Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Glad the scan went well Wendy and have a great time at Evanescence!

Emma, sounds like your midwives are a load of poop :( :hugs:

I had my consultant appointment today. She doesn't see my back causing a problem with the pregnancy though it may cause a problem if I wanted an epidural in labour, so I've been referred the anaethetists in case they want to assess me. I've been to told to keep taking the anti depressants as they shouldn't cause a problem, and I've been told when I go back in February for a growth scan and follow up consultant appointment she doesn't want me to have put on any more weight :wacko:
Hi ladies :hi:
I am here lol just so flippin busy at work I'm trying to chill out as best I can when at home, meaning I don't switch on the computer as that prompts work!! Think I will definitely have to think about going back part time when noodle comes along, its crazy, who would have though teaching would be so hard!!

Hope your scan went well wendy!!

I promise to read back and have a proper catch up at the weekend, will be a loonnnggg post!!
Emma, thanks for the update on Wendy's scan :)
DH isn't getting as much work as I'd like, but we're getting by. If we didn't have so many car repairs needing done urgently we'd be doing just fine with the 3 days/week he's been averaging.
Hooray on the new pram! Glad you got one that you love. Can't believe the situation you're in with your midwife! I thought the one I've seen was bad - she's just useless not incompetent like yours is.

Rachael, glad the consultant doesn't think your back will be an issue. Being told not to gain any more weight during pregnancy is a load of rubbish though, and a totally unhealthy suggestion!

I had a crazy morning so far. DH wasn't called for work yesterday (usually he's given a day's notice, but there are occasional days they call him in the morning, usually by 8). Well I set my alarm for 7 so if he did get a call I'd be prepared to make breakfast and pack his lunch and also get myself ready as I needed the car this morning for a doctor's appointment at 9:15 (was planning on being there for 9 though because due to preggo brain I only remembered it was 9 something, but was pretty sure it was 9:15). DH wasn't called, so I went off on my merry way. 5 minutes later I was stopped at the lights when DH calls - guess what? He's just been called and needs to be at work for 9:30! Ack! I don't have the clinic phone number to call and let them know I wont be making my appointment, and then I have to figure out the easiest way to turn around and get home and kept going down roads that were left turn only and I needed to turn right! So it took me 10 mins to get home, then had to quickly throw together a lunch for DH. I nearly just sent him off, but thankfully had the foresight to drive him at the last minute so I'd have the car just in case I managed to get another appointment for today. Plus I needed groceries for dinner tonight and the store in walking distance is so much more expensive.

So after dropping DH off at the worksite (he beat his supervisor there, who was woken up lol) I stopped quickly at the store to get the things I need for dinner in case I didn't need to go out again, and while there the clinic rang. So I apologised for missing my appointment and explained the situation and said I had been going to call as soon as I got home. And there was a cancellation for 11:15 so I was booked for that. So I've had just enough time to pop home, put the groceries away and come update quickly, and now I have to head out the door again for my appointment. I'll have to ask her to take my bp at the end because I'm sure it's still through the roof from stress and running around lol. I hate being late and not showing up for things - my biggest stress causer. I also hate making phone calls so I was relieved that they called me first lol.
Rachael, the midwives here are a load of poop!! It annoys me how they are, you would think they would treat pregnant women well!! Thats good that they cant see your back causing a problem with your pregnancy. I wouldnt worry about the weight side of things as I have barely put on any weight all throughout. You only actually need an extra 200 calories a day which is the equivilant to 2 slices of wholemeal bread with butter. The only weight that may go on is obviously the weight of the baby. Only time will tell though :hugs:

Naomi, Glad you are doing well, apart from being busy. Speak to you soon :hugs:

Natalie, I hate them unexpected bills :( I have to fix my boiler and I am waiting for the quote through to see how much it is going to cost!! Wowo you did have a crazy morning! Glad your oh has got some more work though.

