and easy delivery.

Emma- Thankyou! Its just so hard when I have been on the deans list for such a long time and this one class is going to knock me off. So I am hoping that I do really well in the class I am in now to get back on. It is sooo hard to pass the hours of the day. I get fed up with TV and the internet, there is really nothing I can do as far as the nursery goes right now, I have already cleaned out each and every closet in my house, I really am running out of things to do. I think thats why I have spent sooo much time on my researching what I need to register for. I am happy to hear about your grandad, hope he has the strength to come home soon. I bet pips room looks great!! I just cant wait till there is more than a dresser in Sams room lol.

Wendy- Thanks, I have taken the same vitamin from the begining my doctor never mentioned changing to lower doses of anything so I didn't. I am getting a flu shot, however I worked in healthcare for many years so I have gotten one every year since I was 18 and never have had an issue. Its all a personal preference. Just like 1/2 the tests we are offered. So just go with what your gut tells you do you.

AFM- I am feeling a little better today. Mike surprised me by coming home last night, it was late and I was ready for bed but I slept sooo good since he was there with me. I think I am going to get my hair done today or tomorrow, it needs to be cut really badly. I am thinking about doing some cleaning today so I dont have to do it all tomorrow, but we will see how motivated I am. Well ladies have a nice day, as always good to catch up with you all!!
mavsprtynpink, How sweet of your hubby to surprise you. I sleep better when my husband is home too.

WendyJ, We don't have much of winters either. We get snow maybe once every 4-5 years. LOL Today it is 53 one of the coldest days so far.

Pinky12, It is okay to laugh my friends laugh at me too. Most people say I don't look my age which I am okay with just don't say my age out loud. LOL

2RockinBoys, I have my first scan picture in my journal I will try to remember to post it here once I get home tonight.
Hi ladies :hugs:

Wendypops- Well the nursery has had 1 coat of paint but thinking of giving it another coat. We are leaving it until after the weekend as we are going away tomorrow morning. It looks good so far but still have 1 wall to wallpaper and a border to put up afterwards. I feel bad pushing Gavin to do it as I feel I am not doing a lot (I will explain why below). As for the flu jab, I was meant to have mine the day after I got admitted into hospital so had to cancel mine and now I am making sure my cold has gone before I go back. It is down to personal preferance really but I feel seen as having a low immune system with being pregnant and practically being ill for this pregnancy I would rather not take the chance. The vitamins should be fine to take all throughout pregnancy and I have never been told to stop or change mine. I cant wait to see the picture of your new hair do!! My hair has finally decided to co-operate with me and has started curling so I am just happy with that :haha:

Carly- I know what you mean, I have been cleaning out cupboards and tidying things up and am extreamly fed up lol!! Aw how nice of Mike to come back and surprise you!! I love it when oh's realise its also the small things that make us happy, especially when pregnant :haha: Not long now until your trip and then you can have fun away. I know you sometime feel isolated but remember we are always here for you and you can always PM me whenever you want :hugs:

Karen- As far as I am concerned its not age that matters its how you feel! My oh is 7 years older than me, not like you would think it as he looks young and acts even younger :haha: I will go and have a nosey at your first scan picture shortly :hugs:

Well I had my midwife appointment today and she called up the hospital to get my blood results from 2 weeks ago to save having to take more off me. She got the results and it looks like my iron levels are low (which the hospital failed to pick up on!!) So I have been prescribed iron tablets and told to start an iron enriched diet. I also explained about me throwing up and explained about the acid indigestion and she thinks I am beong sick as a result of it and has also prescribed me some gaviscon!! For the past week in particular I noticed I was tired and was concerned about going back to work (which is not like me) and was starting to feel like a failure that I couldn't even do basic things around the house as I was too tired and worn out. I thought that I was going to be told that it is just the tiredness from the third trimester. I am so happy that someone has noticed that there is something wrong. I am just going to have to get as many iron enriched foods in me and try and perk things up!!

Hope everyone else is doing ok :hugs:
Emma - I'm pleased you finally have a reason for feeling so tired etc! Hopefully you will try to feel better soon :)

Wendy - I'm still taking Folic acid. It's advised to take it for at least the first 12 weeks but it certainly will not do any harm if you take it for longer. Don't think I'm going to buy any more but I'm going to finish what I have.
As for the flu jab, I had mine (I have it every year anyway due to having asthma) and this year I had a sore arm for a couple of days and that's it, but I'm pleased I have it as I'd rather not suffer flu whilst being pregnant too. It's personal preference though.
Hellooo ladies :)

Firstly, welcome and congrats Karen :wave: I'll need to have a peek at that scan photo when I get the time!

