Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

not sure I will want an epidural unless I need a ceasarean Arlene, but I think I would prefer to know my options.

everything will be fine Shona, I know it. next scan is 3 weeks on Friday, 9th December.
Adrienne- Good luck with the :sex: marathon :haha: enjoy using the preseed, i loved it!! Make sure you dont work too hard otherwise you wont have enough energy for your marathon :hugs:

Arlene- The honey and lemon isnt really a good thing to have when you already have a weak stomach at the minute I suppose!! How long is it until you get your husky?? It is difficult not to tell people when you are pregnant! Was Kyle happy?? ooh, happy 11 weeks :happydance: When is your scan??

Abii- Over here they recommend that your drink less than 200mg of caffeine a day. I have had caffeine all throughout this pregnancy (up until the past few weeks due to the iron issues) I just used to have two cups of tea in a morning and thats it. Use this site as a guide to things-
Now bread I have never heard of being bad for pregnant women! Follow the guidelines that your midwife has set out and you should be fine. Dont over worry about things, different people say different things about pregnancy. Your body will tell you what it wants and needs and eating a little bit of junk food everyday is not going to do any harm as long as you are sensible. In regards to cramping, its normal in early pregnancy. I spent the first month think all the tests were false and I was going to come on my period! Just be concerned if the cramping is severe and you bleed :hugs:

Karen- Sorry your hubby cant make the scan :hugs: at least you will be able to get the pictures for him to look at. Dont forget to post them up here for us to nosey at lol

Shona- I am sure you have nothing to worry about but I will keep my fingers and everything else crossed for you for the next 48 hours :hugs: I hated the sore boobs... I had to wear a sports bra to bed until about week 14 mine were that bad :haha: the tablets dont seem to make a huge differenc at the minute but I have been told these can take up to 3 weeks to get into my system :(

Rachael- :happydance: happy 17 weeks!! You will love the next scan, it is so much more indepth and you get to see loads!! I am the same as you, I do not want an epidural unless I need to!! Going to try and do it all with minimal drugs.... well we will see if that works :haha:

Well I am at work and struggling for motivation, I am so tired from the weekend!! Well at least I am not struggling to sleep at the minute as I am so tired :haha: I have just eaten soup that looks like baby poop!! I made it at the weekend to help with my iron intake and although it taste good it looks disgusting :haha:

I hope everyone else is doing ok :hugs:

Abii- Over here they recommend that your drink less than 200mg of caffeine a day. I have had caffeine all throughout this pregnancy (up until the past few weeks due to the iron issues) I just used to have two cups of tea in a morning and thats it. Use this site as a guide to things-
Now bread I have never heard of being bad for pregnant women! Follow the guidelines that your midwife has set out and you should be fine. Dont over worry about things, different people say different things about pregnancy. Your body will tell you what it wants and needs and eating a little bit of junk food everyday is not going to do any harm as long as you are sensible. In regards to cramping, its normal in early pregnancy. I spent the first month think all the tests were false and I was going to come on my period! Just be concerned if the cramping is severe and you bleed :hugs:
Thank you so much!! your like my hero right now lol:haha:
I've been trying to eat fruits and veggies everyday and i drank some orange juice with sparkling water[baby loved it lol] but now that i know i dont have to be a health freak, ill have an easier pregnancy:thumbup:
Well ladies i go in for my blood test to confirm it today, lets cross those fingers and hope everything turns out good:blush:
I have such bad morning sickness today and my right nipple is so sore:nope:

, Ginger will help with MS. I hope it ease up some for you.

Thank you for the helpful tip:hugs:
abii - congrats hun, fab news!