Well my midwife came to see me this morning and took anopther blood test to see my iron levels so I will know what that is in the next few days and she has also tested my urine and thinks I may have an infection :growlmad: she has sent my urine off for analysis so we will see what that comes back with!! She brought round my prescription for the iron tablets which I will go and pick up tonight. The tablets I got from tesco the other day had 14mg of iron in them and these have 200mg of iron! So I dont think they would of made much of a difference. Seen as I am at the point where I get shortness of breath and palpatations I think it is safe to say I do have an iron deficiency. I slept for 13 hours last night and I am completely shattered :( only 2 hours and 40 minutes left at work and then I am off home to iron more of Pips clothes... oh joy lol x
Natalie It's amazing how different pregnancy care is in the UK, I was only weighed at my 12week scan, and not since, same when I was pregnant with Auron. Though I wish I had a pair of scale's that worked as it would be interesting to see how much I've put on over the month's!
Glad that your doing well and feeling good with it :hugs:
You did very well in your morning rush too!! What good fortune that someone else had cancelled so you still got an appointment that morning!

Wendy :happydance: So pleased that all went good and well at the scan!! I can imagine you laying there watching the screen and laughing with tear's welling up all at the same time as the image of LO jumped around (I did with Auron's first scan lol) Keeping finger's crossed for everything to go just as smoothly with the DS testing next week

Emma Your pram sound's lush!! Would love to see some pix of it! And as far as the MW's "human error", perhaps she should be reminded that her job is somewhat tied in with life? You can't expect someone to be even slightly forgiving if something terrible was to happen because of her "human error", silly b***h!
What is this ironing you speak of :haha: I must admit, I could probably count on one hand the amount of time's I've ironed any of Auron's clothes. I tumble dry pretty much everything so most thing's don't need ironing in my opinion (though really should do his shirts :blush:) My OH uses the iron for his work shirt's and trousers and that's about it really. Though I feel that my friend make's up for my lack of ironing in the world, as she even iron's her bedding (weirdo :rofl:)

All Ladies Hope your good and well :flower:

This is my 1000th post on B&B :happydance:
And I'm still waiting!! Don't feel that the sweep helped. The nasty wiping after peeing has also disappeared and there's been nothing "show worthy". Had some twinge's, but I was having them anyway. Very disappointed. Keeping my finger's crossed for the full moon tomorrow night, even had a chilli con carni for dinner last night and a hot bath, though I have a feeling deep down I'm going to be induced again next week -sigh- 2 induced pregnancy's, what are the chance's? :shrug:
Natasha, pregnancy care is indeed so different everywhere. I've never even had my urine tested aside from the very first appointment :shrug: I don't get weighed when I go to a midwife appointment though, just when I see my GP (which not everyone here does see GP as well as only some GPs are qualified to do shared care with antenatal clinic).

Come on Ely, don't make mummy have to get induced.

I don't iron either - only when I'm really procrastinating about something! lol.
Morning ladies! Sorry i've not had time to properly catch up and post yet since i've been back, was busy annnouncing my news, getting my flu jag then sleeping cause I was knackered from the concert lol. I will hopefully get on after work and be able to catch up on all the posts I've missed. In the meantime for those of you ladies that aren't on Facebook here is a wee pic of my bubba :cloud9: I will tell you all about how it went later. Speak soon ladies :flower: x
Yay for your baby! Loving the heart shaped uterus too.
Hello ladies,

Wendy, loving the heart shape uterus. Glad all was well.

Natasha, I hope you are well and I hope you don't have to be induced.

Hello to all. I will acknowledge everyone a little later.

AFM, I am doing well I go for my nutchal scan on Monday and I am a little nervous but I know that God didn't give me the spirit of fear. I pray all goes well. Have a great day ladies.
Hello ladies, glad to see everyone is doing well. Love the scan pic Wendy :happydance:
DF has the laptop at cadets with him so on my phone. I've been so ill, I have a cold and really bad sore throat. Its went straight to my head too and I ended up getting sent home from work today. Slept most of the day away! Hopefully I'll be up for work tomorrow. On a good note, I've not been sick since 10am this morning! Which is great for me :lol:

Anyways, I'm always on my phone reading up on you ladies, hopefully I'll manage a proper post tomorrow night. Oh and natasha fx'd you aren't waiting much longer xx
Right, finally time for a catch up :) As long as I don't fall asleep before I finish lol.