Carly congrats on the c! Its a pass all the same :) Thats nice that your hubby suprised you coming home early, I know what you mean about not sleeping well without him. I toss and turn all night when Damien is out.

Natasha hope your cold is clearing up nice and quick for you :hugs: I remember being at Kyles due date and the amount of calls and texts I was recieving was ridiculous, so I switched my phone off and hid in my room :dohh:

Emma so glad to hear your grandad is doing well :) you'll have to show us pics of the nursery when its all done! Hope your iron supplements give you that energy your looking for. I needed iron tablets all throughout my pregnancy with Kyle, or else im pretty sure I could have slept the 40 weeks :dohh:

Wendy I'm getting the flu jab today, fun! And as for getting ill with it, its an inactivated virus they give you, so if you happen to get a runny nose afterwards its purely a coincidence. Alot of people blame the jag but it simply cannot be as its not the live virus like other injections. I dont want to scare monger, it is your choice, but catching the flu in pregnancy can potentially cause alot of issues so for me personally i'd rather not risk it. I wish I could see your new hair, it sounds lovely!

As for me.. my son just asked "mummy, do you die?".. Awkward! So I said "One day when im very very old i'll go to heaven" Kyle "so you die?" :dohh: not a conversation I thought i'd have anytime soon!
Anyway that just shocked me a bit :lol: I had my booking appointment yesterday and much to my dissappointment it looks like im "red pathway" this time round, meaning high risk. I will have consultant led care and serial growth scans. Now there reasoning for this is because of how serious all the complications were in my first pregnancy due to the Parvo Virus, but I don't understand, its not as if its genetic and can flare up again this time around! Anyway, she stuck me a few times and couldnt get blood so i've got to go back for bloods in 2 weeks and to meet my consultant and figure out a plan of care. Not a happy bunny at all, I wanted a home birth and as long as I stay high risk that simply cannot happen :(

Anyway I best be off to work. Hopefully i'll get back on later xx
Carly Aww that was nice hubby came home early, I am sure it was just the perk up you needed. I only get to share a bed with my hubby twice a week with him being on night shift :( I'm kinda used to it now though and i'm sure i'll love spreading out in the bed when I have a big bump lol x

Karen Oh wow you are so lucky to live where you are! lol. I am so pale white in colour cause we never see the sun long enough haha. Hope you're keeping well x

Emma I'm so glad you finally have a diagnosis for your tiredness! Hopefully you will notice a good improvement when you start taking the supplements. You going away anywhere nice? x

Rachael Ouch, I can't imagine getting the flu jag every year. I am just terrified of needles beyond belief. How's things with you anyway? You've not said much about yourself lately x

Arlene Don't you just hate awkward questions! Wait till he asks you where the baby comes from :haha: Aww that sucks your classed as high risk. I also don't understand why they've done that when it's not something that's likely to re-occur in this pregnancy. I suppose at least it's good to know they will be keeping a close eye on your pregnancy though x

Well I have taken you ladies advice and have booked an appointment for my flu jag :( I am fricking petrified but if it's better to have it for bubba then i'll just get on with it. Got it for Wednesday next week when I get back from Glasgow. Joy! Anyone got anything nice planned for the weekend? Think i'll just be having a quiet one, try and catch up on some tv and clear out some more of the spare room. What fun! lol x
Wendy I had the jag 2 hours ago now, and honestly its nothing. A little sting that lasts 2 seconds n its over :) this might sound selfish or seem like I don't appreciate things, but I really don't want them to keep a close eye. Not really.. I've had it once and its horrible. I'd rather just be left to get big and round without interference :lol:
nothing exciting this weekend, thinking about doing a little bit of xmas shopping tonight or tomorrow x
Emma You should try the Tesco's own chew tab's. 48 in a pack and there about £1.50 ish?? Work a treat for me!! Glad I desiced to put the gavascon back and try them, as they've worked quicker and lasted longer for me than the gavascon one's did!
:happydance: will there be pix when the painting and papering are finished?
Did the MW give you a list of iron enriched food's? I would be at a complete loss! Hope your feeling better now that you know what was wrong and are able to do something about it :flower:

Wendy £28 quid for one film?!! That's ridiculous!! I should hope that you'd of been waited on hand and foot for that price.
I've never had a flu jab (wasn't even told/advised to get one in my first pregnancy seeing as I would of been in first tri in Flu season), but from what I gather they basically inject you with the flu virus (to build up your immunity) so you might get a bit sniffly after. I remember my nan (rest her soul) had the flu jab for however many year's, and every year she'd be really ill because of it :dohh: so in the end she stopped getting them.