Thank you:flower:
Rachael, it is meant to be a spinach soup. I did it with spinach, spring greens, leek, potato and carrot! It was mainly the greens in it but added the other bits so it wasn't disgusting! Looked interesting though :haha:
Abii I wasn't too fussy, though kinda wanted another boy as everyone I know that's had girl's have a hard time with them, boy's are alot more easy going! But my OH want's a girl soooooooo badly, (can't say I understand why to be honest, he should be grateful for the 2children we'll have!) so unless this one by some miracle turn's out to be a girl, he want's to adopt in the future so we'll be guaranteed a girl :haha:
7lbs 9oz isn't bad going for how over due she was! Auron was 9lbs half an oz at T+12! He's so weighty, and I honestly don't know where it come's from, the boy hasn't an oz of fat on him, tall and skinny, yet weigh's about 3stone (no joke! Last time I weighed him he was over 2stone and that was 7ish month's ago!)
Hummmm, I'll have a little guess at your baby's gender in a few month's time. We'll see how you get on between now and then before I make my prediction! :happydance:

Natalie -high five- Glad I'm not the only person that doesn't iron their bedding!

Adrienne I honestly don't think this baby is listening to me, in fact, I'm convinced that Auron's left a note in there telling Ely to be late deliberately! :dust: Sending you lot's and lot's of dust!! Good luck and as Phoebe would say 'think thick!' Am slightly jealous I must say, We haven't DTD since August because of my sciatica! And it'll probably be next year before it happens again what with recovery and having the baby in our room ect :wacko:

Rachael Horray for week 17, onion baby! :happydance: What plan's do you have for the nursery?

Wendy I can't believe you weren't allowed to take picture's! I'd of been fuming especially with the price you pay to go and see!! Amy has moved down a few notches in my book, jus like David Boreanaz did when I found out he charge's people for his autograph!
Can you believe your in 2nd tri already!! It's gone so very quickly :hugs:

Arlene He's been fine so far since that night, it's just so out of character of him. He's had the odd night here and there of it happening and we just assume it's a nightmare of some sort, though he's not exposed to anything that I should think would cause a nightmare (unless you find Cbeebies particularly terrifying?!) So I am very baffled by it. I am going to try and get him in to see the health visitor tomorrow anyway as he's got what appear's to be some sort of nappy rash, but it's been there for well over a week now, and sudocream isn't doing the trick like it usually does, instead it appear's to be spreading so I'm gonna get some answer's before it become's to painful for him. I've said about getting it checked out to my OH but all I get is "It's only nappy rash it'll clear up, don't worry it'll be fine, blah blah blah" but like I say, it's getting worse, useless man :sulk:
Im glad that Kyle's excited to be a big brother! If he does end up with a little sister, he can blame daddy :haha: It'll be lovely when you start to get a bump. Auron love's to stroke and kiss my tummy. He's gonna be very confused I'm sure when baby isn't in there anymore (though I feel like I'm doomed to be pregnant for all eternity at this moment in time!)

Emma Your whole area seem's to be pretty useless! Are you in the midland's by any chance? Can't believe your 30week's tomorrow, how exciting to almost be in single weekly digit's! :happydance:

Karen Good luck for tomorrow! I'm lookin forward to seeing your post after the scan, shame hubby can't be there this time :hugs:

Shona I hope you manage not to over stress yourself tomorrow especially, and that the day goes quickly and easily :flower:

If I've missed anyone I apologise and hope that your fine and well :hugs:

