Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Hehe. They actually probably ended up not being that[/b[ bad for a breakfast food as I didn't like the cream cheese icing I made for them so only had a tiny bit on. Ya there's a lot of sugar, but at least no processed crap or additives which IMO are far worse than sugar and butter.
Natasha I love your little bump! At forty weeks I feel like I would have been double your size :lol: Thats rubbish about your firework displays, at least Auron caught some of it. Kyle was asking if the fireworks mean we were on our holidays again :dohh: Hope your feeling better now :)

Natalie good for you treating yourself!

Adrienne hows the weather with yous now? Clearing up I hope!

We told my Dad last night, hes the last of the 'important' list. I was scared of his reaction I must admit, mainly because last time he said some horrible things, but I wasn't taking into account I was 17 and in a totally different place in life! So yeah he was pleased :) I think we're just going to make it common knowledge now. I'm getting fed up hiding out in the toilets avoiding awkward conversations at work as to why i've been sick 3 times this morning..:lol: And I don't know how much longer i'll get away with "oh I must have a bug!"
My only issue is that a guy I work with told everyone his misses was pregnant, then a few days later (just friday there) they found out it was ectopic and she was rushed to hospital. He was devastated and I think it might be insensitive if I tell people now?
Anyway back to work! Hope everyones well x
Arlene, I'm so happy your dad was pleased about your pregnancy this time :flower: I didn't realise you were so young either. I always wanted to be a young mommy, but I guess it's a matter of perspective - to a lot of people I'll still be a young mom even though I'll be 27.

So sorry to hear about your co-worker's partner :( I would probably tell him first out of your workmates just so he knows you're sensitive to his loss and you wish there was a better time to announce it but as people will start figuring it out soon you'd rather he hear directly from you.

Today I scored a FREE cot, Graco travel system, bedrail and high chair :dance: Our freecycle is normally rubbish but I hit the jackpot today :) We already have a cot that we got free from DH's old boss, and we have an all terrain stroller but no car seat. Still won't turn down free though. Plus we'll be having the cot in our room for cosleeping (DH doesn't want baby in the bed unless one of us is awake so we're attaching the cot to the bed so baby has his own sleeping space but is still at arms reach), so it would be nice to have another cot in the nursery for naps. As for the travel system, it means we don't have to buy a car seat just yet if we're not given one (I think my grandma and MIL were going to buy one but not sure) and one of the strollers can stay at my parents' house. Don't really have a use for the bedrail, and won't need the highchair for a while, but who am I to turn down free? lol.
Emma my due date (unless changes at scan all being well) July 14th :wohoo: Isnt that crazy such an important thing like iron deficiency wasnt picked up, my sis had it and was really ill. Im glad someone is doing something about it now!

Yay to your grandad being alot better hun and pips room! Only 8 weeks til you are classed as fullterm

Wendy yed he was totally stoked, I never manage to tell him the way I want to, I had ants in my pants and couldnt hold off. I peed in a cup with FMU and had a superdrug test dont know what made me take it considering I was only 10dpo so as soon as I used it and poured the sample out when I would usually have in a container to try with a digi if I seen something so I left it for a bit over 5 mins and came back and there was a hint of a line but stronger than what was there the last pregnancy at 11dpo. I thought duh I poured it away there is no way that a digi would show up this early and with 3mu and then some colour started to gather on left handside of the test but not the line so thought was an evap. Went and did the digi about 12pm and couldnt believe my eyes! Before that I called will about 15 times lol about the superdrug test and he kept texting me have you dont it yet have you dont it yet! When the digi was whirling away I kept on saying to myself not pregnant not pregnant lol...... emailed will a pic and he nearly had a heart attack, I just really hope this one sticks! Did a digi at 13dpo again and cant believe it 2-3 weeks! 3 days later! I only ever got 1-2 weeks the last time! Im panicking when I feel fine panicking when I dont have CM Panicking that I dont get as far as my MW appt again.How are you hun?

Oh come on hun you have to post a pic now you have sed that pretty please?!!! I get the scotland thing hehe.....I didnt know your not suppose to keep on taking it I took pregnacare all the way through and still to this day didnt stop taking it as says through ttc pregnancy and breastfeeding maybe I should have lol?

Carly I agree with everyone else thats a fab grade! :hugs: Glad your feeling better now and hearing heartbeat is the best thing ever! I went in to be checked first while hubby waiting in waiting room. When he came through he said was that babys heartbeat I heard :cloud9: hes already started the kissing the belly and rubbing thing, holding my hand crossing the road etc :haha: Did you get your hair done hun? Im trying to grow me since too much was chopped off and goes really short when not straight as natrually curly

Natasha ah that drove me mad last time couldnt go into a shop without them stupid questions I ended up being about 10-11 days late I mean I felt like saying does it look like I had my friggin baby :haha: they wished they hadnt asked. I defo found the second one freakiest and so cant wait to watch breaking dawn, no Im not a teenager hehe.....Luv the bump hun now he has to hurry up and come out!

