Abii I wasn't too fussy, though kinda wanted another boy as everyone I know that's had girl's have a hard time with them, boy's are alot more easy going! But my OH want's a girl soooooooo badly, (can't say I understand why to be honest, he should be grateful for the 2children we'll have!) so unless this one by some miracle turn's out to be a girl, he want's to adopt in the future so we'll be guaranteed a girl

7lbs 9oz isn't bad going for how over due she was! Auron was 9lbs half an oz at T+12! He's so weighty, and I honestly don't know where it come's from, the boy hasn't an oz of fat on him, tall and skinny, yet weigh's about 3stone (no joke! Last time I weighed him he was over 2stone and that was 7ish month's ago!)
Hummmm, I'll have a little guess at your baby's gender in a few month's time. We'll see how you get on between now and then before I make my prediction!
Natalie -high five- Glad I'm not the only person that doesn't iron their bedding!
Adrienne I honestly don't think this baby is listening to me, in fact, I'm convinced that Auron's left a note in there telling Ely to be late deliberately!

Sending you lot's and lot's of dust!! Good luck and as Phoebe would say 'think thick!' Am slightly jealous I must say, We haven't DTD since August because of my sciatica! And it'll probably be next year before it happens again what with recovery and having the baby in our room ect
Rachael Horray for week 17, onion baby!

What plan's do you have for the nursery?
Wendy I can't believe you weren't allowed to take picture's! I'd of been fuming especially with the price you pay to go and see!! Amy has moved down a few notches in my book, jus like David Boreanaz did when I found out he charge's people for his autograph!
Can you believe your in 2nd tri already!! It's gone so very quickly
Arlene He's been fine so far since that night, it's just so out of character of him. He's had the odd night here and there of it happening and we just assume it's a nightmare of some sort, though he's not exposed to anything that I should think would cause a nightmare (unless you find Cbeebies particularly terrifying?!) So I am very baffled by it. I am going to try and get him in to see the health visitor tomorrow anyway as he's got what appear's to be some sort of nappy rash, but it's been there for well over a week now, and sudocream isn't doing the trick like it usually does, instead it appear's to be spreading so I'm gonna get some answer's before it become's to painful for him. I've said about getting it checked out to my OH but all I get is "It's only nappy rash it'll clear up, don't worry it'll be fine, blah blah blah" but like I say, it's getting worse, useless man

Im glad that Kyle's excited to be a big brother! If he does end up with a little sister, he can blame daddy

It'll be lovely when you start to get a bump. Auron love's to stroke and kiss my tummy. He's gonna be very confused I'm sure when baby isn't in there anymore (though I feel like I'm doomed to be pregnant for all eternity at this moment in time!)
Emma Your whole area seem's to be pretty useless! Are you in the midland's by any chance? Can't believe your 30week's tomorrow, how exciting to almost be in single weekly digit's!
Karen Good luck for tomorrow! I'm lookin forward to seeing your post after the scan, shame hubby can't be there this time
Shona I hope you manage not to over stress yourself tomorrow especially, and that the day goes quickly and easily
If I've missed anyone I apologise and hope that your fine and well
Well, my MW appointment wasn't quite what I was hoping for to say the least. I don't actually think I've ever felt this miserable in my entire life, and I swear, if one more person has a baby before me and aren't as over due as I am I'm gonna freakin flip out! MW asked me on arrival
"would you like another sweep and see what happens, or would you like to be booked in for an induction?" to which I didn't hesitate to say induction! FOR THE LOVE OF CAKE GIVE ME THE INDUCTION! Compleatly full for tomorrow, so I've been "booked" in for Wednesday on the
condition that there is a spare bed in labour/delivery. So I have to call up Wednesday morn at 8AM to find out what time I can go in. If they've been busy/have no space, I'll be told to call back at midday. Again, if it's still busy/no space I'll be put back till Thursday!

I just feel like I'm being pushed further and further back, it's actually driving me mad! My bump buddy from work is due this coming Friday, her water's broke yesterday, and if she doesn't naturally progress, she has to ring up at 8AM tomorrow to be told when to go in to be induced. She's going to have her's before I have mine!! It's not fair!! I can't actually describe how p***ed off/frustrated/upset I feel right now, I just want it to be over and done with. Can't see any light at the end of this forsaken tunnel, and I just feel like I'm goin in circles

Oh, and the MW wrote in my note's that I
declined a sweep?! No I friggin didn't, she gave me an ultimatum, never asked me if I
also wanted to try a sweep again silly b***c!