Well, my MW appointment wasn't quite what I was hoping for to say the least. I don't actually think I've ever felt this miserable in my entire life, and I swear, if one more person has a baby before me and aren't as over due as I am I'm gonna freakin flip out! MW asked me on arrival "would you like another sweep and see what happens, or would you like to be booked in for an induction?" to which I didn't hesitate to say induction! FOR THE LOVE OF CAKE GIVE ME THE INDUCTION! Compleatly full for tomorrow, so I've been "booked" in for Wednesday on the condition that there is a spare bed in labour/delivery. So I have to call up Wednesday morn at 8AM to find out what time I can go in. If they've been busy/have no space, I'll be told to call back at midday. Again, if it's still busy/no space I'll be put back till Thursday! :growlmad: I just feel like I'm being pushed further and further back, it's actually driving me mad! My bump buddy from work is due this coming Friday, her water's broke yesterday, and if she doesn't naturally progress, she has to ring up at 8AM tomorrow to be told when to go in to be induced. She's going to have her's before I have mine!! It's not fair!! I can't actually describe how p***ed off/frustrated/upset I feel right now, I just want it to be over and done with. Can't see any light at the end of this forsaken tunnel, and I just feel like I'm goin in circles :cry:
Oh, and the MW wrote in my note's that I declined a sweep?! No I friggin didn't, she gave me an ultimatum, never asked me if I also wanted to try a sweep again silly b***c!
Abii, I thought I'd heard every pregnancy food myth, but I must say not eating bread is a new one :rofl: The guidelines do change a lot depending where you are, but most of them arent so terrible and up to personal choice if you want to follow them as the chance of getting something from food is really very minimal but can be very bad if you are an unlucky one while pregnant. For the most part, just making sure you wash fruit and vegetables well and cooking all meat thoroughly is enough. It's easy for people to exaggerate risks and make pregnant women worry that their going to kill their baby from what they eat as we're all vulnerable as we just want what's best for our babies already.

Natasha, you must be so frustrated! I hope all goes well for induction on Wednesday though - Ely will be here soon (not soon enough I'm sure though :haha:). As for Auron's night terrors, and chance it's food he's reacting to? Night terrors are a common reaction to food additives such as sulphites. Could be worth getting checked out.
Abii I wasn't too fussy, though kinda wanted another boy as everyone I know that's had girl's have a hard time with them, boy's are alot more easy going! But my OH want's a girl soooooooo badly, (can't say I understand why to be honest, he should be grateful for the 2children we'll have!) so unless this one by some miracle turn's out to be a girl, he want's to adopt in the future so we'll be guaranteed a girl :haha:
7lbs 9oz isn't bad going for how over due she was! Auron was 9lbs half an oz at T+12! He's so weighty, and I honestly don't know where it come's from, the boy hasn't an oz of fat on him, tall and skinny, yet weigh's about 3stone (no joke! Last time I weighed him he was over 2stone and that was 7ish month's ago!)
Hummmm, I'll have a little guess at your baby's gender in a few month's time. We'll see how you get on between now and then before I make my prediction! :happydance:
Awwhh!! at least he wants to adopt, thats wonderful! i want to look into adoption when the baby is older as well, i can see why he wants a girl lol because they're so hard to conceive probably and he wants a daddy's little girl lol.
Oh i know he didn't weigh much but now hes so big its unbelievable lol, hes already 4 and now weighs 38 pounds its crazy how fast hes grew over the years, im scared to see how fast time will go once i have my baby lol.
Haha i know right, everyone is saying they think its a girl already though, idk how they're getting predictions but everyone so far has said girl except the gender predictor lol that said boy xP
guess we'll see in about 15 weeks haha, idk if i can keep it a surprise, i wanted to but now i have ideas for the nursery if its a girl lol so now i think i wana know..still undecided xP
Abii, I thought I'd heard every pregnancy food myth, but I must say not eating bread is a new one :rofl: The guidelines do change a lot depending where you are, but most of them arent so terrible and up to personal choice if you want to follow them as the chance of getting something from food is really very minimal but can be very bad if you are an unlucky one while pregnant. For the most part, just making sure you wash fruit and vegetables well and cooking all meat thoroughly is enough. It's easy for people to exaggerate risks and make pregnant women worry that their going to kill their baby from what they eat as we're all vulnerable as we just want what's best for our babies already.
Haha isn't that the truth xP
when i heard that i was like :huh: lol.
I tried not eating bread for like 3 days and yeah no..i need my bread:rofl:
Oh i always wash anything before i eat it[well, solids lol] and i cook meat perfectly:] i love cooking haha.
I always worry, i even worry when i have no symptoms lmao
Hi ladies,

My NT scan was good. Thank God!! Here is a pic. I will post more later. I am very tired. But baby was sucking his/her thumb.


