Pregnancy Group open for anyone at any stage of your pregnancy. All Welcome!

Hello ladies,

Wendy, Glady your scan went well. Sorry you had to do a lot to get little one to co-operate. But it was very funny. The "oh sorry am I boring you in there??" was my favorite part too.

Abii, :wave: how are you?

Natasha, I hope your little one makes an appreance very soon.

Emma, Was that the first class? I have heard that the first class is never a good one. Hopefully the next one will be more informative.

Last night I had dinner with my brother and older sister and I finally told them I was expecting they were so happy. I have a good day ladies.
Karen, The class didnt really touch on anything specific which is why I think it annoyed me. They gave me some information I never knew before but nothing major. Aw bless, it is so nice you can tell people. So glad they were happy with your news :hugs:

Abii, They thought I was having twins as I was so ill and my HCG levels were extremly high but it was just an awkward little girly :haha: Hope you have managed to find soemthing that makes the morning sickness better :hugs:

Wendy, I cant wait to start my maternity!! Not sleeping at night and having no energy and then having to get up and go to work is so draining and depressing. I was actually crying in work today as my computer wouldnt work and had to shut myself away from everyone for a bit! I still dont feel any better but part of that is my own frustrations about feeling like I am always complaining about being ill or pregnant!! Oh well, only 10 weeks left!

Well I am home, in my pj's and curled up in bed waiting for the hubby to come home and bring me a take away to cheer me up!! I am also going to eat that in bed just because I can :haha: Tomorrow will be a better day!
Natasha- We're just going to paint the nursery cream and stick up some I love my bear stickers. Not very imaginitive lol!

Emma- Today was ok, spent a lot of it yawning! I think my body is getting me in practive for night feeds as I wake nearly every night sometime between 2am and 4am and am awake for ages! Went to the toilet and because I turned the lights on Willow appeared at the back door so let her in then she decided to have a 4.30am feast :dohh: After that she came and curled up with me in bed and I must have dozed back off sometime after 5am and was not impressed when the alarm went off. I'd been awake since 3.30am :dohh:

Wendy- I will definitely be going shopping as soon as we know the gender! Think a trip to Asda that night will be in order :D

Hope everyone else is doing well?
Emma Lol, your welcome to text me anytime! Sorry the parenting class wasn't much cop, at least you got some good advice though. Would you want to be induced at 37 weeks rather than go into natural labour? I guess if you are just going to make your back worse it may be the best option. I am guessing that would be just after New Year if you went ahead? Eek! That's not far away at all. Aww I hate to think of you in tears, sounds like you have a nice relaxing night planned though hun. Enjoy it :hugs: x

Abii Bread is good for you no matter what type it is, obviously wholemeal is classed as most healthy though. I'm sticking to white bread, it's the tastiest lol. I wouldn't count yourself as having twins cause of symptoms, everyone thought I was having twins too cause I was the same and we have twins in both sides of our families but nope there is just one little bubba in there, phew lol. The thought of two scared me to be honest x

Karen Yey for telling your family your news! That is the best part. When are you going to tell everyone else? Or have you done that already x