Arlene sorry your classed as high risk :hugs: I was like that too as recurrent UTI's it sucked as I didnt see myself as high risk. Wow that is an awkward question hun but you dealt with it very well, some of the things kids ask us huh? I hope your well

Nat carrot cake my face yum yum!

So I will have to look into a flu jab soon. Me and hubby have decided we are going to have to look for somewhere else to live before I have the baby tenancy runs out here in Feb so finger out of bum I think! This place is just not big enough for 5 of us and two cats there is only just enough room for us at the min and would be nice having a nursery for the baby as we never got that with Cody. He was in our room until 1 then we moved and then he had his own room but was quite small and couldnt decorate it so it would be nice.

Rachael how are you hun and Karen hope you are well too.

Sorry so long I missed alot :blush:

Arelene thats great that you dont the important list and go for it about work best to say rather than them to you hun. Im wondering if I will show quicker this time and how long I can hide it for.

You will be sensitive like you are hun and is sad for that couple but life goes on sadly. When I lost mine two girls from my training group they were pregnant and by accident lol...... Im sure they would want you to be happy.

Happy due date Natasha!

I made carrot cake for breakfast, in the form of muffins. Cause muffins are breakfast food, right?

I agree muffins are breakfast and carrot is a veggie so you did good. LOL
Hi laides!!! I have soooo much to do before I leave on Thursday morning. I did go and get my hair done on Friday and the lady did a great job, no complaints. But I have to go do a little shopping because I have no WARM clothes that fit. My favorite long sleeve shirt shows half my belly :(!! And I need a cute pair of flats, because I am terrified of tripping in heels. I have a docs appt today, then going to a little shopping. Then I have to get my homework done before I leave, and I have to pack. So I am sure the next few days are going to fly by and then I will be in IL with my family and then off to vegas with my best friend!!! I will miss talkiing to you all, it will probably take me just a week to catch up with everyone. I hope everyone is feeling well. I will be posting pics when I get back, so you can see IL and Vegas and my BUMP!!! I had a blast registering for presents, but I have to go online to add some more things that were available at the store. It is very overwhelming to look at all these things going what am I actually going to use.But I better jump in the shower and get ready for the doctors office. Talk to you all later :)
Arlene No i know exactly what you mean, if you've been through it all with your 1st pregnancy you'll not want all that again. Hopefully they will realise after your 1st scan there is nothing to worry about and down grade you. Did you get any Xmas shopping done? I know that crash is just awful, I really feel for all the families involved. They shouldn't be allowed to have bonfires or fireworks so close to the motorway x

Natasha Hope that cold has left you now and that something starts happening with you soon! I would hate to be over due too, 9 months is long enough lol. Sounds like you had a lovely bbq, shame about the fireworks though, I would have complained to the organiser! I'm sure a lot of people would have missed out because of that. Loving the bump pic :thumbup: x

Karen Yeah if your not used to the snow it will be a surprise lol. We get it at least once a year, last year it was really heavy for a week, nightmare! x

Emma You feeling any better hun? Hope so. Hope you had a lovely time at brother-in-law's x

Nat Haha, if it makes you feel better you call it breakfast food :winkwink: There's nothing wrong in having a treat every now and then x

Sorry this is as far as I have got right now but I will be back later to finish catching up :flower: x
Right where was I?

Arlene So thrilled your Dad was happy with your news, and I agree if you feel you are ready to tell your work then just tell them. I know I did early on as they all would have guessed and I didn't want the stress of lying about Doctors appointments. It is hard though when someone has had an ectopic, we are in the same boat. A co-worker of hubby has just lost his second child due to ectopic and now his wife has had both her tubes removed so he really isn't sure how to tell him. I think sensitivity is the key, as long as you are not all excited and giddy about it in front of him I think it will be fine x

Nat Yay for freecycle!! What a bargain!! I bet you are well happy with that, I would be! How's the diaper bag coming along? x

Shona Aww it still sounded like you told hubby in a lovely way. I was the same with mine, I wanted to wait until we were sitting down calmly together to tell him but instead I ran in the kitchen and interrupted him when he was making dinner haha. Don't think he knew what was going on. Still memorable tho! We all have those fears so I wouldn't worry, I worried when I was ill and then worried when I felt fine lol. It is only now that i'm hitting 12 weeks I feel a bit more relaxed. I bet it seems like an eternity ago since you had your gorgeous son x

Carly I hope you have a fantastic trip away hun, I can't wait to see pics, especially your bump pic! Hope the doctors went well, I am sure it did x