  • BabyO_12w1d.jpg
    14.4 KB · Views: 12
So cute! So glad your NT scan went well :hugs:
Just a quick post from me as I need to get to sleep because I have work tomorrow.

Natasha Oh, I hope that baby of yours comes soon. Sorry your so uncomfortable. I'll be working but I'll be thinking of you on Wednesday.

Karen So glad your scan went well. Can't wait to see more pics of the little one.

Shona I know it's hard but try not to worry. I'm sure everything is going to be just fine. Can't wait to hear about your scan and see the pics of your little one.

To everyone else hope you are all doing well and I'll try and post while I'm on the road, but you know what a pain that is to do over the phone. But don't worry I may not be posting but I will be keeping track of things. Take care!!!
Adrienne- Have a safe trip :hugs:

Karen- What a lovely picture!! its lovely to see your little one moving about and doing things :hugs: Glad the NT was well!!

Natasha- Sorry you didnt really get anywhere!! I have my fingers crossed that you will be able to go in on wednesday. I am in the North West and yes they are pretty useless!! Yes, next week I will be single digits!!! Seems so surreal!! How lovely that you are wanting to adopt!
Hi ladies! Well it's after midnight and i'm not going to have time to catch up again :( This is ridiculous, I just can't find time but I will pop back on and catch up like I always do, just didn't want you girls to think I wasn't thinking of you all :flower:

I had my second scan today and after half an hour baby finally co-operated and they got the shots they needed for down syndrome test etc. What an effort it was though and I was in agony by the end with being prodded so much. I was on my side, jumping around, emptied my bladder but nope baby wouldn't budge lol, it was hilarious cause the woman was like come on little baby just shift a bit and the baby then yawned :haha: She just went "oh sorry am I boring you in there??" Me and hubby were in fits of laughter. So for her last attempt she basically had me upside down, my head was put right down to the ground with my legs in the air :wacko: It worked though! Bubba must have thought what the hecks going on here and slid into position lol. Phew! Glad it worked, she gave me another pic to thank me for my patience :thumbup: Bubba was sucking its thumb today too and you could see its mouth open and close, so cute! She measured the skull to get a more accurate due date (last week they did body measurement) and she's put me back to what I thought I was! So I will be 13 weeks tomorrow and due May 23rd, they promised they wouldn't change my due date again lol.

Well I'm gonna have to get to my bed, Will be back for a proper catch up soon. Look after yourselves ladies x
Hi ladies! Well it's after midnight and i'm not going to have time to catch up again :( This is ridiculous, I just can't find time but I will pop back on and catch up like I always do, just didn't want you girls to think I wasn't thinking of you all :flower:

I had my second scan today and after half an hour baby finally co-operated and they got the shots they needed for down syndrome test etc. What an effort it was though and I was in agony by the end with being prodded so much. I was on my side, jumping around, emptied my bladder but nope baby wouldn't budge lol, it was hilarious cause the woman was like come on little baby just shift a bit and the baby then yawned :haha: She just went "oh sorry am I boring you in there??" Me and hubby were in fits of laughter. So for her last attempt she basically had me upside down, my head was put right down to the ground with my legs in the air :wacko: It worked though! Bubba must have thought what the hecks going on here and slid into position lol. Phew! Glad it worked, she gave me another pic to thank me for my patience :thumbup: Bubba was sucking its thumb today too and you could see its mouth open and close, so cute! She measured the skull to get a more accurate due date (last week they did body measurement) and she's put me back to what I thought I was! So I will be 13 weeks tomorrow and due May 23rd, they promised they wouldn't change my due date again lol.

