Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Natasha was due a week ago, my DD is next and it's not til the end of December.
Natasha was due a week ago, my DD is next and it's not til the end of December.

awwhh well congrats to you both for making it through:thumbup:
what is the latest you could be? i thought you could only go 43 weeks the most?
42 weeks is the longest most doctors "let" a person go. Some people choose to be left to go longer with regular monitoring, but it's typically quite a fight to go over 42 weeks (or 40+10 in a lot of places). I won't fight a 42 week induction if I go that far this time (my brother is getting married a week later lol) but in future I plan to request not to be induced as long as there is no indication that the placenta is failing or baby is distressed.

Of course, everywhere is different and some doctors don't even like you to make it to your due date before inducing you... though I think that's becoming less common. I personally believe though that babies should be allowed to arrive whenever they're ready to.
I've been told they'll induce me at 40 + 10 if I get that far. If I have to be induced then that will make it a may baby instead of April!
Natasha, fingers crossed they sort something for you next week :hugs:

Abii, Congratulations again :happydance: All the due dates are on the front page, as you will see you have a few ladies due around the same time as you. So glad your first appointment went well :hugs:

Rachael, I have just realised you are 16 weeks + now!! God time is flying, it only seems like yesterday you were having your scan. Hope all is well with the job :hugs:

Natalie, I have just realised that your little one is due around the same time as your birthday! How cute is that. Algthough I have a feeling that your baby isnt going to come until the new year lol x

Hope everyone else is ok. Little Pip woke me up at 5am kicking away so I have been up cooking as I have some friends over later. I have so far done a spinach (yuck) soup for next weeks lunches and now that Gavin is up I am going to make us a cooked breakfast and then start on the chilli and baking the cakes and apple crumble. Hope you all have a lovely weekend planned :hugs:
Wendy :happydance: Love the scan piccy, couldn't be more perfect with the heart shaped uterus! Im so pleased for you!
My friend is the same, she said there's nothing nicer than getting into a bed of freshly ironed sheet's. I said she's more than welcome to iron mine :haha:
Glad you had an awesome time at the concert, did you get any good pix?

Karen Good luck with your scan on Monday!! I'll keep you in mind with positive thought's :hugs:

Emma I'm really shocked by your MW's attitude, and I hope that your letter of complaint will make a change for women in the future in your area with regard's to the care they receive from the MW's. As for yourself, is it possible to request a different MW? Someone who will actually do their job properly and care for you in an appropriate manor would be nice!
Hope the iron tablet's are doing the job and that your feeling perkier :hugs:
I can't believe you were up and cooking so early this morning! Are you feeling a nap time coming on??

Abi :happydance: Congratulations!! :happydance: I hope 1st tri speed's through for you quickly and easily!
I was due Nov 5th, but still going! My MW appointment on Monday (which I'll be attending at this rate) will be booking me in to be induced. Will be 41+2 at the appointment (or Term+9 however you wish to look at it). My first son was 12 day's late and I was induced so I kind of expected to go over, just hoped I would go into a more natural labour!

All ladies Happy Saturday! Hope you all well and enjoying the weekend!