Karen I am sure everything will go perfectly at your scan on Monday hun, have faith :flower: x

Natasha Aww 5 days overdue! You must be pulling your hair out. Hopefully Elyjah will make his appearance very soon. Oy, I iron my bedding :haha: I don't know why but I just couldn't get into wrinkly bed sheets lol x

Carly Aww sounds like you have a lovely doctor, it always helps if you do. Glad your appointment went well. Have a lovely trip away x

Nat Good to hear your finally putting on a healthy weight, I would love to have your problem lol. Saying that at almost 13 weeks i've still not put any weight on so i'm not complaining! Wow what a hectic day you had! Good to hear it all worked out in the end though x

Emma Sounds like you had a lovely bonfire night and yey for the new pram! Your better getting one your entirely happy with. Oh man, your midwife is utterly useless!! No wonder you were upset hun :hugs: It's horrible feeling your not getting the right care you need. Hopefully she'll get her finger out her a*se and pronto! x

Rachael Wow that was a bit cheeky telling you not to put on weight was it not! I'd tell her to learn some manners! Some midwives think they can say anything, it pisses me off. We can't get epidurals here, just the morphin injections so I guess I wont have to worry about issues with it x

Naomi I know exactly how you feel! I am so tired after work it's unreal but I don't think I have a choice about going part time, we just can't afford it :( Still i'm going to take the 9 months off that I can and enjoy it! x

Arlene Sorry you're feeling poorly hun, hope you'll feel better real soon :hugs: x

Well this has taken me hours and i'm so tired! But the scan did go really well, the lady who did it was lovely. Bubba was measuring 4 days on than I thot I was which is nice to know, so now due May 19th. Straight away bubba started kicking its legs, it was so cute, then all of a sudden he/she just started jumping lol. Hence why we weren't able to get the measurements for the down syndrome test etc. She had me jumping up and down, bouncing on the bed but nope bubba did not want to co-operate! Just kept bouncing away to quickly to get a good freeze shot and then decided to be lazy and hide its face with it's hands :haha: At least I get another look next week now! Cute bubba. Hubby had the biggest grin i've ever seen him have the entire way through, and he just grabbed my hand while staring at the screen, it was a lovely moment :cloud9:

The concert was fab too, Evanescence and Pretty Reckless were both amazing. The venue was soooo warm though, I could have passed out! Was nice getting away with the family. Had my flu jag when I got back, didn't feel really sore at all when I got it but my arm is tender now. Suppose it was for the best. Of course I then announced my news! :happydance: Feels so strange everyone knowing now but we have had some really lovely messages from family and friends. One friend in particular emailed me to say she is pregnant too but hasn't announced it yet! She was so excited when she seen my announcement she had to tell me, it's lovely having a couple of friends due around the same time as me.

Anyway I really need to get to bed but will try and keep up now i've caught up. Take care ladies :flower: x
Aww how amazing to see baby moving around so much at your scan (at my NT scan MP was completely zonked out lol - looked like it was hiccuping but they can't hiccup that early).

Glad you enjoyed the concert too - hope you have a good, restful sleep.
Morning ladies :flower:

Wendypops- I am so glad bubba provided you both with entertainment :haha: its nice seeing them move so early on as it makes it hit home more I think! Bless Scott, he is a sweetheart. Hopefully I won't have any more problems with midwives but only time will tell. I have an appointment in 2 weeks so will see what happens then!