Well I'm gonna have to get to my bed, Will be back for a proper catch up soon. Look after yourselves ladies x

LOL this made my night.
i laughed at least 5 times reading this lol.
"oh sorry am I boring you in there??" thats my favorite part xP
Natalie Food related? Hadn't thought of that, though I'm not sure what food's would set it off? Last night he tried to get into bed with us twice, but Nick put him back in his bed. He cried for probably a good half an hour before finally going back to sleep, but it was so worth it! I didn't sleep well anyway, but just having that bit more space for comfort was good, and it was lovely having him come in all smiley and happy this morn and snuggle down for cuddles :hugs:

Abii You've still got plenty of time to decide if you want to stay a team yellow player! What about your OH? Does he have a preference of knowledge?

Karen :happydance: Yay, scan piccy is so sweet!! You and Wendy seem to have a right pair of thumb sucker's!! So pleased to hear all is well, now you can relax a bit and just enjoy being pregnant :hugs:

Adrienne Hope your not working to hard, need to keep up your energy :winkwink:

Emma North west, no wonder! Im kinda thankful that we have high birth rate here, as it make's the care so much better! I had slight PND after Auron, and this time around I've been given number's, and gotten phone call's for help groups just in case it happens again, it's mental how on top of it they get before it's even happened! (At this rate I wont get a chance to have PND cause he's jus not coming lol) There's also 'sure start' which is awesome, I'm lucky enough to live 5min walk from our sure start center, (dunno if you've heard/got sure start in your area) but it provide's so much for mum's/mum's to be, and is a great way of meeting other mum's/mum's to be. We did the parent's to be course when I was pregnant with Auron, and after he was born I did the baby massage and post natal excersice classes (which was a killer, who'd of thought that hardly moving would make you sweat so much! Stupid pilataes and yoga!) Felt so good just to get out of the house though (at the time anyway)

Wendy Horray for the gymnastics in the scan room! Sound's like the whole scan was a fun experience! Glad that everything is going good and well with squishy :hugs:

I've gotta ring back up at 2PM to see what the plan is. If there be space, I'll be told to go in then, if not, I'll have to ring in the morning, but I will be a 'priority' Just gotta try and keep myself occupied for another 2hours and 44mins, not that I'm counting :blush:
My bump buddy from work (who was due this coming Friday) had a baby boy yesterday afternoon, called him Hendrix. She was team yellow, but I said she'd have a boy. Thinking of becoming a part time fortune teller :rofl:
Arlene Wow what a fab deal on the bike! I wouldn't pass up an offer like that either. And yey for telling people your news! Your so close to 12 weeks now anyway. When did you say your scan was again? Can't await to hear all about it! x

Emma Happy 30 weeks! Wow how fast has time gone! Once Christmas is out the way pip will be here before we know it. How did your first baby class go? Tiredness sucks don't it. And I always feel I am getting my best bit of sleep right before my alarm goes off, typical! I'm sure you'll see a fab improvement when you start your maternity x

Abii That's a loud of nonsense about bread, whoever told you that needs a slap lol. Try not to stress about everything, just eat as healthy as you can and avoid the obvious things we aren't meant to have. I can't eat 5 a day and never have, I don't like water either, I just try to eat some fruit or veg and still eat crips or chips etc whenever I fancy it. I certainly amn't a health freak but i'm 13 weeks now, baby is doing fantastic and I haven't put on a single lb in weight. I stopped listening to the scare stories a long time ago and feel so much better for it x

Shona So pleased to see you are 5 + 5 today, I know yesterday would be hard for you but you made it past it and I am sure things will continue to go just as they should :) Oh I did that the other day too, apart from it was when I threw myself down on the bed rather than get up, I got a sharp pain in my side. I thought oops! Remember your pregnant lady lol. I think we'll remember more when we start feeling our babies move around x

Rachael I think it's lovely you'll know before Xmas what you're having, i'm so excited for you! If your anything like me you'll be hitting the shops as soon as you know x