As for me, No change! Just patiently waiting for Monday, though I type patiently with gritted teeth lol. Think Auron might be getting night terror's? A couple of time's he's woken up in the middle of the night inconsolable and crying, which we just though were nightmare's and don't mind him sleeping in our bed with us for the rest of the night as it's the only thing that will calm him down (not even being beside him in his own bed will calm him down, it's very strange), but last night was the worst! He woke up screaming just before 10, tried giving him a milk refill in his cup, stoking his face and being beside him but he wouldn't stop crying. So we left him, thinking he might be over tired and cry to sleep (he does it on the odd occasion, and he was very tired) but 10min's later he's screaming down the house and out of bed by the stair gate. So I went back upstairs, cuddled him like a baby in my arm's by his bed, he's still screaming, so I ended up putting him in our bed, and staying beside him until he fell asleep 20mins later. He slept fine through the night, and Nick slept on the sofa so I could have the comfort of the bed, but it was a pain as during the night when I needed to pee, it was so painful I could barely move, and I was on Nick's side of the bed which you have to shuffle off the end of the bed to walk around, due to lack of bedroom space! I wasn't sure if I was having contractions, but as it stood, my bladder was just that full! Didn't think it was possible with so much baby in there :haha: Anywho, I'm thinking of asking the health visitor about it next time I take Auron to be weighed (which I really should do, it's been about 7-8month's!) it's so horrible, feel so helpless for him!
Abi :happydance: Congratulations!! :happydance: I hope 1st tri speed's through for you quickly and easily!
I was due Nov 5th, but still going! My MW appointment on Monday (which I'll be attending at this rate) will be booking me in to be induced. Will be 41+2 at the appointment (or Term+9 however you wish to look at it). My first son was 12 day's late and I was induced so I kind of expected to go over, just hoped I would go into a more natural labour!
Awwhh thank you so much:hugs:
congrats to you as well for being able to hold in there all this time:haha:
Lol i get what you mean, my sister was 43 weeks when they induced her, she was in labor for about 4 hours though so her contractions were quick and to the point lol.
I hope you labor goes nothing but perfectly and you bring home a beautiful healthy baby:flower:
so this is prob a stupid question lol but are you having a boy or girl? the name sounds like it could be for both:]
I figured out that i don't want to know my baby's gender, i want it to be a surprise:blush:

Abii, Congratulations again :happydance: All the due dates are on the front page, as you will see you have a few ladies due around the same time as you. So glad your first appointment went well :hugs:
Thank you so much:]
and thank you for pointing that out, i didn't know:haha:

Raant:So i feel like crapp today, i think morning sickness is finally kicking in and it sucks..really bad haha, its making me unable to sleep.
Starting to get nervous..i hope nothing goes wrong.
Abi We're expecting another boy, but we didn't have a 'potty shot' so it could well have been a strangely placed umbilical cord :haha: It wasn't until I saw that pretty much everyone who know's the sex of their baby has had a potty shot that I began to question it. But unless he does come out a she, we'll just expect a he lol.
43 week's! I'm only 1week over due and have already been on the verge of ripping out my hair! It's funny, I've been so patient and happy throughout the entire pregnancy, yet as soon as it hit November 1st my patience just completely drained and I feel like I've been getting more and more miserable by the day!
Our first son (Auron) was a surprise, not by choice though. He kept rolling around with his leg's crossed at the 20week scan, though I had a feeling I was having a boy throughout the entire pregnancy, unlike this one, I've not felt sure for any of it, though it's still hard to believe we'll have 2 children for christmas. 2!! Anywho, we had to go the whole 'neutral' route, but after he was born we didn't end up using most of the neutral clothes, just felt like a waste of money! Which is why we wanted to know this time around too :happydance:

On the point of sickness, I'm sure Wendy will be able to give you lot's of idea's on how to help with that as she had it really bad until recently! Only thing I can think to suggest is ginger! Ginger biscuits is what I used to have a nibble on when I felt sicky in 1st tri, which did help, even if it did taste horrible! :flower:
Abi We're expecting another boy, but we didn't have a 'potty shot' so it could well have been a strangely placed umbilical cord :haha: It wasn't until I saw that pretty much everyone who know's the sex of their baby has had a potty shot that I began to question it. But unless he does come out a she, we'll just expect a he lol.
43 week's! I'm only 1week over due and have already been on the verge of ripping out my hair! It's funny, I've been so patient and happy throughout the entire pregnancy, yet as soon as it hit November 1st my patience just completely drained and I feel like I've been getting more and more miserable by the day!
Our first son (Auron) was a surprise, not by choice though. He kept rolling around with his leg's crossed at the 20week scan, though I had a feeling I was having a boy throughout the entire pregnancy, unlike this one, I've not felt sure for any of it, though it's still hard to believe we'll have 2 children for christmas. 2!! Anywho, we had to go the whole 'neutral' route, but after he was born we didn't end up using most of the neutral clothes, just felt like a waste of money! Which is why we wanted to know this time around too :happydance:

On the point of sickness, I'm sure Wendy will be able to give you lot's of idea's on how to help with that as she had it really bad until recently! Only thing I can think to suggest is ginger! Ginger biscuits is what I used to have a nibble on when I felt sicky in 1st tri, which did help, even if it did taste horrible! :flower:
Awwhh how cute:] were you hoping for another boy or a girl?
haha yes that is possible 'he' may come out a 'she':rofl: im an example of that xP i was suppose to be a boy but came out a girl haha, my dad used to say they chopped it off<.< lol.
i know right![she didn't let them induce her] she wanted the baby to come he 'he was ready' lol i told her shes crazy for letting him be in there that long, due to complications, i heard its more risky to give birth after 40 weeks but that could be wrong lol. She did deliver a healthy baby boy though weighing 7 pounds 9 ounces:] haha awwhh xP i feel like im probably going to be that way too, be all happy during the first few months with my baby belly but than get grouchy after the 8 month mark hahaha, df better beware xP
:rofl: Oh my gosh thats so funny haha, he just didn't want you guys to know what he was i guess xP
i honestly think im having a girl, because of how sick im getting[at only 4 weeks] and the craving for sweets all the time, guess we'll see when he/she is ready for me to find out haha.
Awwhh thats an awesome Christmas present though:]
I got lovebug for my bday:haha: its in 13 days and thats all i was asking for:blush:
Haha niiice, im going neutral too, only the nursery is going to be a neutral pooh bear:happydance: im so excited to start decorating haha.
Ironed sheets?!?! Who irons their sheets? I hate ironing with a passion lol. I do love the feeling of fresh sheets, but they don't have to be ironed to feel like that :haha:

Emma, I certainly wouldn't mind going into the new year - I'd much rather have the little bit extra time to prepare lol - so not ready to consider that baby COULD be here in 4 weeks (or it could be 9 lol). I'd prefer the 6-8 week range though but of course it's all up to baby.
Hello Everyone,
How are my favorite preggo ladies today? I hope you are all enjoying your weekend.

Natasha I can't believe this baby does not want to come out. Tell him to give Mama a break and come out so you can meet him face to face. Hang in there it won't be long now hun.

Emma you've been through a lot in the past few weeks. I hope things have calmed down and that your feeling better. You're moving right a long.

Wendy loved hearing about your scan and the concert. Now you can let the whole world know your news. Your're moving right on into 2nd tri. Way to go!!

Rachael Hope all is going well with you and that the new job is treating you well. Sounds like your having a fab pregnancy.

Naomi hope you and dh are enjoying this special time and that your feeling good.

Karen I hope all went well with your scan and you're able to relax a little.

Abii congrats again and I hope you enjoy your new home here on this thread. Sorry the morning sickness has kicked in, hope it passes quickly.

Arlene hope you're feeling better. Have you gotten your new puppy yet? Can't wait to see pictures when you do.

Nat first Natasha and then you're up next. You must be getting really excited now.

I hope I didn't forget any one but if I did I'm sorry but I hope you and your beans are doing well and enjoying your weekend.

AFM working a lot and getting ready to start the bd marathon. Got my preseed and I'm ready to go. Wish me luck and I'll check back with you lovely preggo ladies later.
Good luck Adrienne! :dust:

I'm doing well. 17 weeks tomorrow and wondering where the time is going! Also wondering when my lovely boyfriend is going to paint the nursery as I'm itching to get the cot and changing unit up so I can see what room is left in there and figure out what other furniture we will need!
Abii congrats again and I hope you enjoy your new home here on this thread. Sorry the morning sickness has kicked in, hope it passes quickly.