Arlene- :happydance: for not being sick since 10am, I know how fantastic that is. Hopefully its easing off for you and you won't have long left of the sickness :hugs: I hope your cold goes soon and you start feeling better. Try drinking hot honey and lemon to ease your throat, that seemed to work for me :hugs:

Karen, don't be nervous about the nucheal. I am sure all will be fine :hugs:

Natalie- I do find it weird how the antenatal care varies. You would think that by now people would of found out what is the right thing to do with and unborn child and everyone would be doing the same thing! I haven't been weighed since my 12 week scan and it doesn't look like they are going to either. They just keep on measuring my bump to make sure it is growing right, testing my urine, doing my bp and listening to Pips heartbeat. I cant believe how far along you are now! In less than 50 days you could have your little baby in your arms... How exciting :happydance:

Natasha- I will hopefully put up some pics of the pram this weekend for you all to have a look at. Gavin loves it because of the noise the gas struts make when your putting it up :haha: I think my midwife thinks the problem is me as she keeps on saying your obviously more apprehensive as you have had a miscarriage before! That really annoys me as from day 1 of this pregnancy i have tried to think as positive as I could and said that this little one will stick and survive as I make my own luck! I have been nervous at times but this little girly is my miracle! I am writing a complaint to the primary care trust about all of this as i have a few concerns about the care or treatment possibly effecting Pip after birth, I am not sure but seen as they weren't sure as to what care to give me in hospital it has put doubt in my mind! Have you had any more progression? Come on Elyjah, mummy wants to meet you lol!

Well i hope all the other ladies are ok :hugs:

I started taking the iron tablets 2 days ago and they are a bit of a pain lol. I can't take heartburn or indigestion relief for 2 hours before or after it and have to take it 30 mins before food. On the firsr night I forgot so took it an hour after I ate and then had a snack and spent most of the night throwing up :( fortunately last night I followed it exactly and wasn't sick! So here's hoping it was a one off. I am hopefully going to be booking my holidays with work today which means I should hopefully only have 3 full weeks left off work and then I'm off! I am quite happy for that to happen as I am so exhausted from being back a week so far! The iron tablets take 3 weeks ish to get into my system so by the rime I'm finishing work I should have my energy back lol. Anyway, time to get up and eat, I'm starving lol
Just a quick one for now,
Hope all you ladies are fine and well, I'll catch up with a big post later, just thought I'd pop ion and say that the full moon let me down, and I'm still going :growlmad: MW on Monday, All I can do is hope she'll book me to be induced either Monday night or Tuesday morn, and not keep me waiting any longer!! Am very very fed up -sigh-

Happy Elevensies ladies :flower:
Hey everyone:]
well guess what??? yep thats right i got my bfp:happydance:
I got it 2 days ago i took[first response 5 days earlier result first] got my 2 pinks lines as you could see in my default photo, than i tested 2 times with digi's[clear blue digital, 5 days sooner result] which you can find on my profile:]
I can now officially join the group:happydance:
Wendy, I am so happy your scan was good. I have mine on Monday and I am a bit nervous but than I am calm.

Abii, congrats on your BFP.

Natasha, I hope your little one comes over the weekend.

AFM, I am very tired today. I will get lots of sleep tonight.
Congrats Abii!
thank you so much ladies:hugs:
how are you all feeling?
I had my first doc appt today, it went well i think.
My obgyn could be a-little nicer but its understandable that she was busy and probably grouchy today haha.
I had a pap and she said my cervix is still normal so im not very far along, but they gae me a test and it was another + so they gave me a forum to get a blood test done.
i have my next appt in 6 weeks, as of then we will be able to hear the heartbeat and see the little guy/girl:blush:
im so excited.
i got so many magazines to read and ive read 2 already[learned alot more than i knew, which was alot lol] and i got my prenatal vitamins already so lets hope lovebug sticks with me.
df and i already found a convertible crib[4 in 1] for only $199.97 and started looking at bedding as well.
i cant wait to start decorating our nursery:happydance:
im on :cloud9: right now, everything is just..perfect and i dont think i could be any happier than i am now..well that is until lovebug is in my arms, i have a feeling that'll be the happiest moment in my life:haha:
are there any ladies here due this month? if so what day?

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