Well i'm off to get some food, and instead of wanting a proper dinner I really fancy a bacon sandwich :haha: Oh well, it's better to eat something you want than force down something you don't want. Talk to you all later x
Sorry Rachael didn't notice your post there! Asda is the best for baby clothes! I will so be going there once I know. Aww my cat is doing the same the now and doing my head in! I've started putting him in the conservatory to sleep so I can get some peace lol x
Abii, :wave: how are you?
im doing alright, my side/hip is hurting today, not sure why but hopefully its normal.
Other than that, i had some nausea this morning, not as bad as yesterdays thank goodness, yesterday i actually threw up for the first time. It was not a good time lol.
How are you?
Abii, They thought I was having twins as I was so ill and my HCG levels were extremly high but it was just an awkward little girly :haha: Hope you have managed to find soemthing that makes the morning sickness better :hugs:
Haha its weird thinking about it because it could be possible, it scares me the thought of having twins my first pregnancy but lets just hop for now theres only one little buggie in there haha.
I found that after i take my prenatals my morning sickness settles for about 5 hours, until i nap than it comes back full force haha.
I only tried bread and crackers, neither of them worked, i dont think baby likes yeast ahaha
Abii Bread is good for you no matter what type it is, obviously wholemeal is classed as most healthy though. I'm sticking to white bread, it's the tastiest lol. I wouldn't count yourself as having twins cause of symptoms, everyone thought I was having twins too cause I was the same and we have twins in both sides of our families but nope there is just one little bubba in there, phew lol. The thought of two scared me to be honest x
Haha yes it scared me too, but im the only one who doesnt think im having twins, i think were having a girl for some reason, i know its wayy early but i just have a feelings its a girl:haha:
I eat white bread too, i love it so im not able to give it up hahah, even though baby doesnt like it too much
I rang up at 2PM like a good girl and was told to go in at 4PM, Score! Got everything ready set go, and got there just after 4 (we went through drive through Maccy D's for thickshake's!) Got put onto a monitor for LO's heartbeat for 30min's, then had to do a pee sample, have BP done and then for the internal. Am still 3CM dialated, which is too far for the pictocin (look's like a tampon :haha:) but the labour ward didn't have spare bed's for me to have my water's broken for me. So basically, I'm too far to be induced, and not far enough to stay in and labour "naturally" (with breaking my waters for encouragement) So I had a "good" sweep done, and have been having small contraction's here and there since. I've got to ring up at 8AM to be told what time to go in (she reckoned it'll be about 9AM-ish) and have my water's broken ect. When I go in tomorrow, I will be leaving with a baby in my arm's and not my tummy!
Great news Natasha! (well it would have been better if they could have done it today/yesterday rather than the morning) but it sounds like your body is very favourable for induction right now so it won't be long :dance:

Wendy, can't believe you had to stand on your head for the scan! LOL

Emma, if you get induced at 37 weeks and I go more than a week past my due date Pip will be here before MP! Lol.

I'll be full term in 3 weeks! Yikes! 3-8 weeks til I'm a mommy. DH is getting really excited and impatient lol. He still loves belly snuggles but he's also getting anxious for baby snuggles instead. The othe day he told me he's going to be stealing the baby lots lol. I told him that as lon as he did it when I need a nap it's fine by me :rofl:
Natasha, :happydance: for some good news! Hopefully we will soon have our first new baby!

Wendy, at the minute I would rather be induced then wait an extra few weeks for her to come. I know it it only a few weeks but this pregnancy impacts greatly on my life at the minute. Put it this way today I have been awake since 3am which was a cross between heartburn, toilet break and pip kicking. I have spent the day at work on the brink of tears all day as I'm shattered thanks to no sleep and no iron. I have not eaten a lot throughout the day but have had heartburn or indigestion all day. I car eat or take gaviscon etc from 4-8pm due to the iron pills and then once eaten have to sit upright for over an hour to let my food go down and then start restricting my drink intake before i can go to bed otherwise I am up in the night being sick. That's not taking into account the mobility issues I am having every day with my back and stomach muscles. I know I sound like I am whinging but it impacts so much I'm forgetting what normal life is like never mind normal eating! It is quite scary as it would be 7 weeks away.... Very scary!

Natalie, it is scary how close you are! Although I think MP is going to keep you waiting lol. Only time will tell with these little ones!
Hello ladies! As always on my phone and just popped on to wish natasha good luck for today! Fx'd its a quick and easy entrance for LO!