Awh thank you hun:friends::hugs:
I have some of those morning sickness lollipops but im waiting until it gets really bad to use them, since i only have 1 left lol.
Guess ill be going and getting more soon.
how are you doing hun?
its been awhile since we caught up.
Evening ladies! Hope everyone is well. I'm sorry i've not been getting on as much as I would like to, i've just been so tired lately and when I have been awake i've been trying to spend as much time as I can with hubby, with him night shift, me day shift and then me falling asleep when he's awake we've not had a lot of time together lately. I do try and read up though when I can, it just takes me so long to post I need to do it when I know I have a bit of time :haha: There hasn't been a lot happening with me anyway, except I can say I am so surprised we are getting baby gifts already from people! It is so nice and unexpected. I literally don't think we are going to have anything to buy cause friends and family seem to have it covered, shouldn't complain really lol x

Nat lol, maybe it would help if my baby was zonked! I'm hoping bubba doesn't do the same on Tuesday or they wont be able to check what they need to as they said they can only do it in a small time frame. We shall see what happens x

Emma Eek! You've seriously only got 3 weeks left of work? That's nothing! I bet you are so looking forward to being off. As long as you don't get bored :haha: Are you feeling a bit more energetic now you are taking your iron tablets? x

Natasha Good luck with the midwife tomorrow hun, hopefully she'll get you booked in to be induced asap cause that baby of yours is just far too comfy to come on his own accord! Aww we so wanted pics at the concert but we weren't allowed :( They took everyone's cameras off them on the way in. Spoil sports!! That's such a shame for Auron, I wonder what's taking him. Something has definitely disturbed him that's for sure, poor wee soul. Must break your heart x

Abii Many congratulations hunnie :happydance: I am very happy for you both! Told you stress wouldn't effect your baby :flower: Wow you are getting to hear the heartbeat at 10 weeks? Here the midwife wont listen until the 16 week appointment x

Karen Happy 12 weeks hun :happydance: and all the very best at your scan tomorrow, I am sure it will go just fine x

Rachael Happy 17 weeks for tomorrow! It sure has gone quick. I'm feeling the same way as you, I really want my cot etc up so I can see what room i have left for other things. The nursery isn't a huge room so not sure I will fit everything in I want too, will just have to get a bit done at a time and see what happens x

Adrienne Glad you are well hun, I am just going to pop over to ttc to see how everyone is x

To all you other lovely ladies, I hope you are well :flower: I am (surprise surprise) going to get myself off to bed in a minute. Wish I could get a full nights sleep, yawn. I will try and get on more often this week, take care all x
I'm going to try catch up the best I can now I have the laptop!

Rachael is an epidural something you think you'd want in labour? Glad to see the consultant doesnt anticipate your back causing you any problems :) As for the weight thing, do you feel you have put on alot? I did notice compared to last time with Kyle they seem to be putting so much into promoting healthy eating, think they forget sometimes we just have to eat whatever might stay down!

Naomi 10 weeks already! How you feeling? Hope you've managed to skip the sickness :dohh:

Emma hope your iron tablets are helping you feel a little better! Sorry to hear you've had such a crappy time with midwifes. I had already tried the hot lemon and honey and it just made me sick :dohh:

Natasha, Elyjah really is too comfy in there! You're obviously a comfy cooker :lol: Heres hoping he shows shortly so you can avoid a second induction. Hows Auron being at night now? Kyle went through a phase, maybe just around a week or 2 long, of wakening and screaming through the night, and like Auron it was very out of character and my first thought was night terrors, but I gave it another week or so and persevered calming him in his own room and it just stopped. I hope its just a phase for your boy too!

Karen I hope your scan goes well tomorrow, enjoy!

Wendy glad to hear you've announced your wonderful news, feels great when everyones asking how things are etc it makes it so real! Thats so lovely that yous are getting gifts already :) I'm with you on the tiredness, its ridiculous how much I can sleep just now :dohh:

Abii congrats on your bfp! :happydance:

Adrienne im alot better now thanks :) We don't get her until the 2nd of december. I'm so excited, we ordered alot of her things last night :happydance: Fx'd the preseed works for yous!!