Well I had a very quiet weekend, I wasn't feeling the best, just the usual sicky feeling, so I slept, did a few chores, slept, had a shower, slept lol. You get the idea! I can't believe tomorrow is finally the scan day though!! :happydance: I cannot wait. I know i've already told you all i'll be heading to Glasgow straight after for my concert but I will come on hopefully on Wednesday night or Thursday to fill you all in on how it went and then finally I can stop keeping it a secret :headspin:. Speak to you all soon, look after yourselves :flower: x
Happy Monday everyone,

I am so happy to be in week 11. :happydance:

I have a question. I have been naused most of this pregnancy and sometimes I have a feeling in my throat like I have to burp but I can't. I guess that is indigestion. Does or have anyone else have this and what did you do? I really hate the feeling. As I am not trying to drink a lot of coke but that is the only thing that seems to help relieve it.
Karen Im so sorry about your spout of bad luck :hugs: Thankfully you seem to have a sticky squishy this time around! I'll be keeping my finger's crossed for you until your in the 'safe zone'. How are you feeling now that 1st tri is almost over and done with?

Emma Hope your feeling better with some of that iron intake and that you had a good weekend at your BIL's!!

Arlene I'll be keeping my finger's crossed for you that everything turn's out the way you want it to and your able to have your home birth :hugs: Can't believe the 16th is next week already!! Feel's like November is flying past and it's only just begun!
I can't believe that guy's bad luck, poor thing! I hope his lady make's a full speedy recovery. Perhaps it would be for the best for you to try and hold out a little longer with your news (though I know how hard it is to try not to tell everyone, especially when your so excited about it!) :flower: On the plus side I'm glad your dad is pleased for you!

Natalie Score on the freecycle! Fingers crossed the stuff you get will be in fabby condition!! Worth keeping hold of the bed rail too, we have one on Auron's (currently cot/toddler) bed to stop him rolling out of it in the night, though he has managed it a couple of time's?!! :dohh:

Adrienne Thanx hun! How are you doing? Has that storm passed over yet?

Shona Is breaking dawn the new twilight? :shrug: I'm not a fan myself. As (I think it's) Jimmy Carr said, it's basically a film about a teenage girl ultimatly choosing between Bestiality or Necrophilia :rofl: I'm rather annoyed just by the advert's to be fair. 1- A vampire is dead dead dead, there fore cannot get pregnant or make someone pregnant (unless of course she's a total s**g and is having Jacob's baby?!) and 2- WTF is with the sparkling in the sun? My OH has watched them, and said that the biggest let down is 1-HER and her acting, and 2- The love story. Which from the bit's I saw (as I wasn't paying total attention) I agree with him, and really don't understand people fixation with these film's, but hey my taste in film isn't the best lol
Moving during pregnancy is not something I ever wish to do again! We moved to where we are now when I was 5-6month's pregnant with Auron and it was a nightmare!! I wanted to do as much as possible, and was frustrated that I couldn't do as much as I wanted too! Was a really long, tiring and stressful day, never again! I wish you much luck in your finding of a new home and the move to come with it :hugs:

Carly Can't believe it's only 3day's until your on your holiday's already!! So exciting, Can't wait to hear all about your adventure's and see your pix :happydance:

Wendy The cold is lifting slowly, and the 3 of us now have chesty coughs to deal with :dohh: Scan day tomorrow already?! It really has flown by, I'm so pleased, and really can't wait to read all about it and see pix of your squishy! Also, enjoy the concert, pix are a must :thumbup:

As for me, It's never a nice experience, being told by a woman to get bottom naked and spread your legs :haha: Needless to say, it's been done! Apparently I'm 3cm dilated, baby is 2/5th engaged (still!) but my cervix is high and so we could still be waiting for quite a while :dohh: My next appointment is Monday at 1:25PM. If Elyjah still hasn't made his appearance by then, we'll be booking me in for an induction at that appointment for some time next week, so either way, by next weekend I will have my baby!
Though I am keeping my finger's crossed that the sweep will help and he'll come sooner than that!
Hi ladies just wanted to pop in real quick in between doing homework and checking emails. The doctor went well. I love my doctor he is sooo fast and kind!! I am hoping he will make my labor and delivery simple. Sams heart was 140BPM. She would get him for a quick second and then he would move away so it took he a few tries before she could get accurate reading. I am up to 160lbs, not that thrilled but at this point with my vacation coming I say bring on the lbs!!!!
Hooray for scan day tomorrow Wendy! Will be so exciting!

Carly, not long til your trip! Are you considering this your babymoon? 160lbs seems like a perfectly healthy weight for a 5month pregnant woman to me, don't stress about it.