DF is at cadets with laptop tonight, then tomorrow night we're going to see twilight so hopefully be able to catch up properly on saturday. Hope everyone else is well xx
Abii There's nothing wrong with having a gut feeling, most of the time they can be right. My hubby is convinced we are having a girl and he kinda got me round to the idea but after seeing my scan pic i'm kinda changing my mind and think it's a boy. We shall see in January! x

Natasha All the very best hunnie, I hope this labour goes more smoothly than your first. Can't wait to see pics and you make sure you look after yourself when you get home :hugs: x

Nat Aww that's lovely your hubby is so excited, mine is being impatient already :haha: This is a going to be a long pregnancy for him I think! Can't believe how soon your little one will be here, it's so exciting :happydance: x

Arlene Enjoy Twilight! Not a film i've ever watched. Look forward to your update soon :flower: x

Emma I know hun, you've had one heck of a pregnancy. I should really count myself lucky that i've not been that bad so far, what I had was bearable. If I felt like you did I would definitely want to be indcuced and get myself back to normal as soon as I possibly could. Just don't let this put you off having another child in the future cause as they say every pregnancy is different and the next one could be a walk in the park! :thumbup: x

Well i'm skiving again so better get on. Not much to report with me. Had a productive night getting things done around the house last night while I had some energy. Hoping to tackle my ironing pile tonight while hubby is at football but we shall see how I feel after work. The size of my pile scares me :haha: Catch up with you all soon :flower: x
Wendypops- I would just be happy if I actually felt ok for more than 2 days lol! I took some of the gaviscon perscribed to me before bed last night and within 10 minutes it was back!! Fat lot of good that did me :haha: I have an ironing pile to tackle too but not sure when to do it, I was going to start it now but decided to come on here lol!! Another child is a long way off at the minute, so far it has put me off but I am hoping that changes once she is here! Only time will tell x

Natasha- I am hoping no news is good news!!! Hope all is well :hugs:

Well I have had another bad day today at work. IT finally came to look at my laptop and I finally got a working computer at about midday only to be sent an e-mail about a memeber of staffs conduct yesterday!! Needles to say I spent the afternoon going through the e-mail, speaking to my director, going through it with my caretaker and I am now waiting for HR to get back to me about a disciplinary!! The guys is such a liability it is untrue and could even of put my job in jeopardy... :growlmad: anyway, happy thoughts as I am not stressing about it anymore!!

Tomorrow I am going to pick up Pips wallpaper and border for her room and some more bnits of pain and hopefully this weekend we will be able to finish off the major decorations! Just the bedding to get for her and we are all ready to go :happydance:

I hope all the other ladies are doing ok and have had great days :hugs:
sooo sooooo haappppyyy :happydance: HR have finally confirmed my holidays I have and looks like I am finishing work 2 weeks today or yesterday... will confirm for definate when back in work tomorrow!! Cant wait!!
Yay for having a final date confirmed :happydance:

We've finally made a start on the nursery! Woodwork is painted and Ian is going to paint the walls on Saturday :happydance: I think I'll build the cot and changing unit on Sunday whilst I wait in for the Sky engineer, though we'll need to move things back out when we get the carpet fitted :rofl:
Emma Sorry to hear you had another bad day at work hun, but hey, 2 weeks and you are out of there! :happydance: That's fantastic news hunnie, you totally deserve the break. Fab to hear you's are getting back in to pip's room, can't wait to see pics when it's all finished! Have you's thought of a name for pip yet? x

Rachael Woohoo for starting your nursery too! I can't wait to get mine all organised. It's painted but still has lots of boxes in it that I need to sort out. Just can't find the time or energy at the moment. Might tackle it over the Xmas holidays if not before x

Natasha I hope by now you have had your beautiful son and all is well :flower: Can't wait to hear your news when you are home and settled x

How are all you other ladies doing?

I never got round to doing my ironing last night :dohh: I got home from work and decided to make a Shepherds Pie for our dinner and made one to take round to my Dad too. Took me 2 fricking hours lol. I was knackered afterwards so hubby insisted I rest. He ran me a nice bubble bath then ordered me to bed. Who was I to argue? :haha: I'm still shattered though, so glad it's Friday! Not got much planned for this weekend so will just see what I feel like at the time. Speak to you all again soon :flower: x

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