As for me, im not sure if I said already but we told everyone a bit earlier than planned because of how sick I am, really couldn't hide it anymore, everyone is over the moon and its fun to be able to talk about it. I have the appointment with my consultant on wednesday, looking forward to hearing her 'plan of care'. And seeing if my midwife can actually get blood from me this time :dohh: Got some more christmas shopping done, we got Kyle a great bike from Halfords, it was in there 50% sale, so £120 down to £60 and it gives him something to play on when we're walking the dog. Kyles happy hes going to be a big brother, but ive to make sure its a little boy :lol: Anyway, im going to have some toast and head to bed.
Sorry to anyone I missed, hope everyones had a good weekend xx
Evening ladies :flower:

Wendypops- Hopefully your tiredness will start to ease soon :hugs: It is amazing how generous people are when they find out your wonderful news!! Yes hopefully only 3 weeks left at work if HR have the figures right, if not it will be a maximum of 4 weeks! I dont feel much different at the minute but have been told that it could take up to 3 weeks to get into my system :( I dont think I will get too bored as my OCD is kicking back in at the minute so I am always finding something to do. I am driving Gavin nuts at the minute :haha:

Abii- In regards to morning sickness, try to eat something before you get up like a cracker or ginger biscuits. Eat little and often and also coke seems to be a good one to help settle things (but obviously be careful of having too much caffeine) Different things work for different people so it is just trial and error. Nothing seemed to work for me until I was through the worst of it and then all I could do was eat every few hours and it was all bland food!! I think I went for 4 ish weeks on toast, ready salted crisps and chips!! Hopefully it will ease off for you :hugs:

Rachael- It is weird how you wait so long for something and then when you get it, it flies by!! It still feel like yesterday to me I got my :bfp: happy 17 weeks for tomorrow :hugs:

Natalie- I rarely ironed up until a few weeks ago. Being at home all day and not being able gto do anything made my OCD kick in as I saw loads that needed doing but was too ill to do it. Now I cant put the washing away without ironing most of it!! I haven't really got the time or the energy to do it at the minute but have been still getting through it.

Natasha- Hows things with you?? Any progression?? I have spoken to someone about changing my midwife and I would have to go to the hospital for every appointment left to see my consultant if I pushed through with it. I am not too happy with that as they haven't exactly been great at the hospitals either!! I am going to perservere and see what happens for now. I hope Aurons terrors get better :hugs:

I hope all the other ladies are doing ok :hugs:

Well as for me, I am shattered (no surprise there :haha:) but I have been trying to relax for the past few hours. Our friends came over yesterday for tea and we had a really good night and they didnt leave until 1am! I didnt manage to get a nap in throughout the day so I was wiped out! Back to work tomorrow and have to stay late to do Chlamydia testing with the students, I am not doing the tests though!! :haha: I have my first baby class on Tuesday night as well so we are quite excited about that. Lets hope I can stay awake for it :)
Hey ladies, hopefully I'll be doing a big post tomorrow as I've suddenly come over incredibly tired, but want to have a bath before I retire as my back is killing me! Jus thought I'd pop in and let you know I haven't 'popped' yet lol, so I'll update after seeing my MW tomorrow! Finger's crossed we'll be hospital no later than Tuesday morn. I will enjoy my bed tonight! Sleep well ladies :hugs:
Hey ladies, hopefully I'll be doing a big post tomorrow as I've suddenly come over incredibly tired, but want to have a bath before I retire as my back is killing me! Jus thought I'd pop in and let you know I haven't 'popped' yet lol, so I'll update after seeing my MW tomorrow! Finger's crossed we'll be hospital no later than Tuesday morn. I will enjoy my bed tonight! Sleep well ladies :hugs:
im thinking its time for the little booger to be welcomed into the world.
after being in there so long and causing mom backaches lol xP
lets hope she'll just say they want to induce you tomorrow!! that would be awesome:flower::thumbup:
Abii congrats on your bfp! :happydance:

Awwhh thank you hun:hugs:
i cant believe it finally happened, im still amazed.
Hopefully these 6 weeks go by faster than ever lol:thumbup:

Abii- In regards to morning sickness, try to eat something before you get up like a cracker or ginger biscuits. Eat little and often and also coke seems to be a good one to help settle things (but obviously be careful of having too much caffeine) Different things work for different people so it is just trial and error. Nothing seemed to work for me until I was through the worst of it and then all I could do was eat every few hours and it was all bland food!! I think I went for 4 ish weeks on toast, ready salted crisps and chips!! Hopefully it will ease off for you :hugs:
Thank for those helpful tips:]
i know that watered down diet soda makes my morning sickness go away and of course bread does but someone told me its not healthy for the baby to eat bread or drink caffeine at all, so it scared me of course because this is my first pregnancy and i dont want to lose it.
I shouldnt really be too worried though because i remember when one of my close friends was pregnant she drank soda and ate unhealthy everyday of her pregnancy and h came out perfectly healthy[except his teeth because they started giving him solids too early] off subject i know but i had to throw that in:shrug: lmao xP
i guess im being too much of a health freak huh?:dohh: lol
Abii Many congratulations hunnie :happydance: I am very happy for you both! Told you stress wouldn't effect your baby :flower: Wow you are getting to hear the heartbeat at 10 weeks? Here the midwife wont listen until the 16 week appointment x

Awhh thank you!!!:friends::hugs:
I know that alot of stress could of hurt him/her but he/she must be a trooper because they are still in there stretching my uterus like its noones business:blush::haha:
Yeah she said thats when we'll be able to hear it.
but i wish i could schedule one before that just to make sure he/she is actually inplanted in the right spot[which i not worrying about too much anymore, i spent alot of time last night researching ectopic and miscarriages] i dont have ANY of the signs of any of them except for the cramping but its all over my stomach not just in one area and its not constant so lets hope its a good sign:thumbup:
how are you?
Buster1, Good luck with the BD marathon. I hope it brings you a :baby:.

Racheal, Happ 17 weeks tomorrow.

Abii, Ginger will help with MS. I hope it ease up some for you.

Wendy, I know the feeling about being tired, I seem to not get enough sleep some days and some days it seems I don't get enough food. :haha:

Arlene, I hope you feel better soon. What a great deal you got on Kyle's bike too.

Emma, I hope you get some rest.

Natasha, I hope tomorrow brings you a :baby:.

Well tomorrow is my scan and my SIL will go with me because hubby will be at work. He travels a lot and more than likely will not be here tomorrow. :cry: But I love my SIL so it should be okay.
abii - congrats hun, fab news!

Adrienne oh super good luck to this month hope the preseed works its magic, did for me :) How was your weekend lovely?

Wendy I know how you feel I struggle to get time to reply as much as I would like to I will try and keep up tho. Thats fab about all the gifts had to say didnt really have to buy much at all for Cody. Plus they grow so quickly its amazing some of the stuff I have still have tags on! lol..... if I didnt say it before (but say it again anyway just incase lol) luving the scan pic hunni

Arlene thats fab that you have told people, I dont know how Im going to keep it quiet but for me I think Im a bit cagey at the min incase I tell people then I lose this one. I think Im gonna have to tell my boss tho with all my loo breaks :wacko: Hope you have had a lovely weekend, whens your scan?

Rachael yes hun where is the time going?!! Whens your next scan?

Wow emma nearly 30 weeks! and yay to the classes I loved them. Are the tablets helping you hun?

Natalie FX that something is going to happen soon talk about fashionably late!

Ready4 GL for scan tomorrow amazing! You must be so excited!

Nat again I shall say everyones pregnancies are flying by! Not long to go now hun!

Anyone I have missed hope you all had a lovely weekend, back to work for me tonight boo! Suppose I cant complain as only do 16 hours but its a killer not getting home til 10ish

ASFM I think I forgot I was pregnant as jumped out of bed and got pain in lower pelvis, I will not be doing that again! :rofl:

Really sore BB's today and a tad bit of thrush oh well. So Im a tad on edge at the min as lost my beany last time would be tomorrow at 5+4. I know things can go wrong after that but you know in my head if I get through tomorrow I will feel alot happier.


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