Right, finally time for a catch up

As long as I don't fall asleep before I finish lol.
Karen I am sure everything will go perfectly at your scan on Monday hun, have faith

Natasha Aww 5 days overdue! You must be pulling your hair out. Hopefully Elyjah will make his appearance very soon. Oy, I iron my bedding

I don't know why but I just couldn't get into wrinkly bed sheets lol x
Carly Aww sounds like you have a lovely doctor, it always helps if you do. Glad your appointment went well. Have a lovely trip away x
Nat Good to hear your finally putting on a healthy weight, I would love to have your problem lol. Saying that at almost 13 weeks i've still not put any weight on so i'm not complaining! Wow what a hectic day you had! Good to hear it all worked out in the end though x
Emma Sounds like you had a lovely bonfire night and yey for the new pram! Your better getting one your entirely happy with. Oh man, your midwife is utterly useless!! No wonder you were upset hun

It's horrible feeling your not getting the right care you need. Hopefully she'll get her finger out her a*se and pronto! x
Rachael Wow that was a bit cheeky telling you not to put on weight was it not! I'd tell her to learn some manners! Some midwives think they can say anything, it pisses me off. We can't get epidurals here, just the morphin injections so I guess I wont have to worry about issues with it x
Naomi I know exactly how you feel! I am so tired after work it's unreal but I don't think I have a choice about going part time, we just can't afford it

Still i'm going to take the 9 months off that I can and enjoy it! x
Arlene Sorry you're feeling poorly hun, hope you'll feel better real soon

Well this has taken me hours and i'm so tired! But the scan did go really well, the lady who did it was lovely. Bubba was measuring 4 days on than I thot I was which is nice to know, so now due May 19th. Straight away bubba started kicking its legs, it was so cute, then all of a sudden he/she just started jumping lol. Hence why we weren't able to get the measurements for the down syndrome test etc. She had me jumping up and down, bouncing on the bed but nope bubba did not want to co-operate! Just kept bouncing away to quickly to get a good freeze shot and then decided to be lazy and hide its face with it's hands

At least I get another look next week now! Cute bubba. Hubby had the biggest grin i've ever seen him have the entire way through, and he just grabbed my hand while staring at the screen, it was a lovely moment
The concert was fab too, Evanescence and Pretty Reckless were both amazing. The venue was soooo warm though, I could have passed out! Was nice getting away with the family. Had my flu jag when I got back, didn't feel really sore at all when I got it but my arm is tender now. Suppose it was for the best. Of course I then announced my news!

Feels so strange everyone knowing now but we have had some really lovely messages from family and friends. One friend in particular emailed me to say she is pregnant too but hasn't announced it yet! She was so excited when she seen my announcement she had to tell me, it's lovely having a couple of friends due around the same time as me.
Anyway I really need to get to bed but will try and keep up now i've caught up. Take care ladies