I'm finally putting on a decent amount of weight - weighed myself yesterday and I'm finally 60kg (132lbs), which is 5kg up from pre-preg but 8kg up from 14 weeks which is when I was at my lowest. Could still stand to gain another 5kg though as I was actually hoping to wind up 60kg after the birth lol. Much healthier weight than I started out as, and between baby and placenta and amniotic fluid that can easily all total 7kg+ so certainly don't want to end up weighing less than I started. I know I have the opposite "problem" to most.

Haven't started my diaper bag yet as I've been calculating dimensions etc to figure out best piece placement. I think I have it figured out. Still need to pick up interfacing, velcro, elastic, d rings and a buckle thing to make the strap adjustable, but in the mean time I will at least get the pieces cut out.
Hope your LO is jumping around for your scan Wendy :)
Happy Scan Day Wendy. Can't wait to hear all about it. Hello to everyone else. Just got back from a trip. Will reply properly once I get a nap in.
Thought I would pass on the message from Wendy whilst she is out enjoying herself at the evanesance concert she has said- "Everything went perfect at scan. Baby is ,easuring 12 weeks 3 days, due on May 19th. Need to go for another scan next week for down syndrome testingetc as baby wouldn't stop jumping so she couldn't do it today lol x"

Natalie, I wish I was as creative as you. I can sew but I am not that great at it so I try and leave it to the professionals lol!! Hows is the oh's work situation. Hopefully he is managing to get plenty of work in!

I wouldn't be too concerned with your weight. The doctors would say if they were concerned about it :hugs: I haven't put on a lot of weight sonce being pregnant and like you I expected to put on more. I have decided that it is just my pre-concieved idea that I was going to put on weight as little Pip is measuring perfect in size soI dont have anything to worry about :hugs: I hope you have a lovely trip with your friends and family x x

Natasha, :happydance: for the 3cm!!! I cant wait to see pictures of your little boy!! I would say keep us updated but its a bit difficult when your having a baby :haha:

Karen, Happy week 11!! I would take some indigestion tablets for it. I have it a lot and have been taken the tablets all throughout the pregnancy, the midwife has prescibed it in liquid form for me now too! Hope you start feeling better soon :hugs:

Wendypops, I am so glad the scan went well :hugs: trust your little one to not stay still lol!! Did Ginky cry?? He seems like the sort of softy that would do that lol!! Hope you have a fab concert tonight as well, I am sure with the buzz of the scan it will be a fantastic night :hugs:

I hope all the other ladies are well- Arlene, Naomi, Rachael etc :hugs:

Well ladies I have had a bit of a roller coaster few days! I have been at the brother in laws and had a wonderful bonfire night with them and their two boys. We made a fire outside in a wood burner, ate soup in mugs watching the fireworks from the surrounding houses and had hotdogs and then toasted marsmallows on the fire. It was a great night apart from stinking of fire afterwards :haha:
I also got a new pram this weekend :blush:.... so the other one is being sold and we are sticking with this one :haha: We have bought the Quinny Buzz pram with all the accesories!! I think it is fabulous as I managed to get the car seat in the pink and lilly flowers covers and it is so gorgeous!!

I went back to work yesterday and the day seems to go well. I was very tired by the end of the day but seen as I hadn't done a full day of anything for weeks it was to be expected. I went to the doctors to pick up my prescription of iron tablets and there was no prescription for it... just gaviscon :growlmad::growlmad::growlmad: I told the woman on reception it was wrong an I should have iron tablets and she said to me "well all I can do is right it down that you are wanting some and see what the doctor says love" I explained to her that it was more of what the midwife said I needed so she pulled up my notes and surprise surprise there was nothing on my notes at all about iron tablets!! I was fuming!! Gavin called the midwives as I was so upset at being messed about and left them a message (as its an answer machine service). I have never been so annoyed at my midwives and doctors in the area!! In my last midwives appointment she managed to miss an infection in my urine and this one she doesnt do my notes or prescription right!!
Anyway, I got a call this morning from her and she apologised that it was a human error. I told her that I am at the point now that I do not feel there is any point going to see a midwife as I am not getting the care that I am meant to get. She stated that she was upset that I felt that way, I said thatI am sick of coming to see the midwives in that team and them messing things up and if its not them its the hospital! She said that she would refer me to a consultant to have my pregnancy monitored more closely if thats what I wanted. I explained to her that was not what I wanted, I just wanted to know the correct information to be able to care for my unborn baby!! I asked her about my iron levels being low and said that she doesnt even know what my iron levels are at the minute due to her deciding to put me on the tablets from blood test results from 3 weeks ago which is before I was really ill!! Anyway, she is going to come and see me tomorrow morning and take bloods and do a urine test and bring me some iron tablets and we are going from there but I am not happy at all! Is it too much to ask to have a midwife to actually care for you and your child?? Seems to be around here!!

Anyway, rant over, I am off to finish off tea and then I am doing some ironing tonight whilst Gavin does the second coat of paint for Pippy poos room :hugs:

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