Carly Glad your feeling better and I hope that you've been able to take notice of Sam's movement's through to day to set your mind at ease :hugs:

Karen If you don't mind me asking, how come you managed to get a scan picture already? I feel so bummed out sometime's with only getting a 12 and 20 week scan (for this pregnancy and my first) wish I'd of been able to get more chance's to see LO floating around :flower:

Arlene Unfortunatly the cold isn't moving anywhere. Instead my nose is getting snottier and my head feel's full and heavy :cry: Stupid cold, needless to say im unhappy with it lol. Im glad im not the only person that feel's annoyed with the bombardment of "are they here yet" messages and comments. Thankfully one of my closest friends (who has 3 children of her own) also understand's and hasn't bothered to ask me bless her, there is some sanity left out for me after all!
Boo for the high risk factor. What are the chances that it'll change? :hugs:

Hope all the rest of you ladies are good and well, and have an exciting weekend planned ahead, especially with bonfire night (for us UK ladies!)

As for myself, I've not had any twinge's for 2day's now, so the slight ray of hope that they gave me has been demolished. Knowing my luck I'll end up having to be induced again! Am trying to stay positive, but it's proving difficult with people being genuinely annoying with the question's, having this stupid cold, being all in all uncomfortable, and feeling like I can't plan ahead with simple thing's like meal's!! The weather is really crappy and horrible too, which make's me not want to go out, but alas I have no choice because I don't want to risk wasting food with the possibility of going into long labour. I curse myself for liking fresh produce lol. Got in frozen Pizza and a pasta bake sauce, but other than that, must go forth and forage! :dohh:
Emma, can you put my name on the list on the first page? Please.

Wendy, it is kind of nice. I went to visit family in Minnesota in the middle of March and it was snowing. I was like :shrug: WTH? LOL

Natasha, I had a tubal reversal, MC and an ectopic all within one year. Therefore, that keep a watch on me. My first two pregnancies I don't remember getting a scan until after my 1st trimester I think.
Karen, I will do hun once i am back on my laptop x

Natasha, I usually used the fruit ones from Tesco as they are much nicer than all the others :haha: but I will definitely give the chewable ones a go! Yes I will be putting up pictures once its all done but it may be a few weeks yet. yes the mw told me what to get but the problem is i don't like half of the things! I have got some spinach, peas, walnuts, beef (not really a fan of it!). I have been told to try blackcurrent juice as that has iron in it as well! Spent a fortune on stuff at Tesco just trying to get stuff to help but I am at the brother in laws this weekend so it depends what they cook us! Sorry your little one doesn't want to make an appearance! Hopefully you won't have to be induced x

Wendypops, I am at the brother in laws in Portsmouth for the weekend. I will be happy when I start feeling myself again lol. There is nothing to worry about with the flu jab hun, I am sure it will be ok :hugs: I need to rebook mine so I can get that all sorted as I'd rather not have flu whilst pregnant as a cold was bad enough. Hope you have a lovely chilled out weekend.

Sorry that's as far as I've got for now as at the brother in laws so going to shoot off!
Natasha I'll know more once I meet with the consultant on the 16th. The home birth really means alot to me so i'm hoping she'll come to some sort of agreement with me. My midwife said she thinks she'll at least want a couple of growth scans and if all is well she might alot me my homebirth, but the least little thing will go against me. Fingers crossed things start picking up and you don't need to be induced.

I've just put the news on and seen about the accident down south :( sounds horrific. Thoughts and prayers with all the familys involved x
Arlene, I can't believe they're classifying you as high risk solely due to a fluke that happened the first time around! That's crazy. And if it keeps you from getting a homebirth that's even worse :( I hope you manage to get that reversed in the next few weeks so you can still plan for one.
Horray for Due Date, Boo for Over Due club! Really enjoyed tonight though, was lovely to have a BBQ in the garden. Unfortunately we couldn't get hold of any sparkler's as Tesco's was the only place selling them and they had sold out! Plus the only place putting on a firework's display close enough by to walk to, had advertised the starting time as 7:45PM. This was not the case as we got there 10min's early and they'd already started!! Auron enjoyed them, but they didn't last very long, more like finishing at 7:45 :growlmad:
Anyone else do anything nice for firework's night?

I shall be doing a full postage on Monday as OH want's to spend some time together -rolls eye's-

Oh, and here's a picca of my 40 Week due date bumpy :flower:


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Oh Natasha you made it to the end. Now if that little guy would just come out now. Tell him there's a whole bunch of ladies who are waiting to see a picture. LOL Hang in there Natasha, it won't be long.
Happy due date Natasha!

I made carrot cake for breakfast, in the form of muffins. Cause muffins are breakfast food, right?

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