Karen Im so sorry about your spout of bad luck

Thankfully you seem to have a sticky squishy this time around! I'll be keeping my finger's crossed for you until your in the 'safe zone'. How are you feeling now that 1st tri is almost over and done with?
Emma Hope your feeling better with some of that iron intake and that you had a good weekend at your BIL's!!
Arlene I'll be keeping my finger's crossed for you that everything turn's out the way you want it to and your able to have your home birth

Can't believe the 16th is next week
already!! Feel's like November is flying past and it's only just begun!
I can't believe that guy's bad luck, poor thing! I hope his lady make's a full speedy recovery. Perhaps it would be for the best for you to try and hold out a little longer with your news (though I know how hard it is to try not to tell everyone, especially when your so excited about it!)

On the plus side I'm glad your dad is pleased for you!
Natalie Score on the freecycle! Fingers crossed the stuff you get will be in fabby condition!! Worth keeping hold of the bed rail too, we have one on Auron's (currently cot/toddler) bed to stop him rolling out of it in the night, though he has managed it a couple of time's?!!
Adrienne Thanx hun! How are you doing? Has that storm passed over yet?
Shona Is breaking dawn the new twilight?

I'm not a fan myself. As (I think it's) Jimmy Carr said, it's basically a film about a teenage girl ultimatly choosing between Bestiality or Necrophilia

I'm rather annoyed just by the advert's to be fair. 1- A vampire is
dead dead dead, there fore cannot get pregnant or make someone pregnant (unless of course she's a total s**g and is having Jacob's baby?!) and 2- WTF is with the sparkling in the sun? My OH has watched them, and said that the biggest let down is 1-HER and her acting, and 2- The love story. Which from the bit's I saw (as I wasn't paying total attention) I agree with him, and really don't understand people fixation with these film's, but hey my taste in film isn't the best lol
Moving during pregnancy is not something I ever wish to do again! We moved to where we are now when I was 5-6month's pregnant with Auron and it was a nightmare!! I wanted to do as much as possible, and was frustrated that I couldn't do as much as I wanted too! Was a really long, tiring and stressful day, never again! I wish you much luck in your finding of a new home and the move to come with it
Carly Can't believe it's only 3day's until your on your holiday's already!! So exciting, Can't wait to hear all about your adventure's and see your pix
Wendy The cold is lifting slowly, and the 3 of us now have chesty coughs to deal with

Scan day tomorrow
already?! It really has flown by, I'm so pleased, and really can't wait to read all about it and see pix of your squishy! Also, enjoy the concert, pix are a must
As for me, It's never a nice experience, being told by a woman to get bottom naked and spread your legs

Needless to say, it's been done! Apparently I'm 3cm dilated, baby is 2/5th engaged (still!) but my cervix is high and so we could still be waiting for quite a while

My next appointment is Monday at 1:25PM. If Elyjah still hasn't made his appearance by then, we'll be booking me in for an induction at that appointment for some time next week, so either way, by next weekend I
will have my baby!
Though I am keeping my finger's crossed that the sweep will help and he'll come sooner than that!