Natasha Aww hun I really feel for you, there's nothing worse than going full term and then having to plod on continously without any sign of labour. I would be as fed up as you. Hopefully though you'll get in for that induction today today and you'll finally get that little baby of yours in your arms. I'm so excited that it should definitely happen this week for you x

Karen What a lovely scan pic hun, so pleased everything went well. My baby was sucking its thumb too and it is so cute to see! x

Nat & Naomi Hope you ladies are well :hugs: x

Phew finally caught up! lol. Glad to see everyone is keeping well. I should really get back to work now seen as i'm skiving when I literally have a desk covered in work! Groan. Will report back again later :flower: x
Sorry ladies that my post yesterday was so random. A director from the company managing the build of my new site turned up here so I had to end it quickly and have a meeting with him!!

I hope everyone is doing well. I have lost really what I have responded to an havent so I am just going to carry on from my last post if thats ok.

Wendypops- Dont worry about it hun, we all know how you feel with being tired so dont apologise! If I want to annoy you I can always text you :haha:

Rachael- How is today going for you on minimal sleep?? My day is pant!!!

Natasha- Funnily enough I was at a sure start baby group last night!! I wasnt that impressed but that was due to me wanting my bed more than anything :haha: I didnt really talk to anyone as I was in pain with my sciatica , had heartburn (and couldn't take anything until midway through the course thanks to my iron tablets) and was shattered. Gavin loved it though!! I am hoping my mood improves about it all as I dont know any pregnant women in the area!! I am just trying to get past hating being pregnant :cry: I love my little girl and I want her here but I dont like how ill I have been. Anyway enough about that as I am getting upset again lol!

Well I went to a parenting class last night. I didnt find it too usefull but I wasnt paying too much attention!! The one bit that was useful was in the break one of the teachers came to me and said that she noticed I was struggling to walk. I mentioned about the sciatica and she was very sympathetic, Gavin went into all the other issues I have had to date and she reccommended that I could speak to my midwife and asked to be induced early. She explained if she is making me ill then I have a case to request to be induced at 37 weeks. I am going to speak with the midwife at my next visit and see what she says as it is getting to be a joke at the minute. I am a zombie today at work as I have been up since 3am thanks to back ache, heartburn and pip kicking me.
I was contemplating taking the day off work but decided to come in and my laptop wont connect to the servers and all out IT deartment are on a day out and wont return my calls. I have managed to get onto it through a computer I repatched into a meeting room but was sat on the floor for an hour before it went off again. I am currently at the end of my assistants desk with my laptop routed through my phones internet so I can come on here!!
Oh well only 2 hours until I am allowed home :(
Abii That's a loud of nonsense about bread, whoever told you that needs a slap lol. Try not to stress about everything, just eat as healthy as you can and avoid the obvious things we aren't meant to have. I can't eat 5 a day and never have, I don't like water either, I just try to eat some fruit or veg and still eat crips or chips etc whenever I fancy it. I certainly amn't a health freak but i'm 13 weeks now, baby is doing fantastic and I haven't put on a single lb in weight. I stopped listening to the scare stories a long time ago and feel so much better for it x

Haha i realized that after calling my obgyn about it xP
it was in one of the magazines i read its about getting ready for baby and pregnancy and what you should eat, and it said bread is not healthy for you, which it really isnt unless you eat whole wheat which i dont lol.
I feel better now, and im eating like i regularly do but i have slightly less of an appetite as usual.
Im glad to hear you and baby are doing good:hugs:
Abii You've still got plenty of time to decide if you want to stay a team yellow player! What about your OH? Does he have a preference of knowledge?
He wants a boy[but of course! lol] it doesnt really matter what we have to me, just as long as the baby is healthy and isnt rushed to nicu, i think ill cry.
him and my friends keep saying im having twins!
because of how extreme my symptoms are for only being 5 weeks today, im starting to think i am too lol, its a scary thought though..having twins my very first pregnancy hahah, that would really be a blessing from the Lord though:flower:

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